Trinitas Mundus
Lesson 25: The Priest
It's been long enough since the mage started attacking Ray, who's in the cemetery.
Towards Ray, an arrow of light was shot in about thirty times, but he was dodging everything.
(No matter how many easy light arrows you shoot in from that distance. Don't you even know that? And isn't it pretty amazing how much magic can be activated?
While Ray thinks about it, he dodges the flying arrows of light.
As he imagines, using the magic of light attributes in the dark consumes more magic than in bright daylight. It can be said that the skill of a magician who can be serialized in that situation for a short time is quite high.
Flavio Bassani, a man unleashing magic above the cemetery, a priest of the Light Divinity, was unleashing magic with an unintelligible thought as to why he was doing this.
(I did not serve the God of Light (Lucidus) to do this. It should have been to fill the world with light and create a happy world. its why i am trying to kill people in the cemetery at night...... all because of that bishop, Bishop Azaro......)
Priest Bassani was thirty-one years old, young and young, the magic of light attributes = Jung-young, who excelled in God's cause.
Until I was dispatched to the city here in Morton in the Kingdom of Lax, it was a smooth sail, and if I worked here for a few years, I should have been able to return to Paxlumen - the holy capital of Luke's Holy Kingdom, a city with the headquarters of the Light Divine Church.
But since his boss, the bishop, took Azaro's place, Morton's sense of light divinity grows stronger. And the matter was also told to the Holy Capital, and his assessment inevitably dropped.
He was using his own personal channels about Azaro's writ of passage and appealing to the Holy Capital.
But Azaro, who is a moderate man and has no influence over the faction of Azaro, a rapist, and a billeted fanatic who had difficulty dealing with even among those rapists, is estranged from human beings of the same faction and enclosed in the country town. He was only accidentally assigned to this city, but he was involved in factional strife and was a victim of it.
He himself did not want to do such an illegal thing, but in light theism orders by superiors are absolute, and those who defied orders of superiors, even if they were illegal orders, would be affixed a rettel called the one who disturbed the order of the organization and would drop out completely from the street of birth.
He had only thought about serving another two years of tenure, and had decided to follow the orders of the fanatics.
(wonder who that knight is? God's business = I was using light attribute magic. That's pretty powerful stuff too...)
Priest Bassani, when he was very young, had served as a monk before he became an Easter, but even then he was only on a rear mission as a healing magic user.
On the orders of Bishop Azaro, he began to use offensive magic against people, but only to snipe from a distance, he had no experience of vandalism.
For this reason, I can't think about how to respond to Ray, who keeps dodging. The only order from the bishop was ”to kill those who stand in the way" and, if it was not possible, ”to dispose of the executioner of the grave vandalism”.
I couldn't kill Ray, the one who was in the way, and I couldn't dispose of the executor, I was lost in judging how to handle a situation like this.
(One of the executors should have been able to dispose of it... and the other two can't attack hidden behind the grave marker. That disturbing knight also dodges my arrows of light... should I pull up here once... but that bishop can't forgive me for failing... what to do, what to do...)
He shoots even more arrows of light as he strays.
Clear your ears, you would have heard the occasional metal hitting ”kachi” and scratching the grass ”zaza”.
But he was so full of his attacks that he could not notice the presence of one warrior coming at him.
Ashley still succeeded in turning to the top of the hill, behind a magician who kept shooting his magic in comics.
(Approximately 10 m from here. If you go down all at once, it shouldn't take five seconds. He hasn't looked back once. I wouldn't have a problem with using a light demon prop......)
She stops proceeding like crawling, and when she stands up, she rushes down the hill all at once.
The mage = Priest Bassani turned around, clutching to the sound of something approaching from behind him.
There was a warrior running with a light on his hips and a two-handed sword.
"Wow! Who! Don't come!
He panicked completely and tried to shoot an arrow of light into the dark cloud, but in a hurry the chant of the spell was disturbed and he couldn't prevent the warrior from coming in front of him.
The warrior-Ashley realizes that the black robe mage in front of him is panicking and waves his sword to settle once and for all.
The magician sat back down at the force and said, "No, no, no! He screamed sadly," Help me... don't kill me... "and began begging for my life. If you look closely, you have incontinence and a large wet groin.
Ashley saw how it was,
(You're still an amateur. That's also real-life experience, no, a total amateur who's never even experienced a beating. What do we do, this guy's magic is a pain in the ass. Kill me? Or stun me...... but don't be such a witness no more...... try to catch me)
"Who are you? Why unleash magic toward the cemetery at such a late hour? If you're working on a grave, there's nothing wrong with succeeding or losing here..."
"Wow, I, uh... coincidentally, no, I heard there was grave vandalism..."
"I don't want to hear bad excuses. If you can't be honest with me, I have no problem killing you here. I'll only do the time between the three counts. Do you want to die or talk honestly? One, two..."
"Wow, okay! Talk! Come on, don't kill me! Please... don't kill me... please..."
Ashley picks up the wand and tries to stand the man up, but he can't stand up with his hips missing.
I had no choice but to grab my waiststring and let him stand up, then walked behind the man who walked, going down the hill.
Ashley took the captured mage, Priest Flavio Bassani, and went down to where Ray was.
Ray also sticks a spear at the two men who captured him and waits for her.
"Ray, are you hurt? Looks like they shot a lot of magic into it."
"It's okay. Because it's easy to avoid being shot into that amount of magic from that distance. Hasn't Ash been hurt?
"Oh, I never even waved my sword. This is the magician who was shooting magic into it. His name is Flavio Bassani. He says he's a light god priest."
Ray takes out the rope and ties up the three of them.
And I started interrogating him on this occasion.
First of all, he intends to interrogate the two grave vandals, just like he did earlier, with the mercenary intent of a war.
"Who asked you guys to rough up the grave? What did you do this for?
The two of them answer nothing but stare at Ray with a flashing look as to whether their earlier fears have left.
"Hey, do you know why I'm interrogating you in this place? This place can call it force majeure if you kill it. You don't have to kill him, you don't have to shave your ears. Like I said, you just have to have one. Anyone who doesn't want to talk is asked to die here. Burial would be easier here, and just fine. Besides, the priest here tried to kill you guys. Do we need to be instrumental to those guys?
Neither was Ray's lousy act breached, remembering his fellow man who had his right hand amputated earlier, and the men began to talk.
"We were hired to vandalize the grave. The guy I hired doesn't show his face, and I don't know who."
That's all I said, and when Ray pokes his spear, he rushes on to the conversation.
"Ho, it's true! If you vandalize the tomb and discredit the Temple of Darkness, he says he'll give you a piece of gold. If you hear him, you'll know who he is. Hey, trust me..."
Ray thinks it's useless to ask any more and turns to Priest Bassani.
"Why were you here? I'll tell you, if you're dressed right now, you better not say anything bad because if I tell you that a sorcerer who sold his soul to the devil has attacked you, they'll all believe me."
Although Bassani was wary of Ray's words, he was wondering if he could escape them. When Ashley saw how it was,
"Ray is short minded anyway. I could have killed you earlier, but no more, I'm not willing to go out with the farce in the middle of the night. If you can't speak properly, die here as an evil sorcerer."
Bassani remembered Ashley waving her sword and trying to kill herself, crying, and started talking.
Two of the executors who heard the voice shout, "This man asked me".
Bassani realizes about it, but he was frightened by Ashley's appearance at the edge of his eyes and continued to talk.
The content runs rumours that a tomb vandalism was carried out to plunge the temple of darkness on the orders of Bishop Azaro and that a corpse-eating ghost has emerged. Then, after several rough-ups of the tomb, the Light Divinity decides to provide security for the tomb, at which time the corpse-eating ghost appears, purifying and erasing it. After that, rumors continue to circulate that it will be passed on as the truth, since no grave vandalism will even appear. If it is likely to be discovered during further execution, dispose of the executor. Finally, he added, "I have only been commanded," and my confession is over.
Ray was worried about what he would do because he couldn't record this testimony.
(I don't think this priest would say the same thing in the morning. You must complain that you were threatened and made to testify a lie. Then only these two of the executioners will be disposed of and the truth will be buried in darkness... I wonder what to do. This priest feels like he hates Bishop Azaro. Can't you use it well? …)
Ray had asked Ashley to listen to that and watch it in silence because she was going to act now.
Ashley didn't know what she was going to do, but she understood that it could overshadow Ray's testimony, so she promised to keep her eyes shut.
Ray takes out his cape a little further away, then weaves his feathers and takes Priest Bassani away from the grave vandals.
He prepares himself and tempers himself to hang the implication. And he spoke to Bassani as he gave himself a big shot.
"You don't know who I am from looking at this? Looks like you've been in the country too long."
Bassani is in the figure of Ray, seen in a limited source of light in a dim cemetery,
(Shh, Holy Knight! Why... have you been seconded by the denominational headquarters in Paxlumen? For what...)
Bassani was just moving his mouth, losing his words.
"Looks like you finally figured out who I am. By the way, what do you think you're here for? Just in case, you're not the point."
When Ray said that in a playful way, Bassani said,
"Could it be about Bishop Azaro? The Archbishop of Fonce should have laid down the matter of Bishop Azaro in his headquarters... I have complained many times that there would be an obstacle to preaching in Lax... but I cannot resist the Bishop... how can I..."
Ray was thrilled inside.
(It's working. If this is a stuck situation, I thought I'd be fooled. I don't know how to side with you later...... I need to try to mislead you even in the morning and let you testify that Bishop Azaro was involved...)
"I know. But I can't say you're completely innocent. [M] But there is no excuse for sin."
Bassani, as he put it,
"What can I do? I..."
"Don't you already have an answer in you? Or so much so that I don't even know..."
Ray stares at Bassani with a dismal look on his face.
"I confess. I confess everything. In front of the God of Light (Lucidus) …"
"That won't be all for this one. It's the whole” we ”thing that gets in the way. Naturally, you haven't forgotten our purpose. If that's the case, it's easy. You just have to act in accordance with that purpose."
Ray said that to sound harsh, and then he peeks at Bassani.
Bassani seemed to think a little, and Ray was a little anxious about how it was going.
(Have you been in a bit too good shape? I thought it was another push...)
Bassani, who Ray is deeply anxious about, was thinking about who he was going to be.
(This Saint Knight is young, but powerful. No, maybe he just looks young. The excuse of following the life of Bishop Azaro is considered insufficient. Then what can I do?... This Saint Knight has been seconded by Headquarters. You should obey the Holy Knight, who received the life of the headquarters more than the bishops of the province... but this one commands nothing. I'm probably being tried right now. So what should we do...)
"I charge Bishop Azaro. I will reveal everything...... I have worked hard for the Church for nearly twenty years, from the age of twelve until now. This time it was caused by my unknown. With Bishop Azaro, I intend to press charges myself."
Bassani drops his head quietly and takes a stance as if waiting for a plea of guilty.
Ray was worried about what to do.
(Charging Bishop Azaro here might solve it for now. But it's going to be awkward to find out who I am. [M] What to do...... let this priest think about it here)
"Does that solve everything? Are you sure that's what's best for you? Right... too bad..."
Bassani's eyes open wide to the words.
"Hey, what shouldn't I do! Reveal everything before Lucidus and charge the guilty even more. What is this..."
I see the color of despair in Bassani's expression, and he complains with a voice that can plunder.
"You weren't listening to me...... let's say it again." What can we do for our purpose? "
Bassani thinks again.
(Our purpose? The purpose of the Order is to make the power of the God of Light (Lucidus) widely known to the world. i.e. do justice as serving a righteous God... you mean that's not enough? What's missing...... well, Lucidus, God of Light, who stands above all gods. Then we must show not only justice and power, but also mercy and forgiveness. This time the victim is the Temple of Darkness. Let the world know our justice by saving the Temple of Darkness. Right, was that what you said? But I can't think of a specific way...)
After a minute or so of silence,
"I forgot. That our God must not only show strength and justice, but also mercy and forgiveness. But I can't think of a way to do that. Please, show us the way."
(Mercy or forgiveness... I see, then we can do it...)
"I have no choice. The subject to be apologized for is the Temple of Darkness. But just apologizing doesn't mean showing mercy. If the Temple of Darkness is to give us peace, we should give more peace than that. Don't you think so?"
Bassani nods at the words.
Ray went on to talk further,
"How about this? You rise to save the darkness of the temple. [M] Keep it up, you go home safely, and everything's going to be fine. That way Bishop Azaro will come here again tomorrow to rebuff Chief Hales. That's when I show up with my identity hidden, accusing Bishop Azaro. Baron Atley divides the mediation in this city..."
Ray's idea is that tomorrow Bishop Azaro will come here to rebuff the Temple of Darkness. The executor is secured by Ray and Ashley, who in turn disputes what Bishop Azaro has charged him with.
And to put it on black and white, bring this case to the baron.
At that time, Bassani, all at the mercy of Bishop Azaro, the Light Divinity is based on justice and defends the Temple of Darkness.
The matter will pass on to the Archbishop of Fonce, but the Baron will go on to report that Bassani's actions are supported by the inhabitants of the city of Morton. In that case, even then, there can be no further refuge for the bishop, who was in difficulty in his treatment, and the bishop is dismissed.
Bassani, who understood Ray's measures,
(No matter what Fonce says, nothing should go wrong with the HQ instructions. Now I can see the way back to HQ that was about to disappear because of Azaro... and then I need to make sure I don't let this one down...)
Bassani had fully assumed Ray was a holy knight. That, in addition to the unusual mental state caused by the fear of death, was made so by the rebellion against Azaro, which I normally suppressed.
He stands up with a sunny face.
"Okay. Then I will return to the temple."
Ray returns to his usual tone and enters the finish.
"Well, I'm just Ray Arklight, a runaway adventurer. I have no acquaintance with Priest Bassani of Light Divinity. I don't care who asks you, all I can say is that, right?
Bassani faces a little, but soon seemed to understand,
"Ah, yes. I've never been with you... Ray."
After that in a slightly shattered tone, I tried to walk away. Ray looked at Bassani's outfit,
"Priest, please wait a minute. That's awkward in that outfit...... can you just meditate on your eyes for a little while. Until I say yes."
Bassani nods and honestly meditates his eyes.
Ray hangs the magic of cleansing on Bassani, cleansing out incontinent traces.
Ray told me I could open my eyes, but he doesn't know what's going on. After a while I realized that the marks of incontinence attached to my clothes were clean.
(God's business... Is this one of the secrets of being communicated only to the very limited...)
Bassani loses much of his surprise words, but further reinforces his conviction that Ray is the Holy Knight, returning to the Temple of Light.