Trinitas Mundus

Lesson 20: Banquet

I was contacted that the room was ready, Ray and Stella go to the room on the ground floor and Ashley head to their room upstairs.

Rooms are large single rooms, and Ray and Stella go out of gear in each room.

Ashley likewise goes out of gear in her room, but she was worried about what to wear after this.

(I guess it's good as usual, but maybe you can change it a little bit... I also want to know what Ray thinks when he sees me in that...)

Ashley fished her own closet and had taken out any clothes she had ever put through her sleeves.

Preparations for the banquet were steadily under way at the headquarters of the Mercenary Corps of Markat.

There is a great banquet in the courtyard because there are clouds in the sky but there is no fear of rain.

A large table is placed in the centre, around which a round table and chairs are arranged in a circular fashion.

Around 5 p.m., one dish after another was brought in from the hall's cooking area.

"Heath, Large! Get in line! Zadok, Ivar! There's no barrel! Don't guzzle me!

A man with an eyelid in his right eye and a prosthetic hand on his left, Chief Chef Cock, skips the instructions to the young mercenaries.

The slightly older twenties of mercenaries prepare without being yelled at, but the mid teens Grades VII and VIII (Rookie) carry the dishes from the chief chef chef to be chased around.

Thanks to that instruction, one dish after another was arranged at the large table in the centre, with five large liquor barrels next to it.

"All right, you're all set. Tell the captain and the captains they're ready!

To that order, a young mercenary ran into the hall with butterflies.

Hamish, contacted by a young soldier, leaves for the courtyard in a ruffled outfit with his gear removed.

Ray and Stella are also taken to the soldiers who came to call them, leaving for the courtyard.

Five or six people had more than ten round tables lined up where they could sit, and Ray had his eyes rounded to the amount of food and liquor barrels placed at the large table in the center.

(And that's a great amount of food and booze. Five, sixty or so people are going to be able to sit down, and I guess I need this much)

The mercenaries had already gathered in the courtyard and had begun to reach the table.

Hamish chooses one of those tables and sits docky in the chair.

Alberic gets to the same table, but Valeria went to a different table.

(Are you seated? Where am I supposed to sit?

"Ray, Stella. Sit here. You're the guest of honor today."

When the Rays were called to Hamish and reached the same table, the air behind them changed. The yawning voices of the young mercenaries disappeared, and for a moment, the tranquillity that struck the water dominated the courtyard.

When Ray turned around, there was Ashley in a thin blue shirt on a long, adorable yellow skirt, not an adventurer style who said pants on a skinned shirt as usual.

The mercenaries, who knew Ashley well, had doubted my eyes and lost their voice.

The young men were blinded by their pristine beauty, and the female mercenaries, laughing slightly, were twisted next to each other, as they said, "My daughter noticed the colour".

Having gathered the gaze of all of them together, Ashley wondered if she looked strange.

(Again, the usual outfit was better. They don't look good enough to lose their voices...)

When Ashley tries to U-turn, the mercenaries cheer.

When she tries to get to Hamish's table, she says, "Lady! You look great!" Or, "I missed you!" and so on can be called.

She slowly sat beside Ray as she turned her face bright red.

(Said it suited you, but what does Ray think?

At that time, Ray was in love with Ashley's unusual appearance.

(You can look like this. I like the usual refreshing outfit, but I also like these feminine outfits)

When Ashley looked at him with her upper hand, she finally returned to me and knew immediately what she was expecting.

"Ash, you look great. It looks really good on you. I like the usual outfit, but I think this is a good idea."

Ashley finally exhaled to Ray, who spoke a little excitedly.

(Good. Squeeze your courage. But that's embarrassing. Once upon a time, when Sister Val forced me to, I thought it was something I wouldn't wear for the rest of my life. Val, you have to thank my sister.)

Hamish was surprised at what his daughter looked like.

(Ash...... did you change for this guy? Are you happy or sad... but to Abby, you look just like his mother...)

Roughly sixty mercenaries, all tables filled.

Hamish, who saw it through, stood up slowly.

"It's a welcome feast for my daughter's return and her people! Enjoy yourselves, everyone!

At the end of Hamish's declaration of opening the meeting, he said, "" Wow! "" The cheers rise, and the young mercenaries begin to hand out jocks with booze.

Though he faced a little banquet with no temptations, no manoeuvres, Ray has naturally had zero grin on the mercenaries' pleasant faces.

(You really look like you're laughing fun. Still, it's amazing how many grand banquets we're going to have ready in a couple of hours. Sounds like a well-defined role too......)

One young female mercenary - a human female soldier about fifteen or six years old - gives the Hamish a jock. Dark colored beer was poured inside.

Without a toast pronunciation, the moment the jock crossed to everyone, four other people suddenly stood up besides Ray and Stella.

In a hurry, when Ray gets up, Stella slowly gets up too.

Hamish and Duke lifted the jock and said, "" To my new buddy, cheers!, "he shouted, striking a jock and starting to drink.

Alberic and Ashley were lifting the jock the same way.

Ray doesn't know how to do it or anything, but he toasts Ashley, who is lying next to him for now, and puts his mouth on the jock.

It was a warm beer that felt a little sweet, but it also suited the atmosphere of the place and was very tasty to him.

Looking beside him, he caught sight of Stella, who was solidifying, holding a jock beside him.

"Why don't you drink Stella, too? We're safe here, and people stronger than us are on our side. You can drink it with confidence."

"But if they all drink, they can't move when something happens. I'm Ray, and I have a mission to protect Ashley."

Ray smiled bitterly, placing his hand on Stella's head, "Thank you. Stella," he said.

"It's okay, because the watchmen aren't drinking, and they don't have enough enemies to attack us here. So let's drink together."

But Stella lifts her hips when she wants to stand in the escort.

"Do I need to drink with you? I'm standing behind you both."

"It's a welcome party for us, me and Stella. So sit here and have a drink with me... hmm, I can't help it. Well, that's an order."

To the words, Stella lowers her hips almost up.

Alberic, who was watching that, was laughing at Nico, raising the jock.

"Well, for now, Mr. Stella, let's make a toast. Cheers!"

Stella lifts the jock without a scratch, and there the Alberic jock hits, making the sound of a trick.

Stella, who saw Alberic start drinking, slowly put her mouth on the jock after seeing Ray again.

(He drank for the first time. This is just a lot of progress... all I need to do is get a little more smashed attitude...)

Young mercenaries bring one dish after another to the table.

More than the other tables, they are carried at a faster pace, and if you look closely, you can see they are trying to compete to carry them here.

(Mr. Hamish, no, are you trying hard to get closer to the coveted captain? If you look closely, some people are as old as I am. Next time, I'm going to do that job, too)

Speaking to Ashley about it, she shook her neck to the side with a laugh.

"There's no need for Ray to. They rush out below level seven, and you're level five. We don't treat the fifth level as veterans, but we treat veterans well elsewhere. I won't let the owner of all those arms do the chores. Well, it's common sense in this world that a guy with arms, young or old, is great."

Looking around, there are certainly those who do not consider themselves as serving even in the same year.

(It's a world of strength... can we do it? I raised the hurdle too much first...)

He was aware that the mercenaries around him were at a glance at the man who had Hamish admit to losing. But I didn't think that would be very positive for the rest of my life.

Sighing, tilting the jock, Hamish spoke to me.

"I don't think you're lying, but spears and armor were quite the business. You don't even know your identity from that line?

"Yes, I know the name and name of the equipment, but I have no idea how I got it or how long I've had it."

(I'm not throwing up... but that's a little painful. This excuse…)

"Well...... well. I liked you. That's enough."

Ray bows his head gently and changes the subject.

"Mr. Hamish, no, I'd like to ask the captain, what does“ Red Arms ”mean?

Hamish, for a moment, will look like he chewed up a bitter bug. Alberic, Duke, and even Ashley are laughing funny.

"There's no need to force a“ captain. ”You're my guest... well, listen to Al."

(Ah! Did I hear something unsavory? I'm laughing all the way to Ash, so I think it's ok...)

"Mr. Alberic, what does that mean?

Alberic rounded his eyes,

"Ray, you really don't know? Fewer people don't know in Fonce...... Hamish, can I talk to you? Don't get mad at me later."

"Hey, wait a minute! Don't ask Al. Ask the others later. Yeah, Valeria would be nice."

(What are you in a hurry for? Is Mr. Alberic inconvenient?

From stories without other love, the topic gradually changes to the beginning of Ray and Ashley's taming, and future stories.

Duke with a fair amount of alcohol turns off his mouth.

"At that age, both mercenaries and adventurers are in the fifth grade. Yes, but when did you register?

"Uh, the adventurer was at the beginning of April, and if you're a mercenary, it was definitely about the middle of April. So two months for adventurers and a month and a half ago for mercenaries."

"It hasn't been two months yet? Whatever the mercenaries are, the adventurers are unscrupulous."

"I think so, too. Well, I beat the big guy with the green snake dragon" Green Serpent "..."

Ray is grinning and deluding as he scratches his head.

"The Green Snake Dragon... the equivalent of the third level, that's a big one too! Give that to Ashley and me...... Hamish, give this guy to our grandson's son-in-law!

"You idiot! Don't try to steal our son-in-law! First of all, this grandson isn't even five years old."

Duke and Hamish are thrilled with Ray's story, as they yell at each other.

(Something tells me you won't get used to it forever, something like this... because I never got much attention originally... I just think for each person...)

Ignoring the yelling Hamish, Ray turned sideways to talk to Ashley, but she was caught by Valeria, who had stopped by before she knew it.

"Ash, isn't that what I gave you? Until now, no matter how much you ask me to wear it, if it's for my dear lord, you can work hard. Hehe."

"Sister Val! Yes, no, nothing... I appreciate this clothing..."

Valeria teases me and Ashley turns bright red. Valeria, moderately alcoholic, sees the appearance and hangs even more.

Find the breast pendant visibly,

"I can't believe you're wearing accessories. Is that necklace his present?

Ashley, who turns even more red, says Gonyogonho, but Hamish hears the story,

"Well, is that a demon prop? How does that work?

Ray made an unexpected blowout to the comment as he imagined.

(I knew you'd say that. So Ash was happy)

When Ashley says it's just a decoration, Hamish makes a surprised face.

"What are you wearing it for? Is it just a decoration?

Valeria smiles and looks at the words.

"The captain has a woman's heart for life, you don't know. Really already..."

He looked a little lonely, but quickly returned to his original expression.

(What is the look on your face now? He looked a little lonely, a pity face...)

"It's a gift from my dear man. I don't care what it is. Isn't that right, Ash?

Completely turned into Valeria's target, Ashley leans down to embarrassment.

"Look, Valeria's too shy, so Ash's shy. If you abuse Ash too much, I'll fight back for you, okay?

"What can Brother Al do to you," he says to the words.

"Yes... when Valeria gets honest too? It's been over fifteen years since I lost Abby. Isn't it time you didn't have to shy away?

Valeria opened her mouth with a pocan to the words, and Hamish said, "What are you talking about?" and he looks strange.

(Mr. Abby, Ash's mother? So, Mr. Valeria, you mean Mr. Hamish... I see, so, the look on your face just now...)

After this, Valeria was teased scattered by Alberic and returned to her table in the other way.