Trinitas Mundus
Episode 69: Settlement: Previous
Oct. 8, around 1: 30 p.m.
Victor Rockletter, head of the Knights of the Springs, along with his immediate First Battalion, drives the narrow road east of Millis Village on his own feet.
Fatigue is intense as the path to climb slowly runs with full armored equipment. From the hour after I left, the colour of fatigue grew darker for the knights, including him.
He raises one hand, stops the whole army, and then orders his men to pause. But he himself stood still, not even trying to hide his anxiety, staring east, the battlefield.
(Five kilometers to the battlefield, etc.) If we keep running like this, we can get there without taking an hour. So far, there is no indication that the advance party is withdrawing... I guess Lord Hamish is supporting us. However, it is possible that they have already been exterminated...)
After enough rest, he declared to the knights that he would continue into the battlefield.
"We're going to the battlefield all at once from here! I wish the advance party was fighting. But in case you were defeated, you will enter the retreat immediately! The enemy has a wing demon. Mind the sky too!
The Knights of the Springs ran out again for the battlefield.
2 pm.
At a point five km east of where the Knights took a small pause, at the exit of the narrow road, there was an unprecedented fierce battle.
The orcs, who had given up attacks by throwing stones, were once again in melee.
The Demon Army had narrowed down only to attacks from the front and had used the widened side to build a system that would soon replace its forces.
It was a constant wave-like attack, resembling a car mount.
Hamish Markat, commander of the advance squad Prostitute Army, was burning his hands at the orcs who would only strike from the front.
(It was just the front, but the enemy handled it better. In exchange for that, I'm tired and my legs don't move, even if this one takes turns. One soldier at a time loses his timing to fall back... as it is, don't let the quantity crush you...)
To break the situation, he tries to get himself on the front line and push down the oaks' walls, but even with his power, defeating a few is the limit, and that hole he opens will soon be filled by a new oak.
In just thirty minutes of combat, more than twenty people had been damaged, bringing the dead and wounded together to more than one hundred and forty.
The number of soldiers capable of withstanding combat as it stands has been reduced to less than one third of their original strength, interrupting seventy. The soldiers standing on the battlefield also had a dark colour of fatigue in battle from morning onwards and no blood on their faces.
Hamish had also noticed the drain on the soldiers and was beginning to think about retreating.
(Don't keep it like this for another hour. But now I can't back down. Did you see the timing wrong when you did it with me... I can change the situation if I have any hang-ups...)
Behind his thoughts, he was just full of hands responding to the Demonic Army constantly attacking him, and he couldn't even think of a way to make that cut.
He called Ray beside him and began a whispering consultation about the retreat.
"It's time for the limit. Me and Gareth, we're going to serve as lords in Zenga, but I can't figure out the timing. Do you have any good wisdom?"
Ray warped his face and shook his head, "I'm sorry. I can't think of anything," he bows his head.
"The enemy is after a war of attrition, and I don't see it now, but there are also wing demons, so it's unlikely that even if they serve as lords in the regiment, they can escape. There's nothing I can do to reverse my magic either… All I have to do is count on Mr. Alberic…"
Hamish is forced to make a smile and place his right hand on Ray's shoulder.
"Never mind. I have no choice. Do we have to wait for the situation to change..."
Hamish turned around, as he noticed something.
Because behind him, he felt like he heard a low voice from the village of Millis calling out, "Wow!"
I thought it was my fault, I tried to look at the battlefield, but I can hear my voice again. Some of the soldiers who were in the rear also noticed, looking back.
"The voice now..."
Ray also noticed the voice, saying without words, "Maybe an ally... the Knights..."
(Did you help? If people's voices come from that direction, I can't think of anything but reinforcements. The Third Battalion moved on Lord Leland's persuasion? Then just bear with me a little longer......)
"Reinforcements are here! Just a little more patience!
When Hamish's voice sounds, he cheers not only from the soldiers in the rear, but also from those who fight on the front line.
I see the movement of the soldiers. It got better to see and pushed back the oaks' attacks.
The First Battalion of the Knights of the Springs was approaching a distance of 2 km to the exit of the narrow road.
Victor, the captain of the regiment, realizes that their running footsteps sound good and comes up with something.
(If your allies are fighting, the proximity of reinforcements will boost morale. If the allies are wiped out and the enemy keeps an ambush, sooner or later the enemy will notice. Then you should believe your allies are struggling and inform them of the presence of reinforcements. This narrow path makes good noise. If we all raise our voices, we should get our voices to the front line. The exit on the narrow road is about thirty minutes away. Only three is enough, but if I can tell you any sooner...)
He ordered the entire army to cease and let the three hundred knights of the First Battalion raise their voice.
"Let our allies know we exist! Speak from the bottom of your belly! Wow!"
The knights immediately understand his thoughts and roar in the same way.
It is a narrow path like the narrow valley bottom, and the low and heavy roar of the knights echoes and amplifies the rocks.
For about a minute, after letting him raise his voice, Victor tells him to lead the First Squadron ahead.
"First Squadron precedes us. Second and third squadrons keep their health warm, while following them on the fast track. If the First Squadron engages with an ambush, stand by on the spot. Secure your way out."
That's all he said, he was leading the way and starting to run.
At the headquarters of the Demonic Army, he heard a noise as low as it had been.
Yurki Bindler, general of the Middle-Ghost Nation, finds that the sound echoes from the other side of the narrow road, the voice of man.
"What noise? That's not the sound of the wind...... hello!
"Apparently, reinforcements. What are you gonna do? Balthazar's gonna take another hour or so, so I'm gonna pull."
Asla Volti, a wing demon spellman, stared at Yurki, and when he said so, he took the wing demon and the little demon under his command and tried to back off.
"Wait, Lord Asla. If we keep the exit down, we can keep reinforcements. I can buy you time."
"Please don't say anything stupid. You can't even push in 200 soldiers, but you can't fight new enemies. About 200 enemies were defeated yesterday in an ambush. There are only two hundred fleeing knights. We should retreat before we do any more damage."
Asura had no island to attach to and tried to leave the scene.
And when she tried to fly, she found smoke rising in the east woods.
"Separate team? They blocked your exit? If that (...) sorcerer..."
Asla, fearful of Ray's magic, is overwhelmed by the possibility that Ray has turned backwards.
(It's awkward. If that magician is flying, we're dressed for it. What do we do... enemies fall into an avalanche long before nightfall, and even if we go as high as we can, we don't know that magic range that's coming after us... we'll have to run away with the little devil)
"With Lord Asla's support, we can contain our enemies. Please..."
Asura ignores Yurki, who exhorts her, and goes up in the air.
"You'd better run, too. If we shield the oak, we can make it now. Don't get caught by mistake. Because it's a hassle to excuse the elders."
That's all I said, he got the little devil ahead of him and flew away at a fierce speed towards the east.
Yurki, left behind, kneels and slaps the ground with his fist. And he gave instructions to the Tamers, not even trying to hide his reddish face.
"Shit! I'm pulling! Let the exit of the narrow road die except for the orc of the escort. We're heading to Turok as we retrieve those who followed the enemy's assault forces. Hurry!"
(Why... we are ten times the enemy. Where did you go wrong? I can't go back to my country with this. I can't face my great-uncles who recommended me... I drop the fort with my remaining strength. That's all I have...)
Yurki began his retreat eastward, protected by hundreds of oaks.
2 pm.
Stella headed for the streets to thwart the Demon Army reinforcements with Captain Lazareth Dawell, who found a standing tree in the woods.
All the forest trees around here were low, and the trees were as low as three meters.
(If you just burn it, this tree is enough, but there are few trees around, so I'll burn it out right away. I don't have the tools to cut down the trees, so what do we do?
Lazareth was approaching the tree that Stella stared at, slapping a trunk about ten cm thick.
"Can you light this tree... no, you should cut it down and burn it next to another tree"
Stella tilts her neck at the words.
Lazareth ignored her like that, holding a long sword in her right hand, slowly taking an intermission.
Twinkling the sword to the left and right with temper, it had about five cm ”ku" shaped cuts, like an axe in the trunk of a tree.
(People in the Mercenary Corps (here) are unusual. I can't believe I'm just trying to cut down a standing tree with a long sword... normally it breaks or bends. Make it easy...)
To a dazzling stellar, Lazareth said, "Where can I carry you?" I ask.
Stella, who soon recovered, "I think that's a good place," points to the two standing trees standing beside the street.
Lazareth nodded lightly, further flashing his sword, deepening the cut, and finally kicking down the tree with his leg. Ignore the stirring stellar and pull the tree to where she showed it.
Hand control Stella trying to help in a hurry, "Make me a spark," he throws a little wax with an oily liquid.
(Does this guy always carry oil?
Lazareth was scratching her head as if she had heard the question in Stella's heart.
"I used to be a solo adventurer. I can't calm down if I don't have this stuff..."
Until Hamish picks him up, he talks about being an adventurer in Periclitle, about not being able to make a spark in the Aquila Mountains in the winter, and about dying of freezing, as he carries a tree.
And with a grin,
"If you're going to be with Ray or Ashley, this kind of preparation is your job. Ray is smart, but that kind of place seems to be falling out. Ashley's not very good at fine preparation either. Well, with Ray, you don't have to worry about the spark."
Surprisingly, he seemed concerned about Stella, who would feel responsible for losing Renzi.
(Does this guy care about me? Why?)
Although I know you care, she doesn't even understand why.
(You shouldn't be thinking about it right now. Now we should focus on stirring up our enemies...)
Stella greased the branches of the collected tree and, as she wrapped them around the chopped down tree, lit the fire using an ignition magic prop.
Due to the sunny weather that has lasted the last few days, the trees that were standing dead soon start to raise the flames. And it had also been extended to trees with green leaves and had begun to raise dark gray smoke.
"Dear Lazareth, the enemy will soon be noticed. Which way do you want to go?
Lasalles shook his head to the side and told him, "I'm staying here".
Where she hangs on to saying "but," she gets a serious look.
"Explore the enemy here. If you ambush a rushed enemy and run around, you can draw the enemy's attention. If I ramble here, that will reduce the number of enemies heading to my side. That's why I don't need you hanging out with me. You can go back to the main unit on your own."
Stella said without any hesitation, "Okay. I'll help you too," he replies.
Lazareth was surprised that she nodded at this measure, which had a good chance of being surrounded by enemies and dying.
He thought Stella would make a decision that could always be described as cold, so he would kill himself and try to get back under Ray as soon as possible.
"I think it would be more efficient for both of us to do it. If I can help you at all...... it's an enemy!
I heard the orcs footsteps before I finished the conversation.
The two hid themselves in the nearby grass and, from behind the oak as they approached the smoke, attacked them with hit-and-a-way procedures, like guerrillas.
2: 30 p.m.
The exit of the narrow road was clearly visible in front of Victor Rockletter, who led the hundreds of First Battalion First Squadron of the Knights of the Springs.
From the end of their gaze, they could hear the battle of the advance party, and Victor was thankful to God that the advance party had not been wiped out.
(I made it! God of Water (Fonce), thank you)
As we approached the exit of the narrow road, we saw the worn out wounded.
(Is the treatment such a fierce battle in time... Are the men of our Knights, Lord Hamish, safe...)
He calls out to reassure the wounded.
"Seven battalions of Knights of the Springs will be here soon to help! It's been a while! You did good!
There is a weak cheer for his words.
But the knights who follow him were ashamed that it was their own colleague, the Third Battalion, who caused this.
When Victor arrives on the front line, he is also hailed by soldiers fighting on the front line.
But all the soldiers of the First Battalion, including the Knights Commander, lost their voices to the sight in front of them and were unable to respond to it.
Hundreds of corpses of orcs had been thrown down around soldiers worn out by battle and fatigue.
The bodies piled high on the left and right among them told the story of the struggle of the soldiers of the advance party, but they could not even imagine how fierce a battalion of soldiers it was.
Victor finds Hamish in command on the deadly front. And as he approaches to rejoice in its safety and make a small leap, he takes his hand, "Lord Hamish, you're safe and above all".
But soon we return to the warrior's face and tell Hamish to take turns.
"From this, leave it to my knights. Rest for the advance party."
Hamish didn't even try to hide his horny expression, and after he said, "That helped."
"The advance party back on my signal! Lord Victor, may I?
When Victor nodded, Hamish said, "Ahead squad, back off!," he commands in loud voice.
As the prostitutes step back, they are caught by it and the orcs come forward, but soon the elites of the First Battalion enter between them and push them back.
Hamish left the command to Victor to guide the tired advance soldiers backwards.
The Rays also sat on the ground trying to pull their tired bodies back and forth.
(Did you help... the Knights' main unit arrived, not the Third Battalion... a day earlier than planned. Did you really help...)
As the first squadron pushes into the front line, the remaining two squadrons also arrive and the narrow road exit is filled with 300 knights.
"We're gonna push it all at once! First Squadron, open the breach! Second squadron to the right, third squadron to the left! There are more enemies than us, but it's just an oak! Snow the shame of the Third Battalion! Show me what the Knights of the Springs mean!
The knights respond to Victor's orders by lifting their swords.
The knights thrust into the herd of oaks as they dew their fighting spirit.