Trinitas Mundus
Episode 55: The Impact of Abduction
December 21, after 1: 30 p.m.
By Varma of the Moon Demon Nation, Luna has been abducted.
Ray had no choice but to drop her off on the riverbank as she was grabbed. A few minutes later, when he couldn't see her, he slapped his beloved horse in the neck and said, "I'm sorry I forced you" to get off the horse.
Then he went back to where the Hazels, Luna's party members, were.
Stella, who stabbed a stop at the wing demon, joined him, and Ray also told Stella, "Sorry. Leave me," he apologized.
"I'm fine," Stella shook her head at it. And he said, "How did this happen?," he asked.
Ray didn't answer that, and with an ambiguous look on his face, he went to Hazel's to treat a swordsman fan of the Beast Man.
And after reporting to them, "I didn't make it,"
"And why did you leave all of a sudden..."
He had just said that, realizing that Hazel was taking off his leather armor and that in this cold sky, he was only making his shirt peel, and he was stunned, "Maybe Mr. Hazel..."
When Hazel finishes treating her fans, she goes in tears in her eyes.
"I'm sorry. They told me to be so vigilant..."
Hazel started leaking whimpers after saying so.
Ryan, lying beside his fans, whines in a painful voice, "Mr. Hazel was being made a puppet of the Demons..."
Ray first noticed that Ryan was seriously injured.
Hazel, a healer, had cured magic, but her magic couldn't even treat her wounded lungs. Realizing that, Ray listened to fans holding their legs next door, hanging healing magic on Ryan.
Fans began to talk as they seeped through remorse.
What he told me was what Ray expected.
Hazel, the leader, was made a puppet without realizing it, and following her instructions, she left Periclitle this morning. And the fans explained that he was ambushed by the Demons at this place, once he surrendered, but when he saw the gap and attacked him, he was fought back.
After finishing treatment, Ryan is still touching the area around his chest, but immediately stood up and grabbed Ray's shoulder and said, "Luna's been grabbed! We have to go after them," he insisted strongly.
But Ray said, "I can't. I don't have the means to cross the river," he shook his head sideways.
Ryan rebelled against the words,
"That's why you keep abandoning me!
"Now that we've found the means to cross the river, how do we look for it if we go into the woods over there? We can fly across the sky. You'll never catch up in the woods."
When Ray said that, Ryan put his strength into both hands he was grabbing and tried to say something more. But there was tears of remorse in Ray's eyes, and he realized he really wanted to go after him.
And Ryan swallowed up the word he hung out and said, "Sorry. I said too much," I bow my head.
"That's all I was warned of by you. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. Sorry, that's a win-win..."
After Ray said, "Never mind," he told Hazel, who was in shock and crying, "It's dangerous here. Go back to the village just now," he said, letting her stand.
When Ryan asked, "What are you going to do after this, you are," Ray replied, after a few moments of thinking, to declare, "I'm going back to Periclitle".
Ryan wondered how he would take Luna back,
"What are we going to do when we get back to Periclitle? What are you gonna do about Luna?"
In contrast, Ray shook his head small,
"I can't go help Luna right now. I defend the city. So back to the city."
Ryan couldn't believe the words and said, "You're lying, aren't you? Hey, I don't think you mean it," I stuffed him again.
Ray looked closely into Ryan's eyes,
"I mean it. The capture of Luna made the city even more dangerous. The enemy is already right around the corner. Maybe they'll attack the city tomorrow! You can't let me leave the city like that!
The last one was dew his emotions and say it back to Ryan like he was screaming.
In that strong tone, Ryan lost his words and inadvertently lagged behind.
Ray said he was done here, took his horse's reins,
"Stella's horse is about to crumble. Can I borrow Luna's horse?"
Yes, I asked Hazel. Hazel hasn't recovered from the shock yet, but he silently switched Luna's luggage onto his horse and took her before Stella.
Ray told the hazels,
"We'll take care of whether you all return to Periclitle, go find Luna or take refuge in another city"
After saying that, he crossed his beloved horse and headed back east down the street.
Ryan, who was left, did not know what to do, and saw Hazel. But she was also not out of shock that she was puppeted and deprived of her companion, Luna, and was not in a position to give instructions.
A fan suggested to Hazel, "Let's think about it when we get back to the village just now," and crossed the horse by calling out to Ryan, "Be wary of demons as well as demons".
Ryan couldn't believe what had happened in a short time, less than half an hour.
(Until earlier, beside me, there was indeed Luna. That's now... I thought I decided to protect him! I resent my helplessness. I want power. Power like Ray...)
Hazel also rode the horse, leaving in the form of fans leading the way.
Ryan was shaken by a horse as he thought about what he should do from now on.
Ray, who broke up with the Ryans, was taking the streets east, caring for his horses.
And while the horses rocked me, I was shocked that they took Luna.
(If I could protect her, it would have been me. Because I was talking about the city, I got stuck in that gap... I know it's too late to regret it now. But I really think that something more could have been done...)
And I was thinking about Luna, who was caught.
(Luna should be taken to Kwaedam Tenebre, the land of the demons... there are two remaining wing demons of the escort. And we need two wing demons to carry Luna. I don't know how capable you are of flying, but that way of flying shouldn't make it possible to keep flying long distances. So once you join the Demon Army or form an escort to cross the Aquila - the Great Mountains of the East...)
So again, I was remembering the demonic situation.
(The Demons are never a single rock. Joining the squad poorly may result in the taking of the figure of your son, Luna. Maybe the Moon Son only needs it for the Moon Demons and not for the Ghosts. If that happens, joining the main unit may not be a very good option. But now I have too little information about the Demons to judge... do I still have to extract information from my captives with puppet magic...)
The Rays took a small pause in the village at the midpoint and were about to leave for Periclitle around 3 p.m.
Stella was against returning to Periclitle by the end of the day. If we leave from this time, in about two hours the streets will be engulfed in darkness. Then the nocturnal ray would go on in the dark for more than two hours, because he thought that if he was suddenly attacked, he could not deal with it.
And before she left, she was telling Ray about it. But he doesn't try to fit in with a light-hearted tone that says, "I'm out of town on my own," he says. Back to back with the tone, his expression had a color of regret and anxiety.
Stella couldn't say anything more.
(This person feels responsible for Luna's capture. I don't think that's necessary... and the city feels responsible for it. Trying to get back to the city and let Master Randall know as soon as possible...... I'd be relieved if Luke's Beast Troop were nearby......)
"Are the Beast Troops of Lukes nearby? I think you should check."
Ray realized that he had completely forgotten about them in the words. And as we run on horses, we think and reflect that they will be running on their own feet.
And in an attempt to apologize to them, he said, "Is there an escort?" and tried to see if there was an escort.
Then, immediately, two beasts appear and kneel before him.
"We have them in Siete and Ocho, escorts of the day. What can I do for you?
Ray first lowered his head, "I let you run the horse on your own, and thank you for your hard work,"
"I'm going back to Periclitle now. I'd like you both to follow me on the horse."
Siete said, "I can't escort you when you're on a horse. We will be offering you on foot in Kachi," he exclaimed.
Ray worried that he would be okay, but was even more rhetorical, so he decided on his mind to proceed at the pace they could follow.
Two hours after we left, the area was surrounded by darkness. Stella gets off the horse and pulls Ray's horse with one hand the magic prop of the lights.
Siete and Ocho also walked to solidify the front and rear of the ray, and the four were headed for Pericritle at a slow pace.
Another three hours later, at 8 p.m., they slipped into the city at a critical time for closure.
Ray thanked Stella and the two escorts, who headed to Alliance headquarters with their feet.
There was an appearance of Ashley walking around in frustration at headquarters.
She was going to train the adventurers, and I heard that Ray followed the Lunas when he came back from training. So once I tried to go after him, I reconsidered that it would soon be night and waited at HQ in anticipation of his coming back. I decided to wait for him by reason, but I couldn't help but worry about the emotions, and as a result I was so frustrated that the officials around me couldn't speak up.
Having found Ray, Ashley embraced him first and then began to say novels.
"You wanted me to at least give you a word before you went. How worried do you think I am..."
But when I saw his expression, I immediately stopped whispering. She realized she had failed to bring Luna back.
"What happened to Luna? Aren't we together?
On that question Ray shook his neck to the side, saying only one thing, "The Demons grabbed me".
And then I said, "I need to consult Mr. Randall as soon as possible," and I headed to Randall Ogburn's room in the defense commander.
Randall heard Ray had left the city, but didn't suspect he'd be back safely. But I intuited that Ray's expression was stiff and that he seemed rather in a hurry, making things worse.
"Sounds like bad news to me. Well, sit down first. Let's get something to eat."
That's what Randall said, letting the Rays sit in their chairs and prepare meals and drinks. Ray just took a light meal around two o'clock and barely said anything. But I didn't realize that because I was thinking about Luna and the movements of the Demons.
Ray opened his mouth quietly before the meal came out.
"Luna has been captured. Last night's scouts made it more likely that our enemies would attack us early."
Randall nodded small at Ray's words,
"Where was it grabbed? No, how long do you think it'll take to get that information to the main unit of the Demon Army?
Randall also thought that the capture of Luna left no room for doubt that the Demonic Army would make a move. It was just a question of when it would move out.
I needed three more days to complete the trap in my current defense plan. And the main unit of the Demon Army was thought to be in a place within two days. In other words, if information is passed on to the Demon Army main unit by the end of the day, the end of the battle will be opened before the trap is completed.
"The place is about thirty kilometers west of here. The Demons took Luna across the Fatas River and fled into the woods on the hem of the Porta Mountains"
Randall thought of the map in his head,
"Then there's a chance that a transmission will fly to the main unit by the end of the day. This is a pretty dangerous situation."
Ray denied the word "no,"
"I probably won't be contacting you by the end of the day. It will probably take two more days..."
On his way back to the city, Ray was desperately thinking about anticipating the actions of the Demons, rocked by horses.
There were only two wing demons left in the Moon Demon clan that captured Luna, and he also realized that flying with Luna would slow him down considerably. With no additional replacement personnel to carry Luna, he expected the daily travel distance to be considerably limited.
"It's an undisclosed forest, so there will be many demons, and we have to give priority to protecting Luna. That way, you won't be contacting the main unit until you get through those woods. If you were to use a precious wing demon with only two of them, you'd have to go somewhere pretty safe."
Randall nodded at Ray's words, but questioned, "They had harpies too," he said.
Ray replied that it would not.
"Sure, there were harpies, but I don't know to what extent the magic they use (Monster Tame) works. Besides, in the less intelligent harpy, it will be difficult to find the main unit lurking in the woods and tell the commander."
"So you're saying there's a respite for about four more days? But you can't believe that and be at peace. Tomorrow, let's expand the sentry a little bit."
So Ray never, ever spoke to Randall.
"Tomorrow, Dr. Raspade and I will try the magic of the puppet Kutsuku. If it works, you'll have information on the enemy."
Randall seemed to be doing what he was forced to do, but didn't say anything to it,
"It would help if you could do that. Tomorrow, but it's my responsibility to try it. I'm sorry, I don't think it's up to you..."
to Randall's care. Ray smiled a little,
"If many people are harmed because of my creed, I bend my creed. However, we will not allow them to destroy it by deciding to let them escape. Information gathering only."
"That's fine," Randall nodded loudly.
Finishing the discussion, Randall labors Ray.
"I would be tired today. Get some rest. Ashley, Stella. I asked for the rest. This is what we're going to do. Keep an eye on this guy so he doesn't push it any further."
Ashley and Stella nodded with a serious look and took Ray back to the inn.
On his way home, Ashley was worried about hearing what happened when Luna was captured.
(You can ask Stella later, but I also want to see how Ray feels. But that look is pretty thought-provoking... you're still not good at thinking. But I'd rather hear it and regret it than misrespond without asking. Especially in such pressing circumstances…)
Ashley decided to ask him thoughtfully.
"It was when Luna was captured, but what was the situation? I'd like you to let me know if I can..."
Ray felt her consideration for what was badly toothed for her. And I was forced to make a bright look,
"It's okay. I could have helped a little earlier, but it really was a slight difference..."
He walked away and talked about the situation at that time.
"Then, is it this time that Hazel was made a puppet by being set in a demonic trap? Then you don't have a problem. [M] I think it would be a miracle if we were helped in that situation."
With that said, Ashley took into account Ray's mind.
(That said, he was caught in front of me. You will also regret it. But this time, it's never Ray's downfall. I guess Ray himself knows about that...... I guess I should comfort him tonight)
Returning to the “Arid Eagle's Nest” pavilion, the inn, Mira, the usually cheerful general, greeted them with a worrying face.
"What happened to the Lunas? You were okay."
When Ray tried to open his mouth, Stella took his place and answered it.
"Mr. Luna has been grabbed by the Demons. Mr. Hazel and Mrs. Ryan were injured, but they're fine now."
Mira heard Luna had been grabbed and dropped her shoulder disappointingly, but soon labored the Rays into the back of the inn. Sometimes in the Adventurer's Inn, guests don't return with their lives lost, so sad, but not so much. Still, Mira was saddened that Luna, the guest she had stayed with for several years, had disappeared and pulled it into the back.
Ray entered the room, removed his gear and laid down on the bed.
(I couldn't save him in the end. I told Mr. Tsukiya, "I want you to trust me", “I'll protect you and show you"... not Ryan, but I don't know what to do now...)
And I was remembering my conversation with Ryan after Luna was captured.
(Protecting the city is sincere. I have to do it, and there are things I can do. But can I throw out about Mr. Moon Palace? She could be my victim. Maybe she's the victim of a novel I wrote… I can't leave her alone with her in the hands of the Demons. But now it's not a situation that involves one of her...)
I heard knocking on the door when my thoughts began to roam in grandeur.
When I opened the door, Ashley stood outside.
"I thought you might not be able to sleep. I was wondering if it would be a good idea for us to talk alone for a long time..."
Ashley blushes shyly and hurries inside his room.
Ray knew she had come to comfort herself.
(Ash thought I was depressed. I was in fact depressed, but I meant to keep it from showing up so much on my face...)
As Ashley entered the room, Ray held her shoulder and whispered in his ear, "Thank you".
Ashley, besides her thoughts, was relieved that he was calm, but at the same time she felt lonely.
(I thought you were more depressed, but you're surprisingly calm. It's depressing right before, and once depressed, it's something that didn't go back inside... but Ray's getting stronger too. I feel a little lonely...)
Ashley mouthed Ray and didn't go back to his room that night.