Trinitas Mundus
Lesson 61: Varma Rendezvous
Late on the 23rd of December.
After discovering the Demon Army in the East Forest, the Radis scouts hurried with little rest to reach the East Gate of Periclitle within that day.
Radice screams to open the door to the gatekeeper standing on the gateway watch.
"I have to tell Randall as soon as possible - Randall Ogburn, head of defense at Periclitle - the information! Open it right now!
We were not allowed to open the door after twenty, but we were ordered to contact Randall if the Radices returned. He was just thinking about the possibility that he was being made a puppet of the devil clan and was also told not to open the door immediately.
"I'll be in touch soon! Just a moment!
After about thirty minutes, there was Randall, who didn't even show a sleepy bareback, and Ray, who had run, rubbing his sleepy eyes on the other hand. Behind it were also the figures of Ashley and Stella.
Ray doesn't wear gear, he doesn't have a weapon - although he can always get it out with the storage magic Item Box - but Randall was in almost complete gear condition.
Randall thought about the possibility of Radice and the others returning, not removing their gear altogether, but taking a nap in his own room at Adventurer's Guild headquarters.
When Randall admitted to Radice's appearance, he told the gatekeeper to open the door and himself pulled out his sword to prepare for their betrayal.
Ladis and ten other scouts, one at a time, were checked with the demonic props of the discovery of the puppet Kutsu, and when it was confirmed that they were not all puppets, Randall exhaled fu.
"I'm sorry. I didn't think so, but I have to be cautious in the confirmation situation. If you get into a puppet at this time, there's nothing to win. Anyway, thank you for your hard work."
Radice and the others headed straight to Guild headquarters, but briefly reported as they walked.
"... then the enemy was almost in the right place. I wouldn't expect you to step on a dodge, but you're not being followed by an enemy."
"Absolutely. I've checked many times until I got here."
Randall nods, "Okay," and turns toward Ray.
"When we get to HQ, I'll have the White Master's opinion."
Ray nods at it and indulges in the information he has just heard.
(The location and power are almost as reported. It was unexpected that we were hunting, but the little ghost tribe info said it was pretty demoralizing, so I guess that's a measure. Now that you're doing that, that means you don't know that you've secured the son of the moon. It's already been a full two days, so as I thought, I guess I left the report using the Wing Demon behind...)
Upon arrival at Alliance headquarters, the captain class had already been convened and was again reported by Radice.
At the end of the report, Randall opens his mouth to Seo Momouro.
"So the enemy's power is mostly as informed. The place is slightly east, but you can also say this is as informed. First of all, Ray, let me hear your opinion."
Ray rose to Randall's nomination and began to state his thoughts.
"First of all, it was my biggest concern, I don't think the Demons are likely to attack me early. A woman named Varma of the Moon Demon Nation will not let go of her greatest power, the Wing Demon, until she lets Luna, the son of the Moon, escape into the safe zone. So it's early for the information to come in and tomorrow night, no, the date has already changed, so it will be today night. Most likely tomorrow morning."
Here's what Ray expected.
Transport by the two wing demons is slow and takes two days to get through the dangerous Porta Mountain hem. If you try to rendezvous with the Demon Army main unit at the shortest possible distance in terms of location, you need to pass around Periclitle, which increases the danger. If we're only sending wing demons, we'll have that, too, but we need to go far on the journey with Luna. So as early as yesterday evening or not I would have put it on the safety zone.
Then, it is by now that the Demon Army will be contacted for sending a wing demon, but if priority is given to the safety of an important piece of luggage named Luna, they should be afraid to have fewer escorts at night. So I'll explain that it makes sense to leave with the sunrise tomorrow.
The captains nod at the explanation, but the captain of the song asks questions.
"The opinion of the Chief of Staff is good, but the important thing is when the enemy will come. Can you let me know about that prospect?"
"To be honest, I can only say after December 26th the day after tomorrow. However, the enemy is struggling to maintain morale, so if you get the information that you've secured the son of the moon, it should move quickly."
Randall opened his mouth to Ray's answer.
"I knew it was after the day after tomorrow. What do we think of hitters? Your trap will be complete by the end of the day, but that's why I'm not going to do anything."
"The scourge releases. It also focuses on the faster legs. And I also use Wolf Smoke" Curse ". It will be hard to see in the woods, but on tall trees. Conversely, it is difficult for enemies on the ground to see, so you should not have to understand this movement. I'll look for a few convenient places to raise wolf smoke and contact Periclitle about the demon movement with a wolf smoke relay."
One of the captains said, "Then you'll have trouble if they move you to the night. How about placing a user of fire attribute magic," he suggested. Ray nods loudly at it.
"You should certainly place a magician. It may be difficult to follow the scouts, but you just have to keep them waiting somewhere and let the magic of the fire shoot into the sky."
"Shouldn't we be prepared for an ambush after the night of December 25th? How about more sleepless soldiers?"
To that opinion Randall shows a trick of affirmation, but Ray disagrees.
"I don't think there's much danger of the enemy coming up with a night raid. Even though the Demons will be blind at night, they will be wary that the Periclitle side will panic."
Randall said, "What do you mean?," he asked.
"Old people, children, and women are the ones who will be sacrificed if they are attacked at night and panicked. They should want to secure as many young women as they can, so I find those hands hard to take. Besides, if you were to respond to a night raid, this one would use pine lights because the magic props of the lights are not enough. If there were a fire, the city itself would be unusable, so it would not achieve its purpose of occupying it. Besides, unless this scout is wiped out, there can be no enemy ambush, so I don't think we need to be tired for nothing."
"I see. So he said we could keep a minimum of watch. Preparing for night raids every day is physically and mentally tough. Until the enemy's on the move, we're going to continue with the system."
Various discussions were held based on Radis' information, and the policy was decided.
At the end of the meeting Randall stood up and said, "I think each one's tough, but I asked for it!," he said, ending the meeting.
By the end of the meeting, the sky was beginning to whiten, and Ray gave one big yawn and spoke to the accompanying Ashley.
"The enemy hasn't come yet, so let's get some rest today"
Ashley turned his arm around his shoulder and said, "Right. Take a rest," he said, heading to the inn.
The morning of October 24th.
Varma Niska, a lunar demon tribe lurking in the woods east of Thornblow - the fortified city south of Periclitle - was looking out at the sky, feeling the cold air early in the winter morning.
(The weather looks good today. The weather has been steady for the past few days, so that helps. From here to Orvo - Commander of the Demonic Army, Orvo Kronvar of the Great Ghost Nation - less than 100 km. You don't have to worry about the eyes, so you should be able to rendezvous by evening. Once you join us, you can take about five Grand Ghost manipulators (Tamer) and scold Shefki - the leader of the Little Ghost Nation, Shefki Somelyoki - to Sokius - the land east of the Aquila Mountains, known as Kwaedam Tenebre on the west side -)
She enters a relatively safe land and is likely to be distracted.
(You can't be distracted yet. Demons around here are tough at war today, too. One Fei Long, one Wyburn, and one Winged Lion, Griffon, are in danger. Keep in the mood, Varma!
She looks at Luna, son of the moon, sleeping wrapped in a blanket,
(This one is our hope. The single-celled ghost tribe won't know, but we really need the power of this one to get back west. God's Dependent Cost (...) Lord Taruko (...)...)
At that time, Luna was awake.
I was just pretending to be asleep trying to buy some time.
(The slower I am taken, the more advantageous the city of Periclitle will be. That's all I can do when the Saint told me all that but I was caught impudently......)
Despite Luna's frequent requests for breaks, the day was well traveled. And Luna's thoughts did not pass into heaven, and he joined the main army of the Demon Army that evening.
Finally, the conditions are in place for the Demon Army to move out.
Around 5pm on December 24th.
In the forest about thirty kilometers east of Periclitle, lurked by the main army of the demons, arrived Varma of the Moon Demons and Luna, the son of the Moon.
All the Ghost Warriors looked up over the sky at the unfamiliar sight of two Winged Demons hanging people.
In the meantime, Commander Orvo Kronvar runs to the landing site to welcome Varma.
Varma landed magnificently using a pair of pitch-black wings, dressed up to help Luna slowly descend.
"This is the son of the moon, Luna," Varma raised her voice when Luna landed safely.
Orvo falls on one knee to his voice and drips his head, Kobe. Seeing that figure, the Great Ghost, Medium Ghost, and Little Ghost warriors also drooped their heads on one knee at a time.
Whilst dissatisfied, Vaino Budosco of the Middle-Ghost Nation similarly drips his head when reading the ambient air.
(Even if I say son of the moon, she would be just a human little girl. I bow my head reflexively because the Moon Demons respect it, but it's not about us... That said, there are many followers among the Middle-Ghost tribes. I guess we should follow this place very closely. Well, if you take the land to the west, it doesn't matter if you have a son of the moon)
Luna was beginning to regret coming here when she saw ghost tribes similar to Auga, Oak and Goblin.
(I didn't kill myself trying to delay the invasion of Periclitle at all, but it was a failure. If this is the case, I should have rammed in the air and crashed the wing demon to death with me on the road. No matter what you think, the Demons are not people. I don't want to be used by these guys...)
Luna had a physiological aversion but was careful not to put it on her pale face.
(Yeah, not yet, but we can make it after we see what we're going to do. If I'm taking you with me, you'll have a chance to get out)
Orvo looked at the Son of the Moon and couldn't believe that this girl would be God's dependent child.
(Are you sure this little girl is the son of the moon? No, I'm pretty sure it's because Varma confirmed it, but I just look like a little girl. I thought there was something more divine or mysterious... no, this is a lame idea)
He thanked Kyou Uya and then
"I am at the head of this Western contingent, Orvo Kronvar. It's a battlefield, and I apologize for any inconvenience you may have."
Luna was surprised to find Orvo more intelligent than he seemed.
(I thought the Ghosts were a rougher species, but this guy is different. It feels like a samurai. I feel like remembering someone... I can't remember. Now I need to figure out how to use this guy...)
Luna stared at him with alarming eyes and then
"It's Luna. I'm not convinced by this situation, but I appreciate your concern."
By taking a defiant attitude, Luna tried to be more cooperative to an extent that was not unnaturally perceived than a stronger eye for surveillance. And I was going to poke a gap that I could someday get out of.
(Surely there must be five thousand if the demons add up. I don't think I can get away with it alone, but it should be better than nothing. If it bothers you, you can bite off your tongue but you will die... Speaking of which, biting off your tongue won't kill you easily? Well, fine. Anyway, as long as you're prepared to die, there's nothing to be afraid of)
Orvo hung his words of labor on Varma, said, "I want to talk to you," and took a distance from Luna.
"You're pretty sure it's that way."
In Orvo's abrupt questioning, Varma looked up at him and said, "What do you mean?," he replies in a grumpy manner.
"No, I guess it's my assumption, because I imagined someone a little more divine. No, if the Moon Demon Spellman says he's sure to confirm it, there's nothing wrong with it. Talking about your child's future."
Varma understands Orvo's intentions and nods small "yes".
"You seem to be losing a lot of fighting power at your place, but is that all of it?
Varma said with a regrettable face, "Yes. The white magician did this to me. That's not all, but the Wingman did it to him," he throws up.
"Then you'll need an escort. Let me know what you think."
Varma demanded thirty orgasms with five Great Ghost Operators (Tamers) and thirty or so scouts of the Little Ghost tribe. And when it comes to the little ghost tribe, I realize there's no Shefki Sommelyoki who's supposed to be there.
"What's wrong with Shefki? No way, you haven't been on reconnaissance yourself."
Orvo shook his head small and said, "I went to reconnaissance and was killed or captured. I was set up by that white magician," he murmured, giving him a clearly regrettable look.
Varma says, "Oh my God..." and the words don't come out.
"They say three little ghosts have been caught. So far, the enemy has no movement, so I don't think the interrogation has succeeded, but we can't be alarmed because we have an example magician."
"Probably a successful interrogation. He has the moves to find and disarm the puppet. You can cancel your vows. I don't think I can lift the surgery that Chevy hung on me."
Orvo distorts his face tremendously, "Do you still think so," he mutters.
"You should act on the premise that the enemy has no information. He may be expecting me to rendezvous... but he knew your son existed. About your son, who should only know us Sochius..."
Orvo is shocked by the words.
"Oh, I know exactly what he says is dangerous. I always stab a stop when I attack down that city. That way, we don't seem to have a future."
Orvo chose the five manipulators (Tamer) of the Great Ghost Clan and ordered them to come under Varma's command. However, regarding the scourge of the Little Ghost tribe, the Little Ghost tribes who thought they had killed Shefki refused, and decided to put on ten additional Great Ghost tribe warriors.
The following day, December 25th.
The Demon Army launched an invasion toward Periclitle.