Trinitas Mundus
Episode XII: Conflict within the Demon Clan
Tria Calendar 326, January 20.
Three days before the Rays scouted the village of Leriche.
Varma Niska, the Moon Demon Spellman - the way the Demon called the Mage - remembered until yesterday and felt so angry that her intestines "got annoyed" boiled back.
The hope of the demons, bringing Luna, the son of the moon, back to Sochius - the name of the land of the demons - but the ghosts here in the village of Leriche watched about them with cold eyes.
Particularly terrible was against Yesperi Mayuri and other Great Ghost Warriors, Luna's escort.
Though it was true that with overwhelming force we headed for the offensive of the adventurer city of Periclitle, we suffered good damage by being nestled in enemy traps and saying we were wiped out. Yesperi furthermore did not participate in the final showdown as an escort for the son of the moon, even though he was near Orvo Kronvar, who was the general. For this reason, it is believed that he has fled for fear of the showdown, and has been hung with blatant contempt by his fellow Greater Ghost clan. Especially Nestri Kronvar, Orvo's real brother, even left it to his anger to try to execute them. The warriors of the Middle-Ghost and Little Ghost tribes who saw the sight also began to behave like an insult to Yesperi and others.
Varma could have tolerated that far. Because as a story among ghosts, we just have to stay out of it.
But Einar Slangs of the Little Ghost Clan, commander of the Sochius Army, was fanning Nestri and others, spreading the story as if the Son of the Moon were a monster.
Einar plotted to hold the Great Ghost and Moon Demons responsible for this defeat and to lower the ratings of the two tribes in this guiding position. He had the strength of the status quo - about seventy great ghosts, about two hundred medium ghosts, about seven hundred small ghosts - but he thought that summoning his family would give him a good chance, and he was moving as far as he could to be its general.
In fact, the number of oaks and goblins can be increased, although the number of augs is reduced compared to the army of Orvo, the first line. With the further revelation of the presence of the village of Leriche, it is no longer necessary, as before, to restrict movement near the streets of Toa, which can confuse the enemy by attacking dotted pioneering villages and small accommodation towns. On top of that, we thought if we pulled our enemies into the woods in our favor, we'd have plenty of chance. For this reason he craved the reasoning that the recapture of the Son of the Moon failed and required further invasion.
Because of those circumstances, every time I questioned Luna's qualities, I was buying Varma's anger.
Varma thought about Luna's health and wanted to rest for about a few more days before leaving, but when she was here she didn't know when Luna would be harmed and had to leave as soon as possible.
(I feel really bad. You don't know anything about your son... I can't help it because he's a ghost man who can't see magic, but I've never seen anyone so loved by the Dark Spirit. Even the capital, Elise, has not been loved so far by the Spirit...)
Varma was thinking of Elise Nortia, a chief in Luberna, the capital of the Moon Demons, and also a Moon Witch (...).
(I sent the order to Master Elis, but it should take quite some time because it's a small ghost tribe order. I can't use the Winged Demon Spellman here... I wish I could use the Forwarding Magic Formation at times like this, but that's a one-way street...)
The Moon Demons have the magic of transfer.
People can be transferred to the targeted magic formations using the huge magic formations in the temple of Luberna, the capital of the Moon Demons. However, it can only be unilaterally sent in from Luberna because it will not start unless more than ten high-ranking spellmen continue to send their magic for a few days. By the way, he uses this magic to send a handful of Tamers into the eastern part of the Kingdom of Lax for an ambush.
(Otherwise, I can't help it. Luckily, your son seems to be feeling well, and you should leave the day after tomorrow as well...)
She told Luna and Yesperi that she would set the day aside tomorrow to prepare for departure and leave the morning after tomorrow.
Luna told me, "I'd like to rest my body a little longer,"
"As you may already feel, thank you Einar Slangs for making a suspicious move. I don't know if there is anything harmful to your child, but it looks like you should move as quickly as possible. There's nothing like doing wild boarding up ahead, so I'm very sorry for your tiredness, but forgive me."
That's what I say and I bow my head.
Luna was slightly hesitant because she felt something insulting to the gaze of the Einars and the little ghosts.
(Sure enough, the little ghosts looked at me like I was a little fool. I'd like to buy as much time as I can, but it could be dangerous here, then you just have to delay the move for a reason in the town ahead...)
"Okay. I wanted to get some more strength back here, but I can't seem to help it."
Varma is relieved that Luna has accepted.
Yesperi's was unstoppable with the great ghosts of his kind, especially the rebellion from Nestri Kronvar, and even he, who was warm, was beginning to pioneer.
(I wanted to scatter with me and Master Orvo. But Orvo ordered me to ask for the son of the moon immediately. I showed you that order and Master Nestri doesn't try to fit it at all... Master Nestri himself is also embedded in that cunning white magician. I forgot about that and I didn't know you would continue to rebuff just us... brother I thought the vessel was different from yours but I didn't know it was this different...)
Because of that sentiment, I welcome Varma's decision.
However, the escort of an important person named Son of the Moon does not show such a bare hand at all and will check on future policies.
"What are you going to do with the escort? What's your son's way of getting around?
Varma was an assumed question, and nodded small,
"As always, I'll leave the escort to you. I don't trust the Little Ghosts or the Medium Ghosts, and under Lord Nestri's command... and from here on out, it's not a dangerous place like Aquila. I'm going to get you a carriage."
We made even more detailed adjustments and decided to leave for the east in the early morning of January 22, the day after tomorrow.
Left to Yesperi to procure supplies, Varma headed to the command where Einar was located.
I sign up for an interview with Einar, but she waits about an hour on account of her busy schedule. Varma remembered her frustration with the way it was done.
(I'm not very busy... okay. Bring your son to Luberna and that will solve everything...)
Einar had radically changed his attitude and attitude when Varma arrived, and there were many dignified things to say.
"I heard you needed something, but we're busy for the enemy you (...) brought in. It is a great loss for my Sochius to have been exposed to the existence of this reliche. Take that..."
Varma endured with anger against Einar, who kept talking for a long time.
(Don't get short breath here. I have to make this man give me supplies...)
Einar finished talking about whether the hoarding had finally dropped, throwing words that could be described as protests and disgust for about a minute.
Varma didn't miss that opportunity.
"I'm sorry I did that. So please, I'm on my way to Luberna with your son, so I was wondering if you could get me a carriage for your son."
Einar groaned, "Is it a carriage,"
"Wouldn't it be nice to use it in the woods? What a waste of a carriage on that little girl."
Varma's eyes shine sharply on the word little girl. And what I've been so bad at is as strong as a lie.
"I can't overlook your disrespectful attitude toward the Son of the Moon!
Einar gives a surprise look at Varma's sudden change of attitude, but Varma pushes it off as it is.
"You're good with that. From here on out, your son will always be welcomed in every town. If your son were riding a crude ride... there would be rumors that Leriche's commanding you to take your son lightly."
Einar roars small at Varma's counterattack.
(Surely you would be welcome if you didn't see the real thing. You shouldn't show up so much in the other villages that go to it. For example, the name "Son of the Moon" means a great deal… I deny the possibility that my reputation will also be damaged…)
"Fine. Prepare the carriage and what you need here. So, when are you going to leave?
Varma lowers her drinks slightly, but answers "in the morning after tomorrow" with a stranger's face. And I remembered the non-cooperative attitude of the little ghosts, and added:
"Can I have your order? I know there's no fool who wouldn't listen to your orders, but a lot of them don't listen to my instructions these days. Or is that what you're telling me? Your son wants you to act uncomfortable. If that's what you're going to do, Zalesier, we're going to announce to a large extent that the scoundrels of the Little Ghost were captured and tipped off before the showdown."
Zalesier, the capital of the Ghost Nation, brings together the Ghost Nation Chiefs to conduct politics in a council system. Naturally, factions exist and cooperative Great Ghost tribes are represented in the Moon Demon tribe.
The cause of defeat in Millis Valley in eastern Lax was reportedly caused by a Middle-Ghost outburst, and it was further reported that the Middle-Ghost tribe was non-cooperative even before the Periclitle offensive. The responsibility of Olvo Kronvar, the Great Ghost Warrior, the General, was also pursued, which was a great opportunity for the Little Ghost to increase their voice within the Ghost community. For this reason, the fact that the commander of the Little Ghost tribe, Shefki Sommelyoki and others, was captured just before the showdown and leaked information is very painful for the tribe.
This time, Varma had the task of recapturing the Son of the Moon, completely independent of the Western contingent led by Orvo, but the words of the high-ranking spellman of the Moon Demons would be taken very seriously.
(If this woman talks about Shefki in the Chiefs' Council, the status of the Little Ghost will fall at once. If you do poorly, it can be assumed that the responsibility for the defeat lies with Shefki. unpleasant, but let's get this woman's face up here)
"I'll give you the order tomorrow morning," Einar replied, nodding to Eagle Deep.
January 20th the following day.
Varma handed Einal a note describing her upcoming itinerary,
"For once, I will proceed with this appointment. The carriage will stand with four heads, and I'll ask for some cold gear. And just in case you camp..."
Einar thought it was an excessive demand in his heart, but he said, "Let's be good. Here's an order," he said, giving Varma an order to cooperate fully.
When Varma goes to see the head of the supply unit, she gives him an order before he talks.
"It's an order from Lord Einar. It says to cooperate fully with me. Then I will convey my request..."
Oral (...) instructions will be given on the necessary supplies without even hearing the responsible person's response.
"Four-headed carriage and two replacement horses. The carriage is the best of what we have here... the cold gear was made from the fur of a snow wolf. Two of those, please. You can have two more clothes of normal... I want some food, water, sweet food and alcohol... oh, I'll drop in here later Yesperi, so you can hear his request."
Varma had made considerably more excessive demands than he had told Einar, and had also requested the renewal of the equipment of Yesperi and others, who would serve as escorts.
In the end, they even demand and get preferences in addition to the supplies they need. The head of the supply unit reported that the next day, that is, after they left, Einar is making an uncomfortable decision.
Early morning of January 22nd.
A box-shaped carriage towed by a large horse is stopped as powdered snow strikes. A man from a tribe in his thirties or so sat on the table.
Inside, cushions are laid and blankets and other things are available, which show signs of efforts to make it a comfortable environment.
(You're going into the Devil Nation in earnest... you're supposed to stay in a small village a few times before you get to the big town, so we need to find a chance there...)
Luna swore so to her heart, and boarded the carriage.
Varma and two samurai follow suit. And before and after the carriage were placed the Yesperi and other Great Haunted Warriors, who had renewed their equipment.
It was time to leave, but there was no welcoming mood like when we arrived, leaving the village of Leriche with little to no drop-off.