Trinitas Mundus
Lesson 29: Breaking Up
morning of February 12, 3026, Tria calendar.
The substantial leader of the ghost tribe, Tarvo Kronvar, the chief of the Council of Chiefs, was worried about the situation in Zalesche, the capital that was becoming disturbed, and applied to Luna, the son of the moon, for a look at the beginning of this commotion.
Although I applied for a look, I didn't think Luna was actively fanning the people, and I thought it was the result of her sincere thought of the people as the Son of the Moon.
The sight was preceded by a meeting with Solm Sommelyoki, a young ghost male, who tried to find a way to open it.
"Your son's words to the people, have you not gone too far?
To Tarvo's question, Solm said, "Ask and you'll see. Your son's words are a thankful thought of the people."
"I know that. But as it is, it will be a battle with Luberna. It is not your son's word, but he will commit the foolishness of contending with his comrades"
And Solm nodded small at the words,
"Sure. Neither do I understand your concerns. Neither does your son want the people of Sochius to dispute with each other. If there be a word from your son, will the people weigh themselves too?"
Tarvo gives me a relief look at Solm for making a reasonable decision.
"Will the Lord also come to see with your son? Wisdom turns over Non. Will you explain this situation to your son and tell him that the people are about to erupt?"
"Got it. I don't want a fight either," Solm laughed.
The place to see was the Great Hall of the Great Government. It was originally a place to hold a council of chiefs, but it is now completely transformed into a “queen” room.
When he entered the Great Hall, Luna, with a grin, sat in a chair, behind which was lined the escort, the Great Haunted Yesperi Mayuri, the Medium Haunted Pekka Ventura and the Little Haunted Slo Sommeryoki. Beside it was also the figure of two girls, Ellie and Paula, who accompanied them as samurai from the village of Leriche.
But there was no appearance of Varma Niska, the Moon Demon spell who was always beside him.
Tarvo bent the giant to a large extent, and when he paid more tribute to it, he cut it out into a stand-alone straight line.
"As you may have noticed, the people here in Zaleshe are upset. I thought you were distorting your son's words... SOLM, please explain."
When Solm nods small, he lowers his head as loudly as Talvo before starting to talk.
"It seems that some of the people have misunderstood your son's words."
Luna kept grinning, "What kind of mistake is it?" and lean his little neck.
"When the Moon Demons unjustly rule Sokius and trample on the philosophy of the founding of Sokius. There are those who cry out that we should set ourselves apart from Luberna to make it right."
"We don't want that to happen," Luna gives a sad look. Around her the spirits of darkness scatter their grief.
Tarvo and Solm relieve Luna of the words "Is there anything I can do".
"Will you tell the people? He said that the act of breaking Sochius was not in accordance with your son's will."
Luna nods instantly "OK" to Solm's words.
"So would you please gather all of us in the square in front of the Great Government?"
Tarvo nods loudly at Luna's words and puts his head on the floor "I'll take care of it".
Tarvo and Solm will soon run their men into the city, spreading the word that Luna's speech will take place in front of the grand government.
After noon, Luna delivered a speech preaching reconciliation in front of the Great Government.
"... I do not want Sochius to split and my comrade (...) to contend with each other! The ideal of Sochius is that all comrades are equal and that all will live in peace together. I consider this ideal honorable. As long as the ideals are upheld (...), all who live in Sochius are comrades! I'll say it again. The Moon Demons, the Winged Demons, the Ghosts, the People, the Beasts, all of which are equal and have no precious (...)... The Dark God (Noctis) does not like to dispute. Same goes for me. I want to share with you the ideals of Sochius and the tranquillity of Noctis. That's what I want!
The speech received enthusiastic support from the people. Talvo, who was listening beside him, also relieves himself of its content.
(Your son does not seek contention. That should have been clearly communicated. This will be fine for the moment. If you have concerns, Lord Varma. If I try to force you to take your son to Luberna, there will always be a riot. I hope you weigh yourself......)
Talvo had also noticed a lie, but Luna's speech contained words to the effect that if the Moon Demons wielded their privileges, they would no longer be part of Sokius.
None of the Moon Demons had heard the speech. Had I listened, I would have realized that the high-pressure attitude as it has been, would have been violently repulsed by the ghost tribe.
That night, Luna tried to hear from Varma about the "ritual” the Moon Demons were about to perform.
"What kind of ritual does it mean to use me? I think it's time you told me."
Varma refused to answer "I forbid you to answer," even though she felt the difficult power to resist Luna's words, which make her absolute ruler.
Luna smiled and said, "I started to feel conscious as the son of the moon, too, but still you mean no? Or are you going to sacrifice me?" A smile floated is a cold, sharp word thrown in the back.
"Such a thing…" Varma replies, shaking her neck aloud, desperately "nothing that would impair your child's health".
"So you're not physically handicapped, but you don't know what happens to your mind?" Meaningly, a hurried look appears on Varma's face.
"Such things… I, Me, give everything to Your Son. That I would do harm to your son..."
Desperate to recruit, Luna doesn't turn off her cold grin.
"Then you can say it. No harm will come to me, you're saying you can even lay down your life for me. Still, what I can't tell you is that it's either detrimental to me or that your loyalty is false."
Despair spreads to Varma's heart.
"I'm sorry, but I can't be with you. Because I don't want to be with someone who might betray me."
When I said that, I turned my heel back and tried to leave under Varma.
"Oh, wait!" Varma clings to Luna's feet. Ellie, the samurai, looked open to the strangeness of the highly tempered Lunar Demon spellman wrapping around the other's feet.
"So you're going to talk to me about the ritual?" Luna says, "Well, that's..." he mumbles.
"Yes," Luna said coldly, peeling off Varma, leaving the scene.
Varma, who was left behind, had no choice but to shout him off.
Varma couldn't even talk if she wanted to. The ritual about the Son of the Moon is a contraindication that can only be revealed to his fellow countrymen and is magically and psychologically bound by dark attributes. Just close to the art of the pledge that the commanders of the Ghost Nation hung - the magic that hung them not to divulge information when they were taken prisoner. Its magic forbids details about rituals to be put aside and even revealed to exist. As it was told by Luna about its existence, although some of the restrictions were lifted, it was not even possible to give an overview.
(The ritual of divine descent... sends down the Dark God (Noctis) in this world... I hear there is no danger...)
Varma weeps at the fact that she has lost Luna's trust.
(I've finally lost the trust of your child who opened my heart. Now I can't help but go to Luberna...... how can I......)
Meanwhile, Luna becomes more alert to Varma.
(After all, the Moon Demons cannot be trusted. I don't try to talk about anything with my mouth saying that I swear allegiance or that I will protect you as long as my life lasts. If St. Hijiri hadn't taught you, you would have been sacrificed knowing nothing. The Moon Demons are enemies. This is a hard fact to move......)
The next morning, Luna assembled Yesperi Mayuri and two other escorts, Ellie and Paula's maids.
"Varma Niska, no, the Moon Demons are trying to do me harm"
Everyone is stunned by the word and solidified without being able to snort or utter words. In their common sense, the Moon Demons were supposed to guard the "Son of the Moon” as a priest of Noctis, and the Moon Demons always spoke of it. The word that the Moon Demons rebelled against the Son of the Moon was such a shocking fact that they could not immediately believe, however much the word of the Son of the Moon they worship.
"I don't know the specifics, but I seem to be sacrificed by them. I questioned Varma and although my body would not be scratched, I did not deny the possibility that my soul would be damaged"
Pekka Ventura, a medium ghost prone to the word, speaks out in anger.
"What the hell! The Moon Demons shook your son..." and at the end of the day he was so angry and trembling.
Yesperi of the Great Ghost Nation is holding his fist hard, although it was not his voice that raised it. Slo Sommelyoki, a little ghost tribe, was similarly desperate to quench his face and raise his anger.
The two samurai are unable to keep up with this change of situation and have a puzzling look on their face.
"Varma and the Winged Demon Spellmen will be asked to leave Zaleshe. Because if this fact leaks, it could be dangerous for them."
"Can your son even guide you to the traitor," Yesperi asks, and Luna replies quietly with a smile like a Mother of Mercy.
"Yeah, it's not up to Noctis to argue among the people of Sochius. So please refrain from hurting Varma."
Yesperi and the others reinforced their recognition that the word "this man is just the use of God” and lay flat at once.
"I will do as I please," Slo replied, shaking with emotion.
Luna nodded contentedly, "I must speak to all of you in the city today so that there is no dispute between the people of Sochius. So please prepare yourselves," she smiled gently before taking the maid back to her room.
Though the remaining Yesperi bow their heads and drop them off, they are puzzled as to what to do with this fact.
"We're talking about sacrificing your son, but can we keep him in our own breasts?"
When Slo cut it out that way, Pekka tried to pinch her mouth "But your son..."
"No, I want you to listen to me for a moment now. We must act according to your son's wishes. But is that okay? The Moon Demons are people who don't know what to do behind them. Even this battle is killing our own people."
"Sure, but what are you going to do? Your son told Varma not to lay a hand on the Winged Demons. Besides, comrades were forbidden to fight each other."
When Pekka argues so, Slo nods as he agrees,
"But so what if something happens to your child? I'm ready to throw everything out to protect your son. This place is against your word, but we should act."
Pekka also nodded, "I would give up my life if I were to protect your son too".
Yesperi, who was so silent, opens his mouth heavily.
"What exactly are we going to do? It is even difficult for the three of us to contain one Varma. No matter how good Lord Slo's spells are, he is one of the Five Fingers of the Moon Demons. If they manipulate you, they'll take your son away before they can do anything."
"Sure, it's hard for me to even fight" thank you, "Slo nods, but immediately suggests," I should tell the Chiefs this. "
Although Yesperi and Pekka hesitate for a moment on this suggestion, Slo's "To protect your son. At least we must tell Lord Tarvo and my brother Solm".
Pekka quickly headed to the Grand Government Office. He then immediately meets Talvo and complains that the Moon Demons are trying to sacrifice Luna.
Although Tarvo says it's hard to believe, it reminds me of the fact that Luna was keeping Varma away.
(Surely your son kept Lord Varma away. There will be no error in your child's words. If so, what should be done…)
Tarvo told Pecca, "Protect your son," and promised to consult with Solm and hit his best hand. Although Pecca was concerned about Tarvo's hitter, she went back to the mansion to fulfill her mission of protecting Luna.
Tarvo catches Solum Sommelyoki, who has served in the Great Government, and tells him what Pekka told him. Solm showed anger, but soon regained his calm and began to think about future measures. After a minute or so of silence,
"I guess Lord Talvo should tell Varma to leave. If you call the Chiefs' Council, you'll definitely not be able to clean it up."
"I don't care if Nan goes, but what about the possibility that Nan will be manipulated?
"If Varma doesn't leave, Zalesche can threaten to turn his soldiers to Luberna. If you could tell me or be manipulated to withdraw Varma's evacuation, if you were present, Zalesche would go round to the enemy without question, and you would be honest."
Tarvo nodded up, saying "OK" to it.
Varma was in the morning in disillusionment. I don't see Luna, I don't get breakfast through my throat.
In the meantime, I heard Talvo had come to visit and allowed him to see me with an apathetic look on his face. "I heard you were trying to sacrifice your son," Tarvo begins to talk to her single-handedly.
Varma said in the words, "It can't be!" He rebels, "but Tarvo continues the conversation without going through with it.
"At least it's true that I lost your son's trust. I have been commanded by your son to expel the Lord Varma and those of the Winged Demons from Zaleshe. I want you to get ready immediately and leave for Luberna by the end of the day"
"Your son can't have said such a thing! objection."
Tarvo didn't even say, "It's your son's will".
"I swear allegiance to your son! Let me talk to you in person! I plead," but I immediately deny, "We cannot bring the Moon Demon Clan closer, who is about to perform a ritual that damages your son's soul".
"There is no way that our Moon Demons will harm your son! Who gives a shit like that..."
"I hear that your son himself said it. Your son said Lord Varma did not harm his body, but did not deny the possibility of damaging his soul. If nothing really affects your child, why didn't I tell you on the spot"
Varma could only remain silent. Tarvo gave an expression of contempt, saying, "I still don't trust the Moon Demons," and saying, "Let's get you out of Zalesche by sundown today. If there were any left, the ghosts would turn their soldiers to Luberna to protect your son. This isn't a threat," he said.
Furthermore, it is useless to try to "turn Nong into a puppet". If we don't leave by sundown, we'll do everything we can to eliminate what Non wants to say. Solm has already made that arrangement, "he added.
Varma poked her knee to collapse and began to leak her whimper. Tarvo pressed the deadline again and left her room.
Varma was trying to figure out how to crack this thing open while her heart was eroded by despair.
(I'm not in a situation where I can convince you already. You should leave this city for good. That will obey your son's will...... but where did I go wrong? I should have won that man's trust. You were supposed to point a gentle smile at me...)
Varma of Failure took the Winged Demon Spellmen and set out for Luberna.