Trinitas Mundus
Episode XXXII: Elise Nortier
evening of February 22nd.
“Witch of the Moon” Elise Nortia, who left Luberna, arrived in a village near Zalesche, the capital of the Ghost Nation, with Keira Lyvio, the wing demon of the escort.
The mid-winter flight meant that the cheeks were stained with Zhu in the cold wind, and his breath was rough due to fatigue after a long journey.
One of the winged demon spellmen standing on the lookout greets him with a single knee poked.
"I wonder where Varma is," he said to Elise's voice, "It's this way," and headed to a private house.
The village was a rural inhabited by many people, with many coarsely built private houses with thatched roofs.
Varma Niska, the Moon Demon spellman, lay flat in front of one of the biggest houses of all.
"I am truly sorry for this failure"
Apologize with your forehead on the snowy ground.
"That's really lame. What were you doing...... okay. I'll let you know more inside."
Ellis enters the private house ignoring Varma, who lays flat when he says so. Inside, an old couple of people lay flat in the dirt, but she would sit back in the chair in front of the fireplace without even speaking at a glance.
"You're just fine, winter flights. Can't you care enough to serve warm things?
When he said so in a grumpy manner, the old couple, lying flat, hurried towards Kamado. Elise told Keira, "Let the Wings rest. Of course, so are you. 'Cause I might even move tomorrow,' he tells him, holding his hand against the fireplace fire.
Varma came in instead when Keira left.
Its face was hazy, and even in the orange light of the fireplace, its fair skin appeared so blue.
Elise urged the old lady to step back with her eyes when she received a cup of pottery with rising hot air. The old lady bows her head big and goes back. confirmed it. Ellis looked at Varma,
"Well, let me hear more about it," he throws a chilling glance.
"I'm sorry," Varma said, bowing her head big again.
"I've lost your child's trust. Suddenly..."
blocking Varma's words from saying, "I don't need any excuses,"
"Just say the facts. So, what's the cause," he asks grumpy.
"The cause... I" I "don" t really understand the cause either. Suddenly, your son was brought up about a “ritual"... "
Varma gives a desperate explanation with a bewildered look on her face.
"... I have no idea why your son knew about the ritual or who told him about it. I believe your son trusted you, at least from just before you entered the village of Leriche. I have not been in contact with your son since I entered Sochius, except for ghosts and some. I don't think the ghost tribe should know..."
Listening to Varma's report, Elise was beginning to fall into suspicious darkness.
(Haunted people knew? No, that shouldn't happen. I don't even know the ghost sheikhs...)
Elise said, "Did the Orvos know about the ritual? confirm."
"No," Varma immediately denied,
"At least I didn't seem to know until your son told me. I still don't even know the outline."
Ellis nodded small and began to think again.
(Then who taught you? All I know in this is me and Varma. Varma is hung with the art of constraint. Because it worked and that's why I lost your child's trust... that there's someone we don't know? Who did? Where?... If there is a traitor who?
The ritual of “divine descent” is the highest secret of the demons - the generic names of the Moon Demons, the Winged Demons and other winged demons - and there are very few people who can know themselves. But there is the fact that Luna knew about it. She could only assume that treachery was taking place where she did not realize it.
"Okay. Apparently, there's a traitor. It's also in the Temple of Darkness."
The word had a strong impact on Varma. The Temple of Darkness is the spiritual pillar of the Demonic Nation, and the priests in particular have pledged their absolute loyalty to the "Witch of the Moon”, the surrogate of the Dark God (Noctis). The presence of traitors in those clerics means that the system of Sochius rule is beginning to fail.
"And when the clerics are betraying..." Varma stares at Elise with a peeping eye.
Elise said, "I'm not necessarily a cleric. Because there is also the possibility of a former cleric," he denies.
At this time, she was thinking of the invincible face of Saul Ingvar, chief of the Black Demon Nation - a family of demons, with pitch-black skin and pitch-black wings.
(Black Demons could do it. Because they resent the Moon Demons "We". Besides, I'm talking about not seeing Saul for the last two years or so... if he's a former clergyman...)
Until about a thousand years ago, the Black Demons, the main clan of the Demons, were always competing with the Moon Demons. But the Black Demons suffered enormous damage as they cut ahead and attacked during the Great Invasion. They lost good spellmen and warriors. They went down, and the Moon Demons took its place.
Now he creates a small community to the east of Luberna to live in detail, but his combat abilities outweigh the Moon Demons, and Saul, the chief of the clan in particular, has given his name as a demonic spellmaster.
Varma also thought of the Black Demons from the words of Elise, and thought that if we were to drive the Moon Demons down, we might even do something to interfere with the descent of the Dark God (Noctis), Sokius' woe.
"Is it still the Black Demon Clan?," Varma asks,
"I have no proof. But they're the only ones who know about the ritual and can tell your son."
"But I am always with your son..." he said, with a startling look on his face. And as I shook my head to the side,
"Since I arrived in Zalesche, your son has begun to keep me away. If the Black Demons had mastered Zaleshe... I can't say enough not to..."
Ellis also nods at Varma's words.
"Maybe the Moon Demons" We "insulted the Ghosts too much. If we had more proper surveillance of Zalesche...... no, I guess not. If Saul's in motion, I'm in danger..."
At the end he whines like a soliloquy, but immediately looks up,
"There seems to be them behind your son's mastery of the Ghost Nation in a few moments. I think it's hard to master the Middle-Ghost tribe, which was as hard as any of your children. If Saul had turned his hand in advance, it wouldn't have been possible..."
Regardless of Elise, who had never met Luna, even Varma, who had always been beside her, didn't really appreciate Luna's abilities. From time to time, although I saw the spirits of darkness rejoicing, I was not aware that the spirits were doing something special. For this reason, the fact that Luna herself could barely use magic became a preconceived notion, and it was more convincing to think that a highly capable spellman was behind it.
Without checking the facts, Elise and Varma thought there was a Black Demon involvement. I do not know that there is a peculiar being involved, Ray, who is a metastatist, but the exclusion of options other than the involvement of the Black Devil Nation does not absolve me of the slander of carelessness. This will have a significant impact later.
Varma nods loudly at Elise's thoughts and waits for her instructions.
"Tomorrow, me and Keira will take the wing demon into Zaleshe. I will look at your son and confirm his sincerity. Later, we need to make sure the ghosts are under the influence of the Black Devils."
"Could you take me too! I want to tell your child how I feel again!
Varma talks that way, but Ehlis glances at it with a cold glance,
"I don't think you're going to be useful. Your son can only be hardened."
Varma is discouraged by the words, "If the Black Demons pull threads behind them, I will further solicit them to protect Master Elis..."
"You were banished from your son. Remember that fact. And if Saul shows up, I can handle it."
In fact, there is no superiority or inferiority to the magical talents of the Black and Moon Demons. However, the Black Demons have an advantage over the Moon Demons in their physical abilities. They are more talented in witchcraft than the Winged Demons, while having comparable physical abilities to the Medium Ghosts.
Knowing that fact, Varma still recruits, but Elise asks, "You're saying I can't beat Saul?," he said coldly and had to shut his mouth.
The next morning, Elise pulled Keira and ten wing demons and headed to Zaleshe.
■ ■ ■
The morning of February 23rd.
Luna, son of the moon, was welcoming the ghost chiefs on the fourth floor of the grand administration of the ghost capital Zaleshe - the building where the ghost administration is located.
Since banishing Varma ten days ago, Luna vigorously set up an opportunity to discuss it with the ghosts and had full control of them. It further planted anti-moon demon sentiment, even taking in the Talvo Kronvar of the Great Ghost, who was relatively calm and had Sokius' melting first. He is the head of the Council of Chiefs and all ghost tribes are beginning to recognize the demons as enemies.
Though Luna had not ordered it, the bloody Middle-Ghost tribes had already begun to prepare for war, and the capital had a vibrant atmosphere. Still, I could see the pride of wearing God's use, the "Son of the Moon," and the city had no distinctive sense of sadness of war, only exaltation dominated it.
In such a rugged city, Elise, accompanied by an armed wing demon, stepped down. Though she sees a ghost tribe working in preparation for the war, she mistakenly thought it was a belligerent ghost tribe routine because she had barely left Luberna.
(As always, you're a race who only thinks about fighting. Because this is what happens, you get laid in a trap like a beast and you lose. I want you to remember to use your head a little more...)
Keira, the winged demon beside her, had noticed the gaze of an unusual ghost tribe. Until then, even though we would turn our backs, we received little obvious hostility for the fact that the people of Sochius were one another. But the gaze of the ghosts I felt right after I got off to this city was even murderous.
She worried about telling Ehlis about it, but thought Ehlis was aware of the situation, too, and didn't say anything in particular. It is also due in part to the fact that her figure of being reprimanded for giving opinions to the prized Moon Demons was only her head.
Keira spoke to a ghost soldier as she guarded the gate in front of the grand government office.
"Dear” Witch of the Moon ”Elise Nortier is here. Show them to the son of the moon."
I did not speak particularly highly of her presence, but her chilling voice sounded high-pressure to the soldiers of the Middle-Ghost tribe. Normally, I guess it was done to the point of concern, but in a situation where anti-demonic luck was booming, it became an ample spark.
"We cannot let through those who threaten to cause harm to your son. Get out of here!
With that said, he denied the Ealis entry by crossing spears with his colleague's soldiers. Ellis became angry at the action,
"Shiro! Back off! I'm the Moon Witch! I don't need permission to be a ghost soldier!
A soldier who is short minded by the word is drastically exalted.
"Orders! Tell the Chiefs that the Moon Demons have come to grab your son! Anyone! Call for backup! Don't let one step through here!
An armed soldier pops out of the Great Government to cry out for soldiers. Though I don't know what the circumstances were, I heard it was a crisis for the Son of the Moon, and everyone had murderous eyes.
Elise was stunned by the action and worried about what to do.
(What do you mean? I can't believe soldiers attacked me just hoping to see...)
Keira was issuing orders to the wing demons to replace her, who stopped the movement.
"Protect Master Elise! But don't get your hands on this one!
There can be walls of the bending wing demons around Elise and Keira. The foot of the soldiers of the Middle-Ghost clan stopped on the wall. No matter how much blood was on his head, he was hesitant to raise his hand to the witch of the moon, the priest of the temple of darkness.
The intermediate ghost tribe and the wing demon began to flirt. But soon the Lord of salvation appeared.
"What are you doing! What is it that makes your son's collar" Shinkin "noisy!
Low, heavy voices characteristic of the Great Ghost clan echo around them. There was a figure of Talvo Kronvar with a huge body behind the Middle-Ghost tribe. He received a report from the decree that the Moon Demons had emerged, and he appeared to receive them so that no confusion could arise.
Elise relieves herself in her heart when she sees Talvo. However, he began to ask with a resolute expression not to enlighten his heart.
"Lord Talvo. Why don't you explain it to me? Pointing the sword at me, the witch of the moon, is the same as pointing the sword at the Dark God (Noctis). Ghosts are going to betray Sokius?
She made a big mistake here. If it were a regular tarvo, it would have broken if the name of the Moon witch had been given, but it was the worst word in a situation where the Moon witch, or the Temple of Darkness itself, was suspected.
"There is a suspicion that the Temple will abduct your son and try to harm him. The soldiers have only obeyed their duty to protect your son. First of all, I hope to see your son, but why do you have family? Be disrespectful to your son, whom the Lord of Darkness (Noctis) has revealed."
For a normally silent tarvo, I argued sharply with my tongue. Elise finally realized her mistake there.
(It was a failure to wield the authority of a witch. I have your son over there. We, the Lunar Demons, who have lost your trust, are already enemies to them...)
So I changed my tactics. from a high-pressure look to a soft grin,
"You're right. Sounds like my mess this time. Keira, you wait here with the Wings. Lord Talvo, is this all right?
Tarvo nodded silently and small, "Lord Elise is guided by Non. Lead Lord Keira and the Wingman to the modest room," he commanded the soldiers of the Middle-Ghost tribe. The soldiers tried to rebel against the words of Tarvo, who was not their immediate boss, but said to the unspoken atmosphere of his presence and absence, "Ha!" I could only answer that.
Although the worst has been avoided, Elise feels at risk that the circumstances in which she is placed are by no means optimistic.
(Until that sober tarvo...... how far does Saul hold the ghost tribe? Maybe even your child... if that's the case, it'll be awkward. If they perform the "ritual of divine descent"... it would be too dangerous...)
Anxious but careful not to keep grinning, he went up the stairs of the grand government.