Trinitas Mundus
Lesson 54: Disharmony
Early morning of March 2nd.
Not long before Keira Lyvio's raid ended in failure, one shadow was running through the Great Shrine. The identity of the shadow was Nuebe the Beastman slave.
Although the servants appeared, it was still a small amount of time for those not long after dawn, so Nuebe arrives at the luxurious room with the Ashleys, without anyone noticing.
It was Ashley and Stella who accompanied Luna sleeping in the master bedroom, but we get a call from Nuebe and move to the room we were given.
Nuebe briefly tells Keira that she is on her way to his room to raid Ray, and further conveys words from Ray who learns about it.
As she listened, Stella felt in a hurry. At the end of Nueveh's report, he stood up saying, "Right under Master Ray," but Ashley did not try to move while hanging on the chair.
"Master Ashley! Master Ray is in danger. What's wrong!
That's what Stella screams as she feels in a hurry.
"Easy, Stella!," he whispers, but in a sharp tone, sipping Stella, who has lost her calm.
"You heard Lord Nuebe. Ray's instructions are not to leave Luna. First, Lord Varma has already arrived even from now on. What are you going to do now?"
Stella tried to argue with the words "but..." but she also knew what Ashley was saying was right. Even though I understood it, I couldn't help but say it.
"It's the same thing that worries me. But Ray has Lord Uno and Lord Seis attached to him. Besides, if you're a wing demon and a spellman, Ray alone can handle it adequately. Trust him."
I say that confidently, but her hands were shaking slightly. Stella realizes the tremor in her hand and honestly bows her head, "I'm sorry," she said.
"Gear up and be ready to move anytime. In the worst case scenario, we have to get Luna out as a hostage."
Equipment, but they were not on hand because Ashley's great sword and Stella's double sword had been deposited with Ray in advance so that they could not be taken away. The spare sword I had instead is left with the clergy, so there are no weapons, only armor to wear.
"I want to leave this escort to Lord Ocho and Lord Diez, and to Lord Nuebe to be a preaching order. I'm sorry, but would you look at Ray?"
"Yes, I did," Nuebe lowered her head and walked away to disappear.
After gearing up, Ashley thought she should keep it in Luna's ear as well, and headed to her room.
Tired, Luna didn't realize the noise the Ashleys could make, and stayed asleep, but Ashley's voice hung, "Luna, wake up".
But I'm not out of fatigue and damage to my spirit, and I think I dreamed of something even more serious, and I'm not quite completely awake.
(Something important came up in my dreams… could it have been the Temple of Beginning? I wonder what that means......)
The head half asleep does not turn well and raises his eyelids heavily.
"Good morning, Mr. Ashley, Mr. Stella..."
She was falling asleep, but I wake up at once to the two of them wearing armor.
"Is something wrong!
That's what I said, trying to get up from the bedroom, but I was blindly attacked when I woke up about half my body.
"Don't push it. Ashley's words," Luna entrusts her body to the bedroom.
Ashley calmly tells us that Ray is about to be assassinated by Keira, and that Ray's identity was known to the spellmen.
"... Saint Hijiri, you, no, Ray's fine, isn't he?"
Ashley nodded, "It's still okay now,"
"But I can't read the developments ahead. I wish Ray was here, but he's separated. So just make sure you're ready for whatever happens."
Luna nods small at it, but the words that came out were a betrayal of the Ashleys' expectations.
"I must stop the ghost tribe. So leave me when you have to."
The expression is resolute and Ashley seems to snort. Except for the words that came out of her mouth, however.
"What do you think Ray risked his life for? It's all about helping you. There's no way I can just leave you and run away."
"I know that. But I decided not to run anymore. If you escape here, I feel like you will be what you think of the god of nothingness, Vanitas. So I decided not to run away."
With a firm tone, I had nowhere to feel anything. But Stella doesn't like the way she says it.
"What do you think of Master Ray! You may be fine with that, but I can't refuse to allow that person's efforts to go to waste!
Luna took Stella's hand,
"If he hadn't... if you guys hadn't come, I would have been swallowed up by Vanitas. And this world too...... I really appreciate it. But right now, if I run away, everything will go back to normal. You mustn't run away from here to beat Vanitas. I know that. I don't know what to do to prevent the world from collapsing, but I see it. So..."
Stella tried to rebel against the word, but felt Ashley's hand on her shoulder and looked back.
"Now is not the time to argue. You should rendezvous with Ray and find the best way. It should give you better wisdom than we do."
Ashley suggested sending the conclusions forward.
"Right. I'm sorry about that. He seems to have lost his cool."
Stella apologizes that way to Ashley, but in her heart, the grid continued.
(I would stun Mr. Luna and set fire to the Great Shrine to escape. Because if you don't, that one won't try to go home to a safe place... but I don't know if that's the best way. Ashley is right, maybe we should give priority to rendezvous with Ray...)
■ ■ ■
Around that time Ray was led by Varma Niska of the Moon Demon Nation and headed to the private room of Elise Nortia, the Moon Witch.
Beside him is the beastly slave Uno, who guards his surroundings and has a seyce near the ceiling that remains hidden.
And before him was the figure of Keira walking to be drawn to the wing demon.
Seeing the sight, he was thinking about what to do ahead.
(It didn't taste good to see who I was to the magicians... No, it could have been just fine. If you can't hide it through sooner or later, you'd better now that Luna's out of Vanitas influence. But what are we gonna do after this? If the Winged Demons cannot even listen to the orders of the Moon Witch (Lord Elise), it may be difficult to interact with the Ghosts. I can't hit my hand unless at least Luberna alone turns me into one rock......)
We arrived in front of Elise's room in about five minutes.
"I'll explain what's going on," Varma told Ray, telling the wing demons, "keep an eye on Keira. Don't follow instructions no matter what she says," he ordered, knocking on the door and walking in.
Varma tried to head to Ehlis' bedroom further back, but Ehlis was already awake, finished dressing and sat in a chair.
"That's pretty quick. If you don't rest a little longer, you won't have a body."
That kind of giggles her, too, but her complexion was still not superior and it was obvious that she was imposing.
"Dear Elise," Varma laughs, but quickly squeezes her expression,
"Keira tried to eliminate Lord Ray."
The grin that was floating in the words disappears. However, I intuit that Keira's attempt failed due to the lack of impatience in Varma.
"Lord Ray is safe. How could Keira do that?
"I was wondering if I should hear that directly from him. We're keeping Keira and Lord Ray waiting outside the room."
Elise immediately ordered him to "go inside".
Varma returns, Ray and Uno, and Keira in custody are put through the room.
Elise sees Ray equipped and is surprised by the fact that he was sensing Keira's ambush. But I immediately uttered words of apology.
"It's my poor supervision. All responsibility rests with me. I'm sorry."
That's what I say and I bow my head.
"Future matters more than apology," says Ray, making him raise his head.
"Right. Okay, let's ask Keira what's going on first" and stand in front of Keira.
"I should have asked you not to tell anyone that Lord Ray is necessary and that he is a" white magician ”. Why couldn't you have listened to my orders?
Keira kept her head down and remained silent for a while, but began to argue in a slow tone.
"Master Elis said," White mages need to save your son. "Last night, I heard from Lord Varma that your son woke up from the curse of Vanitas and was restored to normal. At this point, the white sorcerer decided that he had become an unnecessary, no, harmful being."
That's where I turn my hateful gaze at Ray.
"With this person, I wouldn't be convinced of a ghost tribe if you had your son's words. Then it is right to dispose of it before it is known that it exists. If your son's will and Elise's will are in reconciliation with the ghost tribe, the white sorcerer thought they should be wiped out."
"Something sooner," Ellis mutters.
"... I had been asked to do so more directly by your son. If your son's life is in danger, he wants you to help him even if he defies his orders..."
Keira tells me that Luna told me “if you think my life is in danger, ignore Elise's orders, but I need your help” before entering Rowni.
Elise is surprised by the fact, but still can't hide her surprise that she ignored her orders.
(No matter how many words your son had, he ignored my orders. Impossible for her to date. I wonder if my loyalty to the Moon Demons is diminishing. This is a dangerous sign...)
Think so, but I can't think of what exactly to do.
"I see what you're saying. Of course, you didn't admit to violating my orders. And you ignore your son's will, too. Lord Ray said he was with your son. Even if it is bound by a strong bond. You ignored it..."
Keira had listened very much to Elise's rebellion, but she didn't think there was any error in her own actions.
"I will take any punishment more spoiled than I failed. But just reconsider keeping this man alive! I will certainly bring disaster to my country, to this Sochius. Please, reconsider!
Ray was listening to the interaction between the two of them, thinking about what to do.
(That's an unsavory situation. Even within the Temple of Darkness, my presence has created discord. When the shadow is cast on Lord Ehlis' leadership, it becomes increasingly difficult to stop the ghost outbursts...... after all, can we only hope for Luna here? The atmosphere she had when she woke up was not as persistent as it used to be. Now she might be able to bind a country called Sochius. But then, we'll be here...)
Ray fell into the dilemma that she needed to be the leader of this country to help Luna.
(In the meantime, I ruled out Vanitas' influence, but is that all you need? I also feel like something different......)
In the meantime, Ellis and Keira's story continued.
"... I will not tolerate harm to Lord Ray. Lord Ray didn't just save your son, he saved my country. I can't point a sword at that benefactor. First, I promise not to harm Lord Ray. It's tantamount to betrayal of God that the Moon Witch changes her words lightly."
"But this man has killed many of his countrymen! If you harbour such a person, there will be a crack between us… Please reconsider!
Varma, who was listening beside him, felt both opinions were correct.
(What Elise said and what Keira said sounds best. Both think of the best way to protect your son… I wonder what I should do…)
And I realized there was.
(What do you think of your son? Only your son can stop the ghost tribe from rampant. Then it should be best to ask your child what he thinks...)
That's what I thought and said about it.
"Why don't you ask your son? Only your son can stop the ghost tribe from rumbling. Then why don't you ask for your son's judgment?"
Keira argues with Varma's words.
"Your son doesn't know what's going on in Sochius. Then they shall shelter the people of their homeland!
"I agree with you in explaining the situation to your son. Whatever it is, it is the use of Noctis. But apart from Lord Ray. It's a matter of decision not to harm Lord Ray."
Neither did Keira argue any further with Ealis' strong will.
Ray was somewhat convinced, though uncomfortable with Luna's perception of God's use.
(Is Mr. Tsukiya the use of God? I don't care if they say so. I can't honestly just nod knowing Mr. Tsukiya when I was in high school. I guess people in this world are honestly acceptable because the gods are close... but when I woke up it did have that vibe. If I didn't know my old girlfriend, don't think I honestly believed I was God's use too...)
"Your child should not have woken up yet. So I'll tell you about this before the anti-ghost conference. On top of that, I will decide on the punishment for Keira and the response to the spellmen. Varma, I'm sorry, but I was wondering if you could explain the situation to the magicians and keep this story from getting any bigger. And keep an eye on Keira so she can't do anything any more. I'll have breakfast with Lord Ray."
Still, not long after the night opened, I was to care for Luna, whose influence would remain last night, and report after breakfast.
"Then it will be just me and you. I think I should go back to my room once."
That's what Ray suggested to avoid creating any further misunderstandings.
"I need to talk to you. I'd really like Varma to stay too, because I can't leave the magicians alone."
I can't imagine what kind of story I want to talk about, and Ray nodded, confused, but I had no choice.
(What do you want to talk about? Is it a relationship with Luna......)
Varma exits, poking at the gap where Elise is going to get a samurai, and Ray asks Uno to tell the Ashleys what's going on. Uno told it to Seyce, who is hiding. Further tell the story from Nueveh back from Ashley's.
He finished it in a few hours and behaved as if nothing had happened when Elise came back.