Trinitas Mundus
Lesson 58: The Majesty of the Queen
Luna, son of the moon, gave a speech in front of the Moon Demon priests, the Wing Demon spellmen. It was about wanting you to fight with yourself against the enemy of this world, the godless Vanitas.
The clerics responded to the speech with a voice of joy.
But the priests marvel at the man who has come in to Luna because of his temptations.
The man was wearing pure white armor, for by the way there was a seal that made Lucidus, God of Light, .
"This one is Ray Arklight. You're the" white magician ”in the way you all know best. Ray, would you like to introduce yourself?
Saying so intimately, he blushed and said, "Right. Shall I give it a shot?" she replied in the same friendly tone as she did.
"I left it for an introduction, Ray Arklight. Luna and I are in the same town, and I came here to help her."
Even with his greeting, the clergy remained speechless.
"It is true that I fought your people. But that wasn't something you guys included. I'm not asking you to let what you've done go to water. But I think we have to fight together to protect her and prevent Vanitas from invading."
The clerics did not change their skeptical gaze when they received the word.
"Lord Ray, like your son, is the one sent by the gods. We must confront our mighty enemies without being bound by the remorse of the past"
That's what Ellis says, and he looks closely at the clergy.
"Some will not be convinced. But now I want you to believe your son and this Elise Nortier."
That's what I say and I bow my head. The priests panic that she bowed her head, the Sochius queen, the witch of the moon.
On behalf of Ealis, who keeps bowing his head, Luna commands the priests with the majesty of the Queen.
"I don't have time for this right now. Leave this place for those who do not believe in me. You will not be punished for walking away. But the fact that you can't believe me will give the enemy a gap to penetrate. If you have a slight distrust of me, get out of here right away."
No one left.
Though her words were strong, she felt more merciful than coldness. Once again, the priests felt that Luna was using Noctis. And their feelings hardened.
One of the female clerics of the Moon Demon clan slowly rises and bows her head with humility.
"We dedicate our absolute loyalty to your son. If your son tells you that Lord Ray, the white sorcerer, is his ally, we will water the remnants of the past."
All clerics and magicians simultaneously bow their heads and give their consent.
"Okay. Now let's discuss the future. Lord Ehlis, I'll leave you to it."
When Luna says so and sits down, Elise says "OK" and stands up.
"Then proceed with the meeting. As you know, the ghosts keep running day and night..."
Explain what Ray and the others discussed in advance.
Most of the attendees were aware of the situation, but there was stirring where Luna said she was headed under the ghost tribe.
"... Your son, Lord Ray, and I will persuade the ghost tribe. Of course, the danger is above understanding. But I'm optimistic. There are no Sochius people who do not listen to your son, because they are so sure."
Its confident expression remained the witch of the former moon, filled with the majesty of the queen.
Initially they were upset clerics, but they gradually regain calm with Luna and Elis showing confidence.
"... I think the meeting with the Ghosts is a good one on the south side of Rowni, but don't hesitate to offer if you have any concerns, though. Your child's safety is at stake."
That's what I'm going to say. I'm going to look at the priests and the magicians one at a time.
A winged demon spellman raised his hand at the forehand.
"What can we do? Does that mean we wait nearby to protect your children?
On behalf of Elise, Ray answers the question.
"The important thing is to get the ghosts to listen. If you guys are as far as I can see, they'll suspect the ploy. So stay here in Luberna."
Then I get the opinion that I can't help Luna when I have to. Luna replied to the opinion with perseverance.
"I'll try to convince you. If we can't convince them, we don't have a future. All people unite to defend the world. That's the only way to counter Vanitas. So I will surely try to persuade the ghosts..."
The clerics are drawn to Luna's words.
"... for which I shall go to Zalesche..."
So there goes the blurring among the priests. But Luna goes ahead with the conversation regardless.
"I know there is an opinion that the Son of the Moon is only in the Great Temple of Darkness. But that's not now. I will definitely return once I have prevented the collapse of the world and restored my future. I can't give you the details, but after going to Zalesche, you need to go back to the west side once. This is because of God's revelation…"
It was the agitated priests again, but I will regain my composure because I affirmed that the Son of the Moon had received God's revelation.
"... I have a favor to ask of you all"
Luna cuts her words there once and slowly turns to each and every cleric.
"The Temple of Darkness is about to conjure up the Noctis, the God of peace. So be sure to give peace to all people. Noctis don't treat a particular race in preference. Ghosts, people, beasts... are gods who give peace to all equally. You are priests who serve that God. So take the initiative and show it."
It was a sincere word, but the priests were bewildered.
Because I can understand what she's saying, but I can't stop wondering how we can put it into practice and if there has been any error in our actions so far.
"It's easy to ask. All you have to do is treat all races with respect, without contempt. If you care about that, you won't make mistakes."
"What exactly should I do?" On behalf of the priests, Varma asks questions.
Luna nods small at Varma and answers it with a gentle grin.
"I wish I always had the consciousness of being a comrade. For example, ignoring their feelings and imposing them, that is, treating them like slaves is against Sokius' will to founder the nation, and not in keeping with Noctis' will. At work, it is of course fine to give orders. But I want you to remember that they are people."
She felt from her experience in Zalesche that demons and ghosts were the privileged class and that people and beasts were being abused as the ruling class. And instinctively I realized that was part of Vanitas' strategy.
"Sowing the seeds of disbelief among people. It could be a small species at first. But that's Vanitas' plan. Vanitas trap to sharpen the power of the gods. That's what I think."
Ray is in awe of Luna, who preaches the importance of human rights with dignity.
(Wow. I am grand enough to tell the privileged class to lose consciousness of it... if it is true that the power of the gods can be gained from faith, then you can increase the distrust between the races and let the faithful compete with each other. Thinking about it, maybe Luke's Light Divinity is manipulated by Vanitas too...)
At this time, it was not felt by Ray, but the spirits of darkness were empowering Luna's words. It was majesty as a queen and motherly charity, influenced not only by Elise, Varma and the clergy, but also by Ashley and Stella.
For this reason he even appeared to those who weep at Luna's words.
"The Temple of Darkness will come according to your Son's words, hand in hand with all the races"
When Elis declares so, Luna nods satisfactorily.
We then move on to a practical story. Varma will report the situation.
"The ghost tribe separates the preceding troops from the main unit. Those who precede us should arrive in Luberna tomorrow night, March 3rd. If you're going to wait for them in Rowni, you can leave in a carriage tomorrow morning in time."
"So if you're ready by the end of the day, that's enough. Your child needs someone to accompany him when he has the time to rest for one day today. We and ghosts are too conspicuous, so we have to choose between people or beasts. Does anyone know who's right?
The clerics face each other to Elise's inquiry.
Varma answers on behalf of.
"It seems difficult to be as skilled as you can be to protect your child."
Varma rises resolutely where Ellis turns out to be an imaginary face.
"I will chop off my wings and accompany you! You can't tell people apart without wings. So..."
"You... that's it," says Elise.
Other clerics besides Ehlis also have a startling look on Varma's words. For the Moon Demons and Wing Demons, wings are important indications of their existence, and I couldn't believe what they said about cutting them off.
"I vowed to give my life to your son. So there's nothing wrong with no wings."
I ran out of blunt words. But Ray was negative about her companionship.
(If you do cut off your wings, you can't tell them from normal people. But if you check the orb, it'll be ripped right off. Besides, she's been seen in the face by Ryan, and the more unusual her attitude toward Luna, the more complimentary she is. Not that uncomfortable if you're dressed as a knight like me, but too conspicuous if Luna comes back as an adventurer...)
He pointed that out, even though he thought it was bad for Varma, who showed determination.
Varma opened her mouth to argue with it, but Luna broke in before it did.
"I think what Ray says is best. I appreciate Varma's loyalty, but I don't feel the need to hurt my body. If it's an escort, it's enough for the Rays."
Given the strength of the Rays, who have crossed the wilderness of despair, I could not dispute that allegation.
It was an exalted Varma, but Luna tells me so and it sinks.
"I understand Lord Varma's determination. But the Moon Demons only have wings. Thinking about the future, I don't think we should do anything early."
Ray nods at Ashley's word as well.
"I have the same opinion. I can't stay alert after she gets back. I don't think we'll be relentlessly losing the power of the people who support her to keep a country called Sochius from splitting up."
"Okay," Varma convinced, the story of Elis began again.
"The nominees for those who accompany you will do so as soon as possible. Without draining the supplies needed to prepare tomorrow's carriage and travel to Zalesche. Is this enough, Lord Ray?
"Right. I think that's okay for those who are ready, but you might want to tell the Lubernas about the arrival of your son on the moon and his journey again. Wouldn't we all be happy to hear about the appearance of the moon child?"
Stella is nodding at Ray's opinion. When Ray urged him, "If you have an opinion, you can speak," he began to speak in a slow tone.
"Those who were coming to Luberna were just thrilled to be seen by Lord Elise, the witch. If you tell her about the moon child, she'll welcome you more enthusiastically."
Stella explained what she felt when she infiltrated Luberna.
"Right. Sometimes with future ghost tribes, and I think you should show your face here once. What do you think of Luna?
That's what Ray tells Luna.
But she didn't take the lead right away. In Zaleshe, in order to counter the Moon Demons, it was necessary to attach the support of the Ghosts, who stood in front of the people, but not in a situation so oppressive now. Because of this, I was too anxious to be able to talk as grandly as I did in Zalesche.
"Do you really need it? I'm embarrassed."
The grand atmosphere earlier disappeared and even felt like she had returned to a normal girl.
"Be sure to show up to the people."
"The coming of your son is our sorrow. The people also want to worship your honor."
Such a voice rises from the priests.
"Because all you have to do is get out on the balcony and wave. Lord Ellis will do well after that. Besides, I think this is a good opportunity."
"A good opportunity?
"Yes. You should show me what the Moon Son is like. Because if only the image precedes you, it will be a big deal later."
Is that the opinion of the White Master? "confirms Luna as she loosens her cheeks.
"You can think of it that way. I had a tough time with Millis Valley poetry. [M] So I should show you the real thing. And I'm sure Luna would convince everyone."
It was thus decided that Luna would stand before the people.