Trinitas Mundus
Episode 45: Confronting the Sea Snake Dragon: Later
After noon on June 1st.
Many people were gathered in Cheslock Harbor to exorcise Sea Serpent, a giant monster of first-degree proportions.
The fort's defensemen are in pairs of five, ready to shoot in a large crossbow (barista), and the sailors and fishermen and merchant boat crew of the galley vessel are waiting on the beach to pull a trap like a trap using rope and a fishnet to stop the lured sea serpent from moving.
More than a hundred soldiers were waiting with their weapons, assuming they would come up further to the beach.
Ashley, Stella, Ryan and Ione are waving the flag to monitor the motion of the sea serpent from the watchtower with the Beast Slaves and to communicate its motion.
Ray is the most important player in this operation. He takes a small boat with Uno, and Luna, luring her to the beach, provoking Cesarpent.
The course was carefully re-selected because the operation failed once in the morning. Luna continues to unleash magic to provoke more enemies.
As a result, Cesar Pent had forgotten me in anger and was chasing me as I roared up just ten meters (melt) of the boat the Rays were riding.
(So far so good. Almost there. At this speed I can put it right in the net......)
Not visible from Ray, but approached about a hundred melts to the landmark buoy.
Meanwhile, Luna continues to unleash magic and has already unleashed more than ten flaming arrows (flame arrows). She was able to use the magic just three months ago, but I still don't see any signs of magic running out.
Ray was convinced that this operation would succeed.
"We're going through the buoy! Please increase your speed!
Ray demonizes Uno's instructions and strengthens the water flow that erupts from his left hand. Even then, the speed was about 30 km/h (Kimmel), but the tip lifted significantly and accelerated at once.
On the beach, fort commander Ijdoah Richards was giving orders out loud.
"Pull the rope! Get him involved! Pull!"
Next to him, one of the sailors is waving his flag and communicating his orders to another unit in the embankment of the military port and the embankment for merchant ships in the fishing port.
The commanded detachment operates the crane and lifts the ropes and fishnets sunk in the sea to sea level.
Furthermore, Richards issues an order to a barista unit set up on the beach.
"Aim! They're firing from the squadron in sequence! And don't forget to get ready for the next bullet!
There were forty baristas, divided into four squads. Initially, the idea was to terminate with simultaneous shooting, but a large demon meant that, from a distance, even a barista arrow could be bounced, which had been modified into a method of shooting while seeing the effect.
Cesar Pent's movement, which was stubbornly following the Rays, suddenly stopped.
Then he nods his body wide and jumps his tail up.
Its body was intertwined with a fishnet and rope, which it was trying to remove as it rose.
"Pull the rope! Don't lose your strength! Most squadrons, prepare to fire! Let go!"
Ten arrows are unleashed on Richards's orders. The arrow is large enough to be described as a short spear and powerful enough to be tailored with a single blow, even in third-degree equivalent orgasms.
Distances range from sixty to seventy melts. All arrows hit Cesar Pent's body.
But only two pieces were bounced and pierced by that thick scale.
"Next time we get closer! Rope team, we're losing power! Pull more!
The fishermen pulling the ropes. There are a total of two hundred sailors. All of them are tough men, but the situation was that it was finally against the power of Cesarpent over fifty melts in length.
"Whoever has free hands, pull the rope! You let him get away here, there won't be any later! You're dying to pull it off!
That's good, but he goes to the ropes himself. The soldiers who saw him stab his weapon in the sand and attach it to the rope. The people of the town who had come to see more operations also went down to the beach and grabbed the rope.
"Me! Me! …"
With the puller doubling, slowly, but searcherpent approaches. But every time I twisted myself big, I was pulled back the other way, and every time, several pullers were falling over.
Still, Cesar Pent is approaching a distance of thirty melts from the coastline.
"Squad two, prepare to fire! As soon as we're on target, let each one go!
Ten arrows are released one after the other from Squad Two on that order. Though the number of bounces has decreased due to the distance approaching, only half of them have been stabbed.
Cesar Pent growls at the pain and lifts his neck high. He then exploited its height and caused his body to fall offshore.
This movement causes the rope to pull greatly. As a result, everyone in the rope squad collapsed forward trying to relax.
"Keep your hands off the rope! Shoot each one of those baristas! Don't let him get away!
Richards gives the order even as he falls. And only one of his orders was fulfilled.
One arrow after another was released from the barista. But the rope leaves the hands of the sailors and drags them to the sea.
Ray was running to join Richards after he got the boat up on the beach. But with Cesar Pent about to escape, he magically changed his policy to supporting him.
"I'll magically assist you from here! Shouting," he decided to use “thunder," the best offensive magic he could use, and began casting spells.
"God of light (Lucidus), who commands all the light of the world. Gather the holy power of your family, the Spirit of Light, and give me the spear of the Thunder Emperor, the Thunder Gone. I will not give my life to you at that price..."
The Spirit of Light rapidly gathers in his left hand. In about ten seconds his left hand had such a glow that it could not be looked at directly.
"... burn down my enemies! Thunderbolt!"
The thunderbolt of bursting echoes on the beach. And a dazzling lightning struck Cesar Pent's body.
The soldiers are also surprised and dismayed by the thunder.
You were paralyzed by a thunderstorm, Cesar Pent stopped the move that was so intense.
"Get a rope while you can!" When Ray shouted, "Richards returned to me, too,
"Pull it up now! Lower your center of gravity! Pull every body!
Cesar Pent recovered from temporary paralysis, but he doesn't seem to be fully recovered, looking around while shaking his head.
Luna was wondering if there was anything she could do too, but she was about to give up that her immature magic would not allow her to do damage to Cesarpent. But the magic of Ray's thunder paralyzed Cesarpent, so I change my mind.
(Maybe the dark attribute magic works... no, it doesn't have to work. Just do what I can......)
Working harder on the Spirit of Darkness than usual, he casts a spell.
"Night and peace, God of darkness (Noctis). Give me the power to calm down. I will not give you the power of my life at that price. Tie yourself to a rough soul. Paralysis Arrow (Paralysis Arrow)"
A pitch-black arrow hits the sea serpent. The arrow was not bounced, nor pierced, but fogged away the moment it hit.
Luna thought the magic had failed.
"It's working! If you can still shoot, do it again!" Ray exclaims.
"Okay!," he replied, beginning to cast the spell of an arrow of paralysis.
Ray was surprised that Luna's magic worked more than he thought in a corner of his head, as he attacked with magic himself.
(Surprised. Even my thunder did little damage, but I can't believe I stopped a first-degree equivalent demonic movement with a paralyzed arrow... even at this hour when the power of the Dark Spirit is weakest, I guess all that works is the power of the Son of the Moon...)
With Ray and Luna's magical support representing the effect, Cesar Pent is raised to the beach. Shootings from the baristas have continued in the meantime, with more than twenty arrows pierced like thorns.
Cesarpent resisted while bleeding, but movement was restricted by the magic of tangled ropes and Luna, gradually weakening the movement.
Cesar Pent had stopped about ten melts from the coastline. The depth of the water became shallow and its giants began to scrub the seabed, making it impossible for manpower to raise it any further.
Richards decided it was impossible to raise it completely to the beach.
"Stop pulling up! Secure the rope!
Soon a rope wraps around a large rock on the beach. Upon confirmation that it has been completely fixed,
"Barista team, stab the stop!
Barista keeps releasing arrows from before his orders, and Cesarpent becomes like a hare.
When everyone thought they had won this, Cesar Pent suddenly began to move towards the beach. The movement had raised a great blister.
"Grab a weapon! But stay away from inadvertent! That's the last scratch!
Richards ordered the soldiers to do so.
As Cesar Pent went up to the beach, he ignored the Richards and headed to Barista.
Worse still, the rope is loose and hanging off the beach.
I thought Ray didn't taste good, but he's starting to show signs of out of magic, and I can't shoot any more magic. Luna was equally out of magic, poking her knee at the beach.
"Stay here and rest. I'm gonna go stab him in the head."
"Yeah, I get it. 'Cause I'm nothing more than a leg wrap than I can't use magic."
That's what I say and smile, but there was no color of self-derision in that face.
"But be careful. 'Cause they're supposed to be going crazy in death."
Ray ran out with Uno as he responded with his right hand up to the word.
Cesar pent heads for the barista as he winds up the dust, like a last scratch. The soldiers manipulating the baristas desperately continued to release arrows, but Cesar Pent did not stop that advance while bleeding.
The sound of the barista being destroyed echoes on the beach.
The soldiers fled just before, so there was no human damage, but now they have lost the means to attack from a distance.
Ray joined Ashley in the meantime and retrieved the love spear "White Horn (Albumcorne)", which had been placed in storage magic in places not seen by people. Then put together the armor, "Nixwestis."
"Sounds like we need to stab a stop. 'Cause I'm a little nervous just being a soldier here."
"Right. I'm curious about the handicap, but we can handle it alone because it's so damaging."
The two run straight to the beach.
Stella and Ryan, Ione and Seyce also arrived as beastly slaves.
"Me and Ash, Stella will take the lead and defeat Cesar Pent. Uno, borrow the rope and tangle with the target. Ryan only attacks when he thinks he can. Mr. Ione asks for Luna."
That's all I said, I headed to Cesar Pent.
All baristas were destroyed by Sea Serpent.
Happy with that, you start crawling towards the ocean.
Ray stuck between the sea and Cesar Pent and said, "You can't let him get away here!," he proclaimed aloud, putting up a spear.
Next to it, Ashley wields the great sword, Stella holds the sword in her left hand and holds the sword in her right hand.
The body of Cesar Pent is fifty melts long and the diameter of the body is at least three melts. It also looks like a giant wall is moving, but the neck that rises from time to time can also be more than five melts.
Cesar pent heads to the Rays, as he says he doesn't care about the dwarfed.
"Ash! Stella! Just a little bit of his attention!
Ashley said, "Ooh!" When he responds, he quickly wields his sword and approaches him. But he didn't head to the front and ran through the left side of Cesar Pent.
Stella stands in front of Ray and looks at the opportunity for an attack.
Cesar Pent was ignoring Ashley and staring at Stella and Ray.
When Ashley stops around the back of the neck of that giant, he slaps the Great Sword with his full strength.
But that blow is also bounced on thick scales, inflicting no damage at all.
Still believe Ray will do something, and he will hang on to it over and over again.
At first it was a sea serpent that I completely ignored, but I lifted my neck to see if the great sword that could be tapped over and over annoyed me. And as he roared, he turned his body wide, opened his big mouth and tried to swallow it.
Ashley was calm.
Despite the fact that the scaffolding is a bad place called the beach, we retreat with all our might shortly after we feel in danger.
As Stella aimed her eyes with a throwing sword in the meantime, Cesarpent also flickered for a moment, and Ashley succeeded in escaping the offensive range.
Targeting Ashley stopped Cesar Pent from moving.
In the meantime the Unos Beastman slaves appeared around Cesarpent. There is a thick rope in their hands, and they fly up on that giant with the rope in their hands so as to wrap it around the body of the sea serpent.
Did Cesar Pent feel it too, he tries to swing himself off, but the beasts succeed in intertwining the ropes without making it bitter.
The Unos wrap that rope around a large rock.
To capitalize on Ashley's work, Ray wrapped his magic around the love spear as he turned to the opposite right. The tip of the white horn (Albumcorne) emits a bright white light.
Ray poked that dazzling tip with all the force of his body behind his neck.
Thick scales were also helpless on spears wrapped in magic.
Cesar Pent growls and turns to himself greatly. But the move was to strangle itself. The rope hung by the unos is further wound, limiting movement.
Where the movement is dull, Ryan slaps Halvard on Cesar Pent's torso. The axe part breaks the scales and the blood overflows. Cesar pent, restricted in motion by the rope, could only roar.
I saw that. Richards screams for orders from the soldiers.
"We can all hang up! Go for the gap in the scale and stick it in! You don't have to pull it out! If I stab you, you stay back!
One soldier after another attaches to the sea serpent to that order. Cesar Pent also resisted by twisting his body and waving his tail wide, but could only blow up a few soldiers.
The soldiers' attacks were bounced on the scale and barely worked, but still more than a hundred soldiers had joined the attack, slightly but with damage.
The Rays also mingled with the soldiers to continue the attack.
Cesar Pent fights back with his tail while bleeding, as if he were also infinite health. The white sand on the beach is stained bright red, as is the body of the soldiers, stained with return blood.
Richards turned the bleeding into a strong operation while alternating the soldiers.
"Stay away from the tail! Replace the weary immediately! They can't move! We'll take the time to make sure we take him down!
His operation was a success.
Cesar pent, which has been rampaging for about an hour, also gradually weakens its movement.
Ray let the spear wrap his magic around him again in order to stab Cesar Pent with a stop. And stick a spear in that huge left eye.
Cesar Pent raised his weak growl, dropping his head neatly as it was, stopping the movement altogether.
"We did it!" The voice of one soldier echoes, followed by a loud cheer.
"You did a great job. If you hadn't been here, I wouldn't have been able to take this guy down."
Richards said so and offered Ray his right hand.
"We're not the only ones in charge. Good luck to you guys, so I could take you down."
That's what I call it.
Richards grins at the look on his face.
(I didn't expect to see this look with so much skill and tact. It's not like the image of a “white warrior” asked in a poem... no, what he looks like now is the image of a white warrior itself... it's called a beast slave, it's called this equipment, and it's certainly not uncomfortable to be called a holy knight. Well, a man with this look can't be a fanatic of light divinity...)
Richards kept grabbing Ray's right hand,
"If we clean up, it's a celebration today! Let's get some liquor out of the fort!
In those words, the men raised their hands and said, "Ooh! shouted."