Trinitas Mundus
Episode 53: Trinitus, God of the World
June 13.
Ray and Luna met God in the deepest part of the temple of beginnings, the Temple of Claretore.
'Sit there first,' a heavily male voice-like thought showcased the two rears.
The two look back at the same time, but there were no steps down there, and two chairs were available made of luminous wood like mahogany.
The two sit on it, but that's when they realize there's no sign of the cleric chief, Lair Guinez, who came down with them.
"Where is the Chief Cleric..."
Another thought answers Ray's whining.
'I asked her to go somewhere else. No danger, of course.'
The idea did not belong to an earlier man, but rather to an image of a soft woman.
Luna felt the thought and grumbled, "God of Darkness (Noctis) …".
"You're right," a friendly thought arrives.
Ray couldn't keep up with this situation.
(Suddenly, I can't believe God shows up... what am I supposed to do? I was thinking about this development for once, but I didn't think it had such an overwhelming presence...)
A third thought arrives at the idea.
'You don't have to be uncomfortable. I understand what you think. "
The idea was powerful and bouncing cheerful.
(Maybe it's God of Light (Lucidus)...)
I haven't put it into words, but I immediately get the idea of affirmation that 'you're right'.
'I can't talk about it. Just being here is a huge burden on the kids. Let's get down to business.'
The fourth thought interrupts it.
I also felt other gods in Ray and Luna, wondering if the eleven pillars of God would be on this occasion.
'You're right, man's god. Well, let me explain. It would be easier to talk if you showed up before that.'
When the first God answered that with thought, he appeared before the Rays. The figure was beautiful and sturdy in his late twenties, with large eagle-like wings on his back.
"I am the God of heaven (Caerm)," the bass sounds.
The Rays unwittingly bowed their heads to its presence.
"Then let me explain why I called you more than I did."
The two nodded small and stared firmly at the frog.
"As you already know, I called you from another world to protect this world from the Nothingness (Vanitas). Now this world is in danger of collapse..."
Caerm began talking about the invasion of Vanitas, which began four thousand years ago.
"Vanitas has destroyed this world many times. And four thousand years ago, we reached out to this world again... and that's when we got into his ingenious measures and kept turning back. As a result, we had to abandon much of the world. I made many sacrifices, but I succeeded in preventing the world from collapsing..."
That's all I heard from the cleric Atro Kayan.
"... but he stripped his fangs again. He brainwashes a species called the Demon Nation in the eastern lands, and further seeks to excite a new country in the western lands and destroy the world order. As for the eastern lands, the fatal situation could have been spared by their work. But the power of Noctis remains lost. And even more dangerous is the West..."
Ray said, "West?" Luke, you mean the Holy Kingdom? "Considering
"Ruri. His country is a Vanitas spear that upsets the equilibrium of the world."
"I somehow understand that Luke is dangerous. But can you tell us what you expect from us?"
"Let's talk about what it takes to survive this world before we do..."
"What do you need to survive? Aren't you all?" Luna asks.
"Ruri. We will need eleven pillars of God. But the world cannot be stable by itself. It is our eleven pillars of God's equilibrium that will maintain the equilibrium of the world."
"Does that mean that teaching like believing in only one pillar of God destroys the world?
Nod loudly to affirm Ray's question.
"Of his country, no, the“ light god ”religion that was interested in his country is a dangerous idea that empowers only Lucidus. This is also the result of Vanitas skilfully guiding people... people prefer change. But we want stability. Vanitas is poking through that gap and taking away our power."
"I understand what you're saying, but what exactly am I supposed to do?
"I want you to maintain the equilibrium of the world. I would like Lucidus to be restrained in the West. Vanitas is about to wage a big war right now. Using that name too..."
"Is my name..."
"Ruri. The leaders are about to wage war by calling it the" manifestation of the God of Light (Lucidus) ". It's still unprecedented."
Ray sounded familiar with the term Lucidus' manifestation.
(Bishop Gastaldi said that about me. That's why we're waging war......)
Frogm answered the question in his heart.
"In his country, dissatisfaction with leaders is growing. Until it's about to explode, too. I'm going to take the cheapest way to fix it."
"Does that mean war?"
"Ruri. In order to wage war, we have a great name. That name is used in its name..."
Luke's Holy Kingdom had a coup d 'état in 319 seven years ago.
The trigger was the great defeat of being attacked by the Caerm Empire and the Holy General of the Order of the Light God dying in battle. In doing so, the Holy King pursued the responsibilities of the Church and rebuffed the Archbishop in order to consolidate his own power base. The hunted archbishop used a special beastman slave to assassinate the Holy King and set on his throne those whose own breath hung.
Thereafter, the political situation was not stable, such as the coup d 'état of the former Holy Kings, but he managed to maintain the system by strengthening the Order of the Holy Knights and eliminating those critical of the Order from the Holy King's Office, which is the administrative government.
The current Archbishop General Bernardino Rolfo had refrained from a massive battle with the Empire, but planned a major invasion of the Empire due to growing dissatisfaction in the country. However, the Imperial side also did not create a medium gap because the good prime minister is in charge of national politics.
There was a revelation that Lucidus' manifestation would appear in Lorfo and several Cardinals. This was the intervention of Vanitas, who, believing in it, ordained one Cardinal to be in charge and to look for a "manifestation”.
The clergy began to look for "manifestations”, mainly in Luke's country, but they couldn't find them inside, thought they might be outside the country, and began to look.
At that time, the Archbishop of the Kingdom of Lax contacted me that a rare user of light attribute magic had appeared.
Just at that time, information was entered that the Demons had invaded the Kingdom of Lax, and Bishop Maggioni Gastaldi was sent in. Along the way, I stumbled upon Ray's presence at Doctus and came into contact.
Convinced that Ray was "the manifestation," Gastaldi sent the information to the Holy City of Paxlumen, and further told Lorfo about Ray when he returned home.
Although Lorfo did not believe all of Gastaldi's words, he decided to use the presence of the “manifestation" in order to divert domestic dissatisfaction.
In order to promote his own achievements, Gastaldi included in the Holy Capital the peasant militia of the village of Fiscal, which Ray helped. The peasant militiamen were regarded as heroes because they fought the demons and hustled about Ray in many places.
Moreover, the merchants of Aurelia began to disseminate information about the Periclitle offensive, in which the story of the "White Warrior” spread. From those two pieces of information the existence of the "manifestation” began to be noticed among the people of the Holy Capital as well. Rolfo decided to use it.
Currently in the Holy King's kingdom we are gathering a great army of 200,000 men and trying to march towards the border town of Lark Hill. And Caerm told me that the Empire would also form a massive army.
"Two hundred thousand..."
Ray had no choice but to put an end to it.
"Is that all you want to do to make people unhappy until you get into position! Are you going to create another unfortunate person like Mr. Angus and the others!
Ray remembered Angus and the peasant militias in the village of Fiscal.
They were fought in exotic lands with no involvement whatsoever, without being given satisfactory equipment or adequate food. And many of them were killed, many of them survived and many were hurt and many lost their hands and feet.
"Vanitas is not going to let his country win. We're losing a lot of power in this battle, and we're going to destroy our country."
Ray doesn't have his head on the frog's words. I forgot my anger until then and expressed my doubts.
"What does that mean? Wasn't it Vanitas aim to strengthen the power of the God of Light (Lucidus)?
"No. Vanitas' aim is to upset our balance of power. Now that the power of the opposing Noctis returns, he thought it would be more efficient to let Lucidus down once and for all."
Luna asks questions about Caerm's explanation.
"Isn't it just the power that went up going back to normal?
"No. Whoever believed in Lucidus will hate him."
"So you're saying that the things that have been positive will be negative, so you'll lose power all at once?
"Ruri. Use God's name to wage war, and if you lose, God's authority will be lost. Moreover, the leaders of his country have been corrupted by Vanitas' measures and have lost the trust of the people. Negative feelings for its rulers are also directed towards Lucidus."
Ray said, "I know what you're trying to say,"
"But what do you want me to do? He told me to stop the war between the two powers..."
To that word, Ray said, "I can't! scream."
"I understand the difficulty of being alone. But trust your companion, the son of Noctis. If you do, you will see the light"
"Am I!" Now Luna shouts her surprise.
"Ruri. That's it. The brigadier's on the road."
"My Edge...... is this Mr. Zach?
The frog did not answer the question.
"His men prepare much for that. It's not what we think... but it depends if we let it live."
Ray worries about Caerm's vague words.
(I understand that Mr. Zach has prepared for Luna. Nothing happened, either in the Kingdom of Kaum or in the Caerm Empire, thanks to Mr. Zach, and I was able to meet Mr. Kitley here in Jilsall. So I guess you're right if they say you've already hit your hand. But it really hooks me up because it seems to be working as the gods think...)
That's all I've been thinking about.
"I can't think about it right now. Can I come back here tomorrow?"
"No. Let me tell the Chief Cleric that."
To say all that, the signs of the gods disappeared and the figure of Lair appeared kneeling and praying.
"Looks like you've met the gods," Lair said in a slightly plundered voice,
"We have heard of seeing the gods again tomorrow. Shall we go back?"
When I said that and stood up, I headed for the stairs that showed up at some point.
While walking behind Leah, Ray and Luna did not utter a word. Each of them was lost in thought.
(I wonder how prepared Mr. Zach (that guy) was for me...)
Luna thinks of when Zach and I broke up. I saw the lonely face of him when I decided to separate him from him because of my selfishness.
(And yet I hurt myself by saying terrible words... and yet still for me...)
Ray, on the other hand, was distrustful of the gods.
(Am I really right about what I'm saying? Aren't you leading us to fight Vanitas? Didn't the gods interfere to keep the memory of Trinitas Mundus from coming back? For we are mere pawns to the gods. We could be saying something convenient to protect ourselves...)
Ray thinks that he couldn't remember the setting of the novel he wrote himself, Trinitas Mundus, because of the gods' interference. But I wondered why I sealed my memories.
(If I had remembered the plot earlier, I would have done more. Things could have been prevented, especially when Luna was caught. Yet after sealing my memory, the gods made me feel only anxious... was that Vanitas interference, not the eleven gods? But both the gods and Vanitas were talking about not being able to interfere much with the world... what can I believe...)
They didn't talk about anything when they walked out the stairs, they were just walking behind the lair.