Trinitas Mundus
Lesson 55: Three Conditions
June 13.
Having met the Three Lord God and the Eight Attribute God at the Temple of Claretore, Ray consulted the Ashleys about their future policies.
While he says he can't trust the gods who just think he manipulated himself, he fears that even if we refuse that request, it will just be used against our will.
Hearing further hypotheses from the researcher, Kitty Erbain, about the invasion of the godless (Vanitas), Ray declared that he would speak his conclusions.
"My thoughtful conclusion, I intend to cooperate with the gods..."
Ashley nods unchanged at the words, and Stella is about to raise the opposite. After Ray controlled Stella with his eyes,
"… subject to conditions. First, let me know why you manipulated me. If you don't let me know why I'm convinced, my distrust won't go away..."
So I nod small as Stella agrees.
"… the second is to see how involved you intend to be with us in the future. I refuse to be a puppet of the gods. We are willing people. [M] If you ignore that will, you're no different than Vanitas. I'm going to tell you that clearly."
"I don't think it makes sense if the gods are honest," Ashley expresses concern.
Ray totally admits, "Right."
"If that's the case, there's no point in putting any conditions on it. But I think the gods have a certain bondage."
"Tied?" Luna tilts her neck.
"I feel certain restrictions are placed on the gods. I don't know what the reason is, but I don't think you need to use us to fight Vanitas. Someone more amazing than us, like Zach for example, and the gods themselves decide to do it in the first place. But I can't do that, so I guess I have to rely on people like us who have only half the power."
So Kitty praised "You're amazing," and joined the story.
"My hypothesis is close to that, too. I thought that the gods and Vanitas could only interfere in the world via people, or because both are forbidden to interfere directly with the world, they use people as a means of interfering indirectly. Don't you think it's close to your idea?
"Right. I think it's close to that idea."
"I was wondering, too. That ancient civilization has perished so easily. And that the world today is not yet doomed."
"Are you wondering that the world isn't doomed today?" Luna asks the question.
"Yeah, that's right. People of ancient civilization were talented enough to use all attributes, like you and Ray. And he also had technology that went far beyond what civilization is today. I perished because Vanitas cleverly set the trap, but in today's world, you don't think it's easier to perish without taking such a dusty way?
"Right," Luna agrees.
"And yet why hasn't it perished? Instead, I don't even see a doomsday precursor. I know there's been a demonic invasion, and I know about the wars between the Caerm Empire and Luke's Holy King, but neither of them will ever destroy the world."
"I thought the same thing. I wonder if that's why the gods and Vanitas have some sort of bondage. I thought maybe we could negotiate with the gods."
"Ray, if you don't listen to me honestly, the gods have to interfere strongly. When that happens, it disadvantages the other Vanitas because it gives them some perk. So I'm going to adopt a way to make you listen to me honestly. So that's what I thought."
Kittry understood Ray's thoughts, but the Ashleys still didn't.
"That is. Does that mean that it would be more convenient for the gods for Ray to go ahead and take the gods' request himself..."
"I think so," Ray replied to Ashley's words,
"Back to the third condition, or this is a favor..." and see the Unos, who are beastly slaves.
"I'm going to ask Mr. Uno if he can tell me how to remove his collar. I think there's a way to remove it because it was originally made by the gods."
"I agree. It's not what people do, like they can't take it off until they die."
Ashley shows her anger.
"That might be a good idea," Kitley mutters.
To that grunt, Ray seemed to have another idea and asked, "What does that mean?"
"I thought it would be in your favor to confront the Light God."
I don't know what that means. Ryan whines, "Tell me so I can see." As Kittry answers that grunt,
"Ray, you will accomplish what even the Archbishop of Light God, the supreme priest, cannot do. It should only look like a miracle to God. Actually, yes, but I still think the act of removing the collar for the Beastman slave, which I've been told can't be removed, would be a good appeal."
"That's“ White Master, "" Luna tears up in the words.
"I wasn't thinking that far...... but the way of light theism is terrible. I'd say it's God's will to treat people like things..."
"It's the religion Vanitas made me make, so I can't help it, but I do think it's against God's will. Especially even though the idea of Noctis is tolerance and tranquillity, the way you abused the dark attributes is absolutely against Noctis will"
Ione, a priestly apprentice of the Temple of Darkness, could not raise the word of consent to that word. Because the priests of the Temple of Darkness, namely the Moon Demons, the Wing Demons, and other demonic spellmasters, use the magic of the "puppet" and ignore the will of men.
I'll be honest with you about that.
"Thinking about it, I know perfectly well that the Temple of Darkness was manipulated by Vanitas. You were ignoring Noctis' will, we were."
"I can't tell you about people because I've used them on prisoners, too, but I think that's more terrible magic than a slave collar. You're forced to behave differently than you will..."
Ray regretted hanging the puppet magic on Derve and Lauri, captives of the Little Ghost clan. I regret that I disgraced their souls, especially for not solving the magic to the end.
"That's what I had to do," Ashley consoled, and Ray said, "Thank you," raising his leaning face.
"The third story also wants to ask Uno and the others for their opinions. If I were taught how to take my collar off, and if I told you I'd let you go, what would you think?
The Unos are bewildered by the sudden inquiry.
"We are those who have been commanded to obey the instructions of Lord Arklight. If that's what Master Arklight wants, we have no objection. But..."
After Uno said so, he mumbled slightly and started talking again.
"We have already added you to our offering for over six months. I'm not saying I've figured out everything Master Arklight thinks, but I'm going to know one end of it. In a place called that wilderness of despair, you risked your life against us to protect it, too. We are those who follow the superiors, but apart from that, we also want to dedicate our allegiance to Lord Arklight."
Stella rejoiced with surprise at the words. Because the Unos overlapped their past with what they were beginning to think of themselves.
"Okay. I don't know if the gods can do it, and you may not be able to tell me, but I will remember the words now."
That said, I turned my gaze to the Ashleys again.
"The story so far may be what I think and not what everyone thinks, and I might want to agree with my thoughts in the current flow. So I want you to take the time to think about it until tomorrow. I'm going to think about it again. Tomorrow morning, I want you to hear my thoughts again and give me your opinion."
That's what I said and got up.
The Rays then each spent their time in a thoughtful way, and the dinner was quiet, welcoming the next morning.
Ray explains that he didn't change his mind and confirms it one by one, but everyone agrees.
"Then I'm going to go to the temple after this and see the gods again. I intend to ask everyone, including Uno and Kittley, to go this time. 'Cause that place would let everyone in."
"All of us? Am I going to see the gods too..." Ryan exclaims.
In exchange, Ione moisturizes his eyes to strike and tremble with emotion, "Thank you," he bows his head.
"If we all go in, I find it difficult to cope with the unforeseen," Uno cautioned modestly,
"If the gods are going to do something, I think it's the same wherever anyone is"
Uno bows his head small to Ray's words and pulls back.
Upon arrival at the temple, the chief cleric, Lair Gyneth, and the cleric, Atro Kayan, were waiting.
"Have you come to a conclusion," Lair hearkens, waiting for Ray's answer with a serious look on his face.
"Yes, I'm going to take the gods' offer"
"Really," Lair nodded naturally in the words, and Atro gave a slightly palliative look.
"Then let's come. You two are just like yesterday."
Ray replied "No,"
"This involves all of our people. So we'd all like to go see each other."
"Really..." I say, but I show it for a moment.
"Something's wrong," Luna asked.
"I don't have a problem with it, because this is the first time I've let anyone who isn't even this many clerics into the underground temple"
I don't try to move with my expression cloudy.
"Isn't there a problem if it's not forbidden by the gods," Ashley urged.
"Okay. If the gods are to be rejected, I will turn back, but for now, come with me."
When I said that, I returned my expression and started walking.
The passage to the underground temple opened without anything, and the will to reject was not conveyed by the gods.
The Rays, led by Rae, twelve slowly descend the stairs.
Ione, who was a cleric apprentice, muttered "There is a God" in the divinity that gradually grew stronger, and Ryan, who thinks he is in the wrong place, looked around with a chill.
The Unos feel a strong gaze and are constantly on guard around them. But I was confused by that gaze I felt from the entire staircase.
The stairs suddenly broke off, just like yesterday. I should have been on my way down the stairs, but at some point I stand in front of the temple. Unos scatter around to protect Ray from that unusual experience. Lair watched over the move, but kept his perimeter on alert until Ray said it was "okay".
"Looks like I can talk to you today, too," Leah says happily.
Yesterday I was flown elsewhere and was not given information by the gods until the Rays came out and it was just a directions.
Suddenly, the gods descended. But I never felt as powerful as yesterday, and eleven gods became the figure of man and stood quietly.
Everyone but Ray and Luna kneel at that figure.
Lair, the chief cleric, and Ione, the apprentice, acted in honor of the gods, but Ashley and the others were unconsciously kneeling in their divinity.
A heavenly god (frog) with eagle wings on his back comes forward one step.
"Hang it first," he said, pointing his hand at the chair that showed up. Ray and Luna would soon sit down, but the Unos refused to.
"We're escorts, so we're holding back."
When Uno said that on behalf of him, Ray admitted it by saying "OK," but urged the Ashleys to sit down "because we can't start talking without sitting in a chair".
When Ashley and the others sit down, the frog nods satisfactorily.
"I'm glad that you accepted our proposal."
I think Ray was still being asked, but didn't put that on his expression,
"So you can respond to what I'm asking for."
"Ruri. Now let's answer one by one."
Kittry was struck by the fact that she was encountering the gods as she watched the exchange.
(I can't be happier as a researcher! I hope you have time to ask me some questions after this......)
With that in mind, I will write my impressions about the surrounding situation and the gods in the notebook I have at hand.
Ashley was proud of Ray, who crossed with the gods in dignity.
(Thought they'd settle down enough to be big guys, but I just didn't expect them to be so grand with the gods...)
But on the other hand, I also feel a little anxiety.
(As the Bishop of the Divine Light says, "The manifestation of the God of Light (Lucidus)”? If so, does it deserve to be beside me...)
Stella felt the same thing, but there was no upset because she was more objective than Ashley.
(still awesome...... but I just live for this one......)
The most upsetting of them all was Ryan.
(Oh, can I stay here... nobody believes this. It's not even a Yotai story... and Luna is grand. You mean it was still God's use...)
You felt that upset about him, Uno whispers in Ryan's ear.
"If you're going to protect Master Lockhart, you should think about being a shield no matter what. If you're distracted by something else, you can't move when you have to."
Ryan is surprised by the words. I rarely have ever exchanged words with Uno, because I thought I would show no interest in myself.
"We are now in the presence of a scene of myth. But it's just because we're with chosen people like Master Arklight and Master Lockhart. Just think about what we can do, and you'll be able to keep your mind calm."
Ryan was even more surprised by the rapping uno than usual, but he honestly nodded at his advice.
(You're right, Uno. All I can do is be Luna's shield. Whether that helps or not, you just have to think about it......)
Discussions between Ray and Caerm began quietly, apart from the thoughts of those around him.