Trinitas Mundus
Episode 82: Transfer of the Holy King's Army
Though the Caerm Imperial Army began to pull up to Lark Hill, the chaos that began with the emergence of the Humans and Horses was still ongoing in the Lukes Saint King's Army.
Two executive bishops, Maggioni Gastaldi and Squadron Commander Ranjes Fortunato, returned to the command and, although they advanced the raising of the whole army against the Holy King Augustino, the Holy King, who assumed that he was making the victory current, was not convinced of their words.
"Is that really the manifestation of the God of Light (Lucidus)? Doesn't pulling it up without doing anything here just mean you wasted your war money!
In response to that anger, Gastaldi can only persuade us to use God's name: "The best, everything is in God's will".
"If it is truly God's mercy, prove it in front of the rest! Otherwise, the rest, and my generals, will not be convinced!
The Holy King was frustrated by the anxiety that his own authority would fall to the earth if he stayed back.
Together with the supreme power of the Holy King, Archbishop Bernardino Rolfo, he declared that he would attack the Empire according to the Word of God, leading a great army of 200,000 to this point.
Though he was right to the point where those who called him "the charge of Lucidus” appeared, he was denied his actions by his divine charge, and his face was crushed in front of as many as two hundred thousand ministers.
There are some things that I think about the loss of face in itself, but it was also a cause of anxiety that I did not think the Archbishop would allow such a failure to sway the authority of the Holy King more than that.
"Your Majesty is right! If it is true, we will gladly obey!
The Saint knights around also rode the word of the Holy King.
The Saints, chunks of privileged consciousness, were not going to listen to Ray's instructions or anything else, a young creation not even twenty years old, no matter how much power he had: the people of the meadows.
For the same reason, the words of Fortunato, who ascended the secular knight, are also taken lightly.
Gastaldi is gradually pushed by the momentum, losing the words to return and silencing.
Fortunato was looking at how it was going and wondering what to do.
(Master Arklight's wish is to bring the peasant militia back safely to their homeland. To do so, I must convince His Majesty... but I have not seen the true power of that one, except me and the executive bishop. I could persuade His Majesty if he showed only one end of his power, but that said, we can't fight...)
Though they possess the mighty power of the people of the meadows, Ray has not taken a high-handed attitude to any faction, so the Holy Kings cannot realise their power.
Although Fortunato realizes that, he can hardly think of a hitter.
(All I can use now is the executive bishop and his men. Is there any way to use them well......)
Fantastic clergy, previously known as hardliners, often served. But only this time, there was not a single fanatic.
The Archbishop was commissioned to reveal the manifestation of Lucidus, so he removed the fanatics who did not know what to do and sent only Gastaldi and his men, who moved according to their own thoughts.
Apart from the command, priests are also placed as healers, the number of whom extends to nearly a thousand. Since the soldiers obey the bishops and priests familiar in the church, Fortunato wondered if they could use it.
(If we let the priests direct the thoughts of the soldiers, we can create a flow of retreat no matter what the Holy Knights say. All we have to do is figure out what to do with the first step... do we still have to get out a little stronger...)
Fortunato was ready.
And as he advances before the Holy King, he bows his head, saying, "I say to Your Majesty,"
"What?" he said, suddenly appearing in Fortunato. The Holy King does not even try to hide his displeasure.
Fortunato noticed that, but began to speak without fear.
"Lucidus' emergent Arklight possesses the mighty power of 20,000 Humans and 50,000 Nomads. As His Majesty knows, the people of the meadows are famous not only for excellence as cavalry, but also for not relenting towards their enemies. Remember the story of the Battle of Lark Hill three hundred years ago. That's when the Humans killed hundreds of thousands of soldiers in our country."
On the imperial side, in a battle known as the "Lark Hill Defense Battle," the Holy King's Army was devastated and defeated by a suddenly emerging Humane Horse clan when the Holy King's Army, who exercised independence and gained momentum, attacked Lark Hill and in one more step destroyed the Imperial Army.
It is still told today as a battle that planted terror against the Humane Horse Nation in the Holy Kingdom.
"What do you want to say…" said the Holy King, but I somehow knew what Fortunato was trying to say.
"If Lord Arklight thinks he will crusade those who do not obey God's revelation, then his Horse Race will strike at our army. Their manoeuvrability is as we have just seen, and in such a spread formation it seems difficult to say that they are safe, even though they are central commands. In this regard, I foolishly believe that the other Sacred Knights of the Command share the opinion of the Elementary."
That's what I'm going to say. I'm going to look at the Saints surrounding the Holy King.
The Holy Knights are all that have gained their present status in the hereditary invasion and lack military knowledge. For that reason, I am afraid to be argued against poorly by Fortunato, a military expert and hero of the Pericritle offensive, and I keep my silence.
"As you can see, you seem to share my opinion. We are currently testing Master Arklight's patience. No, Master Arklight is smart and a little late won't be a problem. But the people of the meadows are an undisclosed tribe. We can fully imagine them going wild without listening to Lord Arklight's orders."
"Oh, is that possible..."
The Holy King asks Fortunato with a trembling voice.
"I can't say I don't. They are the ones who lived freely and are not used to obeying orders without being bound by anyone"
The Holy King turns his eyes to the people of the meadows.
The figure seemed neat but constantly moving, and it began to look frustrating. And once it looks that way, the peculiarities of the Humans look more terrible than ever.
"We should at least show a retrograde movement. If anyone disagrees with that, you should ask them to come forward and be their shield when they run wild."
The Holy Knights don't think about putting the Humans on the front line against each other or anything, and have a surprising look on their words.
"So who can come forward as Your Majesty's shield?"
I never particularly raised my voice, but the Saints lag behind slightly.
"Nobody seems to disagree," he says, then turns to the Holy King.
"Sire, can you still doubt the words of God's manifestation"
The Holy King lost the temper of Fortunato and could only say, "No, you cannot doubt the words of those whom God has sent".
So Fortunato sent his gaze to Gastaldi,
"I have a favor to ask of the executive bishop"
"Something, Sir Fortunato."
Seeing a series of interactions, Gastaldi was reviewing Fortunato. And I'm getting my spare time back from being what I'm after.
"How about communicating the will of Lord Arklight to the soldiers through the priests? 'Cause I think you're upset about something sudden."
Gastaldi immediately discerned Fortunato's intentions.
"That's good. In the meantime, let me get ready to pull you up."
form of ignoring the Holy King, but they were concerned about the Humans and the Horses and not the other way around.
"I accept," he bowed his head to Gastaldi, offering a salute to the Holy King,
"In case you think about it, Your Majesty will be foolish to ask you to ensure your safety first"
"Oh, yeah."
"I know that His Majesty and his patron Knights would like us to advance all armies to yesterday's camp, Westlaw Hill..."
So he went on a bet.
"To do this, we will need something to command the remaining ones. Your Highness will serve as this Fortunato, and I ask you to lay low temporarily to delegate command of the entire army."
That's what I say and I bow my head big.
Fortunato's words were bold: the transfer of command, but he began the Holy King in his grandeur, and the Holy Knights did not blame him.
"Um. I'll leave it to Sir. Bye, Saints. Lead me."
That's all the Holy King said, he crossed the beautiful white horse that his last name brought.
The Holy Knights rush into action not to lag behind the Holy King.
Command was confused by the actions of the Holy King,
"I have deposited a temporary right of arms over Your Majesty! Tell each unit to wait for instructions to retreat!
Although Fortunato gained the command of a large army of 200,000, he is only his own squadron leader, confused as to how to retreat him.
(Though I should have thought a little more, to obey Lord Arklight's will... I can't move this many armies, etc...)
Although confusion was avoided by decree for the time being, the following order cannot be issued:
"Let us help you"
That's how the hand of salvation appeared to him.
It was the staff who were there, also military bureaucrats of the Holy King's Palace. As direct reports of the Holy King, they were replacing the inexperienced Holy Kings and the Holy Knights, who were actually moving this great army.
"Not at all. My lord Parenti," Fortunato bows his head to Carlo Parenti, the chief of staff.
"Even temporarily, Sir is in command of the entire army. You don't have to bow your head to us."
The Parentis. Staff were opposed to this reckless operation. Since we decided we couldn't avoid this battle, we've been thinking about how to reduce the damage, and we've been looking at opportunities to advance the retreat.
For this reason, he thanked Fortunato for his actions and showed an attitude of sparing no cooperation.
The Holy King's Army began its retreat with the support of outstanding staff.
Meanwhile, Gastaldi also immediately initiated action.
"I, Maggioni Gastaldi, assure you. He who is there says he is the Lord Archbishop! In other words, the people of the meadows are on our side!
The cheer boils among those who were hearing the word. But I don't understand how the Holy Kings retreat.
Gastaldi answers the question.
"His Majesty the Holy King dared to retreat his army in order to avoid useless strife with the people of the rough meadows! Victory is in front of us! Believe in God's command and act solemnly now!
His words were spread by the bishops and priests, and the agitation of the soldiers gradually dwindled.
Though the upset subsided, it takes time for the great army of 200,000 to move.
When Fortunato entrusted the staff with instructions to retreat, he headed under Ray, who returned to the people of the meadows to confirm his actions after this.
Ray exhaled a breath of relief as the Holy King's Army began to retreat. And I spoke to Ashley, who stood beside me.
"Now you're going to manage to avoid the fight. All we have to do is ask the Holy King's army to withdraw completely."
"Isn't that the most problematic thing," Ashley replied without loosening her expression.
"I agree," Stella, who stood behind him, agrees.
"That's true..." I just said, and I saw Fortunato coming from the Holy King's Army.
As soon as Fortunato got off the horse in front of Ray, he poked one knee and started reporting.
"As you can see, Luke's Holy King's Army has begun to retreat. Being a large army, however, it takes time to travel. Perhaps it is around evening that the last troops begin to move, and the march in the dark threatens to cause unexpected events. I would like to receive your instructions, Mr. Arklight."
As Fortunato pointed out, the night march was a dangerous situation for the poorly trained Holy King's Army. There is no denying the possibility that a soldier who feels terror in the dark will mistake his allies for enemies and demons and begin to argue with each other, even if there were magic props and pine lights in the lights.
"I hear there are many Beast Slave Troops accompanying us. Why don't you alert them to your surroundings?"
The beasts have a good night's eye and are even better trained. The thought was that even peasant militia would be relieved if they knew they were on guard around them.
"I see. That's how we'll work it out. There's another instrument I'd like to check."
"What is it?
"We have appealed to His Holiness the Holiness to retreat temporarily because of the fear that the people of the meadows will run wild. You admitted to going down to Westlaw Hill, last night's camp, but I was wondering what else to do."
It's just as Ashley and the others are concerned, and Ray can't answer instantly either.
But I brace my belly that it is necessary to negotiate directly with the Holy King in order to withdraw completely.
"Tomorrow I will speak to His Holiness the Holiness"
"It would be helpful if you could do so," Fortunato said with a relieved look, but the Holy King worries that the Saints will not storm anyway.
"How about an escort? Regardless of His Majesty, the Holy Knights are chunks of privileged consciousness. There is a possibility that you might take Master Arklight lightly."
So Ashley interrupted the story.
"The escort is the entire army of the people of the meadows."
"Master Ashley is right," even Stella will cover.
Fortunato also had to say "I accept" to the temper of both of them.
"Whatever you're talking about escorting, now hold on tight to the reins so the Holy King's Army doesn't storm out"
When I answered "Your Grace," I straddled the horse and returned to the Holy King's Army.
"We'll camp here," Ray ordered camping on the spot after Fortunato left.