Trinitas Mundus
Lesson 90: Responding to the Imperial Army
After noon on September 4th.
Ray was slowly approaching to enter the city of Lark Hill, a major shock west of the Caerm Empire.
In addition to Ashley and others, his escorts are about a hundred of the best of the Mercenary Corps of Markat (Red Arms) and about a hundred of Uno-led Beast Troops.
The Beasts, but they had lined up behind the Red Arms at some point. With all of them off their slave collars, they only looked like silent mercenaries, and the Imperial Army was uncomfortable.
It was in front of the castle gate that Ray noticed leading the way because he had quietly joined the line.
(When... do you mean just people with arms like Uno? And I wonder how many there are......)
Ray thought it would be safer for the Unos to accompany him, and decided to remain silent.
It was Theophilus Lockhart who was leading the Rays. He has a soft grin as usual and even feels spared.
Inside, however, he could not believe enough about his commander-in-chief, Prince Leopold, and was worried about developments after this.
(I persuaded His Highness that the people of the meadows would be on his side, but it is possible that he has changed his mind. Hopefully they won't do anything short-circuited...... you just want to meet Count Rednap first and see how His Highness feels......)
That's all I thought about, approaching Ray,
"I'll go ahead and gather information. It will take time to see His Highness Leopold."
That's all I have to say, I take Eunice Jakes, a scourge, closer to the castle gate.
As Theo spoke to the soldiers at the castle gate, the gate slowly opened.
Theo waves his hand up as he turns around and signals as he enters the city. And disappeared into the city so as to stay ahead of it.
Ray tells Hamish Marcut, "Shall we go?"
When Hamish nods small, he signals sharply, "Departure". The Red Arms mercenaries advance their horses in an elite motion.
They arrive at the castle gate, but are allowed inside, either because Theo talked to them or without checking the orb, which is their ID.
Inside the castle gate were fully equipped Imperial Army soldiers waiting in line. Calvin Rednapp, deputy commander of the Fourth Corps, stands quietly at the head of that.
"I want you to get off the horse and follow us!
"Got it," Ray tells him, getting off his beloved horse and pulling the reins.
As the other faces alike disembarked the horse, Calvin ordered the soldiers to leave. Get closer to the Rays.
"I want you to come to the barracks for now. A glimpse into His Highness, but it's scheduled for around 3: 00 p.m. I want you to be ready to see it by then."
Calvin also realizes why Theo preceded him, turning a meaningful gaze with a serious look.
(I guess that means don't do anything unsolicited until Mr. Theo gets back... because the Imperial Army soldiers are bummed too...)
The boulevard they were walking on was crowded in addition to their thoughts. Many of them were soldiers of the Third and Fourth Regiments, who were in a hurry to move to consolidate the protection of the walls from the movement of the people of the meadows.
The faces of Ray and the Red Arms had honestly followed as they pulled the horse, but Uno had taken arbitrary action to make it look superficially obedient but also in case the Imperial Army tried to harm Ray.
He had ordered some of the beasts under his command to sneak into the city. The beasts have wandered through the castle gate, then disappeared into the city one by one, and eventually about thirty people have disappeared from the line. But because he acted cleverly, not a single one noticed on the Imperial Army's side.
Upon arrival at the barracks after 1 p.m., lunch was served immediately.
Ray thought for a moment of the danger of assassination by poison, but carries the dish to his mouth as if nothing had happened. Because Calvin thought he would be alert, he admires the sight as "Sir is bolder than he looks".
"Because it doesn't make sense to kill me here," he answers flatly, "but I was thinking of something else in my heart.
(If it's poisoned, I can magically handle it. Well, I hate to suffer...)
He also thinks, as I told Calvin, that the prince has no advantage in killing himself.
(Assassination is the worst hand. Uncle Rednap should be aware of that extent. Besides, there's no point in capturing me and threatening the people of the meadows in the long run. Because being flexible is more realistic than forcing you to listen...)
When Calvin pulled up, Theo came back to replace him.
"I've met the Count," he says, gathering the key people to begin the conversation.
"It never seems that His Highness has changed his mind. However, it seems that you would like a little clearer results rather than an ambiguous rumor."
"Is that a clear achievement?" Ray asks.
"Yeah, it seems like you're wondering if you can believe the story that even if you keep going back to Imperial Capital, you've got the people of the meadows on your side. Especially when the elders need something visible."
"Is it something visible... Did the Count say anything?
"Doesn't seem to have any particular idea"
Ray is slightly discouraged by the words, "Really?" And when I try to get Ashley and the others' opinions, Theo tells them, "I have an idea."
Theo started talking with a serious look when Ray shook up the "what is it like" story.
"When His Royal Highness triumphs over the Empire City, he asks you to lead some of the Centaur tribes. Few people will have seen the Humans outside the central region, so I think it has an impact. Naturally it will be a topic of discussion, and there is no doubt that the people of the Empire, including the nobility, think His Highness has mastered the people of the meadows. His Royal Highness would be delighted."
"But then, isn't Prince Leopold going to lead in a successor fight?"
To Ray's doubt, Theo starts explaining in a whisper.
"Exactly, but you just have to include it in advance with the Humans."
"Include, is it?
"Yes, if you get to the Imperial Capital, Your Majesty or the Chancellor will call you. If your Highness asks you if you will obey him, ask him to answer honestly," We will only obey our own leaders. "In fact, it will not be what the Humans are lying about, as it was Mr. Ray who promised to cooperate with His Highness. If that story spreads, we can deny the rumor that His Highness Leopold has mastered the people of the meadows."
Ray entertains Theo's proposal.
(I do think it's an effective means. If Prince Leopold leads an army back to the Imperial Capital, there will be no more troops from Lark Hill invading the Holy King's kingdom. That will buy you time, and you will not have gained an advantage in a successor fight. The concern is that the prince resents the matter and hands on the Humans...)
Theo grinned and laughed as Ray spoke of that concern,
"As an imperial government, I don't want to rub it with the people of the meadows, so the Chancellor should strike me in the hand. I don't think His Highness Leopold or the elders who push His Highness can beat His Highness the Chancellor in a rush. So I don't think there's a problem."
"Is it unthinkable that Prince Leopold would seek a handful and attempt to attack the Holy King's kingdom?
Theo also categorically denies the question.
"His Royal Highness is in his capacity as a prince, but in the army he is only the leader of a single regiment. I mean, you're not in the military power of the Imperial Army. We need approval in the House of Lords and His Majesty's leave to set up the Holy King's kingdom."
"That's true," Ray nods.
"As long as you're in Imperial Capital, you can't move your legions arbitrarily. You need a good reason to start a war even if you want to come out of the Imperial City. Even if you decide to troop out, it won't be His Highness's Third Legion next. My prediction is that His Royal Highness's Second Regiment will be in formation. Otherwise, the Crown Prince seniors will make a scene."
Though the Chancellor, Lord Ezzarington, responds to aggression from the Holy King, he persists in his opposition to actively moving the army.
Theo explained that, for this reason, there is no way to admit a conscription without a great name, and that an order for the conscription should be given to a second legion led by Crown Prince Gigismunt, even if there were more legitimate reasons.
"If there's a problem, it's who we're sending with His Highness Leopold to the Empire City. Because a bad candidate might be able to rub it with the Imperial Army."
"I thought Mr. Theo would come with you?
"I'm going to the eternal darkness (Kwaedam Tenebre). Whatever you say, Luna's here, so there's no way we're not going with her."
So Nicole laughed,
"Besides, you can't just not get on with such a fun story. Because I rarely have the experience of going to Kwaedam Tenebre. And it's obvious that going to Imperial Capital is going to be all about my bad politics."
Seraphine said in the words, "Yes. If you go to Kwaedam Tenebre, you can fight demons you've never fought before," he says with pleasure.
Ray laughs bitterly at the word, but quickly turns it into a serious look.
"So I'll have to ask Mr. Leeva again this time"
Theo shook his neck to the side,
"You should leave it to another family this time. If something happens in Lark Hill, it's possible you won't be able to make a move without Mr. Leeva."
"Let me hear Mr. Theo's opinion," Ray bows his head.
"You don't have to be so sure," Theo laughed.
"I would have guessed the Torres. It's a clan alongside the Sorels, and as far as I can tell, it's a very rational family. Since all Mr. Leeva seemed heavily used in this case, I think if Ray asked me directly, I would do everything in my power to carry out my mission."
The Torres are the second largest family after the Sorrels and are in a rival relationship with the Sorrels. However, they were also aware that they were in a guiding position and had never had a problem in the Council of Chiefs either.
"Okay. I'll talk to you when I'm done with my errands at Lark Hill."
Around 2: 30 p.m., Prince Leopold's deputy picked him up.
"Lord Arklight and Lockhart follow me."
That's all I say, I start walking without even hearing back.
Ashley was just about to say something, and Ray said, "It's okay. I wouldn't have a problem with Mr. Theo," he said with a grin and stood up.
Then he gives instructions in a whisper to Uno, who was holding back behind him.
"Don't move, Mr. Uno either. In case you find out who you are, it will be difficult."
Uno bows his head to the word "please".
Ray and Theo walk behind the deputy. Immediately into the castle of Lark Hill, he is escorted straight into the prince's room.
The prince's room was an office for the castle owner, where, besides Prince Leopold, the others who were Lord Lednapp and others waited.
Prince Leopold greets the Rays with a smile when he says, "Well done."
Ray and Theo immediately poked one knee and bowed their heads, showing respect for the prince.
"You understand I made a concession on this one."
Prince Leopold turned off his grin and told him in a harsh tone.
"Of course I understand," Ray replies, "then show your sincerity," the prince tells Eagle Deep.
It was a steeper development than expected, but Ray began to speak in a firm tone without panic.
"We wonder if His Royal Highness will accompany the Humane Horses when they are triumphant by the Empire City. How about that?"
The prince is bewildered by words he did not expect to "accompany the Humans..."
"And what are your intentions?" When Uncle Rednap asks the question, Theo speaks on Ray's behalf.
"There is no record of the Humans visiting the Empire City. In other words, leading the Humans into the Imperial Capital can be described as a historic feat. They will also stand out, so it will certainly be a huge rumor among the subjects of the Imperial capital"
So Lark Hill deputy Luther Lanswick nods loudly, "I'm sure it will be a big topic".
"Take the Humans and triumph..." Uncle Rednap mutters in a meaningful way.
Without responding to it, Prince Leopold was thinking about Theo's explanation.
(Indeed, the Humans have never crossed the Foss River. Triumph to the Imperial City by following its Humans and Horses, and the talking hungry Imperial People will be enthusiastic. In that case, the elder will tell His Majesty's ear more about it. You should be able to make a big difference from the incompetent Gigismunt who can't do anything......)
Behind his brain, he heard the people cheering for their triumphant self.
"Come on!" The prince admitted out loud, "I did receive your sincerity," and approached Ray kneeling, making him stand up.
"I want you to come with me to the Imperial Capital," replies Theo before Ray opens his mouth.
"Lord Arklight would prefer not to accompany you."
"Why?" I'm surprised.
"This time Lord Arklight is acting on the side of the Holy King. If he accompanies him in that, he may be made obscure by the factions of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. If that happens, there is a risk that His Highness may have made an unfair deal with the Holy Kingdom."
"Uhm," the prince roars.
Theo adds an explanation so as to fold it even further.
"An even greater concern is the failure to ensure the safety of Lord Arklight. I don't know what to say, but His Royal Highness is not the one who thinks deeply about things. In the unlikely event that Lord Arklight is harmed, the people of the meadows will flip an anti-flag against the Empire. An army that is not comparable to the Holy King's Army is rampaged around within the Empire. Even assuming there are about a thousand people, there is no doubt that there will be significant damage to the Empire City. And it will be said that the blame rests with His Highness, who brought in the Humans."
Prince Leopold hardens his expression on the words.
"Sure, but I don't think the Chancellor would allow that to happen."
"In front of His Excellency Rednap, is it okay to believe His Excellency the Chancellor?
Uncle Rednapp said in that word, "The word is too much, Theophilus!" and faint.
"I'm very sorry for your loss. I will withdraw what I have just said," Theo bows his head immediately.
But as the prince listens to the conversation, he reconsiders whether he can believe the Chancellor.
(You're absolutely right. He's been all the way out of my way trying to cling to the supreme seat. If he is, it's not strange to move to get rid of me for raising my hand. But can you defeat a Horseman without an arc light? In case the Humans get busted, Lockhart is right, the accusations will concentrate on me......)
When the prince is troubled, Uncle Rednap speaks.
"I disagree. We know very little about the Humans. If we take such people to the Imperial Capital, we will cause unwanted trouble. Please reconsider."
The opposition of Uncle Rednapp, Lord Ezarrington, the Chancellor, led Prince Leopold to decide the other way around. If the Chancellor objected for fear of being politically disadvantaged, he thought it would be in his favor.
"No, you won't need that concern. If you look outside the castle, tens of thousands of large armies are following Archrite's instructions very closely. The Humans are opposed to appearance and can be described as comparable soldiers to our Imperial Army. You don't have to think about disobeying the orders of your superiors."
"But..." Uncle Rednapp tried to disagree further, but the prince blocked it,
"I'll take responsibility. As long as it's called the most powerful cavalry, it can be dealt with adequately in our Third Legion."
Uncle Rednap has to back down too if they say so much.
"Then, after confirming that the Holy King's Army has withdrawn to Abadzac, we will leave the Fourth Legion to triumph over the Empire. I'm sorry for your loss, but I need you to be patient for a while now."
That's what I say. Gently bow my head to Uncle Rednap.
By keeping Lord Ezarrington's belly in Lark Hill, the prince thought of cutting the power of the Neutralists at all.
"Your Majesty, it is not necessarily the Kingdom of the Holy Kingdoms that betrays you, so I thought it would be reasonable."
Uncle Rednap could read the prince's thoughts, but he was convinced that the master would not be affected by this extent. On the contrary, it was a ship on the crossing because it was wondering under what pretext to stay to prevent the Imperial Army side from going wild.
When the Rays finished their visit with Prince Leopold, they returned to the barracks. Where the prince's side is gone, Ray hits Theo with a question.
"Were you meeting with the Count beforehand?
So Theo laughs, "Of course you do," he said.
"His Excellency Rednap also wanted His Highness to pull him up very hard, so please get on right away. Your Excellency also said that if you disagree, you will always come aboard, even if your Highness is lost."
"This is going to work out for the Imperial Army side, too. And then if we persuade the Torres, there will be no more major problems."
Ray and the others reported back to the barracks to Ashley and the others about their sight with Prince Leopold.
"So you can head to the land of the demons (Kwaedam Tenebre). I don't think it's right for me to talk like this."
When Hamish said so, the faces of the Marcut Mercenaries (Red Arms) snorted heavily.