Trinitas Mundus
Episode 92: East
September 28th.
The Rays arrived safely in Fortis, a mercenary country.
In the meantime the itinerary also has the activity of the Unos Beast Troops and has not caused any problems such as demonic raids.
"You've never traveled more peacefully."
The mercenary of the war, Hamish Markat, was so grunted.
The process of joining the mercenary guild of the Beasts took place in the City of Fortis, but there is also the mouthpiece of Hamish, a first-degree mercenary, and Theophilus Lockhart, also a disciple of Gideon Dyer, who is regarded as the strongest in the world, and the process will take place without any problems.
And the beasts, who had completed the procedure, set out in turn to gather information.
Exactly the number of people, 100, was seen to take two days to complete the process. For this reason, there was a suggestion from Ashley.
"Enjoy the festival because it's a corner."
October 1st is the fall harvest festival, and here in Fortis the festival is celebrated. But Ray shook his neck sideways with a slightly lonely look on his face.
"I don't want to go, but if we don't hurry, it's winter. You experienced the harshness of Sochius' winter last year."
Stella argues softly against Ray's words.
"I know we should hurry, but I think breathing is important too. So I agree with Ashley."
"Even in winter, we'll have to negotiate with the Kingdom of Kaum to cross Fort Toa. When you think about that time, a day or two behind is a small thing."
Luna also turned to convince Ray.
I was persuaded by the three of them, "Right. Shall we relax for a day or so," Ray also admitted.
When I heard that story, the young men of the Marcut Mercenaries (Red Arms) said, "Yay! I'm happy to say."
"We leave the day after tomorrow. Don't take your wings off too much," Hamish stabbed the nail, but "He says it's okay," replied Fifth Squad young Hal Rankle at his usual rate.
On September 30th, the eve of the harvest festival, the Rays rolled out to the city of Fortis and enjoyed the festival.
At night he attends a banquet at the mercenary guild headquarters.
There should have been an invitation from the Fortis branch of the Blacksmith Guild, but there were no major blacksmiths and no banquets at the branch. The youngest dwarves were at the mercenary guild banquet.
Not only the mercenaries of the Mercenary Corps of Markat (Red Arms), but also the Humane Horse (Centaur) and other meadow people were invited, and the banquet was greatly enlivened.
The Humans wear martial bone leather armor only on the move, but in towns and villages they wear flashy ethnic costumes with many primary colors, the aliens and giants of which were always the object of attention.
By the way, the Humans refused to stay in the Inn and were staying in the tent carried by the nomads. Their giant enters only because of the stables.
The day after enjoying the harvest festival at Fortis, the Rays set off under the drop-off of the mercenaries.
Fortis was doing well without any trouble, but after crossing the biggest difficulty in mid-October, Roguedale, into Caerm Empire territory, it is often interfered with by the Empire.
Not only were they persistently questioned when entering the Inn Town, but officials appeared in the Inn and sometimes explained the same thing.
Combined with information from the Beast Troops, I was not sure why, although I could tell that the eastern governor, the Ealdred Border Uncle, was on guard.
Still, the Theos. Being accompanied by officials from the Lockhart family, it did not pose a major problem and arrived in the eastern region's main city of Ealdred on October 15th.
When entering Aaldred, the knight guarding the gate expressed concern about the entry of the Humans into the city.
"There is no guarantee that the Humans will not cause trouble. And the mercenaries there aren't mercenaries from the Kingdom of Lax? What are you going to do with that brilliant frog horse?"
In contrast, Ray answers.
"The Humans will not cause any trouble. But in case you get in trouble, I'll take responsibility."
"Young men like you take responsibility?
So Theo went in between,
"He is the“ White Master ”of poetry. If you're still unhappy, I'll be the guarantor of the Lockhart family's three sons."
Hearing of the Lockhart family, the knight said, "I don't know what else to do," and allowed him into the city.
Though he reassures me that he managed to get inside, he gets a call from the Governor's Office before he enters the inn.
It was Theo and Hamish, and Ray, who were summoned.
It was not an office room, but a room in a pack of soldiers that was also likely to be used for interrogation. Inside the room were about thirties of noble bureaucrats and five escort soldiers waiting.
When the Rays sat down, senior Governor's Office officials with the Viscount began asking questions.
"I want to ask you guys something. First of all, why are the Horsemen heading east, who have never left the meadows before?"
Theo answers the question.
"You're going to the village of Rasmore with me, but what's that?
"Are you really going to visit the Lockhart family? We also have information that the Humans intervened in the war. Why would that Horseman be here like this?
It's been about a month and a half since the Holy King's Army withdrew from Lark Hill. The Imperial Army had used Feilong troops and others to transmit the backdrop of the war against the Holy King to major cities.
The information is naturally also coming to the Ealdred Border Uncle, the eastern governor.
What the Governor cares about is why the Humane Horse tribe, which has only ever moved at the Emperor's request, suddenly moved proactively and appeared even further afield like this.
From the information that new leaders appeared to the people of the meadows and the fact that they were cordial with the mercenary regiment of the Kingdom of Lax, I was wondering if the people of the meadows and the Kingdom of Lax had secretly joined hands.
Theo answered the Viscount's question flatly with an extra grin.
"My brother Zacharias has something to do with it. I mean, there's alcohol involved."
The Viscount is upset by that unexpected word.
"If it's booze... sure Sir Zacharias would be booze... is that true?
"Of course it is. They're supposed to teach us how to make horse milk liquor in the village."
The Viscount is confused with "horse milk liquor..." and can't ask any more questions.
I'm going to talk to Theo further into convolutions.
"Do you know horse milk liquor? Humans and nomads make alcohol out of horse milk, but the flavour varies greatly depending on the season in a special way. And it tastes subtly different from tribe to tribe. I don't know what my brother would do if he asked me how to make that horse milk wine..."
"No, it's not like we want to talk about booze..." the Viscount says, but Theo keeps talking regardless.
"... I'm sorry. But you asked me earlier why the Humans are here. This is why the Humans are here, but as has already been heard, the Torres of the Humans are on their way to the Empire with His Highness Leopold. This has never happened before, but it's happening as a reality. So I don't think it would be strange if the rest of the family went outside the meadows."
"Sure, but... Then why are you working with Lax's mercenary regiment?
"They are the guards of my sister Luna, hired by the Blacksmith Guild. I know it's too protective, because my sister is particularly fond of you Dwarves."
So Theo sends Hamish his gaze. Hamish also realizes the intent and takes the story back in a flat tone.
"I don't know. I was immediately asked to do so by Lord Ulrich, the master craftsman. The fee is for this sword."
That's what I say. Show you the brilliant Ars steel two-handed sword.
"This is a delicacy that Lord Ulrich hit me straight away. That's not all. The captain class also receives martial arts from Lord Oygen, Lord Johan and other celebrities. Never just works"
The Viscount is a civilian, but he knew how valuable the weapons Ulrich and others would make. For this reason, he considered it sufficiently possible to hire as many escorts as the Mercenary Corps of Markat.
"Mm-hmm. Sure, the reward seems appropriate, but I can't imagine common sense putting as many as a hundred amazing mercenaries on each daughter"
"I don't know about asking Dwarf for common sense in stories involving alcohol," Theo said with a laugh, and even more so Hamish laughed.
"Let Lord Ulrich tell you, that girl is like a granddaughter. Well, I'm sure I'll make a good pinch of liquor."
"A pinch of booze... to that extent... unbelievable"
"I don't think you should say that extent or anything in front of Dwarf," Theo stabbed the nail,
"If you don't seem to believe it, why don't you ask the Dwarves of this city if Luna is worth it"
The Viscount thinks for a moment, but has his hips drawn to being able to rub with Dwarves in lockheart entanglement,
"It doesn't extend to that. If that's what Sir Lockhart's three sons say, he's right."
"So would you mind if we went back to the inn, too," Theo cuts out.
"Whatever. But I'll just tell you this," he says and stuffs it in Theo.
"If you rub inside the Empire, even the Lockhart family will be punished. Keep this in mind. You may not understand what I'm saying to you, a samurai, but there could be a big storm within the Empire. There's a war on Luke, something bigger than a comparison."
"Thank you for your advice. I don't understand what concerns you, but I remind my liver not to cause problems within the Empire."
Theo said so, bowing his head greatly.
Leaving the Governor's Office, Ray bows his head wide to Theo.
"Thanks to you, it helped. I don't think I could get through this as well as I did."
"That won't happen. Whatever you say, it's called" The White Army. "
and Theo laughs, but immediately returns to a serious look,
"Apparently, His Excellency the Governor of the East thinks that His Majesty the Emperor's inheritance problems will intensify. And I guess I've stung the nail so persistently that I don't want you to rub it in the eastern part of my responsibility."
"So will it be like this in the future?
"I don't think so. Probably, but I think you'll be welcome ahead."
"What does that mean?" Hamish tilts his neck.
"Ahead is where there are many Leopold princesses. If you are listening to the Torres, you should welcome us with the Humans and try to show His Highness the good things. Plus the numbers are small, but the Crown Prince nobility won't get their hands on the Humans either. If you get in trouble with the Humans, you'll be in trouble when you become the next Emperor."
As Theo put it, after leaving Aldred is often welcomed.
Then, he proceeded smoothly on Oriental Street and entered the Kingdom of Kaum.
"In Ars, you get permission to pass Fort Toa, right," Theo tells Ray.
"Yeah, because the way out I used is worse than the Beast Road. If you want to use a horse in Sochius, you can't do it without passing through Toa."
When I follow Luna into Sochius, I use a way out to bypass Fort Toa. However, in a place so steep that for the first time a path could be found with the Unos Beast Troops, travel using horses was impossible even for nomads.
For this reason, we intend to ask the Government of the Kingdom of Kaum to allow the passage of Fort Toa and enter the village of Leriche through the path used by the Demons for the invasion.
But there was one problem.
The Kingdom of Kaum built Fort Thor to protect the western country from the demons. For this reason, it was necessary to negotiate with the Royal Government because it needed permission from the Royal Government to exit east of the fort, but the demonic threat was not officially supposed to have left.
"Uno and the others will have information that is difficult to gather, so I will gather it first. I think we can negotiate well in advance, and I'm going to ask for the support of the Blacksmith Guild."
Theo said that, along with Lyle Marron and Eunice Jakes, preceded him away from the main unit.
November 1st.
The Rays arrived safely in Ars, king capital of the Kingdom of Kaum.
Theo and his predecessors were waiting for Daimon. Luna thought she looked less like a dwarf than she thought, but soon we knew why.
"Mr. Ulrich and the others are going to the village now," Theo tells Luna as he approaches.
"In the village of Rasmore?
"Oh, they're attending the Victory Festival. I should have realized then that even Fortis didn't have Mr. Rudiggers... he couldn't do it this spring, and he's doing a lot more than that because Brother Zach is back. There's no Mr. Gaelnote, there's no Mr. Oygen, there's hardly any parent class."
The Victory Festival is an event to commemorate the striking and brilliant defeat of the village of Rasmore by a large group of undead.
Usually it's just to celebrate the souls against the war dead and the fact that there was no great damage to the village, but once every few years, an event called the "Dwarf Festival” is held in conjunction. “Dwarf Festival" is officially referred to as "Forge Skills Assessment Meeting” and “Liquor Quality Review Meeting" and refers to a festival in which you compete for blacksmith arms and bring more proud liquor to show off. Due to the dominance of the Dwarves, they are called that, but they were more famous for their nicknames than their official names.
"It's October 22nd, so you won't be back for another five days. So..."
Luna was immediately convinced but at the same time remembered her concerns.
"But that makes it difficult to negotiate with the Royal Government. How'd it go, Theo?
Theo flaunted his shoulders,
"As you can imagine. I'll tell you more when I get into the inn."
The line went up the slopes of the city of Ars towards the Inn.