Trinitas Mundus
Episode 102: Building a Base
March 17th.
We entered the wilderness of despair (Desperationis) for the third morning.
Last night, a policy has been set to gather key members, build a simplified base in this place, and see what's going on around us, while getting used to dealing with demons and traps.
Using the time to build the base, the people of the meadows, including the Humane Horse (Centaur) tribe, were to return to the village of Mauki to raise supplies.
This is the suggestion of Gius Salinas, who commands the people of the meadows.
"There doesn't seem to be anything useful about us being here. I'd like to use this time to replenish supplies once and for all."
"It's dangerous, even though it's a place I went through," Ray disagrees, but Gius uncommonly argues with Ray, their absolute ruler “the White King," that "as the King speaks".
"In the two days leading up to yesterday, we were merely protected. I have no intention of disputing the King's thoughts, but I hope that we will also have the opportunity to be active..."
The people of the meadows were warriors representing each clan, whose pride was greatly hurt by the fact that they were on their feet. But it was a harsh fact, and he also understood that even if he insisted he wanted to fight, he would not gain the support of Ray, the king.
So during last night we all had a discussion. And from what our advantages are and what Ray said to us when we left the meadows, we decided to show our existential value with what we could do.
"With our feet, we can reach the village of Mauki fully in a day. If you borrow the horses of Lord Hamish, you will be able to carry a considerable amount of supplies on a round trip. Give us this mandate."
That's what I say and I bow my head big.
The village of Mauki is about fifty km (Kimmel) away, but it is not impossible to travel in a single day if it is a combination of a human horse tribe and an excellent military horse, a frogman. Although it is necessary to carry leaves, water can be supplied on a single horse by as much as eighty kg (kilograms), as water can be used as a water-building magic prop.
If you borrow a horse given to the Mercenary Corps of Mercenaries (Red Arms), it will be nearly two hundred. Twenty Humans and Horses are added to it, which allows them to transport more than thirteen tons of supplies in a single transport, even with the exception of forty that nomadic warriors ride.
Although Ray acknowledges its effectiveness, he had doubts about its safety.
Varma Niska of the Moon Demon Nation joined the story.
"I agree with Lord Gius' proposal. If you want to add, why don't you accompany some of the Beast and Wing Demon units as scouts and missionaries? It's a place I went through once, so I've found most of the dangerous traps. All you have to do is respond to the demons that suddenly appear, but if accompanied by the scourge of the Beast Man and the Winged Demon Spellman, I'm not so worried about Lord Gius' arms."
Ray also decides in her opinion.
"Okay. I'd like to ask Mr. Gius to direct the supply unit."
Thus the people of the meadow turned to the village of Mauki. They are accompanied by ten Beast Troops and five Winged Demon Spellmen.
After dropping off the people of the meadows, Ray convened seven lunar demon spellmen led by Elise Nortier and five wing demon spellmen whose earthly attribute magic could be used, as well as Luna.
"I want to consider what kind of base we should create for this occasion. Do you have any opinions on consolidating the ground and building a food vault?"
The Ealis have also never made such a base and replied that "what Lord Ray said is not sufficient".
So Luna came up with a single drawing.
"During the evening, Theo, I discussed it with you and thought about it."
"I'm ready," Ray said, with a look like Ashley was convinced to stand next door.
"With that said, Lockhart Castle was magically built. I've heard it's a beautiful castle."
"Yeah, Mr. Zach made it all by himself. It's a great castle with all kinds of tricks. Not only that, but they also build surveillance towers and walls."
Luna laughs in remembrance, adding, "Huh... but I think it was the liquor reservoir that made the most of them".
"How do you do it," Ray said, staring at the drawing and whining,
"The shape is a 50m (melt) square on one side. First, I'll build a floor about fifty cm (semel) thick with stone production (stone creation). Because it's unlikely that a demon will come out of this... a vault about a hundred square melts east of the center... well, I think it should be about three melts high... build it, place a cooking area and drainage facilities to the east of it, and a further place to connect the horses to the east..."
The idea of Luna and the others was to stables a people's residential area on the west side and the east side.
"... we won't be able to afford to build walls or roofs for now, so I guess we just need some space to put up a tent. If you make a projection that holds the rope in place, it should be easy to tension the tent... What do you think you can do?
"That's a lot more than I thought," said Elise, eyebrowing in good shape.
With an equally difficult look on Varma's face,
"That's all the size, and whether even the thirteen, including Lord Ray, will be finished by the end of the day..."
"Oh, I'll help you, too. It's not a big level yet, but if it's as magical as stone production (stone creation), it can be used without problems."
"I appreciate that," he replies.
"We've never built more equipment either. Why don't we make it a little smaller?
In Varma's words, Luna said, "Really?" and lean his neck.
"Ray, wouldn't you be able to do this alone?
Suddenly he talks and is confused.
"I don't know. I've never done anything like this before, so I can't say anything."
That's where Stella joins the story.
"It may be normal in the Lockhart family, but it's not common to use magic in civil engineering like in the old empire. I've heard that magicians in the empire today are full of roads and bridges to maintain."
"That's true. Then I'll tell you the trick I heard. When Zach was about ten years old... he did say he was about my level now, but even at that level he could easily build a stone tub for me if he knew the trick..."
"At the age of ten......" Ellis is surprised, but Luna continues to explain it regardless.
"... do you know about lacquering and mortars?" When I hear it, I tilt my neck, except for Ray.
"I don't know much about it either, think of it as something to put between bricks and tiles and make them glue. In other words, if you use an image that solidifies when something like mud dries, you can efficiently turn the soil into stone."
"I see," Ray nodded.
"You mean efficient if you imitate what's actually there, not forced to make it"
"That's the thing. It feels similar to building stone walls. They say it's efficient to build walls of dirt with images of masses of dirt coming up from the ground and then turn them into stones."
Ray, who was briefed, tried to use magic in the image he was told.
Imagining concrete as far as the petrification of the ground was concerned, it consumed less magic and the conversion rate was even faster than imagined.
"I think I can do half the space on my own."
"Right," Luna replies, smiling.
The Ealis then petrified the ground in the same way. Although I couldn't get the hang of it at first and was confused, I gradually got the hang of it as I did it several times.
Once Ray has entrusted Ealis and the others with the task of locating, he will discuss the surrounding demon crusade with Hamish and other Marcut Mercenary Corps (Red Arms) captain classes, Uno and Theophilus.
First Hamish cut his mouth fire.
"At first, as the class of commanders gain experience, we need to be accompanied by the Uno lords, as well as experienced people like Ash and Stella. And then it would help if you had a winged demon spellman who was a healer."
"I don't think that's a problem, but how many people do you think we should have?"
"If we're going to cope with the unforeseen, there 'll be no more than ten of us. If it's more than that, you'll be out of sight."
Hamish's opinion was correct, and five squads were formed in such a way that Uno, Seis, Ocho, Nuebe and Diez became the leaders of the scourge. Uno, however, is on a rescue team with Ray in an emergency and will not be on reconnaissance.
"Please pull back immediately if you are unable to respond, such as if an invisible (Invisible) Killer (Murder) comes out. Anyway, it's forbidden to impose. Because it's all about getting used to this land."
The four squads proceed east about two hundred melts away so that they can support each other. I'm only going to try this one, so I'm going to be back in three or four hours.
Ray, who sent out a reconnaissance team, gets to work on creating a base.
We joined the Ealis, but the work went well.
"I didn't think I'd make this much progress with Luna's advice. It's a combination with magic, but the petrification of the ground is going to be complete by evening," Ellis reports to Ray.
"Beware of the amount of magic left over. We need to move quickly when something unforeseen happens."
"I hear you should pinch the break frequently," said Luna.
"Mr. Zach taught me this, too, that when you're at rest, the magic recovers about ten to twelve percent an hour. Even if I used it for about a quarter of an hour, if I lay down for about two hours, I would go back to normal, so I was taught that I could always secure more than half my magic if I first used it for about half an hour, then rested for two hours, and worked with a quarter."
"I think it's hard to tell what the rest of it is," Ray asks.
Including Ray, because he has no way of knowing how much magic remains.
"I was told to remember that area by feeling. My sister-in-law Sharon taught me that a quarter of the time I feel a little tired, half the time I feel a little heavy on my head. Of course, it was when I used it all at once, except during a battle I'm worried about."
"Is that even being studied," Varma surprises.
The common sorcerer, including the Sochius sorcerer, is very concerned about the residual amount of magic. However, there is no means of measuring it and it is only managed by the declaration of the person.
So much so that even relatively high-level magicians have stopped exercising their magic more than just a few times after using their initial attack magic.
Sometimes, like most court magicians and dark temple magicians, I sensibly remember the number of times I use them with reference to people of the same level if I train jointly.
"They say it's only a guide. Mr. Zach said he could see the amount of magic in numbers, so I think it would help."
"See in numbers? I could do that," Ray muttered.
(My novel setting shouldn't confirm my status...... do you know if Mr. Zach is special or just magic in another way...... I'll ask Luna later......)
Ray was distracted by the matter for a moment, but gives immediate instructions.
"In the meantime, let's take a two-hour break in the direction of letting it in. We'll recover at least twenty percent, so we can handle whatever happens."
Later, Ray also joined in creating a base.
He was entrusted with the task of building a food vault with Luna.
With a high magician level and room for magic, Ray creates a wall of dirt with a wall of dirt (Earthwall), and Luna, who can make a good image of petrification, turns it into a wall of stone.
In about an hour, a warehouse of ten melts vertically and horizontally and three melts tall can be created.
"You feel kind of strange," Ray spoke as he rested with his back in that warehouse.
"What could it be?" and Luna tilts her little neck.
"It's kind of strange that Luna and I are doing this kind of work. I thought we'd never even worked together at a high school cultural festival."
"Right. But it was a long time ago for me, so I don't really feel it."
"Well, that was about twenty years ago for you. It hasn't been three years for me."
So Luna looks up at the sky.
"I wonder what it would be like to go back to the original world. In my case, I'm not sure I can go back to everyday life."
Ray looked up at the sky in the same way,
"Same goes for me. In your case, it's fine because you haven't changed much from the original world, but in mine, it's completely different. I'm sure you'll be confused when you get back to your original body with this physical sensation."
After saying that, the two of us look at each other and laugh at the same time.
But soon the two of them turn to a serious look.
"Even if we're going back to the original world, we have to win this fight," Luna nods loudly, too, when Ray says in a strong tone.
"I hate it when my soul disappears or I can't go back to Japan, but I don't want to end up here any more than that. And give that guy one more time..."
The last word didn't sound like Ray. But I won't ask you again,
"I still want to be this way, too. I can't end up here."
The two did not utter any more words. But I was renewing my resolve in my heart.
In the afternoon, Hamish's squad, who was on reconnaissance, returned.
Although tired, Ray is relieved that not a single one is missing.
"How was it?," replies Alberic Auger, Hamish's substitute deputy.
"I could only go about five kimmels. That invisible enemy never came out, but I guess he attacked me about ten times..."
He always had a tired look for cheerful him.
"... and Hamish will beat you..."
That's what I say. Show the helmet. Some of the metal helmets were dented and did not feel lightly poked.
"What happened?," Hamish said with a bitter look,
"Suddenly I bowed at Ash, so I hit him with the belly of my sword as much as I wanted. Obviously, it was insane. Probably manipulated by someone."
"How was the others?," Ray hears,
"Only Al, the elf, was manipulated."
"We've talked about it before, but there was a trap that affected the spirit with sounds heard only by the Beast Man. This time it must have been something that only worked for the elves. Thinking about it, the same thing could happen to other races. It's troublesome how hard it is to hear sounds, but you should probably use earplugs."
Although other squads were also raided, there were no dead or seriously injured.
That night, the reconnaissance team's information was shared and it was decided to leave for the same reconnaissance around us tomorrow.