
00044 Trawler


Dyr Wolf's back was screamed at by the sudden acceleration, but within hours, he closed his eyes and broke his lips and desperately hung on the back of a silver wolf.

How long has it been?

When the damp moisture disappeared from the smell of the wind touching his face, he opened his eyes.

Then I lifted my head, realizing that I had just left a marsh full of humid fog.


I almost missed the hand holding Dyr Wolf's fur when I was pushed against the strong wind, but it was enough time for me to realize that I was returning to town.

When a large silver wolf suddenly sprinted from the side of the marsh, the villagers who were anxious about the monsters in the marsh became confused.

I quickly covered the entrance to the village with a wooden ledge and started preparing to blow even the crude arrows.

But that too, for a moment.

Those who found someone on the back of the wolf rushed into the hands of those who were trying to blow the arrow.

The Dyr Wolf stops looking at people with bows as he enters the village entrance, and he snaps at them.


Dyne, who was desperately hung, immediately shrieked as she stood on the floor with her body open and her face trembled as soon as she realized that she had arrived at the village entrance.

The Dyer Wolf immediately turns around as he completes his quasi-judicial order.

“Now, wait a minute...”

Dye Wolf began to rush straight to the wetlands without even reaching out his hands and calling out this beautiful silver wolf.

“... ”

I'm staring at a silvery wolf out of sight in an instant, and then the villagers rush out and start beating people up.

“You! Get in there! I know how worried Jesse was! ”

The villagers beat the foundation and released their tied hands and thoroughly examined whether anyone had been injured.

While Dyne was still out of his mind, he realized that he had come to shake his sword, but he didn't think it was too bad that he had lost only one of his father's artifacts.


Only then did Jesse run to hear the news.

Dyne closes her eyes, expecting her soul to burst out, but Jesse immediately rushes into her arms and starts to shed tears.

While the whole town was in chaos due to the return of a giant silver wolf, four travellers who had just finished introducing themselves and sharing their roles at the other entrance were walking into the village.

“Well... the village is a bit sluggish. ”

“It must be the monsters in the marsh. Let's gather information here, replenish the supplies we need, and then leave. ”

“I don't know if there's an inn. I wish I could take a bath before I hunt. ”

“That's a good idea. I've been having a hard time washing these days. ”

As the four travellers entered the village in such a bold conversation, Junsung was looking for a renewed quest message as he headed to where the owner of the marsh was.

(Sub) Jesse's request.

: Jesse is worried about his son, Diane, running off to kill the monsters in the marsh. Help her son return safely to her mother's arms.


Reward: Slight EXP, (Diane's Short and Sharp Sword)

Would you like to claim your reward now? (Y/n)_

(Note) Unclaimed rewards will be automatically voided after 7 days.

“This must have been one of the additional rewards. ”

Jun-san pauses for a moment, thinking of the short sword that Dian went to tremble.

Then take the short sword out of the inventory and run the item check.

Item Information

Name: Diane's Short and Sharp Sword

Level Limit: None

Type: Weapons

Rating: Common

Attack Power: 512

Effect: 150% damage against beasts.

Seed: 1 slot

Description: A short sword used by the hunter.

“... ”

The knuckles are also underrated and under-performed compared to the previous knuckles.

Although there are amplifying the damage against the beast, even if you pick it up, it falls short of the basic damage of the knuckle.

The shape is quite pretty, so I don't know if it can be used for decoration, but in many ways it was not very satisfying.

Thankfully, there is an EXP reward.

Joon Sang received a reward for returning to his taste.

Suddenly a white light emanates from his body.

“Argh! What, what is it? ”

Hanging on his shoulders, Il Maren quietly opened his fourteenth level up reward, Random Card, a surprise as the light gushed out of his body.

Despite gaining a lot of experience in the last quest, the leveling up was not being done because of the impact of leveling up immediately after defeating the boss, but the level is now up.

Card Information

Name: sprint

Level: 1 Lv

EXP: 0

Rating: Common

Classification: Skill

Growth: Premature (Moderate)

Attribute: None

Effect: Movement Speed +20% when equipped.

Cost: 10

Seed: 1 slot

“... ”

It's not bad.

Although it is a low-rated card, the increase in MOVE SPD is of great help as minimaps and titles make it possible to quickly earn and solve quests.

But if there's a problem,

Because it is a skill card, if you assign a slot to use a sprint for a combination of five like crazy dogs, the combo effect itself will disappear.

If you are a four-year-old combo with the same photowarrior or Mutu, there is no disruption in maintaining the combo effect because one slot is empty.

Of course, there is also a problem in this case.

In the case of photowarriors, the attack skill should be subtracted instead of using sprint. In the case of Mutuga, the power is weakened because the pickle armor (R) must be subtracted.

In many ways, we need attention.

It seems to be cumbersome to use before you get a separate combo.

He decided to test the newly obtained card.

“Open sprint. ”

As the R card falls out and the sprint card is mounted, the quadriceps takes a deep breath and starts to run at full speed.


At a sudden acceleration, Il Maren desperately hangs over her shoulder screaming or screaming.

I'm just getting used to running at a quasi-speed speed, but as I get quicker, I'm just too distracted to keep up with the wind with the body of a little fairy.

At that time.

He reached out his left hand and covered his left shoulder with the palm of his hand, where Il Maren was riding.

Il Maren desperately withstood the wind, grabbed his toes, and suddenly the wind weakened, and his eyes twitched and his face flushed.

As a quadrilateral, he shouted aloud at the side of his ear, making it noisy, but this little fairy thought it was caring for himself.

The new skills allowed me to run faster, but in the first place, the terrain itself was a rough marsh, so there was a limit to running at the highest speed.

In any case, Joon Sang, who was running like that, finally found a very lax residence in some of the dry lands of the wetlands.

“Here. Here's the boss of the monsters. ”

“... ”

Instead of being a man-made house, Joon-hyang, who was looking at the house of a beast like a beaver, said to Il Maren after replenishing the R card instead of sprinting.

“Stay here. ”


Thinking about what happened with the electric shocker earlier, Il Maren came down from the standard shoulder and climbed up to a nearby branch.

Junsang pauses his breathing with a violent sprint and then, as usual, leaves the wolves beside Il Maren to infiltrate the town of monsters.

Before defeating the boss, I was able to reduce the number of monsters in the town as much as possible.

“... ”

The monsters were wandering around the village with a spear and a pair of spears.

Junsung starts to quietly take care of the monsters that roam around with their bodies hidden by the clutches.


When the right hand of the quadrilateral approaches from behind breaks his neck, the monster collapses without even screaming.

That's how I handled it quietly.

The monsters that found the body only began to scream at the twelve.

“... ”

Jun-san looked at the number of monsters running out of the house.

Despite the killing of over ten, there were still about twenty more monsters left.

I don't know what there is here.

Since there were 103 known numbers in the first quest, there may be fewer numbers left in the home of monsters.

Joon Sang whistled briefly as he looked back.

Then the two wolves that were hiding ran like lightning and ran to the monsters outside the town.

When two giant wolves show up, the monsters who trembled at the courthouse begin to rush to stop the wolves.

Through that gap, Junsung quietly sweeps into the heart of the town, and shortly after, he can discover the final boss of this marsh quest.

The boss was twice as big as the other monsters in Iguana, and had a black scale on his body that looked very firm as the other monsters.

The limbs looked considerably poorer than normal terrestrial creatures, but the large wooden clubs did not seem to be complete enough.

I'm still watching, and a few monsters who appear to be messengers rush to me and say something in a queeky voice.

The boss, who heard it, began to move to where the wolf appeared with the five monsters seen as escorts.

Joon Sang is hiding behind the house for a while...

The boss jumps out of his back as he looks past himself, triggering a shoulder charge.

The rapidly shattering shoulders of the quadrilateral burst into the air in front of the eyes and immediately hit the boss's back.


The boss, who was struck by the injustice, rolled straight forward, but within a few minutes, he was furious and raised his body.


Despite the success of the proper ambush, Junhyang frowns as if he was not badly hit.

Even monstrous boars were ambushed with shoulder recharge while they were defenseless, and the boss's defenses were truly remarkable.

I do, though.

I'm the boss of prestige, and it's funny when you fall down in one shot.

He grabs the escort's spear with his left hand, reaches out his right hand and grabs his neck and falls to the ground.


Then he stepped on the screaming monster's neck and threw it at the monster that was holding the dagger with his left hand.


The monster with his chest stitched to the dagger thrown by Joon Sang turned around and screamed, and as another monster pierced the spear, Joon Sang triggered the counter, avoiding it.

As he bowed his head, avoiding the spear, and struck his fist, the monster smashed his nostrils, and his head snapped back and snapped to his neck, screaming.

After grabbing the body of a newly shaped dead monster in his arms, Junsang pushes the body of the monster towards the two remaining escorts.

The two monsters, who were running with the monster, panicked as the corpse of their companion flew, and were strangled and crushed to the ground by the quadrilateral who followed them, followed by the head and neck of the Siegerman militia.

After defeating the escorts in an instant, Junsung approaches the boss.


I don't know if the boss is trying to raise morale, or if he's trying to summon other men who are far away, but he yelled loudly at the club once and...

Suddenly, instead of rounding up like Armadillo, he swivels his body in the shape of a giant cart wheel and charges towards the quadrilateral.


Joon Sang kicked his tongue and avoided the boss's assault once.

When you think of the defending power of a boss who didn't sneeze after being hit by an ambushed shoulder charge amplified by a combo, you have to face the attack as it is, not a full-charge hit.

When the quadriceps escaped the attack, the boss only stopped rotating and turned back the body that had been rolled round after shattering a clump and crushing a neural coarse monster couple who were still asleep in the clump.

And then...

I start stumbling like I'm dizzy or drunk.

“... ”

It was a bit ridiculous in many ways, but you can't miss that gap.

Junsang immediately shoots his body like a shot arrow, triggering a shoulder kick.

Again, a quasi-static attack hit the boss's chest without breaking through, and the boss who didn't win the shock bounced back.

Joon Sang ran forward and said quietly.


At the same time as the words came out, the card slot was emptied and new cards were mounted in it.




& Pickles.

Following these four cards, when a two-sided card is mounted in the last slot, the quadrilateral jumps up and falls on the body of the muttering boss.


At the eyes of the boss, a human figure emits a horrible glare from both eyes and falls over his head.

And then...

I felt an intense punch knocking on his head.

The impact of the punch literally dug into the monster's head, pushing one emotion that was deeply hidden in his mind over the surface of his mind.

And that's what it is.

It was terror.

It was a feeling so vivid that it was called fear.