
00050 Trawler


The white light, which is not whimsical, but subtly warms the whole body, lingers. As it disappears, Jun-san confirms his reward with a little regret.

I think I woke up in the lightning and started that nightmare tutorial yesterday. It's already level 16.

The Quartermaster first identified the reward box of the cooperation quest.


You acquired Skill Card ‘Pickle Armor'.

: Skill cards can be equipped in card slots to use their abilities.

This card is already owned. Do you want to retry? (Y/N)

[Click here for card details.]


Rare is Rare...

Rare is already there. It's a little tricky.

However, it feels a little sad to just retry, because I think I'm throwing away the Rare Card that came out of nowhere.

It's not possible right now, but it might be possible to trade cards later.

Joon Sang pondered for a while and decided to keep it and open the next box.

Card Information

Name: Iron Shell

Level: 1 Lv

EXP: 0

Rating: Uncommon

Classification: Skill

Growth: Normal (medium)

Attribute: None

Effects: 1. Increases Resistance to Mental Attack by 20%

2. Full immunity against acts of provocation, sale, etc.

Cost: 15

Seed: 2 slots

Even though I had skills again...

Something subtle from the name.

Increased resistance to mental attacks is quite worthwhile, but it's completely immune to Taunt and Selling... It's like a skill that has been destroyed by insults.


Joon Sang reopened the reward box of the Solo Quest this time.

Card Information

Name: Mountain Wind

Level: 1 Lv

EXP: 0

Rating: Uncommon

Category: Summon

Growth: Normal (medium)

Attribute: Wind

Effect: Summon 1 Wind Spirit.

Cost: 15

Seed: 2 slots

“Mountain breeze?”

Today, in many ways, I feel like I have a rich card.

Joonsang has summoned after mounting the Mountain Wind instead of the Shadow Flame.

“Open mountain breezes. ”

Then the air in the room shook and began to move.

It's more like a strong breeze than a wind.

However, I don't feel empowered to make things like wind blades that often come out of fictional places.

Pushing out the poisonous fog you saw in the marsh the other day or releasing the alarm in secret is all that comes to mind right now.

Now that there's a woodpecker fire and the next mountain breeze, I don't think this will make a combo like the wolves, but I don't think I can expect much utilization right now.

Junior Chancellor opened the last remaining Solo Quest Reward Chest.


You acquired Skill Card ‘Pickle Armor’.

: Skill cards can be equipped in card slots to use their abilities.

This card is already owned. Do you want to retry? (Y/N)

[Click here for card details.]

“... ”

Other cards have the possibility of duplicate combos, but you don't even have to hesitate if you are a Common-grade pickpocket.

Immediately after pressing Y to retry, a new card appeared.


You acquired Special Card 'Eyesight’.

: If you acquire a special card, you can unlock the sealed special feature.

The special feature 'Eyesight’ will be opened.

Eyesight is the ability to quickly identify valuable objects.

Your eye level is 1.

Joon Sang put the items he learned from this quest in his inventory as a test in his room.

Then items such as seeds and canes begin to emit a subtle light.

The peculiarity is that unlike a cane or an ordinary seed, the large, black seeds from the middle boss and the bosses emit black light.

“That's okay.”

It is helpful to proceed with the quest as quickly as this time, even if it is displayed in this way.

I don't know if the seeds in the monster's head are also marked, but if that's even possible, you won't have to break the heads of the corpses to check them.

Quarterfinals who opened both the Solo and Cooperation Quests' Additional Reward Boxes now open the last remaining Triple S Additional Reward Boxes.

Again, something pours out.

Card Information

Name: Width

Level: 1 Lv

EXP: 0

Rating: RARE

Classification: Skill

Growth: General (vs.

Attribute: None

Effect: Enables enhanced Width status.

Cost: 20

Seed: 3 slots


Except for the pickpocket, the first Rare Card came out.

The quasi-phase first looked at the state of enhanced bandwidth.

Enhanced Width: invokes a blind destructive instinct that flows in your own blood.

Base Duration: 1 min

Attack Power +60%, Armor Effect -40%

Reduces damage by 10 percent of all types.

Attack increased and penalties decreased.

In addition, there is a 10 percent reduction in damage for all types.

This means that if you receive a 100 damage attack, you can reduce the damage to 90 unconditionally.

It may be thought to be an extraordinary effect, but it is a law that stands at the crossroads of whether it is immediate or barely life-saving because of this small amount of sheep.

One way or another,

Regenerative, life-absorbing, healing potions...

There are as many ways to recover.

Nod in a cheerful mood, a new message arrived.


: It is possible to combine combo cards.

Currently combinable combo cards include:

1. Blood of Jant Hunsen [Check Details]

If you want a combination of combo cards, press the appropriate number, and if you don't want a combination, press n (1/n)


The name of the combo card is strange.

By the way, was the name of the photowarrior combo originally "Jan Tshunsen's photowarrior"?

Joon Sang quickly checked the details.

Blood of Jant Hunsen

The photowarriors of the North display their presence through immortal, blind attacks. Bloodlord is a powerful antiwar warrior honored by these photowarriors.

[Combination Details]

Width, pitch, pitch, pitch

(All four above Rare Rank)


1. Increases ATK by 150 percent. Additional Fear Chance +40%

2. Unlock all armor being equipped.

3. Reduces cooldown of all physical attack skills by 60 percent.

4. Increases regeneration rate by 10 percent when using blood or body fluids in reverse.

“This is...”

If I had retried the first time I got a pickle, I didn't think this combo would have worked, and the quadrilateral confirmed the effect in detail.

Increases additional ATK and Fear chance, decreases skill cooldown, and increases regeneration when using blood or body fluids upside down.

A combo card that suits the word "Blood Monarch".

Junsung quietly executed a new combination of combo cards.

Then, another message arrived.


: You succeeded in the 'Blood of Janthunsen’ combination for the first time!

Praise your greatness and give it the title of the first Blood.

[Click here for title details.]

The quadrilateral immediately confirmed the title effect.

[First Blood]

: The title given to the first successful person to make the Bloodroad combination.

Effect: Additional regeneration rate increased by 10 per cent

Titles are automatically applied upon acquisition.


Junsang nodded and expressed satisfaction.

Only the base regeneration rate is close to 37 per cent, with 15 per cent regeneration of the SR, plus 7 per cent regeneration and 5 per cent seed, and finally, up to the title effect.

This adds an additional 10 percent regeneration rate when using blood or body fluids upside down, so the total regeneration rate is 47 percent.

Subsequently, he confirmed the second reward from the SSS-grade reward box.


You acquired Special Card 'Insight’.

: If you acquire a special card, you can unlock the sealed special feature.

The special feature 'Insights’ will be opened.

Insight is the ability to quickly recognize your opponent's abilities.

Your insight level is 1.

“That's good.”

This is also a decent reward.

The ability to quickly recognize the opponent's abilities is especially helpful for the Mansoo River.

Until now, I had no choice but to bump myself to see how strong the enemy was, which was actually very dangerous.

If it weren't for such a strong tribute, there would not have been enough lives.

Jun Sang has now opened his last random card.


You acquired Skill Card ‘Bite’.

“Skill cards can be equipped in card slots to use their abilities.

This card is already owned. Do you want to retry? (Y/N)

[Click here for card details.]


Biting was also a card that already had one extra card, so Joon Sang-san immediately pressed retry.

Card Information

Name: Hidden

Level: 1 Lv

EXP: 0

Rating: Common

Classification: Skill

Growth: premature (cattle)

Attribute: None

Effect: Hides from enemy's gaze. (Not movable when running)

Cost: 10

Seed: 1 slot

“... ”

A skill that can be used when avoiding annoying enemies or before an ambush.

After he checked all the rewards, he began to look at the items.

The first thing I checked was the ring I got from the boss, which was a five-percent Health Up with each seed slot.

“Too many rings. ”

There are already four gold rings, plus a copper ring and a tombstone ring. It's already six rings, so it feels a little cumbersome.

He split the ring into three in one hand, then this time he checked the staff.

Item Information

Name: Staff of Lightning

Level Limit: 10

Type: Weapons

Rating: Uncommon

Attack Power: 413

Effect: Decrease Cooldown by 10 percent when using Lightning Magic

Seed: 2 slots

Description: Staff used by the Chimera Wizard

The ability to reduce the cooldown of lightning magic is not so bad, but for a quadrilateral who doesn't know how to use magic, it's just painting bread.

After taking the cabinet out of the inventory and storing the cane, the quadrilateral now confirms the seeds obtained from the boss and the middle bosses.

The information was immediately output when a larger, black seed was placed on the mobile phone and the item was checked.

Item Information

Name: Dark Seed

Level Limit: Unknown

Type: Seed

Rating: Unknown

Effect: Unknown

Description: This seed comes from the body of the Chimera Wizard.


Despite being a seed, there is no explanation for mounting or detachment. Level-limits, grades, and effects are unclear.

I find this strange because it has never happened before. A warning window opens above the item information.


This is the seeds of darkness refined in an evil way.

Those who use this seed are subject to strict sanctions.

After 10 seconds, all dark seeds you own will be automatically recovered. [Remaining time: 10 sec]

“This is...”

Junsung realizes that this dark seed is something unusual.

Without it, there's no way to recover it.

I put four dark seeds in my pocket in the loot cabinet and put them in my inventory just in case.

But after 10 seconds, the pockets were emptied.


Joon Sang has been submerged for a while.

If the recovery of the Dark Seed had been the purpose from the beginning, it would have been stated in the quest.

However, in the quest, when there was no sound, the item was suddenly retrieved and discarded with a warning.

It would have been better to retrieve it if I had earned it.

Although a number of questions have arisen, there is no way to know the inner lining at this time.

The second thing I wonder is, I feel like I've been robbed of my reward.


Joon Sang kicks his tongue and this time takes out the little box he got from the dungeon.

When I took off the loop-shaped clasp and opened the box, I found a bracelet of gold that appears to have been torn in silver.

“... ”

I thought this might also be a forced recovery like Dark Seed, but I tried to check the item once because I could not check it.

Item Information

Name: Portable Magic Interface

Level Limit: 10

Type: Bracelet

Rating: RARE

Effect: Quest Assistant.

Seed: None

Description: A magical device that allows you to directly link messages and information that was sent to your phone to check your body.

“This is...”

It was quite a hassle to check information or messages on your mobile phone if you were trying to solve the quest as quickly as this time, and I was trying to figure out smart devices such as goggles connected to my mobile phone.

Jun-san kicks the bracelet on his wrist.

I felt quite loose, so I thought this might be a bit more cumbersome, but the bracelet vibrated lightly, and as the size decreased, I wanted to be nice to my wrist and not move it, but it faded away.

“... ”

At the same time as the appearance of the bracelet disappeared from the field of view, a number of interfaces appeared in the field of vision as if looking at the game screen.

At the top right there was a minimap, and at the bottom there was a card slot that was currently mounted side by side.

In addition, the left and right side of the card slot were listed in rows of currently available special features.

I'm looking at the video in front of my eyes, and I see a clear message in my left field of view.


: The portable magic interface has been installed successfully.

If you don't want to use this interface, simply select Uninstall from the Settings menu at the bottom.

You can manipulate the interface with just thought, and if it's not in combat, you can also hide the interface automatically.

Do you want to enable auto-hide (Y/N)?

When the quasi-image chooses Y, the interfaces that were immediately visible in the field disappear from the field of view.

After testing the interface in front of his eyes, Joon Sang opened his cell phone.

However, I couldn't find any more quests or cards on my phone because I had already fulfilled my role.

Joon-sang thought for a moment, then turned off his cell phone and placed it in a cabinet containing loot.

After confirming all loot and rewards, Jun Sang put the cabinet in his inventory and took a break.

As an unprecedented event, I felt a little indifferent to the idea that there would be no quests for now.

And the next day.

After leaving the cottage, Junsung slowly moved south along the coastal road.

The sea had a low cloud, and the salty breeze quickly made the body sticky.

No matter how romantic you look, you can't even see the horns of rats.

I'm just seriously thinking about whether it's better to get in the car...

It seemed odd to me.

“... ”

A pair of men and women were walking along the seaside.

I didn't understand what was good about this cold breeze and wandering the seaside, but in fact, there was nothing unusual up to here.

Strange thing is,

It was true that a faint black light was emanating from the man's head.

“... ”

I think I saw something wrong. Jun-san's eyes are shining.

Thanks to it, the salty water entered his eyes and pricked his tears. Nevertheless, there was no change in the peculiar appearance of the quadrilateral.

“What the hell...”

It was as if, with the power of the eye, it was similar to the feeling of looking at the Dark Seed.

But this is the real world, not the place where the quest is executed.

I don't know what the hell is going on. I suddenly saw a message appear in my left field of view with a deteriorating interface in front of my eyes.

The first thing that came to my attention was this message.

[You are satisfied with the Special Mission Activation Conditions.]

What the hell are you talking about?

But before resolving that question, a new message came to mind.

Retrieve Dark Seed.

: The seeds of this evil darkness are originally objects that should not exist in this world. Sanction the user and retrieve the Dark Seed.

[This quest is a solo quest.]