
00070 Trawler

With Grunball's cape on, the quadrilateral slowly and carefully moves into a transparent state.

In the form of escorting the central Buka and Skeleton Wizards, Junsang watches the monsters with spears and knife-like weapons rising from the rocks beside the road as they slip away when the Buka and Skeleton Wizards reach under his feet.

He stretches out his arms, holding two iron balls, with his feet scarcely touching the ground, and swings out of his position.

It was like a ballet dancer's dancer, but a single gust came to the scene as it added a boosted arm and a heavy weight to the rotating force emanating from the waist.

And when the turning force reaches the apex, the two rails swing all the way out of the quadrilateral hand.

The two rails flew rapidly in both directions, then stopped by the linked chains and began a rotational movement.

Then the quadrilateral wrists and shoulders that were acting as axes in the center immediately began to complain of violent pain.


However, the quadrilateral, without stopping to rotate, recoiled the shackle that was filled by his wrist and pulled the two iron balls sequentially.

Even as his arm muscles swollen like they were about to rupture, Junsung looked carefully at the iron ball that was returning to him and caught the handle.

After holding both iron balls in his hands, Jun-shung stopped rotating and breathed with the iron balls on the ground.


He only attacked once, but was already swamped by the massive vortex created by the quadrant.

Ten Skeleton Wizards were scattering around the mixer, scattering blood and body fluids in pieces.

There is only one thing that survived the storm of slaughter created by the quadrant.

It was just a toad-headed monster, Buka.

It was miraculously able to take out the body as soon as the defensive wall around it was destroyed by the attack of the Iron Helmets.


Buka rolls her feet toward this monstrous castle, which suddenly appears and crushes her men.

The moment Junhyang tried to attack again after slinging his wrist for a while, he witnessed an unbelievable sight.

After Buka rolled her feet and screamed several times, the body of the skeleton wizards and monsters that had been crushed and scattered began to regroup.

“This is...”

It wasn't the only one.

Buka takes something out of her arms again and continues to dance, scattering around the stables.

Then, the scattered pieces are reassembled like a broken skull wizard and begin to form in the shape of a skeleton soldier.

Seeing that, Jun-san realized what the role of this supply unit was.

What supplies do you need in situations where most of your troops are undead or similar types of monsters?


Will the undead roast the bread or will they roast the steak?

In the first place, in this dark armies, supplies in the form of food are meaningless.

Their supplies were the troops themselves.

No, it was precisely the role of this supply unit that resurrected the bodies of the advance troops and made them into new troops.


Jun-san kicks his tongue and summons the wolves to support his back with the spirits, and then rushes straight to Buka.

It's because I realized that I just kept repeating the same thing I just did until I defeated this toad monster first.

As the quadrilateral races with two iron balls, Buka stops dancing and opens a new barrier around her body.


As the toad monster circled with two short arms, the surrounding landscape was distorted with a strange heterogeneity.

Junsang immediately threw the iron ball in his right hand to Buka.

Then, the skeleton soldiers, who were holding the shape in front of Buka, flew unhesitatingly toward the flying iron ball.


A gigantic iron ball about a meter in diameter flew like a giant bowling ball and smashed the skeleton soldiers.

However, the iron ball that flew around scattering bone fragments stopped moving as if it had been jammed by an invisible wall in front of Buka's eyes, and bounced off as if it had hit a soft cushion.

A spear!

And at the next moment, the defensive wall that was spread around Buka's body breaks like a piece of glass and scatters everywhere.


Buka raises her short leg to dance again and sees the wall break in a single breath. She shoots out her hand and starts building a new one.

However, a second piece of steel, which had been thrown out of Jun-san's hand, flew to Buka.

Boo, Booka!

Though I hastily completed the defensive wall, this time the defensive wall failed to perform its role as brilliantly as before.


A piece of iron pierced through the defensive wall instantly struck Buka's ship.


Soon after the iron ball hit the ship of the toad monster, Junsung anticipated that the boat would explode and the contents would spill out.

But nonetheless, Buka's boat bounces off the iron ball, leaving only a somewhat scratched wound.


Buka screams as she allows the attack.

Immediately, however, he pushes out his tongue and squeezes into a short hand and rubs his wounds.

Then, even the scar on my stomach was instantly bitten.


While Joon-sang was ridiculous in his eyes and kicking his tongue, Buka reached out to complete a new defensive wall and danced again.

Then the skeleton soldiers, who were crushed and scattered, are reassembled and begin to form.

Although embarrassed, the quadrilateral confirms the opponent's approximate abilities and immediately flies away to narrow the distance.

When he comes running, the skeleton soldiers rush with their weapons in unison.

However, Junsang swung the iron ball in his hand, smashed the skeleton soldiers into pieces, and ran toward Buka.

and immediately swung the iron ball towards the disparate transparent membrane.


I wonder if a violent noise will burst, but once again the defensive wall shatters and breaks down.

Jun-san tried to hit Buka, but he triggered his magic just as he waited for the moment.


When Buka flashed her short hands and made a lifelong gesture,


The veil of fire unfolds round the massive toad monster, sweeping around like a wave.


Joon Sang hurriedly covers his face with a piece of iron.

However, the fire went through the body of the quadrilateral without breaking through.


Buka grips her chubby belly and bursts into laughter as she is swept away by the waves of fire and emits a white smoke.

But, it was too early a laugh.


Sakaman soot starts to fall from his junior body, and his reddish skin reveals itself.


Only then did Buka's eyes stare into the iron ball as she looked up to see if she wanted to do something strange.

The moment Buka retreated, astonished by the dreadful glare emanating from the stem, Junsang rushed to Buka, breaking the soot that covered her body as if she were breaking an egg.

The clothes he was wearing, except for the cape, which was being worn at high temperatures for an instant, were all burned, but his body had only slightly shattered hair and had not suffered significant damage.

The effects of the Fire Resistance and Spirit Combo on the card and item were combined to mitigate the damage of the fire magic that was expressed by surprise.

Of course, even though such reduced damage has caused tremendous pain to the average person, the ability to regenerate with quasi-images is now restoring the body that is warmed by the heat.

With smoke emanating from his body, a naked man spanning only his cape flew with two giant iron balls, and Buka became sober.

But, uh...

At this moment, this toad-headed monster was no longer equipped with any means to defend against a quasi-static attack.

It's too late to build a defensive wall.

It was too late to open another spell.

Buka can only hope that her slippery flesh will stop this barefoot attack.


The expectation was so vain that it became a bubble.

The quaint iron ball was swung as if a giant beast had swung by and torn the toad monster's stomach with a wedge on its surface.


The toad monster leaps into the dreadful agony and gives out his tongue to apply a needle.

But Joon Sang didn't let him do that.

Immediately, he stabbed the torn iron ball in his right hand and grabbed the long tongue of Bucha with his bare hands to jump straight up and apply a needle.

Buka reaches out her tongue to eat the worm and turns into a frog that can't be apprenticed.

Fisherman... fisherman...

Buka shakes her hand in a panic as she grabs her tongue, but before her hand touches her body, Joon Sang swings the iron shaft she was holding with her other hand and cuts off her tongue.


The iron ball grabbed Buka's long tongue and tore it apart a few meters.

Buka, whose tongue was not cut off, was torn from the roots, and sat still with a painful scream.

Joon Sang sat down to the ground, pulling out the iron shaft that was stuck in Buka's boat, and muttered:


The interface that received the new command immediately emptied the cards that had been mounted so far from the slot and equipped the new cards.

& Width,


Shoulder Charge,


And here the ‘Dark Mutuga of the Underground Battlefield’ combo was completed by combining the souls of wolves, bears and boars.

Joon Sang-san hesitates to sit and look at Buka, who has no choice but to hold the iron ball in her hand.

One second,

Two seconds,

And after three seconds of condensation of the power in the body, the quadriceps immediately focused on the iron ball in his right hand.


At that moment, a single stalk of urea descended on the ground.

After burning the surrounding air in an instant, the Urae smashed Buka's large body into pieces.

Then, Buka's thick body fluids begin to pour out like rain into the forest.


Junsang heavily breathed to endure the aftereffects of the beating.

However, I wonder if the item in Hidden Quest will be renewed in the next moment, but white light wraps around the quadruple and heals the overloaded body.


And the next moment, he noticed a new message appeared in front of his eyes with a level-up message.


: You have reached level '20’ for the first time.

Praise your greatness and give it the title 'I'm the Best Out’.

[Click here for title details.]

“Level 20?”

Jun-san raises his head.

Because I thought that level 19 was not the right one.

“Did I miscalculate? ”

I think this is the first time that the correct level has appeared in the message.

Junsung flies to wipe out the remaining supply troop enemies that the wolves are blocking.