
00109 Trawler

The people who were preparing to intrude on the inside of the building suddenly looked puzzled as the people waiting outside the building rushed in and ran towards the property.

I don't know if I'd rather be beaten and run away, but I didn't see anyone get hurt.

Moreover, if something happened, it would be in order to inform people like the promoter first, but there are no people who show such behavior.

But it's all about reaching out to some of your close relatives and whispering something.

The strange thing is that those who whisper in their ears also start to take their burdens away from the huddak.

At first, I wanted only a few, but when the promoters noticed the anomaly, most of the returnees had already taken their luggage and left.

“Hey! What's going on? ”

One of the promoters quickly stepped forward and said, but people didn't even pretend to listen to him.

“Shit! Can't you hear me? ”

Kwon Joong-hyun is a person selected as a promoter because he is a person in the same house as Major-General Kwon in the top floor of the coalition.

There is a lot of work to be done with female returnees, and they have been regarded as disliked by returnees ever since.

As usual, I would have just avoided the fact that the shit was dirty and avoided, but the situation was different today.

Challenging Jun-san, Heskad's boxer, who flew two punches and retreated himself, said in a low voice, grabbing Kwon Jung-hyun's wrist, which was stretched out toward the shoulder of a female returnee.

“Fuck off. If you don't want to get hit. ”

If you have a bad head, you have to be quick to notice. In the meantime, this idiot who became accustomed to standing on people's heads didn't notice the strange life emanating from Yoon Sung-ryung's body.

That's why I yelled at Dorian Yoon Seongrix.

“Argh! Are you crazy! How dare you touch anyone...”

But he didn't finish everything.

Yoon Seong-ryong's big fist grabbed the temples like a honeymoon and stretched out like a frog.

“Where did that jerk come from...”

I was thinking about leaving Yoon Seong-ryong in a collapsed building.

However, after realizing that it hurts when someone dies for nothing, I came out with Kwon Jung-hyun wrapped around my shoulder.

This was not the only situation between Kwon Chung-hyun and Yoon Sung Ryeong.

Meanwhile, Joon Sang contacted Seo-yun while most of the returnees were taking their luggage out of the building, with the exception of a few front-line promoters who were usually evacuated.

‘Come to the Union. I have a job to take care of. ’

He had no intention of dedicating all of his work to the purchase of seed.

I didn't intend to play with money because I was relieved of the reality of not knowing what enemies would appear in the future.

Im Seo Yoon was on the move to do his job anyway, and was the best person to leave the seed purchase planned by either his abilities or his background.

The purchase of seeds was also about investing the funds and seeds that they had in order to gain greater profits, but it was basically about bringing down the foundations of the organization's own existence.

The biggest reason your patients are currently tied to the coalition is economic hardship, so if they become self-reliant, they no longer need to be tied to someone.

Of course, subordination can't be prevented until one lends one's personal power beyond power or other temptations, but at least now it is significantly less likely that anti-compulsory mobilization will occur by state power.

This is the case even if the returnees come together to form an organization.

If today's quadrants show overwhelming and transcendent power, they are forced to think about it once, even if they want to concentrate on the quadrants of diarrhea.

Just by giving you room to hesitate once, you can minimize the nuisances that can happen in the future.

There is, of course, a problem that if a nomination is made in this way, there is room for interference from other countries.

However, considering the nature of returnees who are unable to use long distances such as planes or boats to mobilize their forces, it is only a way to mobilize existing military or police forces… Honestly, it is not an exaggeration to see that there are few means by which they can feel threatened by the current quadrilateral unless they are using something like a rig bombing.

In other words, there are few means of forcing the current quadrilateral to fight the war in the city.

Sometimes showing strength is a way to avoid fighting.

The short words that Jun-san said to Hennesse had these meanings.

When most of the people left the building, the quadrant triggered a super-sense.

Then the situation inside the walled building is conveyed in detail as if it were seen with the eye.

The quadrant deliberately repeated the phase war briefly and moved to the roof of the building.


“Gee, what did you do now? ”

“I'm not kidding. It's an instant move, isn't it? ”

Hearing the deaf roar from below, Jun-san takes out the anger of Randazal.


Immediately, a few meters in diameter, the sharp protrusions appeared, and people swallowed up in vain without even knowing it.

The people outside the building knew that they had literally destroyed two cars and a front door by swinging a ridiculous piece of steel in their hands, but the people inside the building were the first to see it.

Junsang slowly lifts the iron shaft so they can see it, and then lowers it towards the entrance to the rooftop.


I didn't need it twice, either.

Randazal's anger, which has the effect of increasing damage by two hundred percent when he destroys the facility, powdered the entrance to the rooftop with a single blow.

Kim Jong-gyeong and Kyeong-gyeong, Kim Jong-gyeong's son, were shocked when the building was shaken with a sudden noise without even receiving a report from the top floor of the traineeship hall.

“What's going on? ”

“I'll find out.”

The Kwon format quickly picked up the phone and first contacted Kwon Joong-hyun.

However, Kwon Jong-hyun had already been beaten by Yoon Seongrix, then lost his mind and stretched out on the lawn outside the building.

When Kwon Jong-hyun was not contacted, Kwon Kyung-hyun kicked his tongue and raised his body and headed outside the door.

But the moment he grabs the doorknob, once again the building shakes with a great roar.

The three men, who had fallen down in shock, left the office quickly and went out into the hallway.

Then I see people looking up with their mouths open out the window.

Major Kwon quickly opened the window and put his head out.

However, in his position, he did not see the stature properly.

The vortex turns its head again and shouts at the people below.

“Why is everyone out there! ”

After hearing that voice, those who realized that Kim Jong-gyeong and other rich people were still in the building forgot their bad feelings and shouted aloud.

“Come out!”

“Come on out! It's about to collapse! ”

The vortex was forced to mute the fish.

I want to ask you something again...

The ceiling at the end of the corridor leading to the left suddenly collapses with great noise.


The three of them rushed towards the emergency room, not being able to get any tighter when they saw him.

The super-sense confirms that three people are fleeing to the emergency room and descends to the top floor of the building through the collapsed corridor.

Junsung stands in the hallway, captures the area of the building, and then opens the dual store.


The two rotating iron wheels grind the entire building itself.

Steel concrete, wires, and embedded materials burst out like firecrackers as they came into contact with the iron ore.

When the storm finally stopped, people realized that half the top floor of the traineeship hall was gone.


Yoon Seongrix stroked his back without even knowing it.

I can't believe you punched someone like that without knowing anything.

He didn't mean to die, but what?

The same was true of Suyeon, whose dorsal bones were difficult to cool.

Somehow, whenever I saw something choking, I stepped up, but I didn't know I had that kind of power.

People realized.

If he had put his strength against them, there would have been no survivors of this right now.

Joonsang slowly moved to the center of the building.

Then once again, I opened the dual store, smashed the other half of the top floor, and then spread out my super-sense to make sure there was no one left in the building.

After confirming that Kim Jong-gyeong and the wealthy left the building until the end, Junsang prepared for the final finale.


First, Mutu equipped the combo.

People are already far from the building.

Joonsang confirmed that Kwon and Kim Jong-gyeong were running to where their patients were, and acted quietly.

And I slowly counted the numbers.






When he finally reaches full charge, Junsung flashes a huge piece of iron and lowers it toward the building he is stepping on.

For a moment people looked at me.

I watched a single stem thunder descend from the dark sky towards the training tube.

The lightning pierces the building's skeleton and penetrates the ground.


A foundation rock that cannot handle the power of the quadrant is greatly shaken.

The building had already turned into a shredded toad, and the pillars of the corner were all that was far from where the quadrilateral was.

Oh, yeah.

Is this the power of man?


Joon Sang walks out of the building slowly collapsing, emitting white smoke from his body.

One day, people looked back at the two iron balls and realized that they were walking out of their bare hands.

They know that everything they've seen is real.

Joon Sang slowly walked forward.

He is now in a state of horror, a state in which he is not unfolding.

But the moment they encountered the twinkling light emanating from his eyes, they solidified like a statue.


It is not.

It was a full-time job.

It was the power of man who proved himself to be this strong.

Then he opened his mouth.

“Have you seen it?”

People answered unknowingly.

“I've seen it.”

Jun-san nodded and said again.

“Did you feel it?”

Again, people answered as if they were possessed by something.

“I felt it.”

Joon Sang slowly looked back at the people and said,

“Then don't forget. I know you guys survived that harsh tutorial. ”


“Don't forget. ”

“... ”

“You are the victors. ”

The moment people heard that, they held their fists on fire without even knowing it.