
00152 Trawler

The two giant iron balls fall mercilessly over the waist of the two women who were lying on their knees with their feet tucked.

Quad Yip!



The iron ball, along with the creepy noise, crushed the two women's backs, broke their bones, and tore their guts into pieces.

Their bodies began to mutate, struggling with the pain of breaking bones and flesh, but it was already too late.

Once again, the fallen iron shattered their heads.


Junsang breathes deeply and spits out a strange form of body, though his nerves are still alive and shivering.

I simply wiped out five Dark Seed users by using my head, but I lost my mind instead of my body.

Joon Sang first recovered the dark seeds from the bodies of the broken and crushed women, and then repeated the same thing on the bodies of the men who had fallen outside.

Then he took out the sack, took the shape of a bizarre monster, and stored it in the inventory of four men, summoned the Dawn Dew and Elemental Dragon to clean up the bloodstains.

When the Elemental Dragon sprayed water and watched the surrounding washing scene, Joon Sang summoned the dreamy in a curious mood.

There would be no such thing as an item, but it was to make sure they had something to hide for their escape.

Of course, Montmont certainly responded to that expectation.

I found a hidden bag in the space below the couch.

“Well done. ”

Joon Sang gave Mont Mont a chocolate bar as a prize, and once he packed his bag in the cabinet, he left the place in hiding.

I looked out along the forest and saw fire trucks, ambulances, and police cars coming near where the first suicide occurred.

Joon Sang-sang checked for a while to see if other Dark Seed users were not approaching the area where the suicide occurred, but he couldn't find any of those colors.

After leaving the forest and travelling a little by the river, Junsung only revealed himself after reaching a rare location that was far away from the crowded suicide scene.

Once he took off his cape and kept his boots, he then took out the raptor and boarded it and summoned Hennesses and Rices.



When Henes was summoned back in the car, he looked surprised for a while and looked at the complexion of Jun-shik.

Looking at her rather tired complexion while she was wearing different clothes, she made no difficult guess that there was a big fight while they were being summoned back.

“Well done.”

Riches was not as detailed as Hennessy, but he noticed something had happened.

However, she only looked at the award with a distasteful expression, not liking the fact that she had been summoned again.

“Let's go.”


Joonsang slowly drove back to his pension.

On his way, he put a message to Im Seo Yoon.

‘Processed. ’

It was brief, but it contained all the necessary information.

Im Seo-yun, who was encouraging people to read and supervise the classification of police data, suddenly felt dismayed by the quasi-experimental message sent to her phone.

How long have you been gone? You've already taken care of the job.

No matter how much I think about it, I can't think of anything other than the word "incomprehensible."

It goes beyond saying that this is really great, but it doesn't come to mind.

“Phew... the situation is over. Clean it up.”

The group secretaries, who were relying on Im Seo-yun's words to read and summarize the documents, looked embarrassed.

“What does that mean...”

Im Seo Yoon was also embarrassed.

It's not easy to call a guild member who is running out of training by himself.

I contacted the group secretary's office as soon as I was in a hurry, and I knew that I would knot my work before I finished summarizing the investigation.

I knew it was urgent, but the secretarial staff, who were drawn to the personal duties of the chairman's son and put together police investigation material that they did not even know English, frowned as they came.

Im Seo-yun once apologized to the employees.

“I'm sorry, just go and have a reception. I'll cover the cost. ”

“Got it.”

Even though it's steamy, it still looks like this, but it can't keep burning.

“The results of the investigation will be announced again in more detail, but please speak to me about these materials today. ”

“Don't worry. ”

Im Seo-yun sent his employees back and sighed again.

Something like that.

More and more, I think I felt a bit of a sense of frustration and difference.

I don't think that was enough at first.

Seo Yun stepped into the pool to train again.

Around that time, Junsung arrived near the pension, put the car back in the inventory, and walked with Hennesse into the pension.

After opening the door of the pension and entering the room, Hanes and Leeches looked around and closed the door and hit the curtain.

Joon Sang said, taking out the beverage and refreshments he bought earlier, he went into the bathroom.

“I'm going to wash first, so rest. ”

“Yes, don't worry. ”

After hearing Hennesse's answer, when Jun-san disappeared into the bathroom, Richess squealed and said.

“Cheers. I brought you as many earrings as I could, but at the crucial moment, it was reverse summoning. Are you sure you don't want to go too far? ”

Hennesses laughed bitterly at the appearance of the little fairy queen, who dared not speak out of the face of the quadrant, as he only asked for his consent after entering the bathroom.

“There must have been a reason for that. ”

Hennesses tried to appease Rices with a good word, but he seemed to be a man in the eyes of a slightly troubled fairy queen.

“Look at him wrapped up as his own man, though. Phew... it's my seller. ”

“... ”

In fact, it is true that Hennesse, who has been on Rice's side for more than 10,000 years, is not yet twenty years old.

Hennesse looks at the queen's cute face and puts out beverages and refreshments in front of her.

“Get angry and have some of this. ”

“What is this? ”

Riches was immediately intrigued by the fruits with a delicious aroma.

A sad fairy with a deep appetite, her name is Rices.

In the end, soon after, he forgot that he had just been squeezed to death, and left it alone with the delicious fruit flavor that Hennesse shaves.

After taking a quick shower, lying in the tub, feeling the hot water gradually rising, Jun-san, who was listening to their conversation with a super-sense, laughed at the appearance of such a ricochet without even knowing himself.


However, it also began to ease the fatigue that had accumulated in his mind for some time, and he received the rewards of this quest in unison, which he had not yet received.

Is it because the weaker ones were the opponents or because the recovered dark seeds were not so powerful?

Despite receiving the rewards of five quests simultaneously, there was no level up.

His level is already 28.

I don't know what the level of other noble patients is, but I was expecting it to be twice as generous as Im Seo Yoon or his colleagues who are on the strong axis.

Since the level difference was so significant, it was true that it was not easy to level up any more than an Epic quest or equivalent difficulty quest.

In fact, what is really important is the side of the box that is rewarded rather than the level itself.

Given that the effect of leveling up is only the extent to which it substantially increases or exceeds the level limit, a large number of cards and their various combinations are a measure of practical power.

With those thoughts in mind, Junsung identified five special mission reward chests from this quest.


Special Card 'Inventory’ has been acquired from the Special Mission Reward Chest.

: If you acquire a special card, you can unlock the sealed special feature.

Expand your inventory by 4 slots, as the special feature 'Inventory’ is already open.

Currently, you can register and use 21 different types of items in your inventory.

The first box shows the inventory card.

This time it expanded to four compartments.

It was simply not known whether the number of expansions was random or whether there were any differences in the number of expansions depending on the grade or type of reward box, but the more inventory there is, the better.

Joon Sang opened the second box.

Card Information

Name: tenacity

Level: 1 Lv

EXP: 0

Rating: Uncommon

Classification: Skill

Growth: Normal (medium)

Attribute: Land

Effect: Critical Hit Damage -50%.

Cost: 10

Seed: 2 slots

The skill itself felt more like it, but a new message appeared to scare the skill out of the box.

There is only one thing that this phenomenon means.


: It is possible to combine combo cards.

Currently combinable combo cards include:

1. Guardian of Delordan [Check Details]

If you want a combination of combo cards, press the appropriate number, and if you don't want a combination, press n (1/n)

I checked the message and found a new combo card.

He immediately confirmed the details.

Guardian of Delordan

The kingdom of Delordan has legends of a great guardian who stands in the forefront and smashes enemies when something difficult happens to the country. Defend your allies with the same strength as the wall that stands still, and when you go forward, there is no one to stand in their way, so people refer to him as their guardian.

[Combination Details]

Wefuncharge, Piercing, Iron Wall, Tenacity


1. A 100 per cent increase in the piercing effect of the Weapons Charge.

2. Critical Ignore Chance, Armor Effect +50%.

3. All Resistance +10%.

Attacking ability is only an option that increases Penetration by 100 percent when a critical hit hits a Weapon Charge, but also increases Critical Ignore Chance and Armor when a defensive ability has an option that increases all Resistance by 10 percent.

If the quasi-phase triggers this combo, it has a 99 percent physical resistance.

Of course, I would like to have the skill of destroying or ignoring resistance in a form similar to piercing, but given that, it is clear that it is an immense defensive force.

I like the appearance of new combos because I have tended to pay attention to attacks so far that I have no other defense methods or skills than iron walls or weapon defense.

However, it is regrettable that the title was not given due to the acquisition of a new combo card.

Because I have seen the virtues of the title effect so far, I can't help thinking about it.

Joon Sang, who was trying to manipulate the interface to open the third box, felt that the name Delordan was quite familiar.

Where did you hear that name?

The question was solved not so hard.

It is because the name of the country belonging to Ibelloia, the capital of the castle of Henes, was Delordan.


I knew that the appearing in the title was related to the world in the process of performing the Epic Quest that opens the Spirit's door, but I didn't know that I would reaffirm it this way.

He's the guardian of Delordan...

What would Hennesse look like when he heard it?

Joon Sang opened the next box thinking about it.

Card Information

Name: Agriculture

Level: 1 Lv

EXP: 0

Rating: RARE

Classification: Skill

Growth: General (vs.

Attribute: Darkness

Effect: When talking, a good chance to cause endowment to the enemy.

Cost: 20

Seed: 3 slots

Although the probability of success was not specified, it was not unusual, given that it was a type of mental attack, such as selling or provoking.

I don't think it's often used because of the quadrilateral nature of the body moving first, but there is no law that there will be no other case like this, so if you use it well, it could be a number of spleen.

Card Information

Name: Enchantment

Level: 1 Lv

EXP: 0

Rating: Uncommon

Classification: Skill

Growth: Premature (Moderate)

Attribute: Light

Effect: Encourage opponents to increase their self-esteem.

Cost: 20

Seed: 3 slots

“... ”

This is also a skill that can fit any weasel.

What came out of the fourth box was fascination.

Combined with the Posashi effect, this can also be a fairly powerful type of mental attack, but it seems like it is not very effective at all.

Jun-san reopened the last box with a taste.


You acquired Wait Time ‘10 minutes’.

: Since the wait time has already been applied, add ‘10 minutes’ here.

The current wait time is 20 minutes.

Now you can get ready for a more relaxing new mission.

“Twenty minutes...”

When I think of the message that was sent 10 seconds after the first message arrived, I can say that it was a real shock.

20 minutes is enough time to get up, wash up, and then eat and relax.

Of course, it will be difficult to relax, but I think it's time to take some time to live.

After confirming all the boxes, Jun-san only raised himself in the tub, then once again took a simple shower, hung his robe, and went out of the bathroom.