
00174 Trawler

After defeating even the seven resurrected virgins, the next thing that appeared in the quest information was the Beast Board Ridel.

So far, he has completed numerous quests and defeated many enemies in the process.

However, among them, the Beast Crowlobagan was the only one who was defeated in the Solo Quest after the Heavenly Bridge Quest.

The Beast Crowlobagan was a formidable opponent who crippled Chinese army returnees who were organized into mechanized units and crippled the Eshtalen Central Army headquarters.

If the beast that came out this time also had that kind of power, it was likely to be heavily damaged by the narrow nature of the room.

After checking the mini-map, he reached out one hand and stopped their steps as the next goal approached.


Then he summoned the wolf, the spirit, and Montmont and the Elemental Dragon, and then told Im Seo-yun.

“I'll send you a message as soon as it's cleared, so wait here. ”

Im Seo Yoon, who knew the nature and skill of the seminarians, nodded his head and prepared to relax.

While he had a dissatisfied expression, his hands crossed his head with their shoulders, and he sat down with his shoulders extended.

Joon Sang said to Hennesse first.

“This opponent may be dangerous, so you better get in. ”

Hennesses was not very generous, but now he was forced to accept his words.

“Be careful.”


Joon Sang-sang put his hands together on her chest, stroked her head with potatoes, and then executed a callback.

Riches said it was quick to see Hennesse summoned back.

“I don't like it. I don't want to be summoned back! ”

He immediately replied.

“I don't do it. ”

“It's no use saying that. I'll never... huh? ”

“I won't. ”

“... ”

I wanted to see how this happened, so Rices had a puzzling look for a while, but he had no more than a happy look.

Finally, I think this stubborn man wants to know his true worth. Somehow his shoulders shrug.

Jung-san took only one rainbow fairy and hid her face on the other side of the aisle, and Yoon Sung-yeong said.

“Somehow I feel like I'm eating for a day. ”

Then Jeongdavin was carefully told.

“Yeah. Maybe we should do something about it. ”

However, Im Seo-yun shook his head with a bitter smile.

“I can't help it. Because right now, we're just interrupting. ”

Jincea, Seo-yumi, and Eun Eun nodded at the same time, but Lee, who was sitting with his shoulders sagging, cried out in a furious voice.

“Ha, but... you don't know without doing it! ”

Then Jincea smiled and said,

“That's because you don't know him very well. ”

“What is it?”

“He said. If you keep bothering me, I can cut you down with that creepy sword without a word from Katabuta. ”

“... ”

“I mean, no matter how much she likes it, don't tease her. ”

“What, what, what...”

She stutters her words with a dismayed expression and nods with a face that she has been chasing the back of the quadrant all the time. She doesn't even know about Lee Seo Yoon or Yoon Sung Ryeong who was unable to look at the members of the Miture Guild.

“In fact... if it had been the same... it would have been left to die or not...”

When Seo Yumi spoke in a small voice, Im Seo Yun nodded and struck the ball.

“That's exactly what he said. Even if I worked with those women, I wasn't the one who explained and moved on like that. ”

Jincea also agreed with him.

“Right. I don't know what it's like to see someone else, but when you compare it to the first time you see it, it's amazing how much you talk. ”

What the hell was that before?

I don't seem to be doing much other than what I need to say right now, but that's better than before.

“It must have been Miss Hennes...”

Im Seo-yun and Jin-sea nodded at the words of Seo-yumi.

It's not easy for a cute girl like that to always stick around and be cute and hold on without saying anything.

As a matter of fact, these quasi-judicial changes were not so bad.

No, it was a very good change.

Otherwise, as Seo Yumi said earlier, even if they were pushed by a Skeleton Soldier, they wouldn't have blinked.

In Im Seo Yoon's case, it may have bothered him a little bit to find someone to replace the things he left behind when he died, but he never would have had a party like this to share a quest.

At that time, Jincea said as if she had remembered.

“By the way, Yumi. ”


“You used to love red wolves like that, didn't you? It's called" done "without the permission of the owner. ”


Seo Yumi touched the hair in front of her eyes with a shameful expression and said:

“Actually... I'm scared. ”


“It's just... it's like... it's getting stronger than it used to be, so... it's hard...”


Though I wanted to run now and let go of it, every time my hands went out without my knowledge, something instinctive kept sending me warnings.

So nowadays, every time I pick a card, I'm praying to send it out secretly, but the red wolf doesn't even come out of a similar summons, whether it's unlucky or not.

Seo Yumi carefully opened her cell phone to check the information of the quest that has been going on to date.

Defeat the Priest of the Evil Ghost possessed by the Resurrected Ghost.

: Ghosts coming out of the gates of the Evil Ghost were possessed by the Priest of the Evil Ghost who led it and the Undead he led. They are strengthened by the pure power of darkness conveyed in the sonic dimension and have a very powerful power. We must eradicate them before they get out of the desert's forgotten temple.

[This quest has multiple people participating at the same time.]

(Hidden) Defeat the resurrected virgins. (7/7) (Cooperation)


(Hidden) Defeat Ghost Knight. (7/7) (Cooperation)


(Hidden) Defeat Enhanced Skeleton Soldier (132/132) (Cooperation)


You can see that no matter where you are, three hits have been accomplished.

After the first battle with the Skeleton Soldier, I thought it would be difficult to get a higher rank because I was only sucking my fingers, but in the case of cooperation quests, I could get an additional reward box.

There are three things that have been achieved to date, so at least three additional reward boxes have been secured.

Seo Yumi quietly stroked a dagger called the Infinite Chain that Hennesses lent her.

You need to get stronger quickly to reward the beautiful brunette who lent me this great item without hesitation.

With that in mind, she participated in training harder than anyone else, but the more she did, the more absurd she became, the more it was true that she felt darker.


As she sighed lightly, Seo Yumi tucked her phone in and watched the quest information update.

The screen said:

(Hidden) Defeat Beast Board Ridel (Collaboration)

“Beast Board Ridel...”

As Seo Yumi muttered as she looked at her phone screen, other guild members also quickly pulled out her phone to check the quest information.

“I told you to wait here for this. ”

When Im Seo Yoon muttered, Jincea said with a stiff expression.

“The beast... is it like the last flower of that monster? ”

Then Jeongdavin trembled.

Obviously, when it comes to that, they are just pathological and not helpful.

When I think of it, I realize that the floor they're sitting on trembles, and the dirt drops from the ceiling.

“Looks like it started. ”

“... ”

Even now, I didn't want to go and see how big a monster they were fighting, but they didn't want to risk their lives just out of curiosity.

Whatever they say, the most important goal they face is also survival.

It is only a means to increase the likelihood of survival in the end.

But unlike them, there were also those who died and lived in curiosity.

“Hahahaha! Come on! Come on, come on! ”

“... ”

Junsang frowns as he looks at Rices, casting a spectacular spell at the Beast Board Ridel, shaking his head.

However, her magical abilities were so great that even though she was repulsed by a penalty outside the fairy system, she was lightly agronomizing the Beast Board Ridel.

Even the magic level that is so repulsive is higher than the level of the quadrant, so this might be more natural.

“Take it! Heavenly Judgment that illuminates the darkness! ”

As the little hands of Lychez wiggle like flies, a blue lightning bolt spreads over the head of the board lidel.


Boarded Ridel tried to catch the leeches flying in the air swiftly, wiggling the things he didn't know whether to call the tentacles or the squid legs, but because they were so small and quick, they were simply whistling the air and not achieving their purpose.

The Beast Board Ridel was in a bizarre form.

It's like a giant snake.

However, it feels like a squid or octopus rather than a snake because it has tentacles like the legs of a squid on its head.

The elongated trunk has a thick shell, similar to a crustacean, on top of which an elongated, pointed protrusion, such as a small horn, rises as if it were hairy.

Boardlidel could shoot these protrusions like a harpoon, and the living tissue connected to the protrusions is as thin and resilient as the thread of a crawlovagan, so he can't help but be greatly surprised when he moves like a rope with dozens of protrusions in the ceiling.

Junsung summons a spirit and an Elemental Dragon to help her as she begins to drive BoardRidel, and then takes out Langdazal's anger.

I decided to use the annealer to blossom the power of the sword, but I couldn't help but cut off the thick skin of this one, even if I cut the tentacles.

After mounting the Blood Droid Combo, he launched a phase war and dropped over BoardRidel's head and shot down the two iron pieces in his hand.


The sticky body of the board lidel, however, absorbed the shock from the two iron balls in a ridiculously simple way.


I don't know how the Beast got it back.

Jun-san quickly avoided the body through a phase war as the bumps poured towards him like rain.

In this situation, it is difficult to hit his body by breaking the shell on the side of his body.

If so?

There is only one way.

Junsung takes back Langdazal's anger to his inventory, then takes out another monster bloodcircuit that had been asleep in the inventory for a long time.


Even though he simply held it in his hand, Junsung felt his vision tingle red.

But I couldn't afford to discuss the admiration.

Joon Sang-san strikes with a giant axe in his hand while hiding.


With the sound of the heart pounding, BoardRidel shoots the bumps in response to it, even though it is concealing its appearance, as the axe in the hands of the quadrilateral gathers.

After seeing the sharp protrusions pouring out like a rainbow, Joon-Sang once again moved over BoardRidel's head as he gathered the necessary strength.

And as it fell, it releases the power gathered in the whole body into a single breath.


As he pours his magic on the board lidel, Rices quickly wraps his shield around his body, frightened as his vision brightens.

Immediately, a huge storm swirled through the basement square.

“Mi, madman...”

What are you gonna do when it collapses?

No, before that, was this really human power?

Recalling that thought, Riches quickly turned his gaze towards the place where the explosion occurred.


He stood there, emitting white smoke as if his quadriceps were on fire, and in front of him was a precisely cut board lidel.

No, it was clear that only half the head and torso had been damaged, but that rattled beast was cut into a single breath anyway.

Bloodsucker is already back in inventory.

“Did you get rid of it?”

However, the body of Board-Ridel, which was stretched to death, trembled and began to regenerate at the cut.


Joon Sang was embarrassed by this absurd regeneration.

Your body is fine, but your head is cut in half, so you can regenerate it?

Even if you attack with Bloodsucker, the attacks of others other than the quadrilateral will not be eaten by seeds in the first place.

I wonder if this one is also enhanced by evil spirits.

But I couldn't think of anything like that right now.

First, Joon Sang reminds me of the quest rewards I haven't received.

It is.

It's not the quest reward I left you to use in this situation.

Junsung immediately received a quest reward for manipulating the interface and putting it off.

I received my first reward, but there was no response.

The experience of the second reward is‘ a little ’level.

In this case, I prepared to move straight to the phase war and then received a second reward.

Immediately, a beam of light emanated from his body, and he recovered completely without being able to glimpse a finger.


Joon Sang spits out the heat that was in his body and then takes out the bloodcircuit again.

Then one of the birds swung the axe back towards Board-Ridel, who had almost recovered half his cut head.

I didn't hit him this time.

The beast sucked a tremendous amount of HP from the quadrilateral body just by swinging it once, but at the same time, the replenished HP filled the void through the tremendous amount of HP and regenerative power absorbed from BoardRidel's body.

However, despite its health absorption and regeneration, it was more than enough to replenish the life that Bloodsucker sucks.

Joon Sang, who was about to drink the healing potion, summoned Hennesses who was being summoned back.

When Hennesses was summoned again, he had a puzzled expression, and immediately he realized why he had been summoned by a quadrilateral who was swinging an axe with white smoke from his entire body.

Hennesses immediately took out two whips and swung them at him, watching everything he had done so far, and even Lychez, who had fallen in love with Earl, was still upset.

“Warm Energy of Life! Come here!”

When Hennesse uses the whip and Lychez memorizes the spell of recovery, the amount of HP replenished begins to overwhelm the HP that escapes.

When the only disadvantage was resolved, the quadrilateral had nothing to go through.

When he swings the giant axe and slices his head like an egg, the board lidel stops playing and his breath is broken.

(Hidden) Defeat Beast Board Ridel (Collaboration)


Upon receiving a message from Hidden informing him that the quest had been completed, Jun Sang took a deep breath and returned the Bloodsucker to his inventory and sat on his knees on the floor.