
00177 Trawler


The huge column that was supporting the ceiling in front of his running eyes fell.

However, he measured the distance and quickly moved the dark spirit away from the falling position of the pillar.

But it was only the beginning.

Because the stairs connecting the ground floor and the top floor were shaking as badly as if they were about to collapse and scattering sand dust.

Jun-san takes out Langdazal's anger and holds it in both hands.

He then triggered a webphone charge, staring up at the exit, scarcely reaching the entrance of the stairs.


It was inevitable that a heavy load would be placed on the two knees of the quadrilateral bearing acceleration and weight as they ran in a straight line and rapidly changed direction upwards and shot out like cannons with a huge iron ball in front of them.

However, the collapsing basement temple will remain intact for a while.

No matter how high the Physical RES and DEF are, thousands of tons of rocks will kill you.

Even if the quadrilateral body bears its weight, it is unlikely that it can withstand a 20-minute waiting time for the transmission to take place, even if it is breathed under the earth and rocks.

If there is a way, you can bring the air you need to breathe through the door of the Spirit, but this is also Mansa Dorumuk if you are buried in the wrong soil and your stomach is covered.

There is also a way to hold back until Leeches unfolds his shield and transmits it.

However, no matter how much transcendent she is in charge of one world, it is never easy to hold back thousands of tons of weight that is pressed over her head for twenty minutes.

If she's an intact fairy godmother, there's a possibility.

No, even if you can only use Nymph Shield, it is likely enough.

Unfortunately, this is not a fairy system, and the fairy shield has also been used impulsively recently.

Lychez did his best to spread the dust that stood in front of his eyes with minimal force while sitting on his quadrilateral shoulders, as well as to make sure that the quadrilateral did not interfere with his escape, and to spread his shield to prevent the rock falling over his head.

A harsh thrill, incomparable with simply sitting on your shoulders and running.

For 10,000 years since his birth, Rices has never experienced such intense tension that the peripheral nerves of his hands and feet prick.

Is that so?

Even though she would have enjoyed the speed of bursting into laughter as usual, she was doing her best to assist in the quasi-judicial escape with magic.

The quadrant immediately reached the top of the stairs.

However, the moment I wanted to safely penetrate the stairs, a huge rock covering the ceiling above the quadrilateral's head collapsed, covering the quadrilateral and the sight of Leeches.


As a fairy, the enormous rock that doesn't even measure how big it is falls over her head, and even the fairy queen of the underworld can't handle her intimidation, and screams with her arms around her neck without even knowing it.

At that instant, however, Junsung once again jumped to the falling wide rocks, triggering a waffen charge.


An enormous piece of iron undoubtedly smashes the rock away from the ceiling, and the quadrant jumps high and falls.

“That's crazy.”

The situation was not very good.

Joon Sang once again sprints to the square with the Beast Board Ridel at full speed, and Rices opens his eyes.

She blames herself for realizing what she saw.

Why is Joonsang taking himself back with him while sending back all the other summons, including Hennesses?

Not because she believes in her abilities.

But what if I'm so frightened?

Riches starts to use his magic with the power of his two hands to slap his cheeks.

With her small hands extended, various magicians glamorously appeared around the quadrant.

Some were magicians who created winds to scatter the dust that covered their eyes, and others intercepted the rocks that fell over their heads beforehand.

Beyond the fairy system, magic power has been repulsed, not even the knowledge and experience she has acquired for 10,000 years.

Because of this, Leeches was able to deal effectively with the petty obstacles that stood in their way.

This made it even more difficult to block the road ahead.


The massive rock that blocked the way ahead was crushed by the quadripartite charge that preceded Langdazal's fury, and the quadripartite finally broke through the square and entered the passageway.

But the danger was not gone.

Unlike the vast area where it was easy to find a place to avoid, within this narrow passageway, small misjudgments were very likely to lead to isolation or burial.

Junsung checks the mini-map while he's out of his mind, calculates the optimal route, and then triggers the webphone charge at full speed to break through the passageway.

Riches realized that this situation was very similar to the process he had previously gone through the maze.

However, if it is different from now, then the walls and ceilings are magically protected and there is little risk of breaking through.


The moment he thought about it, he thought of one way.

If things are different and dangerous, you can create the same situation.

Normally, it's impossible, but Rices has the ability to do it with great magic skills.

Riches mobilized all available means to cast reinforcing magic on the walls and ceilings around him.

Although it was impossible to strengthen it so robustly that it would never collapse, the magic of Leeches could nevertheless effectively deter the passage of the forgotten temple from collapsing rapidly.

Quang Guang!

Finally, he managed to escape from the temple by crushing a huge statue that stood in the way of two iron balls.

“Huff... Huff...”

As Jun-san escaped the temple, the entrance to the temple, which was showing itself on the sand, collapsed completely with a tumultuous noise and emitted dark dust all around.


Riches quickly scattered the dirt that was flying towards him with the magic of the wind, and then he stole the sweat of the Song Song Song Song on his forehead.

I didn't know if the way she was soaking her thin clothes was due to sweat or if the tension that was left in her nerves was now transmitted into her head.

But Rices felt for the first time in 10,000 years what it really means to have a creepy back at this moment.

“Are you okay?”

When Jun-san, who was breathing heavily and churning over his body, asked him, he shrugged with his arms around his body and became furious.

“Yes! I'm fine! ”

“Thank goodness. Hoo...”

After hearing Rice's answer, Junsung lies still on the hot sand.

Then, I heard the burning heat through my back and dug into my body, but strangely, I felt very cool when my flesh usually didn't ripen.

Are you finally going crazy?

Joon Sang thought of that and laughed and fed on his own and told Rice, who was staring at him with a strangely recalled expression.

“Well done. Thanks to you, I was able to get out safely. ”

“No offense. ”

Riches was embarrassed and twisted himself.

In addition to the joy that Joon Sang was finally properly recognized for his abilities, she felt like she was literally falling into a crucible of excitement right now, thanks to the tremendous tension she had gained from breaking through it.

Lychez waits and carefully sits down on the quadrilateral's chest and closes his eyes and looks at the quadrilateral as he enjoys his relaxation.

Despite using the magic so hard, the face and body were covered with dirt and sweat.

I don't know, but she thought she might as well be.

I couldn't stand the unpleasant feeling like before, so I would hysterically hysterical my assistants, but now I feel a little happy just because I look like Joon Sang.

Oh, yeah.

I wanted this feeling.

Lychez reckons of the idea, lying still on his quadrilateral chest.

Then I heard a quadruple beating over my chest.

When she was lying down on her chest like that, Joon Sang was looking at the rewards of keeping her eyes closed.

Even if this quest reward is postponed for later pick-ups, there are only eleven rewards he needs to open right away.

I can't even open it one by one at a time.

There's nothing else to do until the transmission is done anyway, so saving time is all.

Card Information

Name: Waffen Charge

Level: 1 Lv

EXP: 0

Rating: RARE

Classification: Skill

Growth: General (vs.

Attribute: None

Effect: Charges the enemy with a weapon in hand and deals 200% of the current attack damage. (Cooldown: 4 seconds)

Cost: 20

Seed: 4 slots

What came out of the first additional reward box was the Waffen Charge.

Of course it is in the labyrinth, but this quest would have been so difficult to get out without the ability to charge the webon at the end.

Card Information

Name: Hellhound

Level: 1 Lv

EXP: 0

Rating: Uncommon

Category: Summon

Growth: Premature (Moderate)

Properties: Fire

Effect: Summon 1 Burning Dog of Hell.

Cost: 15

Seed: 3 slots

What came out of the second box was Hellhound.

A vengeance that is smaller than the wolves, but has strong attributes.

I was impressed by the way I fought with Crimson Wolf Leader, so I'm a little surprised that he's underrated.

When I opened the third box, I revealed the Holy Water of Blessing that I once obtained.

When he looked at the Holy Water of Blessing from the box, he recalled that he had obtained it before.

I might say I'm full, but I have so many cards that sometimes I forget the fact that I also have them.

Soon after, he opened the fourth box.

Card Information

Name: Takeover

Level: 1 Lv

EXP: 0

Rating: Uncommon

Classification: Skill

Growth: Normal (medium)

Attribute: None

Effect: Spreads a powerful presence, reducing the attack power of all enemies in the field.

Cost: 20

Seed: 3 slots

This could be called a debuff skill similar to the majesty of a rabbit.

Certainly the name itself feels more normal than the majesty of a reluctant rabid dog, but that doesn't erase the feeling of a lack of ability to write and assign skill slots.

Card Information

Name: Destroy

Level: 1 Lv

EXP: 0

Rating: Uncommon

Classification: Skill

Growth: Normal (medium)

Attribute: Land

Effect: Quickly and strongly crushes non-life.

Cost: 20

Seed: 3 slots

What came out of the fifth box was a skill that felt similar to increasing power when destroying a facility attached to the anger of Langdazal.

It was a disaster in the absence of other skills, but once you have the right skills, you can see that this dizzying defense facility means nothing to the quadrant.

Card Information

Name: Pobok

Level: 1 Lv

EXP: 0

Rating: RARE

Classification: Skill

Growth: General (vs.

Attribute: None


1. Grasp the opponent's neck and lift it to prevent it from moving.

2. 10% chance of causing panic to the opponent.

Cost: 20

Seed: 4 slots

It is the Rare version of the Pobok Skill that came from the last additional reward box of the first Demon Moon Quest that gained the Magazine Animator.

Unlike before, there is a certain chance that the option to panic the foe has been added.

Joon Sang realized that there was only a short time left to confirm the compensation and send it.



“It's time to go back. ”


Riches looked a little sad, but nodded and accepted the reverse summons quietly.

Soon after she concealed herself with the light, the quadrant also disappeared in the heat of the hot desert with a single stalk of light.