
00200 Trawler

Hearing that, Hennesse looked at the seminal image, and he asked Zelan again, feeling a little faster than expected.

“How many are photofighters? ”

As soon as I heard about the two people who were not so surprised, Zelan, who was running around, got a little awkward.

“Well, that's... about a hundred people...”

“I see.”

Somehow, I said it was faster than I expected, but not all of them came together, but they came sequentially from those who touched me.

After approximating the situation, Joon said to Zelan in a low voice.

“It's hard to tell the exact number of people, but it's going to bring together about a thousand. ”

At the end of the day, Zelan twitches his eyes.

“Brother-in-law, a thousand? ”


A thousand photowarriors.

At the time of the Dark Army's invasion, Ibeloa was, of course, a thousand in total, including soldiers stationed at nearby gates and outposts.

Moreover, those individuals are the same classes as Hant, which even reputable knights can't implicate.

Because of this, Zelan trembled with only a few hundred photowarriors coming to Ibeloa. Jun-san is discussing those ten times. How can he not be surprised?

“Ho, do you know what purpose they're coming for? ”

When Zelan asked in a trembling voice, Hennes, who was still listening beside him, replied.

“They're coming to see Joon Sang. ”

It was Hennesses who told Zelan that the photowarriors might come.

“Do you want to buy a magazine?”



Hearing that, Hennesse turned his gaze to the quadrant.

I had a guess, but it was because I knew the answer more accurately than I knew myself.

Joon Sang replied with a bold acceptance of the two brothers' gaze.

“When a thousand people come together, they will fight me to see if I have the right qualifications. ”

Zelan wanted to know what this meant for a while, but he shouted loudly after realizing the meaning.

“Well, you're fighting them? ”

But Joon replied boldly.


“Chu, with a thousand photowarriors? ”

Towards Zelan, who once again asks if he can't believe it, Joon Sang replies with one more word.

“Yes, at once. ”

“Ha, at once...”

The tremendous power shown in the Knight Feud was confirmed by Zelan himself, but it was a one-on-one battle everywhere.

But there are a thousand opponents this time.

No matter how good a knight is, if he confronts more than ten enemies at a time, it is natural to retreat and look at the penalty. This absurd man said that he would fight against a thousand photowarriors at once.

“Are you okay? ”

In Zelan's shaky words, Jun-san rather asked.

“Have you forgotten?”


“Have you forgotten how many enemies I encountered in the Forest of Prohibition? ”


The head of Zelan, who had been stiffened for a while by the shocking words of succession, began to rotate and combine the information he had.

It is.

Joon Sang has already slaughtered the dark forces alone in the past.

Of course, even though the zombies were the placenta of the resurrected corpses, given the quasi-exploitative power of the quasi-exploitatively stronger quasi-exploitatively after defeating subsequent epic quests, it is not difficult to understand why the quasi-exploitatively powerful quasi-exploitatives are now flocking.

Of course, Zelan did not know the details of the situation, but his agitating mood nodded with a convincing expression when he looked at the seminal attitude until he was bold.

Joon Sang said to Zelan again.

“There's something I want to ask you. ”

Zelan quickly cleared his confused head and replied.


“As you can see, the interior and exterior of this mansion is still cluttered. ”


Zelan immediately understood what Jun-san wanted to say and replied.

“If that's the case, I'll take care of it. Thousands... I'm sure it's not a small number, but it's not enough that you can't handle it if you prepare ahead of time. ”

According to Junsung, this villa is now under construction or something rather hectic.

In fact, even if it was difficult for up to a thousand people to enter, about half of them could accept it.

No, it wasn't just impossible to accommodate a thousand people if you squeeze them a little tight.

However, Joon Sang asked Zelan because he didn't want those muscular tights to be part of this beautiful mansion where he, Hennes, and Lychez live together.

“Well, I'm begging you. ”

“Yes, leave it to me. ”

When Zelan ran out to plan a thousand people's stay, Hennesse carefully asked for a second prize.

“Shall I go and take a look? ”

Jun-san shakes his head.

“You don't have to. ”


Hennesses was a guest who came to Jun-san, although he was a bit out of specification, so he thought differently.

“It's not this way, anyway. Besides... I'll come over there even if I don't move first. ”

“Okay, then I'll know. ”


Soon after, according to Junsung, Zelan visited the mansion again with ten strong men, except for Hant.

Each of them is a sphere, but when I looked at the ten men who showed off their stubborn muscles together, Hennesses somehow felt like he was a brother.

Some people pushed their head completely like Hant, but not bald, but cut their hair short enough to be less than a fingernail, but there was one thing about the frizzy muscles in their eyes.

Following Zelan's guidance, the men who came into the mansion's living room looked at Hant in unison, and he nodded and suddenly emitted a breathtaking energy.


Zelan, who had been guiding them, shriveled himself in terror, and Hant pushed him aside.

It is a great thing to be able to disrupt the opponent's mind by releasing life in this way at random.

However, it is impossible to clearly identify the target compared to the horror of the quadrant, and the effect is not great.

To this extent, Joon Sang is no longer a threat to Hennesse, who is not yet changing the combo from a guardian.

“Is this a test? ”

“... ”

These ten men were chosen by the first of the photowarriors, who were able to dispense with their lives randomly.

However, even the brunette sitting next to him did not seem to be responding very well, and they were greatly embarrassed.

As the seminarians say, they came here to check his skills.

Hant certainly belonged to a strong axis even among the photowarriors, but even so, it was not easy to gather the photowarriors scattered around the continent, believing only in his words.

Because of this, once the photowarriors near Delordan, the country to which Ibeloa belongs, gathered first to test whether they had the ability to conform to the name of red terror.

When the photowarriors saw the quasi-excuse of their lives, they immediately uncovered the life that was restraining the people around them.

As the amount of life amplified, Hennesse quickly got up from his seat and approached his brother who was less trembling in the corner, blocking the front of him.

“Hey, Hennesse? ”

Zelan called out his name as he felt a shortness of breath as his sister stood in the way of him, but Hennesse quickly whispered to him with his finger.

“Shh. Be quiet. ”

“... ”

When I saw it, I saw the eyes of the photowarriors, but at that moment, I stood up with a slightly disappointed look.

If this is the greeting of the photowarriors, it is Dory's duty to treat it accordingly.

Jun-san stares at ten photowarriors and provokes a horrorless gaze.


As red eyes burst out of his eyes, the photowarriors who were focusing their minds and shooting at him to live were overwhelmed by the absurd horror that flowed through his optic nerves.


I didn't even have time to think about it.

The moment I felt a flash of red light in my junior's eyes, it was because a demon named Fear had consumed the thought itself before responding to that sensation.


Among the ten photowarriors, one of the weakest, without being able to do anything, releases his power on his legs and sits still.


The sleepy photowarrior breathes a lot of air into the empty hurricane.

At some point, his body was soaked in sweat like a sprinter, and his hands and feet were shaking like they were full of energy.

The photowarrior felt ashamed that he had first fallen out of ten of his companions, but other photowarriors, even before that thought sank above the surface of the accident, also began to brush like a stuffed puppet that had been cut off.

They were too busy breathing and panting, and the indoor air was filled with the smell of sweat and harsh breathing.


Hant, who was watching all this, was forced to moan, biting his lips without even knowing it.

The presence of a brown-haired girl, who had never cared about her life, was also embarrassing, but more than that, what was driving her into confusion now was the fact that her quadrant was much stronger than she had ever known.

It's silly, but only then did Hant realize how much he saw himself when he struggled with him the other day.

Pride was broken.

But on the contrary, the blood of the photowarrior who was sleeping in his body began to boil.

I believed Jun-san's words and now I have drawn together the photowarriors near Delordan, but it is also true that on one side of his mind he had some doubts as to whether he really deserved the red terror.

Even so, a weary kid named Scan defeats skilled and skilled advanced photowarriors with such a single glance.

This is impossible, not even the Blood Droids, who are called Feudals.

Of course, it can't be compared to fighting a thousand people, but what could be better than this as proof of someone named Red Fear?


Though the idea was long, it didn't take long for all the other photowarriors, like Domino, to fall and roll the floor in turn.

Junsang frowned at the smell of the sweat of the men in the room, so he opened the window with impulse and summoned the breeze to ventilate the room.

And after a certain amount of sweat, he looked down at the photowarriors who hesitated to take a deep breath on the ground.

“Let's do some more. ”

“... ”

The photowarriors look back at each other exhausted and shout aloud, hitting their heads on the ground within minutes.

“Good to see you, Red Fear! ”


That's 200 times.

Thank you all for your support.

Thank you very much.