
00212 Trawler

Dorun could not hide his excitement at the words of the quadrilateral.

“Oh! Finally! ”

But Joon Sang said in a calm voice.

“Don't tremble, let's go assemble. ”

“Got it! Leave it to me! ”

“... ”

I didn't seem to care at all about how excited I was to run, but I left Joon-hyang alone.

However, Dorun was already under surveillance by informants from several places, so the result was the same, whether Dorun shook his head or not.

At the end of Jun-san's relaxing meal, Dorun ran hard and instructed the occupying warriors to rush to Jun-san's mansion.

“We're finally on the move! Pack your bags and gather around! ”

With the whales yelling like this.

A thoroughbred mutupee and a blindfold, he was a tactless man who had a ruse, drove photowarriors into a single breath, and smashed them.

Apart from force, there were many things that were not enough to become a senior Bloodroid in many ways, but I was excited, but I could say that I was a good person if I didn't do anything.

The photowarriors took their luggage and immediately began to gather at the quaint mansion, following the instructions from Dorun's mouth, and the movement was caught in the sights of the informants.

Especially what made the informants nervous was the word "entry."

When I saw Dorun shouting at the whale with the words, "I'm going to fight somewhere," the informants were forced to believe that the situation they were worried about had come.

When power builds up, it's natural to want to test it.

In the Knights' Feud, there were a thousand photowarriors who showed off their presence and spread it all over Delordan. They were anxious to catch the Knights by themselves.

Then how can you not be nervous because the words that were heard in the meantime are already on the road?

Informants rushed to report the incident to the top and carefully examined the movements of the photowarriors to determine what their ultimate objective was.

The gathering of the photowarriors was very fast because they were always moving with the war in mind.

It took only thirty minutes for people who were scattered around Ibeloa to pack their belongings and gather at a seminal mansion, so it was not uncommon for people in this world to have a little idyllic and relaxed life, rather than an urgent life like that of modern society.

After the gathering of all the photowarriors who were at last in Ibeloa was completed, Dorun rushed into the mansion, thumping his feet, and reported to Jun-san, who was just finishing his meal and enjoying the dessert.

“Blood Dorun and 1027 others have just completed the rally. ”

Seeing Dorun screaming in a buzzing voice, Joon Sang quietly replied.

“Well done. I'll be out in a minute. ”

“I see!”

As Dorun rushed outside, he emptied the tea he had been drinking and rose slowly, and Hennesses rose quickly and tidied up his clothes.

When Junsang was ready, he grabbed Hennesse's hand and sat on one shoulder with Rices down the hallway to the entrance of the mansion.

As he reveals himself, the photowarriors who were waiting clap their hearts together and shout.



As the distinctive roar of the Photographers approached the manor, the informants were able to confirm once again that Dorun's words were not false, and the facts immediately spread back to the top.

Junsung stood still at the entrance of the mansion and raised his hand to calm them.

And finally, as the photowarriors were silent, they looked at Dorun with their eyes full of expectation.

Dorun could not hide his excitement with a historic blacksmith who had waited hundreds of years.

Though it was a journey that ended the continent from Ibeloa to Jant Hunsen in the north, it seemed like the blood would boil up and explode in no time.

But Joon Sang-sang gave the order again quietly, whether he did or not.

“Follow me in a quiet line. ”


It's probably the first time you'll open it with an infiltration.

I see.

Red Fear is the first thing you've decided to take over from Ibeloa!

Dorun made that kind of judgement and urged the gathered warriors to quickly follow after entering the new mansion.

The photowarriors, who were instructed by Dorun, each carried a load of his own baggage and jumped to the entrance of the mansion where the quaint statue disappeared.

When Junsung entered the mansion alone, he summoned a large stone door and opened it and told the photowarriors.

Suddenly, the appearance of a large stone door is also an unbelievable phenomenon, leaving only a border when the quadrant touches the door, and the door itself disappears miraculously, with a translucent curtain.

I don't know what's going on in English. My eyes twitch toward the photowarriors, and Joon Sang points to the inside of the tent.

“Go in.”

“Oh, I see. ”

The photowarriors knew that the quadrant was a royal family of different worlds and had many mysterious abilities, so they jumped into the door without hesitation, as he pointed out.

Then, in front of their eyes, they reveal a mysterious place they have never experienced before.

The photowarriors could not help but notice that they were inside a beautiful conical structure made of transparent glass.

Below the ground lies the view of a large castle city, perhaps Ibeloa, and the beautiful sky and the serene waves of clouds flowing through the sun's walls appear vividly as if they were seen from the nose.

In the middle of the table on the floor where they were standing, there was a double spiral staircase that appeared to be used to climb upstairs, and the spiral staircase was again installed toward the top of the outer wall.

The photowarriors, who were looking at all these sights for a while, were astonished at the sound of someone hitting them with a blunt sound from behind their backs, and retreated from the entrance through which they had passed.

“If you come in, step back from the entrance! There are still a lot of people coming in! ”

“Oh, I see! ”

The photowarriors retreated from the door and aligned themselves according to the cries of Hennesses who followed.

Among them were also those who sat on the floor, showing signs of complaint terror, as Hennesses had done for the first time, but after receiving some authority from the quadrilateral, Hennesses quickly adjusted the settings inside the flowers and changed the landscape on the floor, which gave him a shock and raised his body.

Thousands of photowarriors were pushed back and filled the lower square with mystical flowers, and the entrance was closed at the same time as the last statue sent in the Blood Droids.

Joon Sang said to the photowarriors who were making a puzzling look.

“This will be your camp in the future. If you go up along the wall, there is a door, so you can unpack it. Let's go clean up our luggage immediately. ”

“I see!”

As instructed by the Quartermaster, the Blood Roads led the photowarriors up the steps of the wall, opened the door, and entered it.

When the door was opened, they were surprised again because the space was quite large unexpectedly.

During the dispersive deployment of the photowarriors by measuring the area, Jun Sang summoned leaders, including Dorun, to determine what supplies the photowarriors currently hold.

“Ensure that the quantities of food and weapons, clothing and linens are accurately identified and reported. ”

“I'll do that. ”

Jun-san looks at the Blood Roads rushing to identify the supplies and opens his mouth to Rice.



“I need fairy knights to serve as messengers, but can I bring them here? ”

While Jun-san was out there, he needed a separate means of communication to convey his instructions to the photowarriors here. The easiest and quickest way to do this was to have a few fairies here and use them as messengers.

Riches immediately understood the seminal intentions and nodded.

“No problem. I'll get him right away. ”

“Thank you.”

“Don't say anything. ”

As Leeches disappeared through the stone gate leading to his lab, Junsung told Dorun who was waiting next to him.

“I will go back to Ibeloa for a while. ”

“Got it.”

Dorun was a little embarrassed by the feeling that something was different, but quickly lowered his head and replied, and Junsang split up with him and took Hennesse back to Ibeloa.

“Wasn't that where you left off? ”

In Hennesse's words, Joon Sang shook his head.

“I'm going to be busy for a while, so I think I'd better say hello. ”


It was not much of a consideration, but Hennesse was glad that he always had his work in mind.

“Thank you.”

“What's with this? ”

When Junsung left the stone gate, he informed the maids and servants at the mansion that they would be vacating for a while, and then took out the raptor and moved towards the Brea family mansion.

As the vehicle was approaching, the Brea family members, who had received word from the entrance, rushed to meet them.

Returning from a visit to nearby nobles and families, Jester looked a little dissatisfied at Jun-shang and Hennesse, but received his youngest daughter and family greetings as his wife, Yuras, pinched her side.

After a brief greeting, he went into the reception room and immediately said that he was afraid to sit down.

“I think you'll be leaving here for a while. ”

The people of the Brea family were also feeling a little nervous because the photowarriors had already told him what was going on in the canal and rushed to his mansion.

“Can you tell me where you're going? ”

According to Zelan, Joon Sang replied with an unpleasant expression.

“Going north. ”


Zelan was puzzled for a moment at the words of Jun-san, but he was able to recall a place where he had been gathering information for some time.

“No way... Are you looking for Jan Tshunsen? ”

“That's right.”

“But, there...”

Zelan pressed and swallowed the words, "Is it not frozen?"

I wanted to move without even preparing.

“By the way, it's the door to the spirit. ”

In response to Yuras' quiet question, Joon Sang immediately replied.

“That's right, so it won't take much longer than I thought. ”

“I see.”

“I'll take out the question you said before I leave. ”

“Thank you for your attention. ”

“Don't say anything. ”

Joon-sang asked Hennesse to say hello to his family, and then he got up from his seat and took out a container filled with sachets in the right room.

Zelan admires the beautiful cloths in a large iron box.

“I've seen it before, but the more I look at it, the better. ”

“It's not great. ”

“Come this way. We've got the money in place as we speak. ”

“Thank you.”

Zelan takes Jun-san with him, and then hands him the box that he had prepared.

When the statue was opened, it was filled with gold coins.

After confirming the contents, the quadripartite took out the cabinet and stored the box in it.

“Good deal, thank you. ”

“Don't say anything. Thanks to our horses, we put a cloak on it. ”

This time, the sacks brought by the Viceroy were going to be sold to the nobles of the capital, which was proof that the items released during the Knights' War were stimulating their taste buds enough.

After completing the deal, Joon Sang returned to the reception room after a brief discussion with Zelan about what was going on.

“I'll be going. ”

“Be careful.”

“Thank you for your concern. ”

After saying goodbye, Jun-san immediately returned to the mansion in a raptor and opened the stone door and returned to the mystical flower.

The informants who were watching the trends now and now realized that it was strange to spend the night alone.

“What happened? ”

“Well, I don't know. ”

After a little more time, they were able to confirm that the gathering of photowarriors had concealed the cult, even the master of the mansion, Joon Sang-bird.

As before, they realized one important fact, even though they thought they had only gone to another world.

“No way... there were restrictions on the number of people you could move! ”

“That's the way it is!”

If this is true, it means that the foreigners who appeared in various parts of Ibeloa or the continent could show up behind the quadrant on a massive scale like the photowarriors who disappeared this time.

If only one person had been on the hard plate, how would they have handled it if there were hundreds of thousands of such people?

When the informants realized this, blood sprouted from their faces, and the Delordan Royal and the nobles of the capital did not react very differently.

“Maybe we should do this. ”

“Well, I don't know. ”

As soon as they came across the news, they were embarrassed again.

“What? The Envoy of Eshtalen? Why are they visiting Delordan all of a sudden! ”

“No. Their purpose is not Delordan. ”

“What does that mean? So you're saying there's a different purpose? ”

“Yes. From what I hear... it appears that the foreigner of Ibeloa is the purpose. ”

“What! Is that true? ”

“That's not all. I'm not sure... but this envoy contains the Princess of Eshtalen...”

“Oh, my God!”