
00248 Trawler

The king rose from the throne and went out across the Feud, which is called the Pure White Hall.

King Dern, who led a multitude of servants and guards out of the Feud, raised his hands and frowned, blindfolded, and found a massive cloud of dust blooming in the glorious sunlight that was supposed to be at the front door of Jupiter.

“... ”

Around the dust clouds, panicked guards and people working nearby looked beyond.

“What happened? ”

When the King asked, the soldier who had just brought word that the door had been knocked down answered quickly.

“Except that... suddenly the door hesitated to sit down with the noise...”

It takes a few minutes to run from where the King is to the front door of Pluto.

Baron Gilbert, the Grand Chamberlain, quickly sent a man to find out about the Autonomous Commune, but suddenly the dust clouds blooming in the glottis begin to be wiped off one side as if someone were pushing them out by hand.


When the dust cloud cleared, King Dern frowned at the appearance of the gates that had been completely crushed and turned into a pile of stones, while recalling the tragedy of Grefs Castle, which he had heard a long time ago.

“Is this... the power of the Gentiles? ”

When King Dern bites his lips and mutters about it, Junsung uses spirits to push the dust clouds and start clearing the rubble of the stacked gates.

Behind his back, the nobles who had walked with him from the outskirts of the capital were raving, with their faces as if they were possessed by demons.


Standing closest to the quadrant, Duke Tedran Grioli recalls what had just happened in front of his eyes and shed a tearful smile.

Upon reaching the Gate of Pluto, Duke Tedran went out and tried to tell the Royal Guards who were guarding the Gate to open the Gate.

At that moment, however, a voice came out of the quadrant that had not opened a single word as it came from the outside of the capital.

“Back off.”

He wants to go straight ahead, and he takes out two huge iron balls from the air.

When a tremendous iron machete appeared, even then, the nobles who looked at the statue with a slightly skeptical eye were forced to make a surprised look.

But that was only the beginning.

Joon Sang immediately threw a huge piece of iron and smashed the front door of Wang into a single breath.

The front door of Pluto has a beautiful white arched shape, with a huge door for wagons to enter and four doors for people to enter.

This door is the most flawless of all the marble collected in the country, and it was only assembled with the clean and decorated exterior, so people often called it a pure white door.

However, this beautiful architecture, even though it is called the royal landmark of Delordan, is not lacking. It is like a sandcastle, without being able to withstand a single blast of heavy iron thrown by a quadrilateral.

The nobles who followed him were forced to look ridiculous and be terrified.

Although the architecture emphasizes the artistic aspect rather than the defensive aspect, it was sensibly impossible to collapse on the power of one person in that way.

However, this black-haired foreigner did such an absurd thing in front of them, as if it were natural.

Due to that one demonstration of force, the nobles were forced to completely erase their doubts about the force he had.

Junsung clears the heap of stones with the spirit, and this time he starts summoning the giant beasts.

Starting with a gigantic wolf that looks like an adult, from a bizarre hound that emits fire from his mouth, to a bayonet with sharp fangs, various types of beasts appear with a single stem of light and surround him as if he were escorting a quadriceps.

One of the guards, who had been beaten to death by the collapse of the front gate, finally regained consciousness and shouted bravely as he pushed his spear toward the quadrant.

“Stop! This is Delordan's Pluto! ”

However, the guard is snatched from the weapon by a giant wolf who immediately jumps toward him and collapses with a twinkling of sharp claws.


The soldier presses his chest with one foot and reveals his teeth. He can't stand the roaring wolf and faints.

Seeing that, other soldiers also heard their weapons heavily, but as soon as they pulled the weapons and pointed them at the quadrant, the spirits and beasts moved and disarmed them instantly.

The soldiers saw it and realized it.

The fact that these beasts do not move unless they aim with their weapons.

When this happened, soldiers were forced to surround the quadrilateral at a distance without being strict enough to hold their weapons, and when the late nobles followed, they had to take the throne in such a way that they could neither do this nor do it.

Junsung slowly walked along the white road leading from the front door to the hall of pure white, as the people in Pluto watched.


King Dern, who was watching him from a distance, expressed his uncomfortable feelings as a boiling drool.

“Baron Gilbert. ”

“Highlight it.”

“What should I do with my luggage? ”

“... ”

The power possessed by a stranger named Park Jun-san was truly astonishing, but he did not seem willing to attack anyone else except by breaking down the front door, and the nobles who followed him did not bring a single soldier.

Baron Gilbert thought it would be better to avoid the body first, but if you step back now and give them the Pure White Hall, it is like admitting that they have surrendered to their superiority without even fighting.

King Dern shed blood on his forehead and said with a stiff expression, looking at him, smiling bitterly.

“You didn't ask. Just forget it.”

And he immediately turned around and said,

“Let's go. I will greet you in the Hall of Pure White because you are a precious guest. ”

“... ”

King Dern once again sits on his throne across the hall of pure white, ignoring the statues and nobles that follow him.

And looking behind him at those who had entered the hall of pure white, they finally stopped and opened their mouths to the black-headed foreigner covered with a lion's mask.

“Are you a stranger named Park Jun-san? ”

Junsung nodded and replied.


A bold word you can't imagine saying to the king of one country.

As soon as he heard the words, which did not include the title of the words, the people who surrounded the king had a choking face, but King Dern asked again with one face until it was quite clear.

“Why did you show up here today? ”

He turned his head and looked at Grioli, who was following behind him.

“My representative will tell me about it. ”

“... ”


Is it bothering you to mix your own words?

King Dern can't stand the boiling fury and shook his head and grabbed the handle of the throne with all his might.

Grioli stepped forward, watching him like that.

He raised his hands to the monarch he had served before, bowing his head long once, and opened his mouth quietly to give an example.

“Be respectful.”

“... ”

With the exception of the introduction, the hall of pure white was silent.

King Dern shouts with his fist, lowering the handle of the throne.

“Grioli! You are a madman! Make that stranger king with my hand! ”

But Grioli shook her head with one expression until it was calm.

“No, he's only a royal of Sinra, this man has nothing to do with Delordan. Even if both orders are fulfilled, the target must be the royal family of Delordan. ”

“... ”

King Dern frowned and looked at the faces of the nobles sitting in the hall of pure white.

Only one of the six nobles is now here, Count Bastamin.

The rest of the nobles are real enough to send their foster children to the quadrant this time, even though their status is low.

If all of them turn their backs, we cannot guarantee victory even if we reject this demand.

Even if you win, Delordan's power will be lost.

“Then who do you want me to stand up to? ”

Grioli lowered his head and replied quietly to King Dern's words.

“Reassure Princess Evelyn. ”


King Dern, of course, and those who surrounded him were not embarrassed by this unexpected answer.

And she's one of many royals.

Doesn't that mean I'm going to be a puppet openly?

But that wasn't the only thing to be surprised about.

“We have already laid down our position by the will of forgiveness, so please be patient. ”

“... ”

Once again, the Pure White Hall was silenced.

Grioli said, because they also handed over the title to the nuns.

The royal family, of course, and the realities of Delordan's regime are handing over the title to the nuns at a time.

How the hell am I supposed to accept this?

King Dern looks down at Grioli and starts laughing.

“That's funny. That's really funny. Isn't that right? Hahahaha! ”

“... ”

Grioli didn't answer.

Instead, Joon Sang, who stood still until then, opened his mouth.


“... ”

King Dern was ridiculous for a while, so he couldn't react, and then tried to blush his face.

But before he even opens his mouth, the lion's gaze, concealed inside, shines red and takes over his optic nerve.

“... ”

Fearful gaze was triggered with only one King Den as the pinpoint.

King Dern is greatly enlarged by the red eyes of the quadrilateral and is in a state of illusion that seems to overwhelm him.

Joon Sang slowly opened his mouth as he looked at King Dern.

“I'm not making an offer right now. ”

“... ”

Then I slowly raised my hand to point to King Dern, and I triggered the impulse and drew him to myself.



The servants and soldiers who were guarding the surrounding area were astonished at the king's presence, and tried to seize him, but the silent beasts opened their teeth and barricaded their front.

Jun-san said again with a straight look in his eyes, grasping the necklace of King Dern.

“I don't care about the annoying throne. ”

“... ”

“But if you sit on the throne, I'll keep bothering you. ”

“... ”

“Isn't that right? ”

King Dern is now completely terrified and starts to nod unconditionally without knowing what he's doing.

Otherwise, this red-eyed demon would have torn his body apart.

Joon-sang glanced at King Dern for a moment, and shook him and threw him away.


“Your Majesty!”

The servants and soldiers were frightened and hurriedly tried to take his body, but the king's body, driven by impulse, sat down again to the throne as it had been before.

Baron Gilbert quickly studied the state of the king.

His bluish-faced appearance was not unconscious, but only half fainted.

Baron Gilbert bites his lips and asks.

“What do you want to be? ”

People looked at the question in unison.

Of course, those who helped the king, and the nobles who followed him for the Maestro of the day, did not understand what he really wanted.

Joon Sang opened his mouth slowly, looking at them like that.

“I heard that there is a legend of a guardian in Delordan from the past. If you treat me in good faith, I can take on that role. ”

Guardian of Delordan.

They were all well aware of the Guardian's legend that when something difficult happened to this country, it would appear unbroken.

However, the quasi-delictive behavior is more of a destroyer than a guardian, no matter who sees it.

At least for a long time, people were forced to panic because the purple door, which symbolized Delordan's Plutocracy, was smashed into a single breath without warning and came out of the mouth of a corporation that demanded seclusion.

Baron Gilbert took a deep breath and replied:

“Very well, but the Guardian's title is not a trivial one. You have to prove to yourself that you are the right person to qualify. ”


When Joon-Sang asked in a dry tone, Baron Gilbert replied with a cold expression.

“This hall of pure white is hidden from the guardian. If you truly are a qualified guardian, you can hear the voice of the divine. ”

Baron Gilbert said so with a face that he was never a child, but Joon Sang didn't even care about that look at the moment.

It was because he was distracted just by reading the message that began to pour out at the same time as his words ended.

Epic Quest Protection

1. Visit the Draft Capital of Delororan. (Achieved)

Find the Gate of Pure White in the capital. (Achieved)

Hear the story of the Gate of Pure White from the Waterfront (Achieved)


Reward: Very Slight EXP

Would you like to claim your reward now? (Y/n)_

(Note) Unclaimed Rewards will be automatically voided after 7 days

Epic Quest – Protection

2. The door of Pure White was engraved with a piece of the Guardian Legend. Check the Library of the Capital Draft for more details. (Achieved)

I have heard the legend of the Guardian through the Librarian. The librarian suggested visiting Baron Gilbert, who is the king's deacon, if you would like to hear more about it. But Baron Gilbert is an easy person to meet. First, help someone in trouble in the capital to build a reputation. (Subquest Completed 0/10 times)


Reward: Slight EXP

Would you like to claim your reward now? (Y/n)_

(Note) Unclaimed rewards will be automatically voided after 7 days.

Epic Quest – Protection

3. Named after good deeds in the capital, you have the opportunity to meet with Baron Gilbert, who has heard the rumors. Meet with the Baron and tell the story of the Hidden Guardian. (Achieved)


Reward: Slight EXP

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(Note) Unclaimed rewards will be automatically voided after 7 days.

Epic Quest – Protection

4. Baron Gilbert is wondering if you really qualify as a guardian. The guardian of Delordan, who has nothing to go through, and who can't be pierced if he stands still. You must prove through the Royal Guard that you are fully qualified. (Achieved)


Reward: Little EXP

Would you like to claim your reward now? (Y/n)_

(Note) Unclaimed rewards will be automatically voided after 7 days.

Epic Quest – Protection

5. Baron Gilbert said that in order to be recognized as a guardian, it is necessary to find the guardian's relic that is passed on to the Delordan royal family for generations to come. A pure white hall situated within Jupiter. You must find it and prove that you are responding to the divine. (Not achieved)


Of course.

First, Joon Sang looked at the flow of the Epic Quest by slowly reading the message that was pouring in front of his eyes.

The quest goal that appeared at the end was to find the Guardian's Divine in this Pure White Hall, as Baron Gilbert just said.

This was not easy for anyone to see, but Joon Sang finally had a presence specific to this.

“Mont Mont.”

Following his call, a squirrel appeared with a beam of light.

Junsung looked at himself and quietly said to the squirrel that was raising his head.

“Find it.”

As the words fell, a flash of red light burst out of the squirrel's eyes.