
00301 Trawler

Junsung ran along the river and found a motel on the south bank of the river and broke the handle.

Soon after reaching the room, Joon Sang hid his face and hugged Hennesses, who followed him, fearfully closing the door.

Then the transparency loosens and Hennesses reveals a surprising expression.

“Joon Sang?”

Looking at her rounded eyes, as she approached her face, Hennesse embraced the approaching quaint lips, reddening her cheeks.

Slowly and gently a few times, the two men who faced each other's lips smiled on their foreheads within minutes.

“I was surprised.”

As he knocked on his chest, he smiled and replied.

“Surprise me more? ”


Joon Sang-sang hugs Henes' body with a puzzled expression, as if she didn't know the princess.

In response to a sudden quasi-static action, Hennesse opened his eyes again and said with a slight glance.

“I'm not surprised enough. ”



As the cheeks were still swollen, he smiled and moved her onto the bed with a fresh expression.

Hennes panicked as he put himself on the bed and began to release the button on the top.

“Now, wait a minute. ”


“After washing...”

“I like it this way. ”


“Don't you like it?”

In the words of Jun-san, Hennesse was crying, and he stood up, pushing him.

“Well, you can't. ”

I ran away to the bathroom with the words.


Joon Sang-sang looks at Hennesses, who is running away from Hudadak, and looks at him with a sad expression.

In case you're angry, I can feel Hennesses grumbling and undressing.

“Joon Sang-seong... sweated and turned to dust... and kissed me, and I thought maybe I could get some old stuff...”

With her mouth open, she was forced to smile.

As a junior, I wouldn't even care about that, but as a woman, it's hard to tolerate that kind of thing happening and breaking up a nice atmosphere.

After taking off his clothes and putting on his robe, he remembered the seed that Hennesse had acquired this time while he was waiting to finish bathing.

“Is this also the seed of the New Year? ”

As he muttered, Junsung summoned Dreamdreamy to retrieve the seed and run the item check.

Name: Copper Fur Leather

Level Limit: 20

Type: Seed

Rating: RARE


1. Defense Increase 12%

2. Strength Increase 8%

3. Odor Fog Level +1

Description: This special seed was held by Beast Gnutt Arm.

Equip an item or card with a Seed slot to enhance your abilities.

A special feature 'detachment’ is required to detach the once equipped seed.

[Click here to attach this seed to an item or card.]

The identity of the Black Fog was a stench.

Joon Sang checked the information about the odor mist.

Odor Fog: Creates a fog full of disgusting odors.

Enemies exposed to foul fog are less attentive due to their ferocious odor.

Effects are mild, but persistent, and can cause inactivity, addiction, or illness if left unattended, as well as adverse effects on accuracy or mortality.

Fog of odor is not distinguishable.

It seems like something good, but it's a skill I don't really want to use.

Moreover, it cannot be a difficult skill in many ways because it does not distinguish the enemy.

When Seed's confirmation is complete, Jun Sang turns on the TV.

I turned a few channels to see if there was anything I could see, and there was a video of the battle that had taken place before.

The helicopter that was floating over my head during the battle was disturbing, so I think I was filming it this way.

The footage was flowing out in a close-up of the quasi-excuse of beating the monster's head with a piece of iron.

It's only been three months since a Class B alert was issued in downtown Seoul, right?

Yes, but compared to the beast that emerged from XX in XX last month, size is not the object of comparison. I have to analyze the corpse, but I think it's probably the largest beast in the country.

The damage is considerably less than in the last XX months when the Beast appeared. What do you think causes it? “

Early evacuation was a priority. Plus, you can't ignore the hard work of a returnee who was blocked in advance before the beast moved to another area.

I know you've done a lot of damage before.

As I said, it was only at a time when there were not many top-ranking capabilities in the country, and there was no proper link with the military, and there was a case of the death of an opponent during the battle. It was really painful.

But it's said that the person who defeated the Beast is the same person as the returnee who stopped the massive appearance of the Beast in the western United States in the past. What do you think about the benefits?

I think it's very likely. Let's take a look at the data screen first.

On the TV screen, there was a video of him and Hennessy in San Diego at the time of the killing of the monsters, and this was explained in conjunction with this video.

Despite his work, he watches the screen as if he were watching across the river. After finishing the bath, Hennesse comes out of the bathroom with a towel on his head and a robe over his head, and he looks surprised at the video that flows from the screen.

“Is this about today? ”


As he stretched out his hand, he frowned and shook his head.

“No, go wash up and come. ”


“Come on.”

“Got it.”

After being pushed back to the bathroom by Hennesse, Joon Sang returned immediately after taking a rough shower.

Hennesses, who was changing his clothes under the subtle lights, quickly shriveled himself in astonishment.

“Burr, are you done already? ”


Looking out, Hennesse was pulling the Neglige out of the cabinet, and he was sitting on the table with a glass of wine and a bottle of alcohol and fruit.

It looks like the quadrant tried to finish preparing while taking a shower in its own way, but the expectation was broken when the shower ended too soon.

“Phew... what's so urgent? ”

With a slight glance, I hugged Hennesse's waist and became a quadrilateral.

“You want to know why? ”

Hennesses replied, touching the seminal sparkling hair.

“If that's the reason, I know. ”

“What is it?”

Hennes replied with playful little eyes.

“I forgot I had no hair, so I had to finish quickly. ”


“Isn't it?”


When he heard the sound of Jun-san's illness, Hennesses came out of his arms with a smile and handed him a glass of wine.

“Take it.”


“My mother gave it to me. ”


“Yes, a very good deal for the body. ”

“... ”

I thought it was only good for my body, but Joon Sang laughed and left the drink she was following in her mouth.

It feels like, like, a drink of herbs.

It's a strange taste that feels strange after a bitter taste.

“How's it going?”

“Well, I don't drink well. ”

Hennesses opened his eyes again to the answer that was so pale.

“It's too honest, anyway. ”

“Is that so?”

“That's even better. ”

Hennesse smiles and hits the glass again, drinking the rest of the drink in a single breath.


“... ”

Is it okay?

With a slightly worrying look in his eyes, Hennesse reached out a glass and said,

“Now, this time, please follow Joon Sang. ”

“Aren't you drinking too much? ”

At the end of the seminal speech, Hennesses nodded and replied with his hands out.

“It's okay. I drank just one drink at first, but I stayed with Sister Rices a few times, so I took it, and the fortress drank a bottle of it all by herself. ”

“... ”

I didn't just grow up in self-study for a year, but I also increased the volume.

Jun-san feels a small guilt in his heart, and she follows the cup she pours, but Hennesses turns his head while he fills the cup and gives him a small smile.

“Why are you laughing? ”

When he asked if he had made a mistake, Hennesse held back and replied with a grin.

“Well... I don't know... Cook Cook. ”


After putting the bottle down on the table, Hennesse said again with a smile that was not erased.

“Come closer. ”

“... ”

He sat down as he said, but Hennesse shook his head and said again.

“A little more. ”

After the knees were close enough to touch, Hennesse tilted the cup in his hand, put a drink in his mouth, and kissed Joon Sang-san.

“... ”

Hennesse said with a slightly puzzled eye whether he was drunk or not, after carefully pouring liquor into his quaint mouth.

“This is how you usually drink it. ”

“Is this the way your mother told you? ”


Hennesses replied and gave him a long, hot kiss, unlike before.

Maybe it's the booze.

Joon Sang felt her body running more and more as she savoured her sweet, bitter lips.

I raised my hand still.

Then her breasts, incomparably rich as they were a year ago, are held in her hands beyond the soft touch of silk.

After reaching out, Hennesse was slightly tingling, but even more enthusiastically coveted the seminal lips, as if it didn't matter.

Hennesses raises his body and stretches out his hands on his quadrilateral thighs, wraps his face around him, and then releases his lips and pushes his hands under his shoulders into the gown of his quadrilateral body.

Junsang asked her while enjoying the touch of Hennesse's gentle hands passing through her chest and stroking her shoulders through her clavicle.

“Is this the way your mother taught you? ”

At the end of the quadrant, Hennesse opened his eyes slightly.

“It can't be. ”

Then he gently handed over the wavy brown hair behind his ears, kissing his uncovered chest again and raising his quadrilateral.

Strangely, Hennessy's circling eyes feel like it today.

As he stretched out his hand and stroked his soft brown hair, Hennesse closed his eyes and left his hair in his hand.


“What's wrong?”

“I hate it because I feel like I'm being treated as a child, but I can't refuse to touch my last hair. ”

“... ”

Joon Sang smiles at Hennessy and raises her hand in her armpit.

“Joon Sang?”

Hennesse calls out her name in surprise at the sudden action, but Junsang lifts her up and takes her to bed.

“... ”

Looking at Hennesse, lying obliquely on the bed, Junsang slowly grabbed her ankle and kissed her there with a gruesome expression.

“I'm sure the angle's up, right? ”

Hennesses then turns around screaming with a mixed laugh.

“Argh! Help me! ”


Joon Sang turns around, wraps her body around her back and bites her white shoulder slightly, and starts to stroke the corner of her body without hesitation with both hands.


It was a bit rough, but Hennesse turned his head and kissed him with one hand, embracing the back of his neck.

Jun-san takes off the Neglige that Hennesse was wearing and stretches his hand between her legs.

I felt moist water on my fingertips.


With Hennesse groaning lightly at the touch of her fingers, she lifts her legs and hangs over her thighs, pushing herself forward.

Henes opens his eyes wide and looks surprised as his body is pushed into an unexpected position.

“Now, wait a minute. ”


“This pose... Argh! ”

However, she was unable to speak to the touch of a hot mass of fire filling her body, and as soon as a gentle retreat began, she became no longer able to speak of the pose.

The quadriceps continued to kiss Hennesse's ears, clavicles and shoulders, stimulating the chest with one hand and the clandestine area under the umbilical cord with the other hand.


It's because of a new body that I've never experienced before.

Or is it because of a quaint bad hand that continues to provoke the body here and there during the act?

Or because he drank just before.

Although the exact cause was not known, Hennesse could no longer endure the sexual intercourse that burst out of his mouth.

Immediately, the room was filled with the sound of Hennessy's breathlessness and intense breathlessness.

And the next day.

Late in the morning, Joonsang, who had only fallen asleep a little, woke up by the sound of a phone call.


When I get a call, I hear voices beyond the sign language.

“It's time. ”


When Jun-san drops the handshake, Hennesse opens his eyes with a frightened look at the sound of the phone call.

“Umm... what's going on? ”

“It's time. ”

“Oops... yes...”

Hennesses leaned back on his quaint chest and listened for a moment.

Joon Sang opened the door with a miraculous flower, laughing at Hennessy's appearance.

Once she sleeps in a sheet, she wraps around her body and holds it as it is, with a mystical bouquet of flowers, on the bed of the top floor of the container house.

“Hmm? This is...”

Hennesses' forehead, which was about to wake up a little bit, pressed his finger and lay down again, kissed her forehead and whispered:

“I'm resting. I'll be right back.”


Hennesse smiles in her sleep and digs back into the bed, curling up like a caterpillar.

Joon Sang returned to the motel with the sheets.

Then she walked out of the room with her clothes roughly worn, her clothes mixed up in the room, a bottle of liquor, and a glass of wine.

After driving out of the inn, Jun-san went to a rare forest road, put his car in his inventory, returned to the mystical flower, undressed again, and dug himself up next to Hennesse.

After feeling popular, Hennesse opened her eyes with a less awake expression and smiled and fell asleep again with her face on her chest, and the quadrilateral also stroked her soft brown hair and asked her to sleep.


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