
00311 Trawler

Upon returning to the Queen's residence, I see the women who were back first playing with Nuri.

“Noorie. Daddy's here. Welcome. Do it. ”


A quaint face that was close to the face of Noorie until just now hears Noorie's screams, and it is a firecracker within seconds.

“Our Nuri. Did you miss him? ”


“I missed you, too. ”

After such a long time, he touched himself and laughed at others, and when Nuri finished eating again, he regained his mourning and aroused himself.

“Are you all hurt? ”

In his words, Hennesse replied with a squeaky mouth.

“That's a quick question. ”

“Really. Because of Noorie, we're completely behind bars. ”

Even with a squeaky look on his face, Joon-sang scratched his back and apologized.


When I saw that look, the two rebels burst into laughter again.

“I'm kidding. You must be tired. Go wash up and rest. ”

“Got it.”

When Jun-san went to the hot spring, Seo Yumi, who was looking at him, opened his mouth.

“Really... I don't think he's the one I knew. ”

I opened my mouth in a cautious tone just to make you feel bad, but Hennesses and Rices laughed at it again.

“We're surprised sometimes, though. ”

“It's not who. ”

He smiled and asked Seo Yumi as if he had remembered Rices.

“How about a suit of defense? Isn't it strange?”

Seo Yumi shakes his head quickly.

“No, it was great. It was amazing. There were a lot of hassles to change, but I think it would help a lot thanks to the Queen. Thank you very much.”

And he opened his eyes slightly and said to Seo Yumi,

“I don't like that title. In fact, she inherited the Queen's seat. ”


“Call me sister, like Hennesse. ”


“Let's call it a test. ”

Seo Yumi paused and opened her mouth in a small voice.

“Uh, sister. ”

“Yes? I can't hear you. What?”

After another urge, Seo Yumi said in a slightly louder voice.

“Sister Riches. ”

“Hehe. Yes. Let's call it that in the future. ”


Hennesses, who was bluntly watching, said, facing the palm of his hand.

“Oh, really. Ask Junsung to enhance the defense corridor. ”

“Yes? But...”


“You strengthened this knife for nothing, but I ask you to do this...”

Then one of the gaps came out of the washing, and Joon-sang replied.

“In return, I got it. ”

Seo Yumi was amazed and looked at Joon Sang as he wiped his head with a towel.

“Your future. Didn't you say you'd leave it to me? ”

“... ”

Seo Yumi was surprised to see him appear in a robe and failed to answer.

I wanted to be someone else for a moment because the look of the hat and sunglasses was so striking.

“Honey, you're surprised because you suddenly look like that. ”


Joon Sang only realized his situation and quickly pressed on his hat and sunglasses, but it was already too late.

Hennes explained to Cooke and West Yumi the autonomous species.

“The other day, I burned my head with a flaming spirit. ”


“I'll be back soon, but for the time being, please understand that. ”

“Well, I see. ”

As the slightly clumsy atmosphere subsided, Joon Sang told Seo Yumi again.

“How about staying in the fairy system for a while? ”


Seo Yumi, a party to the sudden proposal, was surprised, of course, by Hennesses and Rices.

Joon Sang looked at them and said,

“As I said the other day, I am currently out of the quest. I'm glad I didn't just enter the quest, but there are a lot of inconveniences because I can't get in touch with the messenger. I don't know why, but I need you to stay here for a while and get in touch with me. ”

It made sense.

Previously, there was a great means of communication called IM, so that it was not difficult to communicate with the fairy system, the home of Hennessy, or the home of the photowarrior Jan Thunsen, but there were many things that were impossible because of the spiritual waves that made it difficult to make immediate contact or deal with the situation on Earth.

Implanting a fairy stone is one way of communicating with fairies, but Im Seo Yoon and others have had a lot of problems.

Seo Yumi looked quietly and asked in a small voice.

“Is that the only reason? ”

“For now.”

“... ”

Somehow, it's just good, so it's kind of suspicious, and it's complicated.

Even if it is Hennessa Rices, Junsung is a strictly contemporary Korean, so it is because he welcomed two people's pets.

Joon Sang spoke again about the way Seo Yumi was acting because he wasn't very strong.

“There's one more good thing about moving here. ”

“What's that...? ”

“At least there's no danger of beasts appearing here. Of course, it can happen at any time, but even if it does, it is no longer necessary to explain how much safer this place is than Earth, where Leeches can exert all his power. ”

Seo Yumi nodded at Jun-san's words.

She doesn't have a problem with herself, but she has a parent or a married couple who has raised her since she was a child.

It's Seo Yumi. Now that she has some strength, it doesn't matter, but it would be a big deal if a beast appeared near her house while she was away.

But here, you can be assured of safety from such dangers.

That moved Seo Yumi's mind.

“There are those who would like to take you here... is it okay? ”

Of course, I was aiming for that point from the beginning, so I have no reason to reject it.

“It doesn't matter, but once you get in, it may be difficult to get out of the world easily. ”

After all, you have seen only one child without children, and you have been hiding so far.

It's also clear that there are bad rumors about you in hiding that you don't get along well with your surrounding neighbors.

It may be somewhat different from life on Earth, but the delightful fairies can be their good friends.

“It's okay.”

Western Yumi nodded and Hennesson asked Jun-san.

“Shouldn't they have a home to live in? ”

Joon Sang-sang replied with an unyielding expression.

“No problem with that. Blood Droids will leave the territory soon anyway, so they can use the house they stayed in, and if that's not enough, there's a way to bring something like a container house. ”

“Ah... that should do it. ”

Once that decision was made, it was then one thousand and four thousand.

When I announced that Seo Yumi would be leaving the guild for a while, Im Seo Yoon was a little sad, but as long as she didn't leave the guild and the party lasted, the quest would be with the guild members, so there was no big problem.

Even in Seo Yumi's case, no one gets along very well with her except for those who have been with her since the beginning of the guild, such as Jincea Jung Da Vin and Hand Ga Eun. I was fortunate enough to have kept in touch with her to use her as an informal world ranking promoter, for example, by the government or her protégé.


Blake, who had been knocked out of his mind by the Blood Droids, immediately regained consciousness as his wives came to him and performed restorative magic.

“How are you feeling? ”

Eunian, a virtuous lady fairy, smiles and asks. Blake slowly raises his body and looks around.

The place where he opened his eyes was a cabin he felt a little concerned about, but the outside landscape was as strange as it had been before he lost his mind.

“Where the hell is...? ”

In Blake's words, Uniran replied without clearing his smile.

“This is a fairy tale. ”


“Yes. It's a world where our fairies are born and raised. ”

“... ”

I don't know what the hell this is.

Blake frowns and looks at Uniran, but the next moment he sees the translucent wings behind her back and stiffens.

When she saw it, she smiled and replied.

“Those of you who have never seen me say I'm a fairy, they don't believe me. ”

She said so, breaking her wings and lifting up her virtuous body in the air, she turned around in her place as if dancing.

“Oh, I had a baby, so I blew up. Hohoho.”

“... ”

If her husband, Ocan, had listened to her, she would have bent her head with a rotten expression. Uniran stood on the ground and turned his head for a while and talked to someone and said to Blake.

“Junsung is coming soon. I brought you a little something to eat, so rest while you eat. ”

“... ”

Blake's mind flashed as he heard it.

Park Jun-san.

He was the source of all this.

Union ran out of the cabin with a stiff face and a fiery rat smiled at Blake.

Blake, immersed in such thoughts for a moment, felt the gaze of stealing himself outside the cabin.

Looking at her head with curious eyes and watching her hide her head like a snail's eye, Blake recalls what the lady fairy had just said.

“It's called the fairy system. ”

Blake, who was muttering like that, got up slowly and walked out of the cabin.

Then the fairies who were hiding nearby hide and watch again in unison.

But Blake knew.

The fact that the fairies who watched over themselves didn't go anywhere, they just hid their appearance.

Some of the intermediaries try to get their heads out of the bush again and steal Blake, but when he talks, he's too busy running away grumbling.

He was born black and grew up being discriminated against like that, but this was the first time that he was treated explicitly as a zoo monkey, so Blake had to be embarrassed.

“That's crazy.”

Blake gives up asking the fairies something within a week and takes a step without difficulty.

But what follows is the strange landscape that seems to have been graffiti by the children as they first saw it.

Blake took such a long walk and ended up feeling torn apart and forced to sit on a nearby rock.

“If you can get away, try this. ”

I didn't say anything to anyone.

A soliloquy that came out of nowhere in a dismal mood.

But the answer came right back.

“That's what he said. ”

Blake stood up and cried out.

“Who are you!”

Then a man appeared before his eyes.

Pressing on the breadcrumb hat and wearing black sunglasses, it was a quasi-image.

Blake asked with a low voice when he saw the quadrilateral.

“What are you going to do with me? ”

Junsung quietly replied, looking at Blake.

“Have you ever wondered? ”

“What do you mean? ”

“about why all this happened. ”

“... ”

That's a question that any returnee has ever held.

Junsang opens his mouth again to Blake, who looks at him without saying a word.

“Would you like to hear it?”

“... ”

Blake ponders for a moment and nods.

He briefly explained the quest, the seed, and the harvest day.

“Like that...”

Blake is shocked to hear that the seed is in his head.

I thought I would not have been given the power for no reason, but I didn't think this would happen.

When Blake's mouth exploded without knowing it, he was flattered by his growing strength.

Jun-san looked at Blake, who was confused, and opened his mouth again.

“Help me. ”

“What do you mean.”

“I need your help. ”

“... ”

“I'll give you some time, so think about it. ”

Blake had a brutish expression in his words, but after the words were finished, Jun Sang left without even looking back.

Blake felt exhausted.


I can't even think of a rejection because of the quasi-excuse attitude.

I abducted myself to this place where I didn't know English without a word, and now I'm ordering you to help me with a huge secret.

But I'm not angry because I'm too proud.

I can't help but be embarrassed.

“That's crazy.”

Blake lies flat on the ground.

Then, while I was talking to Jun-san, the fairies who were hiding him began to whisper as they looked at him.

“Is he dead? ”

“No way.”

“My heart is moving. He's still alive. ”

“Shouldn't we help? ”

“You go first. ”


One of the fairies, who was whispering, grabbed a branch and approached Blake lying on the ground and touched his leg.

“... ”

However, as Blake turned his head without saying a word, he ran away, astonished.

Something like that.

Blake was forced to laugh at them without any tension.

At that time, Blake's stomach sounded throbbing.

The battle made him move violently, and he wandered through the fairy system for a long time, and his blunders began to come.

I was going to wake up thinking that the lady fairy had brought something to eat earlier, and one of the lucky fairies approached Blake and gave me something.

“... ”

When Blake accepts it, the fairy growls and runs away again.

“This is it. ”

Blake glances at the back of his run with a bitter smile and looks at the fairy giving it to him.

It was a chocolate bar wrapped in an English notation.

“... ”

Now I know what the hell it is.

Blake, who was staring at the chocolate bar in his hand for a while, shook his head and took off the packaging and bit the contents with a single bite.

I don't know if I'm hungry, but Chocoba tasted good.