
00319 Trawler

Yoon Gyeonghun was staring at the disappearance of his two sons and his wife without even having a chance to react to anything, and he was so distraught when he sat on the couch.

While unconscious, he felt a chilly energy rushing through his back as he realized where the three men who were hiding him were going to face each other.

In his case, Seo Yumi was not able to use his hand because he was a close father, but even if the three people directly involved in the death of Yoon Sung were able to tolerate him in that way.

Yoon Gyeonghun shakes his head.

If it was a hundred, it was impossible.

It was unpredictable, but the place where the quadrant attracted three people was completely different from Earth, as Seo Yumi said.

No matter what happens in a place where the word "other world" fits, there is no way to know.

At least, not before the parties open their mouths.

“Don't sit down.”

“... ”

Yoon Gyeonghun sat across from the quadrant and thought,

All this is a warning.

A solemn warning that you can take care of yourself at any time.

No matter how much wealth and power you have, what do you do?

It doesn't mean anything to this guy in front of his eyes.

“Can I have a drink...? ”

At the end of the day, Joon Sang nodded his head nicely and drank champagne in a cup placed on the table.

After a moment of savoring the feeling of burning carbonic acid descending into his dry throat, Yoon Ju-Hun lowered his glass and said again.

“What do you want from me? ”

Joon Sang replied, leaning back on the couch, staring at Jung-hoon.

“Sooner or later, Kim Jong-gyeong will be at the front again. ”


Kim Jong-gyeong is the man who ended his political life right in front of his eyes.

Of course, I'm still a senator, but I just put my name on the list, and I can't believe that person who was practically turned into a paper tiger is back on the front page.

What the hell are you trying to do?

“Support him. ”

Jung-hoon, who has no base or end, mutters without even knowing it.

“If it's support...”

However, Joon-sang replied with a huff of annoyance.

“Take care.”

“... ”

Take care of yourself.

At this point, it's hard to go beyond embarrassment.

However, Joon Sang-sang went back to Jung-hoon, who was feeling embarrassed.

“Can't you?”

“... ”

When he heard the cold words, Yoon Jung-hoon was awake.

“No, you can do it. ”


Junsung nodded and stood up.

And he stood up reflectively and said,

“I'll watch.”

“... ”

A word more frightening than saying to do well.

As he breathed deeply without even knowing it, Jung-hoon, who was standing in front of his eyes at some point, suddenly disappeared and sat down again.


Somehow, I feel so tired.

But now is not the time to relax.

When his brother-in-law did such a bold thing, there were those who were sympathetic to him.

First of all, we need to clear up all of those situations at the earliest opportunity.

After thinking about what to do from now on, Jung-hoon picked up his phone and called after some time.

Jung-hoon confirmed that he was calling to clean up the situation with a super-sense on the roof, and only then did he open the door through the mystical flower and enter it.

Immediately after entering the fairy goddess's garden, Seo Yumi, dressed in a white dress, approached.

Looking back, you can see a clear red blood print on one side of her white dress.

Seo Yumi lowered his back deeply to him, politely gathering his hands as he looked back.

“Thank you.”

“... ”

Jun-san just nodded and said nothing.

You don't have to ask her what happened just now.

No matter how she handles things, it's already out of hand, so it's good for each other not to care anymore.

Joon Sang turned his head thinking so, but Seo Yumi hesitated and spoke again.

“How to repay this grace. ”

But Joon Sang replied without even looking back.

“I don't know what you're talking about. ”

“... ”

Seo Yumi smiled a little at the words.

Unlike the awkward look of it, it was a smile that came from deep inside my heart, but I couldn't see it as a quadrilateral turning my head.

“... ”

After a brief smile, Seo Yumi lowered her head and left.

And time passed again.

By the time the Nymph system had returned a little busy bringing Blood Droids to territory, Western Yumi and the Old Man to find some stability, Hennesse brought news.

“You found Harias' location? ”

For a while, Joon Sang, who had been obsessed with dealing with the power of the Fire and Ice Grand Spirit, was awakened.

As soon as he reacted, Hennes quickly nodded and replied.

“Yes, it took me a while to confirm it was an unused nomination, but I think it's clear. ”


This is the nomination referred to in the mad dog combo.

Joon Sang, who confirmed through several epic quests that the names of the combo cards were not just random, but related to legends passed on to every part of the planet called Hidix, asked Zelan, Hennessy's brother, to confirm them.

It was before entering the spiritual system, and I forgot about it for a while, even though I had asked for it today.

“I brought a map here. ”

Hennesses unfolds a crudely drawn map and looks inside for a moment, pointing to a spot with his finger.


It was not printed as a quasi-image, but the crude map was drawn by hand, so I couldn't recognize any of the letters in it.

At least if you recognize it, it's roughly near the north-east of the Eastern Continent.

Hennesse explained it again because he knew it well.

“I knew it was near where we'd been before. ”


“Harlagan. Remember? ”


Harlagan is where Belkaras went to save the Dark Army.

It is especially memorable that those who did not know whether they were Indian or Southeast Asian at the time were fighting separately.


It is already out of the influence of the quest, but if it is an Epic quest, it is possible to get a unique item, even if it is not a hero card.

Even at Jant Hunsen, he didn't get immortal hemolysis.

“I wish I could stop by. ”


I was forced to laugh at Hennessy's expression, sparkling with horror as the horse came out.


As Jun-san nodded and gave his permission, Hennesse immediately ran to the laboratory where Rices was holding the map.

Hennesses was shaking, but in fact he didn't have anything to do but prepare.

The problem is, of course, that Hennesses and Rices are always storing the items they need in their inventory.

If it is necessary to do it in advance of departure, it is only necessary to check the door of the closest spirit in Harias in advance.

After a long time of looking at Nuri in combat gear, Hennesse finally sees a group of people coming out of the Queen's residence.

Looking at it, not only Riches, but also West Yumi and Blake were following Hennesses.

When Jun-san looked quietly, Hennesse smiled and replied.

“I think it would be good for all of you to go together. ”

However, I still need to match my hand beforehand for later.

Jun-san nodded silently, and Seo Yumi greeted him first.

“Thank you very much. ”

Then Blake, who had a venomous appearance, snorted and asked.

“Really... do you mind if I join you? ”

Even so, except for Joon Sang and myself, they were all beautiful, and two of the three were his wives, so I had to see them somehow.

In his words, Hennesses and Lychez blush a little shy, and Seo Yumi smiles as if they were fun.

“If you don't like it, go do your job. ”


Blake had to shut his mouth with a sound of suffering.

Even though he was confused about whether he was a scout or a kidnapper, even though he had gone through that process, if he looked at what he had done in the fairy system so far, he was no more than a mere mutt.

In this situation, even the identity seems to be shaken, and there is something that can show you your authenticity, but you can't just pretend you don't know it.

Seo Yumi smiles again at how funny it is for a big black man to be immobile.

She secretly laughed more after what happened with Jung-hoon the other day, but she doesn't seem to be aware of her own changes yet.

“Did you check the Spirit Gate? ”

In Junsung's words, Hennesse quickly took out the map and showed it to Riches.

“If it's around here... well, it might take a while. ”



“What do you expect? ”


In response to a question from the quadrilateral, Rices was briefly submerged in thought, but shook his head within minutes.

“Well, just looking at this map, I'm not sure. ”

“Is that so?”

It was a little annoying, but I had to go check it out myself.

They immediately passed through the door of the Spirit, guided by Rices.

Beyond the door of the spirit, the warm, dry air, unlike the air of the freshly felt fairy system, is clear and pushed into the nose and mouth.

“It's a pretty hot place. ”

“I will.”

The spiritual door they came across was situated in a large tree reminiscent of the Baobab tree, and as Leeches, Hennesses, West Yumi, and Blake crossed the space, they heard a rumbling sound on the tree.

“Ah! The Queen! ”

“Where? Where? ”

“Hey, over that guy's shoulder. ”

“Oh! But I can't see my face because of the kiss marks! Is that your bridegroom? ”

“I guess so.”

Others did more than that, but Blake was surprised when his appearance suddenly became smaller.

“Body... size...”

After hearing that, Seo Yumi told me a little.

“Nymphs get smaller when they come into the human world. ”


While we were having that conversation, Joon-Sang looked around.

It wasn't like pushing, but the forest was quite lush, so I thought it would be too much to ride a raptor.

So Joon Sang summoned the Great Duck right away.

Since everyone had already ridden this summons once, I immediately took my place even though I didn't say otherwise.

“What is that? ”

“Sounds like fun. ”

“Shall I give you a ride? ”

Suddenly, the fairies who watched the sudden appearance of the stubble stumbled upon the tree, but before they spoke, the quadriceps drove the stubble up to the forest.


The grace of a keyboard is like the sky.

Why is the keyboard pounding?

Keyboard, sorry.

I thought it was a red pill.

Your hands and feet will wear out

Why are you throwing a mouse?

Sorry, Mouse.

I'll be sure to put some pads on it.

Come back, Red Medicine.


Oh, where'd you go? Red pill.


You, you. Where the hell did you go?

Come back, Red Medicine.

Earth is always a blue star.

Why is the monitor screen blue?

Earth, I'm sorry.

I'm not throwing away my medicine bag anymore.

I'm always working hard.

Why is word wrong again?

It's Ward. I'm sorry.

I'll update you today.

Come back, Red Medicine.


Oh, where'd you go? Red pill.


You, you. Where the hell did you go?

Come back, Red Medicine.


Oh, where'd you go? Red pill.


Where did the real red pill go?


Oh, where'd you go? Red pill.


Where the hell did you go?

Come back, Red Medicine.