
00349 Trawler

When he saw the map on his phone screen, Riches said:

“This... where do you feel like you've seen it so much? ”

“What are you talking about? ”

In response to a question from Draan, who was preparing to close his eyes to help him move beyond the collapsed place, Lychez raises his head and claps his hands.

“That's right! Wonderful flowers! ”


“This painting, if it's filled with egg blinds, it's a mystical flower and a plaque. ”

“... ”

I heard that Rices was right.

In the case of myrrh flowers, the tower is an empty rectangular shape, but the structure shown in this figure is only so different that the inside is filled.

“Hmm... I mean...”

At the end of the quadrant, Rices nods.

“What looks like this central column here is actually a passage to the top floor. ”

“... ”

The route that Jun-san had planned was a spiral corridor built on the outer wall, but if Leeches' speculation were true, it would be possible to go straight up to the dedicated corridor in the center.

Since there are limited exits in places with controls, it is necessary to break through the central square area again in order to enter the spiral corridor anyway.

On the map, the entrance of the central passageway passes through the square area, so you can be sure enough on your way.

“If there's a way close, you don't have to go far. ”

The problem is that the guard force will be on the path, but it's easier than I thought because of the guy who just broke through the floor.

Junsung summoned Montmont to gather dark seeds and other items scattered around him and shouted toward the draft.

“Draan! We're going down! ”


First, Kian, who was tapping the guards with a small spear, said so, and jumped into the hole, kicking his tongue and shouting.

“Damn it! Tell me in advance if you want to! ”

Blake and McMillan then shouted.

“Go down first! I'll take the back!”

“Are you gonna be okay?”

“Leave it to me! ”

Draan did not notice, but as new guards poured out into the passageway, he jumped into the hole, pretending to be unbeatable, followed by Seo Yumi.

Blake put the switch on the device he installed on the wall and told McMillan.


“... ”

McMillan hesitates for a moment, but as the guards approach the hole, he quickly hugs Blake around his neck, and as she enters into his arms, the black man throws himself under the hole without hesitation.


The guards saw Blake and McMillan flew down the hole and tried to follow them immediately, but at that moment a powerful explosion broke out and pushed them beyond the passageway.

For the guards who completed the physical transformation, this explosion was not really a big deal, but when the explosives exploded in a narrow area, they could not be stopped until they were pushed out by the violence, and the passage, which was still destroyed by the Iron Lord, caused a secondary collapse and buried in the rubble of the collapse of many guards.

Blake hugs McMillan, leaves a spectacular explosion behind him, and when he drops off, the draft that was first coming down hits him on the back and says,

“That's a good idea.”

“Haha, thank you. ”

Junsang nods slightly as everyone comes down and starts running in one direction.


It was not a guard, but one of the uniformed men found them and cried out like that, and then the others in the other room ran out and changed flesh in unison.

“You're really wooing. ”

Kian kicked his tongue and immediately triggered a wafer charge, causing a physical transformation in front of his eyes, piercing a man's body with a tiny spear.

However, despite being pierced through his abdomen, he rather grabbed a small spear stuck in his stomach, grasping it with both hands and making the same squeeze on his shoulder, aiming for the neck of his draft.

“Be careful!”

But before the tongs are fully made, the back-running Arando of Western Yumi cuts his throat.

“This is a monster, isn't it? ”

Kian kicked his tongue and pulled out a small spear from the corpse of a monster who was beheaded and followed behind him.

Through the passageway like a storm, a straight staircase passes through the square.


When the quadrilateral crowned the body of the Dark Seed user who was climbing the stairs, it was followed by the glorious magic spear of Riches.

“You endless pit of fire of hell, blossom here and burn my enemies! ”

At the end of the spell, the stairs running upwards were filled with flames, and the screams of dark seed users, who were not prepared for the sudden flames, filled the stairs.

After stepping on the chest of a Dark Seed user hit by a shoulder, the fallen quadrilateral pushes his head with a fist full of white flames, and hurriedly raises his body and descends to the square.


“Intruder! Guard! ”

“... ”

When Junsang sees himself dressed in a protective suit stained with blood and flesh, he loses his tongue for a moment as he screams and flees like a swarm of ants.

“Somehow, I feel like the clerks of the Central Intelligence Agency. ”

Blake, who followed, saw them fleeing like that.

It's hard to get used to a battlefield where blood and flesh are scarce, even though you have combat training and the ability to hurt people.

Moreover, some of them have not yet been baptized by the Dark Seed, so in some ways it may be natural.

“Over there!”

Turning his head according to Lychez's cry, he found it difficult to find something like a pillar standing in the center of the square.

“Let's go!”

They headed straight for the pillar, and while Rices looked around the pillar, he was wary of surrounding it.

Later, we see dark seed users who have completed the physical transformation on the spiral staircase.

“A lot is a lot of dirty. ”

Kian kicks his tongue and fixes the shield, and he hears the screams of Rices.

“That's enough!”

Turning around, a magic camp appears near the pillar, and the entrance disappears.


Joon Sang cried out like that, summoning the body with the intention of taking over the back, but he didn't have to.

A giant with a huge body of metal quality with a single stalk suddenly broke the ceiling of the square and dropped it.


A body that looks about ten times the size of a normal human.

The massive metal man, who broke the ceiling and fell down, wanted to crush the dark seed users who were running towards Junhyang and his companions once again desperately, but his blood and flesh burrowed him up.

“That's amazing.”

Junsang admired that agile movement.

It is only because such a large body can't move as sharply as a deaf patient who has made the most of his physical enhancement.

If you are a ten-fold human kidney, your movements can only be slower due to the effect of inertia, not just weight.

This does not simply mean that the body grows bigger and becomes duller.

For example, if a pendulum has quadrupled in size, the cycle doubles, and given this, a human being ten times the size is forced to fall as slowly as a normal human being by a simple calculation as 3.16 times the square root of 10.

In addition, when the length is ten times longer, the volume doubles by a thousand times, which makes it difficult to even calculate how heavy the mass will be if the material changes to a metal shape that is much higher in proportion than the normal human body.

To get this weight gain, you have to increase your muscle strength to the right level, but the cross-sectional area of your muscles actually only increases by a hundred times, which is ten times the square, so you don't get any answers.

In other words, to be able to move like me, one must have transcendental strength that exceeds a thousand times the strength of a normal human being.

At this point, even a simple fist gives me the destructive power to confront an imaginary weapon of mass, such as the staff of God. In fact, existence is a strategic weapon.

“Shit! Yeah, somebody dies first. Let's do it! ”

The giant raises his body, shouting like that, and jumps back up.

The quadrant admires the transcendental abilities of returnees from different worlds, so Ritches' urgent cries came from behind his back.

“What are you doing!”

“Oh, I'm sorry. ”

Joon-sang quickly apologized and released the bodies before boarding the elevator.

As he enters, Leeches quickly closes the entrance and activates the enchantment, and as one stalk of light touches their bodies and passes by, a cozy colony of light arrives in a strange space that floats in the air like a fantasy.

“Bell Laya? ”

I heard the sound of the elevator running, and a smiling boy in a skyscraper with a space open.

Belle Laya.

When Junsung heard that, he remembered that Laya was among the star names that he heard from Zella and Dora.

I don't know what Bell means.

Assuming, however, that this is not merely a unique noun, it is likely that the owner of the castle that dominates this place is the one who dominates the star, or is associated with it.

While Jun-san thought of it in his head, the boy's figure was clearly visible, with the women blushing in unison and the men kicking their tongues.

A servant, or a concubine.

Either way, everyone had a clear idea of Bell Laya's taste.

“Who are you!”

However, when those who revealed themselves from the elevator realized that they were not their masters, the appearance of a rash boy disappeared and instead the appearance of a beast with sharp teeth and claws changed.

Perhaps if the werewolf in the legend really existed, it would feel like this.

However, Joon Sang grabbed the boy's throat with an insensitive expression and turned into a beast, then poured out the spirit of fire and burned it down.


My colleagues frowned without even knowing if it was the impression of a smiling boy I had just seen, but when the beasts, who heard the scream and looked alike, poured out towards the elevator, each of them grabbed his weapon and entered the battle.

You don't have to tell me how stupid it is to look and feel like an enemy in a situation like this.

They swung their weapons at the beasts in front of their eyes, without pity or admiration.

Jun-san counters the beasts who blindly run at him, smashes his head into a single breath, and stands down from the elevator and gives orders to Montmont.

“Find it.”

I didn't have any specific instructions as to exactly what to look for, but as soon as the order fell, Montmont went down to the ground, stood on his back foot for a while, looked around, and ran out somewhere.