capital of a kingdom that perished long ago.

There is only one human being deep underground in the ruins.

That shouldn't be possible, but that's what the silver-haired young man in front of you claims.

I shrugged my shoulder.

"I don't trust you."

"Even when it comes to people, they're not normal people. I'm a hybrid with the devil. Just like my daughter there."

That said, the silver-haired person stared at Philia.

Phyllia trembles all the time.

The other adventurers squirm.

It is on the ground that Philia draws the blood of the devil.

Even though it's an open secret in court, it's not the kind of story the adventurers know.

Some may have noticed, like Arte, but it was not a pleasant thing to be told, at least to a large extent.

I felt my face stick.

"If the devil's blood is out strong, it's harder to get old, unlike normal people. Especially as long as you're preying on the Demons."

"I guess it means immortality."

The other person nodded to my question.

"Close to it. And I've been in control of this ruin for 2,000 years. My name is Saul. You've heard of him, haven't you?

I kept my mouth shut.

Speaking of Saul, he's one of the seven great apostles of the Imperial Church.

He is a legendary open-minded saint, that he has received the protection of the Holy Spirit.

Saul spread the teachings of righteousness, and was persecuted and martyred by the ancient kingdom.

That is what the Imperial Church teaches and makes the Saul's seven apostles objects of worship.

Such a legendary human being is in front of him, and he says he's the keeper of this ruin.

The man named Saul says quietly, as he sees inside of me.

"You don't believe I'm Saul. Though some of them in the back seem different."

Looking back, the silent Creons and Arte looked at this one without moving a single eyebrow.

This also seems to have been a prediction for the Creons,

Indeed, Pericles, the brave man who once failed to attack, writes in Necropolis that he was "betrayed by God".

If the enemy means he is a saint of the Imperial Church, he will also want to say that he has been betrayed by God.

But it's full of weird dots.

A saint who was supposed to have died two thousand years ago is alive, and says he's a mixer with the devil.

At least in the teachings of the present Imperial Church, the devil was supposed to be a heretic to be persecuted.

"I can't believe it or not. Let me show you proof that I am Saul the Saint."

His back began to shine at the same time as Saul's words.

And a pure white wing grows from its back.

"Come, Holy Ghost"

At the same time as Saul's words, the marble floor glowed white, from which a beautiful blade of transparency was removed.

Saul held that crystal sword in his right hand and pointed it at us.

Adventurers breathe.

Silver hair. White wings that are people but hold.

And most importantly, the crystal sword.

They are all symbols of Saul the Saint painted in the painting.

Above all, the summoning of the Holy Spirit, the Divine Divinity, was conclusive proof.

Behind Saul, a bright white light was shooting, indicating that he was under the protection of the Holy Spirit.

"Well, gentlemen. Are you going to poke at God?

I see.

Why even the legendary adventurers have not been able to attack the Dead Capital Necropolis for so long.

I see that.

Most of the adventurers are followers of the Imperial Church.

It would be inconceivable to fight that saint.

In fact, when I look around at the adventurer of the offensive squad, hesitation and fear are on my face.

The power of imperialism is more than just a pictorial matter.

The Virgin Sophia chosen for the Church is a magician with non-standard powers.

Then there is the immeasurable power of Saul to have received the protection of the Holy Spirit directly.

At that time Arte advanced.

There is an unnatural smile on Arte's face.

"As the information suggests, you've shown up at the hands of the Demon Clan. This silver-haired young man who confuses us is not a saint Saul.... I'm a phony."

Arte said it without hesitation.