The Great Sword of Garrels was swung down.

When I take it with a treasure sword, each other's blades scatter a fierce spark.

"It's been a long time since you've exchanged swords like this, Solon."

"Oh. Right."

Garrells, a former Knights-era companion, looked me straight in the eye.

I don't have a good impression on a man named Guardian Warrior Garrels.

Garrells also seemed to hate me.

Garrells was born as the third son of the Count family and graduated from the School of Magic with outstanding grades. He then crossed the prestigious Adventurer Party and became an executive of the Knights of St. Sophia.

Drawing famous blood, he was blessed with witchcraft and swordsmanship, and besides, he had hope.

It was the reputation of Garrells in his magic school days to take good care of his juniors, to be kind to the weak, and to have a strong sense of justice.

And at first, I believed in it, too, and I was very much in favour of Garrels joining the Knights of St. Sophia.

It was also at the time when the Knights' expansion route was on track, adding only high-powered adventurers to their peers from Sia's reflection on death.

This was my policy as deputy commander, and it was about the same time Arte joined.

It was at the beginning of accession that Garrels was calm and quietly following the Knights' decision. but that was probably watching how it went.

About six months later, Garrells began to speak out about the Knights' operation, and with every incident, he began to question the Knights' ways.

Of course it's not a bad thing that you disagree with me.

I would have corrected my opinion accordingly if I had made the right point, and even in the sense of better ventilation of the Knights, it would have been desirable for opposition to arise in itself.

However, Garrells often voiced an impossible opinion, as if he were expressing a disagreement for the opposite.

Plus, I'm always the one against whom Garrells gets stuck.

Besides, the kind of thing that looked down on me stood out.

By then, I was beginning to realize what Garrells was like, too.

Garrells had a really friendly side to people who were in a lower position than he was.

But it was only against my surroundings and followers, and I did any ruthless trick on someone I didn't like.

Furthermore, I think the position of the noble three men complicated Garrels' character.

If he is a third son, even if he was born of fame, the governor will not inherit, nor will he be given any possessions, and his descendants will eventually fall into the same position as the civilian population.

That, in turn, may have planted a strong sense of nobility in Garrels.

I was vice president despite the civilians, and I was the target of Garrells' outfit.

Garrells described me as incompetent, while emphasizing Sophia and Cleon's excellence.

Maybe he tried to get rid of me by doing so, but neither Sophia nor Cleon endorsed Garrels' claim and he said I was a deputy commander and good.

So the conflict between me and Garrels deepened, and eventually I barely took up Garrels' opinion.

Still, Garrels was a necessary presence for the Knights.

Because he was a guardian warrior with far higher defensive powers than a skilled shield adventurer.

I couldn't take off the Knights defense, and I didn't kick Garrels out of the Knights.

That's how Cleon changed his mind and banished me in conjunction with Arte.

Garrells' sword played my treasure sword, and I flew away to regain my position.

Garrels shrugged.

"I didn't care about you originally, Solon."

"You never wanted Garrells to like you."

"I guess so."

The Great Sword of Garrels is swinging down and attacking me.

I managed to get rid of it and flash the treasure sword Tetracord from the right.

It should have hit Garrels' armor beautifully, but it did little damage to Garrels.

The next moment, once again, the sword of Garrels is coming this way.

I put up the treasure sword quickly and took it, but the slaughter of the great sword sounded pretty heavy.

I think we can also take Garrels' attack with the treasure sword Tetracord several times.

but on the contrary, if we don't find a decision hit breaking Garrells' defense from here, we're jilli poor.

The ancient heavy armor obtained from the ruins, along with advanced defensive magic, protects Gallerus.

We have to do something about it.

Garrells brackets Taka that he can't outrun his own defense in my offense.

There is a gap in that alarm.

I lowered the treasure sword Tetracord slightly, snapped "Burn" and unleashed the flaming magic of power there.

That hits Garrells' armor, but of course, you can't defeat Garrells with something like this.

"What? You gave up fighting with your sword? But an attack like a candle fire. Then it won't do anything."

Garrells approaches us as he speaks up.

Garrells walked straight over, not caring, because there was no damage whatsoever from the flaming magic.

I kept shooting flaming magic.

Flaming magic like circling through the middle of Garrels' armor.

Though slight, the armor leaves traces of heating.

My attacks continued further, and the traces of the flames spread further, drawing stars in circles.

So I screamed.

"Dear Philia!

"Copy that!"

Phyllia spoke beautifully and responded to me.

At that moment, I feel something fiercely hot flowing through my body.

The immense magic power of Philia, the descendant of the Demon King.

I used it and poured it into a magic formation painted on Garrels' armor.


Garrells hastily tried to respond, but it was too late.

The magic formation activated and began to shine bright and green. The defensive magic of Garrels' armor has vanished.

At the next moment, I passed Philia's magic through the treasure sword, Tetracord, and flashed quickly with Garrells' armor.

Garrells' armor broke apart lightly, and Garrells fell to his knees.

My victory.

I can hear Phyllia say it in a bounced voice that she "did it".

But I still don't feel safe.

Behind the garrels, we have to take away the magic absorber.

If we do something about this, Flora and the others should be helpful.

but suddenly one girl stood before me, waving a military knife.

I had to take it with a treasure sword and stopped.

I won't let you.

The girl grinned.

He's wearing military uniforms and he's cut all his gray hair short.

Looks like he's part of the Garrels squad. I do think Garrels' detachment included people of military origin as well.

"Garrells said he'd fight alone, but I wonder if you're going to fight me"

"I'm not interested in the battle between you and Lord Garrels, but I have trouble taking that device away from you. Because the resurrection of the Demon King is an army's grief."

As soon as I was stopped by the girl, Garrels stood up and seemed to restore his will to war again.

And Garrells stared at me with his hate-burning eyes.

"You're wearing me out with a boring little worker."

"I don't know what it is, but Garrells lost. Now, let's make sure you keep your word."

"Promise? Oh, you're talking about freeing Flora and Arte. There's no way I'm serious about that ridiculous story, is there?

That would be so.

There is no way you can stop the great purpose of the resurrection of the Demon King as much as you lost your bet with me.

So shortly after I defeated Garrels, I wanted to take away the magic absorber with strength, but I couldn't do that either.

Garrells raised his voice.

"This man Solon is an unreachable man who lends a hand to Arte, the sage of traitors, and Flora, the astrologer! He is a fool who hangs out His Royal Highness! Capture him!"

Garrells just doesn't keep his word, or he's gonna let the numbers say something and tie me up.

The adventurers looked bewildered.

The reason they don't seem to be very motivated is because things are not swallowing up in front of them.

Besides, Philia, the Empress, is obviously on my side.

But still, the Garrels' adventurers turned their swords on me as soon as possible and tried to set up a cane.

It seemed impossible to get through this place to dozens of first-rate adventurers.

Alone, of course, with the help of Philia and Lisa, I see a loss, no matter how I look at it.

Rascalos and Nasha seemed unsure what to do, but at least they didn't seem to be actively on my side.

I'm ready.

Maybe if we let Garrels fall unconscionable, we'll figure it out.

In a besieged situation, it is unrealistic but still has to be put on possible means.

Besides, even if I were captured, it shouldn't be immediately harmful to Philia.

But from one of the paths leading into the hall, a thin light shined.

All the adventurers look back.

Eventually the lights grew stronger and the adventurers appeared with wands that emitted a blurry light.

Leading the way was Leticia, former head of the Basileus Adventurers' Corps.

Cleon, the squad leader of the offensive squad alongside Garrells, who should have been advancing the ruins offense from another road, but it seemed like he finally got here.

Leticia was a slender beauty with long, bragging brown hair and looking around.

in a relaxed voice, she says.

"Did you make it to fight the last enemy of the ruins? No, I'm sorry I'm late. Forgive me for bringing a very dependable ally."

At the same time as Leticia's words, two magicians emerged from the darkness of the road.

One was a young woman with beautiful crimson eyes in her vermilion hair.

I was surprised.

I wonder why my master's "Crimson Lucy" is with Leticia.

When Lucy looked me in the eye, she laughed.

And the other was a girl with golden hair and jade eyes.

"Solon.... I'm glad you're safe."

Sophia, in pure white monastic clothing, put her hand on her chest and was breathing relieved.