Clarice raises her sad voice and stares at me.

The spear of the magician Ren had been placed on the neck of the hostage Clarice.

I stand in front of Philia with a treasure sword.

If Ren moves the spear at all, Clarice's life will be lost.

Ren's demands are Arte's.

"If I hand over Arte, do you really want to let Mr. Clarice go?

"Absolutely. Do I look like the kind of person who breaks a promise?

"I don't know. Though I've found out that you're the kind of person who breaks into someone else's mansion, acts of violence against an irresistible arte, and takes a maid hostage without any sins."

"If you're being sarcastic? I know. You care about this maid, don't you?

"Right. Mr. Clarice is important.... If you could scratch Mr. Clarice with one scratch. I will not forgive Ren."

"Is that a threat? You don't seem to know where you stand."

Ren gently moved the spear away from Clarice's neck muscle.

And I slit every shoulder in that maid's clothes.


Clarice screams.

The shoulders of the maid's clothes were torn and exposed, with deep scars running on their shoulders.

There is a small amount of blood flowing from it.


To Phyllia's cry, Ren cried.

"You can hurt Her Royal Highness as well as the maid, right?

Don't get on with the provocation.

Clarice's wounds are heartbreaking just to see, but not fatal.

What bothered me was the effect of Len's demon spear.

Ren's Demon Spear Rune has a curse that causes his opponent to die from only a scratch.

"Oh, don't worry. Because the power of the curse is not activated now. Otherwise, there's no point in hostages."

"I guess so. That's not why you can let Mr. Clarice get hurt. You're gonna regret this, Len."

"It's in return for the other day. How disgraceful of you."

I guess you're talking about when Len came to the mansion with Cleon.

That's when I fought and won one-on-one with Ren.

"In the meantime, throw away that convenient sword"

As I was told, I threw the treasure sword Tetracord down on the spot.

If you don't, it would mean killing Clarice.

Ren smiled.

"People's value is not equivalence. This maid's son, Her Royal Highness, and Arte. Think carefully about who you should prioritize in order."

"May I consult with Master Filia for a moment?"

"It's good."

I looked back at Filia.

Philia has a nervous face and stares back at me.

If I were to help either Clarice or Arte, I would choose Clarice.

It's just that protecting Arte, that's what I promised Flora, and that's what I told Arte himself.

As far as Ren's treatment of Arte just now, if you give Ren Arte, you don't know what kind of eyes you'll see.

The Knights have guardian warriors Garrells and they may also try to inflict abuse on Arte.

Then what should I do?

I put my mouth softly close to Philia's ear.

Filia blushes.

"Oh, Solon...?

"Listen carefully, Dear Philia"

I gave Philia a short ear.

Philia's eyes open wide.

When Philia finished listening to my operation, she snapped her neck a little anxiously.

"To me... can you?

"You can. Even when fighting Gapon. Now Master Phyllia can trust herself, right?

"Right...... yeah, I'll try. Solon, victory over us!

I smiled and nodded, turning to Ren.

"Are we done discussing this?

"Oh...... ok. I was wondering if you would let Mr. Clarice go. You can take Arte instead."

Arte had a look of despair while rolling on the floor.

Abandoned, I guess I thought.

Clarice is thrust at Len's hand. Geez, I screamed, and I hugged Clarice, who had fallen this way.

I don't have a sword in my hand. I can't fight Ren.

Ren grabbed Arte's arm and tried to force him to pull.

Looks like Arte tried to resist, but Ren kicks me in the stomach and screams.

More thoughtfully beaten on the cheek, Arte stopped moving.

From Len, all you have to do is reactivate the magic formation and get out of this place.

More than I can fight, it's good to see you act that way.

But I won't let you.

"Dear Philia!


With my signal, Philia pulled out the wand, and quickly and accurately, slammed the flaming magic into Ren.