Turned into a cat by the system

Chapter 19: Born to be Human

You can search for "being turned into Maosou novels by the system (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Either shut down completely or enter hibernation. What kind of mess, your uncle, is there a solution for not shutting down and not hibernating!

"The system can publish the help announcement on the Internet. After evaluation, it cannot be called a plan. Please choose the host."

It’s useful to just post an announcement. I don’t know their personal information. Who knows if it’s true or false? The cat is already cold before the announcement is finished!

"The system has all the information of the two in front of you!"

The two had already dispersed at this time, forming a horns, blocking all possible escape routes, and with a gloomy laugh, they were approaching Di Ertian step by step.

The emperor is riding a tiger hard to get off, anyway, he is also a male...cat, he can't just leave, it's too cheap!

You can only use the front bar, no way!

Today, I just made a big deal of ironclad, and stubbornly beat these two scums, either you die or the cat is dead!


The two of them fought each other, and within a few rounds, Di Ertian was kicked and kicked against the wall with a bang, and he didn't slow down for a long time.

Your uncle, if I were a human being, ten of these craps would not be enough to look at, ahem!

"Nijo, run quickly, they dare not do anything to me!"

Xia Ying saw that the emperor was kicked against the wall two days ago, her voice was crying, but she didn't know what to do, she turned around anxiously.

"Looking forward to your performance in the flames for a while, it must be wonderful!"

One of them showed a hideous face and walked towards Emperor Er Tian who fell into the corner.

Heh heh, although I can't leave a woman to run away, I really can't beat it, wipe it, it didn't take long for me to become a cat, I usually sleep, and I'm not very proficient with cat's claws.

The cat abuse duo usually catch cats, and they also go to those stray cats who are hungry and full. Some are even disabled or sick, like wild cats that are full of food and drink, neither of these two people. Capture with full confidence.

After all, the hunting ability of cats is no joke, such as lions, tigers and cheetahs.

Although wild cats are greatly diminished in their wildness, things that flow in the blood will not be easily lost. Don't be confused by the appearance of cuteness.

Of course, Di Ertian is an exception. He has a cat shape, but he is actually fighting five cat scum, otherwise the two people in front of him can't be so relaxed.

I can’t control that much, the system, first post all the information of the two people you have on the Internet, let Lao Tzu slow down, cough cough, two miscellaneous things, the start is ruthless!




The three of them received the news on their phones one after another, and Xia Ying immediately took out the phone, showing shock!

The instant push messages received on the mobile phone exploded all the information about the cat abuse duo. The name and birthday, where the family lived, and even the location of the ancestral grave were clearly written.

Xia Ying just read a few words. Before finishing the passage, the two people who were about to catch the emperor two days were stunned. They looked at each other and hurriedly took out their phones. The next second they became flustered. One of them pulled off his mask and yelled. :

"This is a nosy chore who posted our information online, TMD, where did all this information come from? I don't even know many of them..."

The one who spoke was the person Xia Ying met in the warehouse that day. Taking advantage of the dumbfoundedness of the two, Xia Ying dialed a phone number:

"Hello, there are two people catching cats in the dead end north of Chengnan Street, yes, right now, yes, in the second alley going north from Chengnan Street..."

When the two heard it, they were completely panicked, regardless of the emperor in the corner for two days, Sa Yazi ran, this speed also has a place on the track.90 look at the novel www.90kankan.com

Seeing the two disappear at the entrance of the alley, Xia Ying hurried to Di Ertian's side, hugged him with wet tears on his cheeks, rubbing Di Ertian's stomach repeatedly, and said in a trembled voice:

"Nijo, what a silly boy, how do you fight with a cat? Although your courage you showed today is admired by my sister, don't be brave, how about it, does it hurt? Is it better?"

Emperor Ertian groaned, although his stomach was aching, but lying in Xia Ying's arms at this time was inexplicably warm, and the unique fragrance of Xia Ying's body was floating between his nose.

It's not that the cat is strong, it's the strength that doesn't allow the cat to escape, if it wasn't for the system that caused the cat to transform back into a human form, the two of them would have exploded in place!

I didn't expect to care about Benmiao so much, Benmiao was a little flattered, meow, I haven't been hugged by anyone for a long time, let alone, it is really comfortable!

"Huh, fortunately, sister, I'm not in trouble, go home quickly, it will be troublesome to be reacted by those two!"

On the phone:

"Do you order something to take out, is there anyone? What about this alley and that cat! Don't order it? Don't miss your effort here!"

"Sorry, I made a mistake!"


Xia Ying hung up the phone in a hurry, packed up her things, and hurried home holding Di Er Tian.

Although dangerous, the ending was not bad at all. After touching the two in her arms, Xia Ying finally broke into a smile.

She just dialed a phone number casually, and after seeing the news, Xia Ying had an idea, but she didn't expect it to be effective. We should blame the two people for their guilty conscience.

Although the public opinion continues to ferment, it is just the online noise of many netizens. There is no suspect, no substantive evidence, let alone any phone number.

As the saying goes, don't do bad things, don't be afraid of ghosts!

In the next period of time, as all the personal information of the cat abuse duo was made public, there was no blind spot in all directions to welcome the bombardment of public opinion, and one of them was even forced to drop out of school.

To be a human being, I advise you to be kind.

I have to admit that there is still something to play with the dead system!

After switching from sleep mode to low-power mode, I didn't expect to invade any energy carrier. Isn't this too science fiction?

If it weren't for the system to announce the information in the next second, Di Ertian felt that the system was teasing himself!

It’s true that you control high-voltage electricity and detonate your mobile phone. You read more online novels, right?

Thinking that he had such a bull-nosed system next to him, Emperor Ertian unconsciously covered his mouth and snickered, but looking at the furry cat's paws around his mouth, he abruptly pulled him into reality...

What's the use of the system no matter how big it is, isn't I still a cat?

Is the system blind or mentally disabled, or the CPU burned out, why would you choose yourself as the host, and vowed to calculate it after precise calculations?

I couldn't help cursing curiosity, trying to consume energy, the emperor asked the next day, what on earth made him so lucky (unlucky)!

The systematic answer embarrassed him, because he has no desires and desires!

The moment the system arrived, Nancheng was scanned all over, everyone was praying for God, asking for this, all kinds of wishes, all kinds of requests, if the wishing system is tied to these people, the consequences can be imagined.

Only the emperor has no desires and no desires. There is no way to pull the general from the so-called dwarf. It is so lucky. As for the cat, it was purely an accident.

I rubbed it, Thomas whirled around 360 degrees and rubbed it vigorously. It's wrong to have no desire or desire these years, I'm really too difficult!

Emperor Ertian is completely speechless, is this okay?

I really don’t know if I should cry, or should I cry?