Turned into a cat by the system

Chapter 77-Professional Robber

You can search for "being turned into Maosou novels by the system (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The two were frightened by the sudden situation. Before they had time to call for help, they were thrown into the car like a burden. Xia Ying hit the car with her head and fainted.

Although Di Ertian also smashed his head, he did not faint anyhow, he was swearing and he was about to sit up. A hand was lifted up in the darkness, and then he felt a current from his fingers, which was spread all over his body. , Can't move anymore.

Although he couldn't move, the consciousness of Emperor Ertian was still sober, and his heart felt cold. Could it be that he was kidnapped?

I heard someone say in the dark:

"Master, I'll take care of their mobile phones, lest there be any problems."

"No, the signal in the car has been blocked by me!"

"The young master is thoughtful, and sure enough, a hero is born a boy!"

"Haha, it's just a little trick."

As the car bumped all the way, Emperor Ertian's stomach was overwhelmed, and his head was blindfolded, without the slightest sense of direction. He tentatively pushed Xia Ying next to him without any response, and Emperor Ertian's heart sank.

Di Ertian just hacked the mobile phones of the four criminals in the car through the wishing system, and found nothing, because it was a satellite phone. Apart from a few encrypted phone numbers, there was no trace of valuable information. Obviously it was a professional gang and came prepared. .

This made Di Ertian feel frightened again. Although he has the blessing of the wishing system, he is much calmer than usual, but after all, he is a college student in his early twenties who was kidnapped for the first time in his life. fake.

Di Ertian panicked a lot at this time and kept asking for help from the wishing system. He was annoyed by the wishing system that had questions and answers on weekdays, and kept repeating asking him to calm down first.

The car has been moving forward without the intention of stopping. I don’t know where to go. According to the system’s scanning feedback, there are fewer and fewer electronic devices available nearby. Obviously, the situation is very unfavorable, and the car has not stopped, so it is difficult to determine the specific location. , There is no specific location, even if you ask for help, you can’t describe it clearly. Instead, you have to follow the instructions of the system and drag the kidnapper first.

"Oh! Can you stop it, I'm about to throw up, what can you get if I kill him?"

Di Ertian's arrogant tone as always, somewhat relieved some fears. The blond young man sitting in the co-pilot heard that Di Ertian had the courage to ask for it. Not only did he show curiosity, he signaled the driver to drive slowly, and then turned his head. Road:

"The second youngest of the Emperor's family is indeed well-deserved. The second generation ancestor who is eating and waiting to die is ignorant and fearless. Do you think we are to accompany you to live with you?"

"Your uncle's, kidnapping just kidnapping, without personal attack!"

"Do you still know this is kidnapping?"

"Let’s talk about it, how much is it, but can you take the bag on your head first? I’m really bored. Don’t worry, Ben can’t run and won’t run away. As long as you don’t hurt us, everything is easy to discuss and prepare. Phone, make a price, everyone makes money with harmony, how about?"

I really didn't see it, this kid was quite on the road, he saved the torture, the middle-aged man glanced at the blond young man, the latter Jin thought for a while and nodded.

Di Ertian broke free from the bag, and then he saw a black hole muzzle facing his eyebrows. The four kidnappers in the car were wearing hoods and couldn't see their looks, but from the palm of the hand holding the gun. It can be seen that the joints are thick, the skin is dull, and the age is at least 40 years old.

Although Emperor Ertian had also shot a gun at the shooting range for the first time, he was pointed at by a real gunpoint for the first time, and his heart could not help but plop and thump wildly, his hands and feet were cold, as if he was looking at death again, his head was almost blank subconsciously. , I don't know how long it took until the gangster stabbed the emperor with a gun for two days, and the latter awoke from the ancient times, pretending to be calm, and continued to deal with it, hoping to find a chance to escape, or send a message for help.90 Literature Network www.90wxw.com

"Huh! Don't get excited, don't get excited, put this guy down first, I don't know what to say, and I won't run away.

From the corner of Di Ertian's eyes, he glanced out of the window. There were only a few telegraph poles that were bare and secluded, and he was heading towards the suburbs of Nancheng.

"What happened to my girlfriend, motionless?"

"It's nothing serious, it's probably fainted, it's not a problem!"

"Release my girlfriend, I have to see her injury first!"

Speaking, Di Ertian took the lead in taking out his mobile phone and threw it at the co-pilot gangster, who subconsciously caught it, and then he was taken aback, only to hear Di Ertian say:

"I gave you my phone to prevent me from whispering, is this sincerity enough?"

These gangsters were also shocked. The first time they encountered such a cooperative hostage, they unconsciously reduced their hostility towards Emperor Ertian.

"It turns out that rich people are so hardworking, haha!"

Di Ertian ignored the ridicule of these people, and carefully pulled the unconscious Xia Ying out of the black bag. The latter bumped a fist-sized bag on her forehead. The dark purple bruises, blood slowly oozing out, obviously this I fell unclearly.

The Emperor felt distressed for a while, but it was not easy at this time, so he pulled Xia Ying into his arms silently, feeling a steady heartbeat, and finally let out a sigh, and then threw Xia Ying's phone to the co-pilot. .

"Can you stop first, where is this going?"

"Don't ask if you shouldn't ask. Carefully cut your tongue. When did the cold two young master become stubborn?"

The gunman said coldly, not forgetting to sarcasm in the end.

It seems that before committing the crime, this group of gangsters had already checked his details thoroughly, plus God’s frequent hot searches for two days, this is also considered to be a fulfillment of that sentence, there are many popular people!

"Then you can make a price first. You only need a phone call from Ben Shao. We pay the money one hand and the other hand. It is also best to send Ben Shao back to Nantah after the transaction is completed. In this barren mountain, take a taxi. It's all hard!"

With a muffled sound, Emperor Ertian was slammed on his forehead with the butt of the gun by the gunman, and the blood was flowing immediately. The latter said viciously:

"When is it all? Are you stupid or we are stupid? Are you stupid? Send you back again? Dog things, then play tricks and break your legs first!"

Emperor Er Tian put his arm around Xia Ying in a coma, and covered the wound on his forehead with one hand. The blood smashed through his fingers, drop by drop onto the car, and it didn't take long for him to gather into a pool of blood.

The car slowly drove into an abandoned factory. The Emperor Ertian hugged Xia Ying and slowly walked into a dilapidated factory building. Then he sat down against the corner and stared at the four gangsters in front of him without saying a word. hair.

Originally wanted to explode through mobile phones to create a chance of escape, but I did not expect that they obviously underestimated each other. These people did not eat this set. The two mobile phones were crushed by the person in the passenger seat after the car stopped. I can't even sense the existence of a mobile phone, let alone detonate it.

The back of Emperor Er Tian was soaked in cold sweat, feeling the warmth of Xia Ying in his arms, and Emperor Er Tian let out a sigh, holding Xia Ying tighter!