Two-dimensional evil contract

Chapter Eleven Ji Tuan Xuecai

Not long after Qin Yu left, the Special Zone Guard of Xian Shendao felt this place and blocked the scene.

At this time, a goth loli with a black western umbrella appeared at the scene of the accident.Lori looked at the unspoiled area and frowned slightly.This is definitely a trace of the destruction of the Beast, and it is still a very powerful Beast.

Most importantly, Lori felt a period of spatial instability at the scene.Is it a space beast?how come!Soon, Lori remembered the escape from the prison barrier.

"It can't be such a coincidence."

Lori murmured to herself, and then disappeared and left.

On the other side, Japan.

In the midsummer forest, the bright bonfire illuminates the shrine in the middle of the night, and the faint moonlight shines into the worship hall.The air will be so cold that one forgets the season, probably thanks to the barrier that covers the shrine.

The noise of insects that were originally noisy can hardly be heard now.

The girl sat in the center of the wide worship hall without saying a word.

She is a beautiful girl, although she still has a little green.

She is slim and slender, but she doesn't give the impression of ethereal.On the contrary, the girl felt like a finely forged blade, feeling the toughness of softness and rigidity.People might think so, maybe because of her sternly closed lips and the strong light in her eyes.

The girl is wearing a private junior high school uniform in Kansai.

It is a prestigious school that believes in Shinto, but not many people know that it is a lower-level organization of the "Lion King Institution".

There were three distinguished guests who arrived first in the worship hall.

The imperial curtain hides the shadows.However, the girl had already known their identities beforehand.

They are the elders of the Lion King's institution, and they are called the "Three Saints."

"Report your name."

A voice came from the other side of Yu curtain.The tone was serious, but he didn't feel indifferent. It was the voice of a female elder who was younger than expected, with a certain smile.

"Ji Tuan Xuecai"

After a moment, the girl answered.The nervousness made the voice tremble slightly.But the female elder on the other side of the curtain didn't care, and continued to question the girl.

"What about your age?"

"Fifteen in four months."

"Really, your grades seem to be good, and Yuantang praises you very much."

"Thank you for your compliment."

"I have worked with Yuantang several times. She is a very good demon attacker. The technique used in your spiritual defense has the same characteristics as her. What else have you learned from Yuantang?"

"All aspects of spells and witchcraft, there are also illusions and curse."

"What about magic? Yuantang's expertise should be in that area."

"I learned a passage from the continental system. I have only been exposed to the basic theory of Western magic."

"What about the combat experience with the demons?"

"In the case of simulated combat, I have received about two intensive training in the training center. Actual combat is gone."

"What about martial arts?"

"I will. Let's count it."

"Really? That's good."

The female elder smiled from the other side of the curtain.


Suddenly, sensing the sudden expansion of murderous intent, Xue Cai immediately jumped up.

She slammed on the wooden floor, turned a tumble and landed behind.This is not an action that has been thought through the mind, it is that the flesh perceives the danger and moves unconsciously.

The sharp blade that was swung split the atmosphere, and the sword swept across the position where Xue Cai had just sat.

If the action is slow for a beat, Xue Cai must have died.It was a serious slash with a real sword.

Two tall armored warriors appeared from the darkness as if they were cast.

A faceless samurai with a rough sword in his hand, and a four-armed samurai with a bow left and right.

They don't have a physical body, but a shikigami created by spells.Probably it was one of the three people on the other side of Yu curtain.But before understanding this, Xuecai turned from defense to offense.

"Shake it!"

Singing short spells in Xuecai's mouth, focusing the power of the spell on the palm, and then penetrating the power directly into the interior through the armor of Shigou.

The shadow of the armored warrior disappeared immediately, leaving only the sword he held previously.

Xuecai caught the sword in the air.She defended with the looted sword, blocked the attack of the second armored warrior, and then took advantage of the trend to block her waist and cut the opponent who had just released the arrow in two.The second armor warrior also disappeared.

"What does this mean?"

Yukina panted slightly, and at the same time raised Taito towards Yulin.

Xuecai has no intention of fighting against Shiki.If the battle is prolonged, Xuecai, who is at a disadvantage, will not have a chance of winning.Even if the opponent is the elders of the Lion King's institution, if they want to continue to have fun, they have to directly subdue the caster.Xue Cai is so judged.

There was sparse applause from the other side of Yulian, as if those people were waiting for Xuecai to express their opinions.

"Huhahahaha. Not good at curses, but a wizard with outstanding talents in vision and swordsmanship... As stated in the report, she is a typical sword witch. Let her qualify first."


Facing the elder's conversation from the other side of Yulian, Xuecai frowned unhappily.

"Yes. To get the qualification of the sword witch, you would have to practice for another four months. However, the situation has changed. Sit down, Ji Tuan Xuecai."

The first female elder said aloud.Yukina reluctantly followed her words, returned to her original position and sat upright, and then put down the sword in her hand.

"Okay, let's get to the point. First, you look at this."

With this sentence, something appeared from the gap of the Yulian.It is two butterflies.

The butterfly patted its wings quietly in front of Xuecai, each transformed into two photos.

One of them is surprisingly Qin Yu, and the location of the photo seems to be what Qin Yu looked like after arriving at Xian Shen Island!
