Two-dimensional evil contract

Chapter 83: The Law of Space

The name of this chapter is called the law of space, it is about four pages, and accounts for more than half of the total powers.

"1. The law of freedom is freedom and hindrance to space and freedom and hindrance to things in space... 2. The law of overlap is the overlap of space and space and the overlap of space and overlapping space... 3. The law of association , Is the connection and separation between space and space and the connection and separation between space and things in space... Fourth, the law of destruction, is the generation and destruction of space and the mutual generation and destruction of space and space..."

Basically the entire chapter about supernatural powers is used to talk about space, and Cage even suspects that the mysterious master himself is a strong space system.Such a complete space power experience can only be possessed by a space power person, and if it is an extremely advanced space system powerhouse.

"Space, what is space." Cage slowly closed his eyes.

"The place you can't touch is the space, and the place you touch is the thing in the space. If you remove one thing, there will be an extra space, and at the same time, the place you move will reduce a corresponding space. No , There was originally space there, but it was only occupied by things. When things were removed, the space was freed up again. Therefore, space is everywhere, even if there are things obstructed, it cannot be touched and reached. A place also has space."

Cage suddenly discovered that he had a very quick comprehension of the laws of space. Basically, he could wake up with just a few thoughts. Perhaps this was the effect brought by the talents of space abilities.

"Sure enough, my talent made me understand the laws of space very quickly. It's no wonder that so many people come to snatch me, I turned out to be such a powerful genius!" This discovery made Cage extremely excited and more deeply involved. The comprehension of the law of space is gone.

Early in the morning.

Cage walked out of the tree house, and sunlight could easily come in in a small wood that was so high.Cage squinted his eyes and stretched comfortably in the sun.

"Space! I am surrounded by space, and everything is surrounded by space, which is really great." Kage climbed up the tree quickly, picked off a ruby ​​fruit, and enjoyed it happily.

"Today I am about to start my road of cultivation!" Cage touched his mouth, jumped off the branches lightly, did a simple preparatory activity, and then ran around the woods.

"First simply run like this, then gradually increase the pressure and load. Run first, then stretch muscles, then exercise the muscles, and finally temper the bones and skin." Cage developed a plan for himself according to the book.

"You must hold on to it. The book says that only by constantly breaking through your own limits can you quickly transform your body to perfection. This is called the breakthrough limit method, and it is one of the most effective methods for early physical exercise."

Cage slowly increased his speed, and finally let go of his pace and started running.

One lap...two laps...three laps...

The sweat fell down in big drops, and the clothes were soaked. Cage knew that even if he reached his limit, he could not stop. What he wanted was to break the limit!

Four circles...Five circles...

Adjust your breathing, let go of your pace, maintain your speed, and move forward at a constant speed.

Six circles... Seven circles... Eight circles...

The speed has slowed down slowly. Cage already feels that he is not running, but mechanically alternating his legs. He adjusts his breathing hard, ignoring the irritability that has been lingering in his mind. Feeling and tiredness.

Running is one of the most basic ways to increase your energy in your body, and it is most suitable for beginners. These most basic things are all known to Cage after reading the cheat book, otherwise I don’t know how many detours we have to take. .

The set of training methods that Cage formulated based on the introduction in the book is actually the routine that his master gave him.

This is the most straightforward practice method without any detours. Without the mysterious master who claims to be Augustus, and without this thousand-year martial arts secret book, Cage really doesn't know how to practice.

"Don't worry, Master, I will work hard, I will... forbearance... forbearance... forbearance..."

Nine laps...ten laps...

Cage had reached the limit, but he continued to hold on. It was a very uncomfortable feeling.

"It seems to stop for a while...just for a should be fine..."

At this moment, Cage was like a running snail, running extremely hard and slow, but he was still running.

"Can't stop! Otherwise, everything will be in vain! It's just been a long time!"


"This is my first practice, did it just end in failure!"


No longer conscious, Cage clenched his teeth and persisted, breathing became extremely difficult...

"Can't breathe..."

Take a deep breath... adjust your breath... take a deep breath... adjust your breath... don’t want anything... a blank in your head...

Cage slowly learned to adapt to this extremely uncomfortable feeling. After a while, Cage didn't seem to feel that uncomfortable anymore. His legs became lighter and lighter, and his breathing became less rapid. , I just feel that it is back to the feeling of just running four or five laps.

"Successful!" Cage felt extremely excited and grateful. "Fortunately, I just persisted and didn't give up, otherwise I would have lost all of my previous work. This is great, it feels great to break through the limit!"
