Two-dimensional evil contract

Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen: Don't Know

On the way, Brother Hank went to the storage room next to the kitchen and took out a bottle of green orange wine. It was not strong but sweet and sour!After the meal, everyone touched a few cups and then all sat on the chairs to rest. At this time, the door was knocked on several times. Brother Hank had planned to open the door, but was stopped by Little Rack with his hands and rushed towards him. Once the door was opened, a small dark thing flew in and rushed into Little Luck's arms."I'll just say where did Xiao Hei go! Haha!" Brother Hank instantly remembered, this is the black crow that stays with Xiao Luck every day, so everyone calls it Xiao Hei.Sister Laura also smiled and went into the kitchen and took the rice out to greet Xiao Hei.Amu sat on a chair alone and watched what was happening in front of him. He didn't want to say anything, hahaha continued drinking green orange.Xiao Hei was so simple, after intimacy with Xiao Luck, he flew directly to the side of the long table, shook his head and looked at the rice that Sister Laura brought. There were some small strawberries in the rice. It is estimated that he saw these embellishments, Xiao Hei directly Flew away around Sister Laura, yelling while flying ~ quack yeah yeah yeah yeah, and little Luck also bowed very gentlemanly, which made everyone amused!At the end of the meal, everyone urged Xiao Hei to drink a few sips of green orange. There was nothing to say, Xiao Hei was too crisp, I really don’t know how fast it would drink if it was so long and opened!Finally, Sister Laura started to clean up the dining table, and Brother Hank also got up to help, and did not forget to say to the remaining three little guys, "The three of you, all go out for a stroll, don't be too late, just feel like you just come back! "

Amu also had this idea, but he thought that he and the two next to him were actually in the stage of not knowing each other. What happened? I was thinking about seeing Xiao Hei flying on Xiao Luck’s shoulder, and Xiao Luck also walked to the door. The kitchen waved his hand, put on the straw hat hanging by the door, then turned around and hooked towards Amu. Amu understood, follow him!Amu got up and said thank you to Brother Hanke and they followed out.

It was getting dark, the stars and the moon were particularly clear this night, and the temperature was a bit cold, but Amu was not cold enough to wear his teaching gown.Seeing that the little Luck in front of him turned his back to him, he looked at something awkwardly, suddenly raised his hands, patted his hands twice, swished, and a strong wind shot in the direction of Xiao Luck from the side of Amu. With a snap, he stretched out. With his left hand, I directly grabbed what was shot!Amu could see clearly, it was that huge sickle, which was even sharper in this moonlight!For no reason, Amu felt that something must be explained clearly. He smirked and walked to the little Luck, rubbing his hands and said, "Luck, my name is Amu. Since you also know Brother Hanke and them, we are friends. As for why I Will appear here, I don’t know how to explain it, but I’m absolutely not malicious to you! And I’m not going to Xiao Hei!" Little Luck raised his head to look at Amu’s grinning face and nodded. Xiao Hei next to him tilted his head and looked at Amu, and finally nodded.Anyway, seeing the two nodded, Amu's heart was much wider, and then he hooked up to Xiao Luck’s shoulders, and the two walked away on the street like this. Xiao Heifei was not fast in front of the two, and neither High is leading the way.Little Luck raised Amu's waist as he walked, and the two reached a tacit understanding and followed Xiao Hei on tiptoe.

The domineering sickle that worried Amu in the front was suspended behind Amu and Xiao Luck, following the three forward.

On both sides of the road, there are several houses that are the same as those of Uncle Hank’s. From this perspective, there are about a dozen households in this village, and a few households have lights on. Although a few households are closed and waiting, they live Of people sat in the courtyard of one of them as if celebrating, made a bonfire and barbecue, surrounded a long table, drinking and eating, beside the bonfire next to them, a few young couples were dancing, 4 or 5 of them The orchestra formed by young people played some musical instruments and sang very cheerful songs. Amu, Xiaoluke, and Xiaohei all turned their heads to look at the lively scene when they passed by. The singer saw the three of them lift up. Next, Little Luck raised his head and continued to walk away, getting further and further away from the noise of joy. After a while, Amu and the others walked to the entrance of the village. It was a big arch that said: "Nothing. When you want to go, come back here, your'Bell Village'."

As Amu stopped and looked at the village card, Xiao Luck also looked up, and Xiao Hei simply fell on it. Amudun felt sad. Cao, living in a new world, what happened to the past? Mao!Amu closed his eyes angrily, and Xiao Luck tightened Amulou tightly.

The wind is blowing the woods quietly, the long and flat dark green leaves rubbing, overlapping, whirring...

"Count the ball! Me, I sometimes think of something powerless, no matter what, go, Rack, let Xiao Hei continue to lead the way, to where you want to take me!" Amu clenched his right fist and said harshly.

Little Luck retracted his right hand around his waist, snapped his fingers, and Xiao Hei flew to the original leading position, and continued to fly unhurriedly.After snapping his fingers, Little Luck also clenched his right hand and struck Amu's chest tightly twice.He flicked his head and walked away first. Amu froze in place, but a warm current surged from the bottom of his heart. Shit, Xiao Luck, you moved me!Hahaha, laughing, chased up.

Outside the village, there are large tracts of wheat fields. The wheat fields at night are surprisingly reassuring. Although there are no songs, the natural tranquility is even more surging. From a distance, you can see a tall black shadow on top. There was light, Xiao Hei turned around and called twice, and continued to fly towards the shadow.Little Luck simply stepped on his sickle and floated to keep up with Xiao Hei. Now he can see the difference between those who have been in this world for a long time and those who have just entered. Amu understands that he can't step on the sickle, so nothing. Said, with the sleeves free, the robe and the legs wrapped, Sa Yazi ran away, Xiao Hei turned his head to see the shape, croaked and increased the speed with a croak smile, Xiao Luck, directly waved his fist on the sickle, the posture was like Amu's running cheering is the same, but here Amu is not so chic, rubbing, rubbing, rubbing, and running, the speed is not bad, it is parallel to the tall black shadow in the wheat field, and he is close. Only then did I know that at this time, a stone-built windmill, the windmill frame could still creak, and a large light was erected in a compartment open on all sides at the top, not strong or weak, but like a yellow moon dotted in the wheat field. ...