Two-dimensional evil contract

Chapter 255: A major factor in victory


The huge beast head hit the hard mountain, and the blood drenched the skin of the flaming leopard. The blood was all over the floor, exuding a thick anger, and the swaying body fell and climbed up from time to time. Leopard shook his head, dizzy.

The mountain did not move at all, the faint profound energy turned into a flowing color halo around it, Qin Yu schemingly licked his lips successfully, waved away Baiyu Peak, and fixed his eyes on the swaying beast head, fingers clamped Live the Hu Fengfu, lightly shake it~


Like a breeze, it quietly cut into the flesh of the flamed leopard.


He screamed, and the pain was so intense that he lifted the huge beast's head, the flaming leopard was biting its sharp teeth, and the baby's red eyes stared at Qin Yu with big fists.A trace of determination flashed in his eyes!

Stepping on the ground, screaming frantically, a strong fire rose from the flamed leopard's body, igniting the fur on the body, and the wild aura suddenly increased. The entire body of the beast seemed to burn and burst, without noticing the body. Changes within.

"Hey, do a dying struggle!" The corner of his mouth provoked a trace of joking. After seeing the profound beast's mind, Qin Yu didn't dare to take it carelessly. He put away his smile, squeezed his fists with his five fingers, and there was a slight air fluctuation, as if something was pinched. Like, at the same time made a "explosive" tone.



A gust of wind, turning into a blood-colored tornado, erupted from the body of the flamed leopard, and the flesh and blood flew horizontally, fleeting, and splendid.After a few seconds, everything calmed down, leaving only the ground with bright red minced meat and trickling blood, and a dimly red irregular crystal.

"Hoo~ It's finally over!" With a light breath, Qin Yu couldn't help but respect the flamed leopard in his heart. This "feat" to die with the enemy is really scary, and it is also the most feared profound beast. One of the reasons.Among the strong of the same class, in addition to the absolute suppression of strength, it depends on who is more ruthless!

Ruthlessness is not strength, but it is a major factor in victory.

Bending down and picking up a few green leaves the size of a human head, Qin Yu paved it into a leaf path between flesh and blood. The blood on the ground rose up, and the green leaves on the ground slowly lost their moisture in a short while and curled up.

Tap your toes lightly, step on the leaves, and reach the center of the flesh and blood within a few steps, and then bend over to pick up the dark red crystal. Qin Yu's eyes are fiery, and he grinned and said, "This is a first-order profound core!" The silver light in his hand flashed by, and he put it in the Xumi Talisman.

With his clothes flying up, Qin Yu stepped on the wood leaf that was about to turn into ashes and returned to a piece of grass. He looked back at the hell-like area. Beast blood stuck everywhere, turning the bark and leaves into charcoal from time to time, and his eyes revealed With a sigh, he said something that made people sweat.

Licking his lips, Qin Yu looked at the blood red with some regret, then slapped his lips and said, "It's a pity that the flesh of this flared leopard!" Dare to feel that he hasn't eaten enough just now, and now his stomach is grumble.

But don’t stay here for long.

Qin Yu didn't miss it anymore. After all, the strong smell of blood would attract a lot of profound beasts sooner or later. If you encounter any powerful profound beasts or a few scattered profound beasts, you will really be planted here. .

This is also the reason why I had to spread the leaves on the ground before walking over.In this perilous forest, I still sailed carefully.

Turning around, Qin Yu jumped onto the tree trunk.As the saying goes, standing tall and looking far, the main task is to find a place to rest first, otherwise it is not a wise choice to stay outside for a long time.

It was like a monkey shuttle between the trees, agitated by a leaf. The soft wooden leaf stroked Qin Yu's cheek. Between those white hands, an irregular dark red crystal was playing with it. It was the first-order profound core of the flamed leopard!

To say what is the most valuable in this profound beast, there is nothing more than the "profound core". After a profound beast is hunted, perhaps its skin and flesh are worth a lot of price, but if it is the price of a profound core, At least they are more than twenty times the sales of everything except Xuan He!

So profitable!It's also not because of having countless beast hunting mercenaries at all costs, even if unfortunately they are killed by anti-hunting, there will be endless people to make up.People die for money and birds die for food. This is a profession where crisis and profit coexist.

Mercenaries are always the world of desperadoes!

And when it comes to the role of the profound core, it is naturally inseparable from the large demand!

A first-order inferior profound core can be sold for a few thousand profound spirit stones at a low price, and that is often the cost of an ordinary person for decades.And the price of the high-priced and pure Xuanhei is ridiculously high.

Although the profound core possessed a large amount of profound power, it contained the violent power of the profound beast itself, and it was too mottled. Few profound practitioners dared to directly absorb the profound power in the profound core, because most people who had tried it already.died.So naturally, no one is so stupid as to directly use it as a cultivation object.

However, if you wear a profound core of grade one or two ice attributes in a hot desert, or possess a profound core of inflammation attribute in extremely cold places, it is not only a luxury, but also a means of protection. The profound core's corresponding cultivation technique also has a certain auxiliary effect...