Two-dimensional evil contract

Chapter 309: Boar Fist

"I'll take your clothes to wash, so you can put on Brother Qi's clothes first." Su Xiaowan's voice came from outside the house: "Is the water hot enough?"

"Enough." Qin Yu replied. After waiting for a while, Qin Yu suddenly said, "Hey, Miss Su, are you still there?"

After a few breaths, Su Xiaowan's slightly flustered voice came from outside the door: "What? I explained in advance that although you saved me, I am not a random woman and will not wipe your back!"

Qin Yu smiled and wiped the back of his neck with a towel and said, "I don't want you to wipe your back. I want to discuss with you if I can go to Jingzhou after the New Year."

After a long silence outside the house, Su Xiaowan slowly said, "What's wrong with you? Are you going to heal?"

"No, no, I'm not injured, I just... just want to take a break. I will also say, if you are in a hurry, I have no objection." Qin Yu explained.

This time there was longer silence, until Qin Yu thought that Su Xiaowan had already left, and her voice drifted in quietly: "I'm not in a hurry."

"What are you talking about?" Thinking might not have heard this not very loud sentence, and asked.

"I said you can take your bath with peace of mind. We will leave after the New Year. Anyway, Big Brother Qi will only start work after the new year." Su Xiaowan cried impatiently, and ran away.

Jianghu? I don't know what else I will encounter along the way.Qin Yu wiped his face and soaked his whole body into the bucket, only to see countless bubbles on the water.

The ruined temple in the north of Zhenbei was as dilapidated as ever. The top of the temple was crushed by heavy snow at some point, and the statue of the broken arm in the temple looked sad.If only a few days ago, there were still two people who could accompany him in the temple, and now there is a bonfire in front of the temple, and the person is gone.

Qin Yu stared at the bonfire that had been extinguished for a long time, covered with a thin layer of snow.He expected to see Xue Long come out of the ruined temple, patted his shoulder and said "Go all the way", but this expectation seemed to be impossible.Brother Xue's fate has become so miserable because of himself, one wanders and rests in this world, the other enters the earth and waits for the next life.Qin Yu originally thought that he was here to say goodbye to them, but he figured it out when he got to the door. He just wanted to apologize and say he was sorry for them.

If they didn't go down the mountain, they must still lead a happy life before.Thinking of this, Qin Yu let out a sigh of relief, and suddenly opened his posture on the snowy ground in front of the ruined temple and punched a set of boxing techniques.Senior Brother Cao Zhi said that when you are not happy, you should punch.This set of boxing is the "wild boar boxing method".The style of boxing is not complicated, and there is nothing special about it. It's just a set of ordinary short punches.The pace of this set of boxing pays attention to "stretching shortcomings and avoiding strengths". It is fast and finely fragmented. It seems messy, but it can cling to the enemy in actual combat. Only seven points are used, and the remaining three points are used to collect moves. Therefore, the speed of recruiting and recruiting is extremely fast. With the quick footwork, once the opponent is close, the opponent will inevitably be in chaos.

However, the shortcomings of this set of boxing are also obvious, because the punches have reservations and the pace is faster, so they will naturally lack a lot of punching power.If you encounter another opponent with thick skin, firm bottom plate, and stronger strength than your own, it will be as painless as you can hit a stone. The opponent can fight to get your move with a few punches. ...