After all, this kind of food only appeared once.

Afterwards, every time Qin Yu recalled the situation, he was sure of one fact: If it was only the help of the meal at the time, he would never have survived such a desperate situation.The premise is that the existence of that sentence is not found.

Qin Yu only understood afterwards that the ink used in the sentence written on the stone table in front of the bed was actually his blood.

So, that is a real bloody sentence.

"Child, life is not that fragile, don't underestimate a person's vitality, especially your own." This is the content of that sentence.

This sentence, until now, has been imprinted in Qin Yu's soul, and it is still clear.Because it was the greatest belief and motivation that really supported Qin Yu's toughness to survive in such a situation.

It wasn't until more than half a month later that Qin Yu finally walked out of the stone room-even though he was still weak at the time, he looked even more embarrassed.

Then, Qin Yu knew where he was.And then, after the injury is healed, the scar is healed and the pain is forgotten. With blood, enthusiasm and enthusiasm, continue to defend the so-called justice of ignorance in my heart, and stop those who cannot see it. And things.As a result, the rewards are repeated ridicule, irony and torture.

Until that time, Qin Yu was tortured and dying in order to prevent the evil and vicious old eunuch from inflicting evil and perverted torture on a palace lady.However, in the end, instead of receiving the gratitude of the palace lady, he was severely humiliated by the other party. Only after he was completely frustrated with justice and goodness and with numbness and indifference to human nature, he dragged his weakness. Painful mind and body, returned to the narrow and dark stone room.

At that time, Qin Yu knew how to value a person, especially his own vitality, and learned to firmly believe in the tenacity and resilience of his own life; however, he ignored the collapse of faith and the despicable existence of human nature. Harm to a person.Especially this kind of injury happened when he was seriously injured and dying.

Therefore, even though Qin Yu at that time still tried hard to survive tenaciously, the actual physical condition was getting worse and worse.

Qin Yu felt that he was really in a catastrophe this time, fearing that he would not be able to survive it.

When Qin Yu had given up, he heard a strange sound approaching the stone room where he was.

After a while, Qin Yu saw a person appear in front of his open door.

That is a woman.

A woman with her hands on the ground, crawling towards him in the night.

When Qin Yu saw the woman's face clearly in the alternating light and shadow.

Qin Yu jumped up from the bed as if struck by lightning, and at the same time, subconsciously yelled out the words "mother," like a conditioned reflex.As a result, because of the sudden violent shaking and concussion of movements and emotions, the injuries were affected, and he vomited blood and passed out.

When Qin Yu woke up again, struggling hard but before he could open his heavy eyelids, he heard a gentle and exhausted voice: "Don't get excited. Otherwise, your situation will be worse. If you vomit blood or vomit again, If I'm unconscious, I really don't have the strength to serve you anymore. Also, I'm not your mother." ..