Two-dimensional evil contract

Chapter 744 Fatty in Eyes

The demon hunting guild has also spread the research on the demon clan, so many people know that the demon clan’s ability will quickly absorb the elemental energy of the surrounding world from the beginning of the advent, and the awakening ability will be fully awakened after a week. The strength of some demons will reach the elementary level. After a month, many demons will even reach the intermediate level. After that, they will continue to grow stronger with the passage of time, so the newly arrived demons have become Pano. Fatty in the eyes of people in countries that are hostile to demons such as the Empire

Under the shining of the morning light, a clearing like a dead zone in the lush jungle, the clearing was full of dead plants, suddenly the ground trembled, the ground cracked and a hand stretched out, and then a bewildered figure climbed up from the ground.

"Ahem, damn, I almost buried myself alive. I was not killed by those soldiers. I was wronged if I was killed by the pit he designed." Qin Yu slowed down and said cursingly.

Originally, after the paralysis of toxins passed, I woke up to find that I was completely powerless and had no physical ability to open the earth wall that blocked the pit. I could only be trapped underground and almost didn't depress him to death. I just felt that this time was really self-inflicted. .

Patting the dust on his body, Qin Yu looked at his surroundings being turned into a dead zone, and sighed that the strongest ability is his own plunder. Plundering is the most convenient, but he still needs to digest his physical strength. , My body is sore and painful now.

Qin Yu looked at the equipment left by the soldiers on the ground, checked the clothing of several soldiers, and found that the things seemed to have been moved, except for some leather armor and long swords, nothing else was left, although Qin Yu Some doubts, but this is a voice that threw his doubts out of the sky.

"Gu Gu Gu" made a solemn protest. Qin Yu rubbed his stomach with a bitter smile. He looked at the dead jungle that he had destroyed. He couldn't find food to satisfy his hunger. He thought of catching fish and eating by the nearby river. With a somewhat stiff body, he picked up his circular steel shield and picked up a long sword left by the soldier from the ground, and walked towards the camp by the river.

Soon after walking out of the jungle and coming to his camp again, Qin Yu did not rush out of the grass, because there was a pile of mound near the camp, and the long sword used by the soldiers was inserted in front of the mound. Qin Yu secretly said when he saw this scene Someone buried the soldier's body, and it seemed that there were troops nearby. Qin Yu immediately became vigilant. He didn't want to be chased by dozens of soldiers running all over the floor.

Seeing that his energy value on the light curtain was less than 20,000, he reluctantly activated several perceptual abilities that Qin Yu was not willing to activate. After all, keen senses may have a lot of negative effects, but it is better than being suddenly appeared. The soldiers in the sneak attack were almost killed.

The abilities activated by a grit of teeth have three primary contact inductions, primary enhanced touch and primary enhanced hearing. I only feel that the energy boils on his body splits into two streams of heat, one rushes to the top of his head, and the other diffuses into his skin. Qin Yu can only feel it. I could hear insects jumping on the leaves in the distance, but the enhanced sense of touch did not feel anything.

What Qin Yu feels most distressed about now is the energy that he finally praised, slipping 11 thousand points in an instant, but he doesn't want to be attacked again. Listening carefully can let him know the surrounding movement, so at least not After the sneak attack, feeling that there was no abnormal sound for several hundred meters around, Qin Yu finally walked to the camp with confidence...