Two-dimensional evil contract

Chapter 751 Let him go crazy

While using his abilities for several days, except for some water and no food, Qin Yu had to endure the urge to go out and fight the demon hunter every day because of hunger. This situation made him crazy.

Finally, seeing the sun eased Qin Yu's negative emotions. It was still very close to the demon hunter's search. He glanced hard at the demon hunter's direction and walked away quickly.


More than a month later, Qin Yu was dressed in a black robe, holding one of the few mysterious books in his hand. In addition to restoring his energy value to more than 10,000 in a few weeks, Qin Yu also found his own contact sensitivity. His abilities can actually let him know the meaning of these mysterious books. Although the physical energy consumed every minute to read the text of the book makes Qin Yu dare not read it for a long time, Qin Yu will not give up knowing the knowledge of the world. opportunity.

Unscrambled that the three books are "Meditation Fundamentals", "Magic Rune Seal Record", and "First Order Spell Record" are all basic books of this world mage. Qin Yu knows that meditation is the basis of everything, so he read "Meditation The result of "Basic" is not as useful as Qin Yu imagined. Meditation is just a basic practice method to increase his mental and physical energy. The "Magic Talisman" is what Qin Yu really needs. The chaotic energy combination here constitutes a more controllable and efficient magic construction method. Of course, the record of "First-Order Spells" is the book of spells in this world...