Two-dimensional option system

Chapter 108 Extra: Daily Life of the Ministry of Service 1

Ministry of Service.

Yukino Yukino was reading the book quietly, and Yuihama Yui was texting with friends on her cell phone.

Suddenly, a text message attracted Yuihama Yui's attention.

"Koyuki, have I really gained weight lately?" Yuihama Yui put down her phone and looked at Yukoshita Yukino nervously.

"It's kind of." Yukino Yukoshita carefully looked at Yuihama Yui, finally put his eyes on her chest, and nodded seriously.

"I obviously don't eat snacks anymore, and I didn't expect to get fat. If Su Yu-kun knew about it, he might dislike me." Yuihama Yui said in distress.

"Don't worry, Yubihama-student, that man will never despise you." Yukoshita Yukino glanced at Yuihama Yui's scale with envy.

"I really envy Koyuki, if only I had a figure like Koyuki," Yuihama Yui muttered.

Xuexiaxue is a black line on his forehead, looking down, like a steel plate.

"Koyuki, can you let me try how thin your waist is..." Yuihama Yui said a little embarrassed.

"Yeah" Yukino stood up.

"Koyuki's figure is really good." Yuihama Yui embraced Yukino's slender waist, exclaiming.

"Kacha" The door of the ministry opened.

Su Yu walked in, just about to speak, watching the scene in front of him.

"Farewell!" Su Yu clasped his fist.


A few days later, the Ministry of Service.

Xuexiaxue is reading the book absently.

"Koyuki? Koyuki?" Yuihama Yui shouted.

"Sorry, Yubihama-san, what's the matter?" Yukino Yukino reacted.

"Do boys like...older girls?" Yuihama Yui whispered.

"You asked Su Yu-kun? He must like Yubihama-student like this." Yukoshita Yukino smiled reluctantly, and looked down, there would be no harm without comparison.

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't notice Koyuki's situation. In fact, it's very tiring, especially on the shoulders. It feels very heavy every day." Yuihama Yui noticed where Yukoshita Yukino was looking and quickly explained.

"Really?" Yukino Yukino also wanted to experience that feeling.

"Really, if you don't believe it, try it." Yuihama Yui stood up and said.

"How to try?" Xuexia Xuenai asked in confusion.

"Of course it is supported by hands, so that Koyuki can feel this heavy weight." Yuihama Yui said seriously.

"Well, I'll try it." Yukino Yukoshita hesitated, and came to Yuihama Yui's back, gently supporting it with his hand.

"Well" Yuihama Yui made a strange voice, her face flushed slightly.

"What's wrong? Yubihama-student, did I hurt you?" Yukoshita Yukino let go.

"No, no, it's just a strange feeling." Yuihama Yui couldn't say it.

"What strange feeling?" Xuexiaxue Nai was confused.

"No... nothing, Koyuki can continue to support it." Yuihama Yui blushed.

Xuexia Xuena put his hand up again, feeling the heavy weight, a little surprised.

Yuihama Yui bit her lip, trying to remind Yukino Yukino not to move, but couldn't say it.

"Kacha" The door of the ministry opened.

Su Yu walked in and watched this scene dumbfounded.

"Excuse me." Su Yu clasped his fists, turned and left.

(The short extravaganza is equivalent to an explanation of two misunderstandings in the text. Thanks to QQ readers "Lemon Love Milkshake" for their tips.)