Two-dimensional option system

Chapter 130: Lucky Halo

Zou Wu Gao, student union.

Su Yu knocked on the door.

"Please come in... Jun Su Yu, you came just right." When Cheng Wei Xun opened the door and saw Su Yu, his face was happy.

"Sorry, did I interrupt the communication between the student union?" Su Yu walked into the room.

"Su Yujun, long time no see, according to the agreement, I have come to visit the Sou Wu Gao student union, and at the same time I plan to hold some friendly matches between the two schools and are discussing feasible matches." Amakusa Xiao said with a smile.

"Holding a friendly match? This is not bad. What kind of competition does the chore record classmate have?" Su Yu smiled and looked at Biqigu Hachiman.

Biqigu Hachiman rolled Su Yu's eyes and turned the whiteboard beside him to Su Yu's side.

"Relay, tennis, swimming." Su Yu looked at the three games that he wrote down.

"Oh, I almost forgot to mention it. Although it was a friendly match, since Sakurajai High School are all girls, I hope Sou Takeo can also send girls as much as possible, especially swimming. The girls in our school are very shy. "Seven Skys added.

"Swimming is okay. There are many girls in our school. There may be many boys in the other two events. This is a bit embarrassing to Yingcai High School." Cheng Wei Xun said with a slight embarrassment.

"This question is very simple." Su Yu thought for a while.

"Is there a good way for Jun Su Yu?" Cheng Wei Xun looked at Su Yu with some expectation.

"Allow Yingcai High School to play in one of the games, please ask foreign aid." Su Yu said seriously.

"So that's the case, then do it?" Cheng Wei Xun clapped his hands and looked at Amakusa Shino.

"Is Su Yujun looking down at Yingcai High School? We don't need foreign aid." Amakusa Sasa bulged her face.

"Of course not, it's just that there are too many boys, which is not good for girls." Su Yu waved his hand.

"The girls in our school are no worse than the boys who are tall." Amakusa Shino believes.

Su Yu smiled without saying a word.

"Ahem, it's time to discuss the time of the friendly match next. It will be helpful for the students to prepare if you notify them in advance." Higiya Hachiman said.

"Yes, when will the game be played?" City Tour patrol blinked.

"Saturdays and weekends, swimming and relay races can be held at Yingcai High School. For tennis matches, the tennis courts of Sou Takeo are good." Amakusa Shino thought for a while.

"Okay, that's it." Cheng Wei Xun looked at the members of the student council around him. There was no objection, and he stretched out his hand.

"I hope that through this competition, the friendship between the two schools can be deepened, and we can participate in more event plans together in the future..." Amakusa Shino said, making Higiya Hachiman a look of admiration, and he deserves to be the president of the student council.

Look at Cheng Wei Xun again, with an innocent smile, for fear that he didn't even hear a word.

"Jun Su Yu, can you talk alone?" Qi Tiao Tian got up, came to Su Yu's side, and said in his ear.

Su Yu nodded.

Hachigaya Hachiman noticed that the two were leaving, and he was taken aback for a moment, and did not say anything, but made up his mind not to let Su Yu and Komachi get too close.


In the corridor.

"Su Yujun, regarding Saturday's game, I hope you can come to Yingcai High School." Qijo Sky smiled lightly.

"Yingcai High School is a girls' school. It's not suitable for me to go." Su Yu declined.

"I will play in the swimming competition, so I want to ask Jun Su Yu to cheer for me." Seven skies took Su Yu's arm.

"Okay, I understand. I will definitely go when the time comes." Su Yu felt the softness of his arm and reluctantly agreed.

"This time, I actually asked Xiao Jiang to come here, all for Su Yujun." Qi Tiao Sky blew a breath of heat in Su Yu's ear.

"Miss Qi Tiao, don't do anything specifically for me, I have a girlfriend." Su Yu said seriously.

"Sorry, did I make Su Yujun angry?" Qi Tiao Tian quickly released his hand and looked at Su Yu cautiously.

"Miss Qi Tiao, what do you want from me?" Su Yu asked with a headache.

"Jun Su Yu saved me, and I have been thinking about how I should repay Jun Su Yu for his life-saving grace. These days, I have been dreaming of Jun Su Yu, thinking of Jun Su Yu in my heart, and my heartbeat will be fast..." Seven Sky He was talking, with a smile on his lips.

"So?" Su Yu asked.

"In Su Yujun's hometown, there is a saying that there is no retribution for life-saving grace, and you should promise it with your body." Qijo Sky blushed.

"There is no such sentence, at least not in Hyundai." Su Yu shook his head.

"I want to do this no matter if I have it or not." Seven sky stared at Su Yu closely.

Su Yu was silent. To tell the truth, the seven skies are very beautiful.It's just that her settings are too bad. She is obviously a eldest lady, but she wants to talk about heavy taste, which really makes Su Yu accept it.

"Jun Su Yu, as long as you want, I can do anything for you." Seven skies held Su Yu's hand.

"Choose! One, accept the seven skies. Second, reject the seven skies. Option one rewards a bronze draw, and option two awards zero bronze draws."

"Huh?" Su Yu was taken aback. This was the first time I saw this option.

"Jun Su Yu..." Qi Tiao Sky looked forward to it.

"Well, I can accept you temporarily." Su Yu said helplessly, there is no need to get through with rewards, and he has captured seven skies, which is equivalent to getting a Seven Group.

The successor to the Qitiao family only has Qitiantian, and married her, at least a few hundred years less.

"Thank you, Jun Su Yu." Qi Tiao Tian said with a smile.

"You are obviously a princess in the castle, why do you want to stay by my side?" Su Yu held the small hands of the seven sky.

"In fairy tales, princesses always only marry brave men, and Jun Su Yu is my brave man." Qi Tiao Sky answered without hesitation.

"Reality is not a fairy tale." Su Yu patted the little head of the seven sky.

"Then use the power of money to create fairy tales, build a castle on the island of Qijo's family, bring in all the girls Su Yujun likes, and create a fairy tale world together." Qijo Sky smiled sweetly.

"..." Su Yu.


Lunch break.

Su Yu looked at the evolution of the black feather mode, 20 points of evolution!

When Xuexiaxue was in the bathroom, only 6 points of evolution were obtained in the three draws, plus the previous 4 points of evolution, and only 10 points of evolution.

Today, a bronze lottery obtained from the seven sky directly provided 10 points of evolution. Could this be because... the seven sky is gold?

"I understand, this must be a miracle of the legendary singles!" Su Yu didn't believe this was the reason for the seven sky.

"Warm reminder, even in the daily world, there is a lucky halo." The system prompt sounded.

"Give me one too." Su Yu was shocked.

"Please provide the host with one trillion yuan to purchase lucky halo."

"..." Su Yu.

(Please ask for recommendation tickets and collections. I forgot to mention the previous chapter. I will talk about it in this chapter. The book will be on the shelves next week. I know that the results must be miserable, but I will work hard to finish it. If you can support it, subscribe It doesn’t matter if I can’t, I also came from a student and I can understand.)