Two-dimensional option system

Chapter 383 Chakra Armor

The snow melted, and the entire Snow Country looked completely new.

Su Yu stood on the city gate, watching ordinary people in the Snow Country leave the city.

"You may be more suitable to be a king than me." Fenghua Xiaoxue stood beside Su Yu and said.

"I have no interest in your throne at all, and I don't want to stay here forever." Su Yu shook his head.

"What's your goal?" Fenghua Xiaoxue tucked her long hair and said no more.

"The treasure of this world." Su Yu stretched out his hand and held it in the sky.

"Then where will you go after getting it?" Fenghua Xiaoxue continued.

"I don't belong to this world, so naturally I want to leave this world." Su Yu said silently.

"Can't you stay?" Fenghua Xiaoxue grabbed Su Yu by the corner of his clothes.

"I will come back, I promise." Su Yu held Fenghua Xiaoxue's little hand.

"I'll wait for you." Fenghua Xiaoxue sighed and leaned on Su Yu's shoulder.

Su Yu's strength has long been beyond the ability of a snow country to keep him, even if he has a child, he will probably leave.

"Langya Xue Beng is afraid of my strength, but there is no guarantee that he will be obedient. Therefore, I will keep my clone here. The clone can swap positions with me instantly and come back as soon as possible." Su Yu thought Thought about it.

"Langya Avalanche shouldn't hurt me. He is a smart man and knows how to choose." Fenghua Xiaoxue hesitated.

"A woman's intuition?" Su Yu joked.


"The country of Snow is sparsely populated. At present, it is enough to develop agriculture. The research on Chakra armor can continue. After that, you can put people you trust into the guards." Su Yu said slowly.

"I know that Langfang Xuebang was only hired by Fenghua and Rage. I can also hire him and make him the captain of my guard. When he has a family in the future, he will naturally become a person in the Snow Country, for the sake of the Snow Country. Work hard." Fenghua Xiaoxue smiled slightly.

"Have you learned this method so quickly? You really deserve to be the queen." Su Yu praised.

"In the face of absolute power, any tricks will have no effect." Fenghua Xiaoxue covered her mouth with a smile.

"Yes. I should go now, goodbye." Su Yu hugged Fenghua Xiaoxue and slowly lowered his head.

Fenghua Xiaoxue hugged Su Yu's neck and responded to him.

After a few minutes.

Su Yu took out the superbike and drove Shui Wuyuebai to the beach.

The superbike shuttles through the forest at great speed.


Two days later, Su Yu returned to Wuren Village.

He has built ten sets of S-class Chakra armors on the road, and a set of SSS-class Chakra armors.

Shui Wuyuebai has learned a lot of ninjutsu from Langya Xuebao these days, including the white whale.

Now, Shui Wuyuebai is equipped with an S-class Chakra armor, and Chakra has skyrocketed directly to the level of the elite upper ninja, and his strength is almost the same as that of Spikes.

The Chakra armor of the SSS class has an increase of 20% Chakra for Su Yu. If Terumi Ming is equipped, the increase will be even further.

Wuren Village, Water Shadow Office.

"Su Yu-kun, is this the Chakra armor? It actually increased my Chakra by more than half. If I use the Chakra armor for all Shinnin..." Terumi Mei said excitedly.

"This is the SSS-grade Chakra armor. I only made this one to protect you." Su Yu rolled his eyes.

"That's it, is there any chakra armor?" Terumi Mei was disappointed.

"This is just a bit close." Su Yu pointed to Shui Wuyuebai beside him.

"White, does it increase by 10%?" Terumi Mei asked.

"The increase for me is more than 30%." Shui Wuyuebai replied.

"What?!" Terumi Ming was shocked.

"This is the S-level Chakra armor. I have only built ten sets so far, enough to make Shangren reach the elite Shangren, and the elite Shangren can even reach the strength close to the quasi shadow level." Su Yu introduced.

"Is there anything worse?" Terumi Mei understood.

"Ordinary Chakra armor increases for both Zhongren and Xiaren. It should be no problem to increase Chakra by 10%." Su Yu nodded.

"Is there any difference between ordinary chakras and S-class chakras?" Terumi Ming asked curiously.

"S-class chakra armor is my treasure, and SSS-class chakra armor is more precious. Only ordinary chakra armor is the material that this world possesses." Su Yu explained.

"Sorry, I made you bother for us." Terumi Mei suddenly realized, and she said judo.

"It's okay. You decide how to allocate the S-class chakra armor. This is my improved method of creating chakra armor. When you are ready, I will release six tails. At that time, you can try the chakra The effect of the armor, see how much it has on the tail beast." Su Yu handed Terumi Mei a scroll.

"I already have a candidate." Terumi was silent for a moment, and wrote down the list and their names.

"Guardian of Mist Ninja?" Su Yu looked at the name, feeling very appropriate.


At night, in the meeting room.

Terumi Ming announced the establishment of the guardian of the mist ninja, of course, blue is indispensable, and no one would doubt his loyalty to the mist ninja village.

The patriarchs of a group of families originally wanted an S-class Chakra armor, but when they learned that it was an armor made by Su Yu, they put their minds away.

Ordinary chakra armors also increase for them. Terumi will give priority to these families. When better armors are developed in the future, they will also be given priority to replace them, but the patriarchs of a group of families are relieved.

Except for the various families, the elders and ordinary Shangnin are on Terumi Mei's side.

In fact, at the end of the Blood Mist Era, those discordant voices disappeared. Now Shangren is a close friend of Terumi Mei, and she is one of the most popular water shadows in the past.

The Guardian of the Mist Ninja was established, and the Chakra armor became the secret of Mist Ninja Village.

Wuren Village and Xueren Village became allies, and the water country and the snow country traded, these news became second.

Terumi Ming knew that Su Yu was very disdainful of the existence of the daimyo, and even had the idea of ​​replacing it. She actually considered this, and finally gave up.

Because the residents of the Water Country need a manager, Wuren Village does not have the ability to manage the entire Water Country.

After the meeting, Qing and Terumi Ming discussed the battle of the six tails tomorrow, and they concluded that there is a battle, but they can't force it.

After the discussion ended, Qing got up and left.

Terumi Ming walked towards her residence, returned to the room, and saw Su Yu.

"It's so late, you still don't rest, what are you doing here?" Terumi Mei blushed.

"I brought back the Chakra armor of the Snow Country for you, and the ally of Snow Ninja Village, don't you express your gratitude?" Su Yu smiled and looked at Terumi.

"Thank you? I heard that, what seems to be the relationship between you and the queen of Snow Country?" Terumi Mei snorted coldly.

"Don't break the subject, how can you thank you?" Su Yu stood up and walked to Terumi Ming.

Terumi Ming glared at Su Yu with shame, and reluctantly said a word in Su Yu's ear.