Two-dimensional option system

Chapter 389: The Upgrade of Earth Spider Firefly

In the assessment before the start of the race, Konoha Village got a good result, and only Mizuno Yuebai was promoted from Wuren Village.

The official competition of Zhongnin exam, one-on-one battle, will attract many wealthy businessmen and nobles to watch.

In order for these Xia Ren to play a better strength, the race is scheduled for a month.

This month is a good opportunity for all Xia Ren to improve his strength.

The experience in the death forest, as well as other strengths of Xia Ren, are urging them to become stronger.

At the end of the second Ninja test, some of the contestants from each Ninja village chose to leave and some chose to stay.

Su Yu left Shui Wuyue Bai, and took the earth spider firefly and incense phosphorus to return to Wuren Village.

Three generations of Hokage sent Su Yu away from Konoha, and sincerely invited Terumi Mei.

Su Yu declined the invitation of the three generations of Hokage. He didn't want Terumi to participate in the Konoha collapse plan.


After half a day, Wuren Village.

In Su Yu's laboratory.

Earth Spider Firefly opened his eyes and felt a steady stream of Chakra.

"Congratulations on mastering the power of forbidden art. This power makes you no weaker than the quasi-shadow master. If you want to kill me, just come." Su Yu turned his back to the Earth Spider Firefly.

Tuxieying looked at Su Yu, clenched her small fist, hesitated for a moment, and finally released her small fist.

"I will fight for the Wunin Village, please make my family the family of the Wunin Village." Hotaru Toshiba stood up and said.

"I thought you would really do it." Su Yu turned and looked at the Earth Spider Firefly.

"For the sake of the family, I can't do anything to you." Hotaru Tuxu lowered his head.

"Really sensible, in fact, you also know that you don't like Yu Gao anymore, right?" Su Yu stroked the head of Earth Spider Firefly.

Earth Spider Firefly did not speak.

"I promise you that the earth spider clan will become the family of Wunin Village. Your father will become Wunin Murakami Ninja after a period of time, and he will be eligible to participate in the meeting." Su Yu hugged the earth spider firefly with one hand.

"Thank you." Earth Spider Firefly's little head leaned against Su Yu's arms.



In Su Yu's courtyard.

Earth Spider Firefly and Uzumaki Aroma are fighting.

They all have Linhe behind them, and the red one-eyed represents their identity.

Earth Spider Firefly possesses the power of forbidden art, and Chakra is naturally strong.And Uzumaki Phosphorus, a member of the Uzumaki clan, her Chakra is far superior to the average ninja, and now it has skyrocketed several times, reaching the elite level.

A quasi-shadow-level and elite Shangren fought, but they fought almost, showing how powerful the bloodline of the Maelstrom family is.

In fact, the quasi-film level is more chakra than the elite level, and the battle still depends on the actual combat experience of both sides.

"It looks like you have mastered the first state, then go to the island and let me see your true strength." Su Yu said.

"Yes." Uzumaki Phosphorus and Earth Spider Firefly said in unison.

Ten minutes later.

On the island.

Uzumaki Phosphorus and Earth Spider Firefly have already used the strength of SSS-class heroes, and their destructive power is no less than that of shadow-class masters.

Terumi Ming and Qing who watched the battle both had horrified expressions.

If Wu Ninja Village creates more ninjas of this kind, then it will only be a matter of time before it becomes the No. 1 Ninja Village.

However, they are also very clear that the price to be paid for such a powerful strength must be not small.

"If you want to have this kind of strength, the condition is actually very simple, and that is to give up your human identity." Su Yu waited until the battle was about to end, and said to Terumi Mei.

"Giving up the identity of a human?" Terumi Mei was taken aback.


Late at night, in Su Yu's room.

"Now, can you tell me?" Terumi Ming snuggled in Su Yu's arms, the blush on her face still not fading.

"In the distant world, there is a kind of creature called Ghoul. As long as the power of Ghoul is suppressed, human beings can become semi-Ghoul..."

Terumi Ming listened carefully, with some expectations at first, hearing the side effects of Ghoul, finally understood what Su Yu meant.

"Then they will become that kind of monster?" Terumi Mei looked worried.

"No, I have solved their sequelae problem." Su Yu shook his head.

"This is the point, right?" Terumi Ming reacted.

"You are right, because the antidote is my life, and my blood is enough to purify the sequelae of Ghoul power." Su Yu looked down at Terumi Ming.

"This matter ends here." Terumi Ming's face changed slightly.

"It's okay, I won't die." Su Yu gently kissed Terumi Ming's forehead and said.

Terumi Ming was startled and looked at Su Yu in disbelief.

After Su Yu showed her the ability of immortality, Terumi Ming's hand placed Su Yu's healing place, with a touch of unbearable eyes.

"There is still pain, right?"

"Of course, there is no way to remove this..."

"I don't want you to do this for Wunin Village." Terumi Ming held Su Yu tightly.

"I'm willing to die several times for you." Su Yu joked.

"This matter ends here. If Qing asks, you just say it's because of their physique." Terumi Ming looked up at Su Yu.

"Don't worry, I won't die easily." Su Yu lowered his head.

"I used to think that your life or death doesn't matter, as long as you can lead Wunin Village to rise, now I am a little worried about you..."


In a blink of an eye, a month came to an end.

Earth Spider Firefly and Uzumaki Phosphorus have thoroughly mastered their respective powers, equipped with the SSS-class Chakra armor provided by Su Yu, and even reached the level of a shadow-level master.

The soil spider clan officially became one of the families in Wuren Village, and the head of the patriarch was given the title of Shinobu. Due to identity issues, it was temporarily unable to participate in the high-level meetings of Wuren Village.

However, the children of their clan have entered the ninja school, and it is believed that in the near future, the soil spider clan will rise to several ninjas.

The Earth Spider Firefly is very grateful to Su Yu, and the Earth Spider family attaches great importance to the Earth Spider Firefly. Knowing that she has mastered the power of the forbidden technique, it is even firmer to let her follow Su Yu.

As long as she stayed with Su Yu, the status of the earth spider clan was guaranteed.

Terumi Ming finally accepted the power of the SSS-class hero. She wanted to protect Wunin Village, even if she gave up her human identity, she was willing.

With the strength of an SSS-class hero, plus her own shadow class, plus the SSS-class Chakra armor, she has become a super shadow class.

The so-called super shadow level, either Chakra surpasses the shadow level peak, or the strength exceeds the shadow level peak.

Terumi Ming is Chakra surpassed the peak of the shadow class, and it is not much better than the tail beast.

In this way, Wunin Village has the second super shadow master.

In Su Yu's courtyard.

"Tomorrow will be the official competition for the Zhongnin exam. Your two current strengths can't be limited by your position. However, you are still far behind the shadow masters, so I want to give you a trial." Su Yu threw a scroll in front of the two of them.

Earth Spider Firefly opened the scroll and was surprised when he saw the mission above.

"This is your trial. Bring it back to me, it is considered qualified. Bringing back the key goal, it is considered excellent. If you bring it back, the key goal, and all those people, you can break the rules and become the upper endurance. Become my disciple."