In the forest.

Jilai also covered his shoulders, looking at the two Shinobu in front of him.

The surrounding bugs surrounded him. As one of the three forbearances, if he had normal combat effectiveness, he might not be afraid of them at all, but now his chakra has not completely recovered.

"Naruto, Tsunade..." Jiraiya looked at the road ahead and squeezed Kunai tightly.

"Master Jilaiya, give up, our task is just to stop you." The young man controlling the insect swarm said lightly.

"Give up? Who do you think I am? I am Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas! Spiritualism!" Jiraiya Jieyin said.

"Puff" Toad Wentai appeared in front of the two.

The two Shangren quickly avoided, and Jilai also fell on Toad Wenta's back.

"Is the oil girl and the mountain clan?" Toad Wen looked down at the two Shangren too, carrying Jiraiya on his back, and jumped to a farther place.

The two Shangren looked at each other, and they didn't expect that Jilai could also summon Toad Wentai. If he knew it, he should be stunned.


On the grassland beyond the forest.

Ten thousand snakes and slugs were looking at each other, Oshamaru and Tsunade stood on top of their psychic beasts, not giving way to each other.

Silent and Naruto Uzumaki together stopped the pharmacist's pocket.

At this time Tsunade had already released the seal on her forehead, and her phobia had been healed because of the tactics of the Pharmacist's pocket.

Pharmacist Dou originally wanted to use blood to make Tsunade feel scared, but he did not expect to have a counterproductive effect, and directly let Tsunade break through.

Naruto Uzumaki took a step later and repelled the Pharmacist's pocket with the help of multiple shadow clones, but he also consumed a lot of Chakra.

"Bang" with a loud noise, the toad text fell too far beside the slug.

"Jiraiya? Jiraiya?" Tsunade yelled twice when seeing the unconscious Jiraiya.

Oshemaru frowned, before he could speak, several root ninjas appeared around him, each of which was Shangnin, or close to Shangnin's strength.

"Pouch, let's go." Oshemaru sneered. He knew that this was Danzo's last killer. In order to prevent Tsunade from returning to Konoha Village, he sent all the ninjas at the root, very Danzo style.

Oshemaru and Yakushi used soil to escape, and a group of root ninjas surrounded them.

"Your goal is me, let them go, and I will go with you." Tsunade said coldly after releasing the psychic technique.

"Tsunade-sama, thank you for your cooperation." Two ordinary-looking women walked to Tsunate.


"Ms. Tsunade!"


Silence, Uzumaki Naruto, Toad Wentai stepped forward at the same time.

"Silent, you cure Jiraiya, tell him not to look for Danzo, I will be fine." Tsunade stopped them and walked towards the two women.

Naruto Uzumaki clenched his fists, Mutely looked angry, Toad Wen sighed too much.

With so many root ninjas, their strength alone is not enough, even if it is the power of Uzumaki Naruto's explosive force, it will not help.

After all, when he broke out, he couldn't tell the enemy and his teammates at all.

Moreover, Tsunade didn't want to fight them, and there was another reason, that is, they were all ninjas from Konoha Village.

The two women sealed Tsunade's Chakra, locked her tightly, and disappeared.

The same goes for a group of root ninjas, their target is Tsunade, and the others don't need to deal with it.


After half a day.

Wuren Village, on the island where Su Yu lives.

"Go back and tell Master Danzo, thank him for agreeing to my terms, Wuren Village and Konoha Village will be the best allies." Su Yu smiled.

Tsunade looked at Su Yu angrily, but couldn't do anything, especially when she saw Yuri Hong and the girl with white eyes on the side, she was even more angry.

"Master Su Yu, we will leave first." The two women looked at each other and left the island.

Su Yu came to Tsunade, squeezed her chin frivolously, and leaned to Tsunade's ear.

"Do you want to be the fifth generation of Hokage?"

Tsunade was taken aback, and looked at Su Yu in disbelief. Isn't he an ally of Danzo?

"Don't look at me like that, I'm a person who supports three generations of Hokage, how can Danzo manage the Konoha Village?" Su Yu unlocked Tsunade's chain and seal.

"I've heard about you before, and I learned about your help to Konoha on the road. You said that you supported the three generations of Hokage, but you accepted Danzo's terms. What do you mean by this?" Tsunade Puzzled.

"Please come with me, I have arranged your residence." Su Yu walked towards the interior of the island.

Tsunade glanced at Yurihong.

"Tsunade-sama, please rest assured that he has not done anything excessive to us so far, even treating us as guests." Yurihong said in a low voice.

Tsunade frowned. In that case, why did Su Yu want them to come here?

In the center of the island, in a wooden house.

Su Yu sat in the main seat, Tsunade, Yuri Hong, and Hyuga Hinata sat on his left.

Earth spider firefly, fragrant phosphorus, and a woman with long purple hair sitting on the right hand side.

"Before starting the topic, let me tell you some basic information. Snow Ninja Village, Star Ninja Village, and Earth Spider Clan have all become members of Wu Ninja Village and belong to my power." Su Yu said to Tsunade.

"I know all of this." Tsunade looked at the three people opposite.

"This is the Earth Spider Firefly of the Earth Spider Clan. It has forbidden powers. The current strength should be about the same as yours, provided that she doesn't use the power I gave her. This is the Vortex Clan's fragrant phosphorus..."

"The Uzumaki family you are talking about? Is the family of the four generations of Naruto wives?" Tsunade said in surprise.

"Yes, Xianglin and her mother had been in Cao Ren Village before. Because they didn't understand the speciality of the whirlpool clan, they used Xianglin and her mother as tools to recover from injuries and Chakra." Su Yu nodded. head.

Tsunade was silent. The Uzumaki clan was an ally of Konoha, but he didn't expect the Uzumaki clan's descendants to experience such a thing.

"This is the summer star of Xingnin Village, the new Xingying. I helped her eliminate the side effects of cultivation and accepted all the members of Xingnin Village. Now, she is both my ally and my subordinate." Su Yu introduced a woman with long purple hair.

"The peacock trick of Hoshinin Village, can you clear the sequelae?" Tsunade couldn't believe it.

"It's actually very simple, but you can't do it. After a brief introduction, let's talk about the topic, our enemy." Su Yu said slowly.

"Our enemy?" Tsunade's expression changed slightly.

"Our enemy, their former leader, is named Uchiha Madara." Su Yu nodded.

"Uchiha Madara?!" Tsunade opened his mouth wide.

"The night of the Uchiha clan’s genocide is not the ability of Uchiha Itachi alone. Among them are Uchiha Madara’s participation, as well as Danzo. Time is further pushed forward. Before the real Uchiha Madara dies, His will was passed on to another person. He called himself Uchiha Madara, and the Kyuubi Rebellion and Uchiha's annihilation were all related to him." Su Yu explained.