Two-dimensional world book

Book of Two Dimensions World Chapter 629

What does this mean?Does he explore all abilities by himself?

And why is it possible to have cooling and mental motivation at the same time?

Lin Mo's X outfit is too big, and it raises more questions.

Of course, Lin Mo, in order to highlight his loftiness, the villain, Aunt Mai, can only be reduced to a tragedy.

"Ahem! I almost forgot to say that I myself own a private research institution! Focus on improving the abilities of capable people." Lin Mo gave a light cough, showing his strong technical background and financial resources.

These years, there are private research institutions, and they are all local tyrants among the big local tyrants. As for technology, Lin Mo himself is an advertisement, and he is not afraid of not being able to get out of the way.

"What do you want so much?" Jian Qi began to wonder, the other party could easily defeat them, but he was talking nonsense, what is the purpose?

No matter how you look at it, the other party is not like a chatter, and the previous threats, as well as the details of revealing themselves now... Could it be that...

Suddenly thinking of something, Jian Qi's face turned paler.

"Oh! You thought about it. Yeah, these are all secrets! I see, if you tell them, I will have a headache." Lin Mo smiled smirkly. Confidentiality doesn't mean the more you know it is good.

These days, if you work under others and do some dangerous things, remember that you should not do what you shouldn’t hear, watch, or say, otherwise, you will easily be killed by the boss.

In the same way, the enemy is level 5, and it is very sinister to take the initiative to expose information they shouldn't know.

"Could it be want to kill us...don' beautiful legs are so well maintained, it would be a shame to rot." Flanda's mouth became wavy, sobbing, tears in fright, and almost crying Up.

Seeing Flanda, this cute guy, how exaggerated his timidity and fear of death is quite speechless.

"Yeah! It depends on how you did it! Don't you understand it?" Lin Mo is now acting as a villain, which is the last step of the plan.

"Vote for fame?" When Flanda heard that there was still a chance to survive, she was immediately overjoyed, and she didn't notice the murderous look in Mai Ye's eyes.

"Yes! For example, some handles of Mai Ye Shenli, unknown secrets."

Mai Ye Shenli stared at Flanda wildly. If you dare to say it, you would be slashed a thousand times, but Lin Mo's'mind force' pressed you and your breathing was very reluctant. Where can you say something?

"Oh oh oh, I know, Mai Ye hides a lot of erotic clothes, and I don't know who it is for. To be honest, it's super cute." Flanda kept Mai Ye's privacy in order to survive. It was exposed.

Mai Ye's face was dark at the moment, she must kill Flanda, the second and fifth boy, even daring to tell a man about her special hobby.

"Wow! That sounds great!" Lin Mo smiled happily.

"Hey, what do I think." Flanda smiled, and then said in a shame: "Can you let me go?"

"No--!" Lin Mo's face suddenly became cold, and his smile disappeared.

"Huh?" Flanda felt that she had been tricked, flushing with anger.

"What are you? Who knows if what you said is true or false? What kind of handle is this? What kind of fame?" Lin Mo said frankly, and Flanda was speechless.

"Now give you a chance!" Lin Mo said, snapping his fingers, adding a camera to the scene.

Seeing the camera, Jian Qi's whole person is not good, and this premonition has become stronger and stronger. For her who likes watching B-level movies, it is easy to think of Lin Mo's evil intentions.

"As the saying goes: Going out without a camera is worthy of being Chen XX! In these days, everything has to be evidenced, otherwise, if you are touched, there is a physical evidence to wash away the charges?" Lin Mo triumphed.

It's just that for the four girls of item, it's a precursor to a nightmare, the more you think about it, the more you get scared, the other party is simply the devil!

Lin Mo didn't want to seem so kind on the surface, and he just walked away from Sister Pao, just for now, everything is going according to his script, these four lambs are just waiting to eat.

"What exactly do you want to do?" Jian Qi asked in horror.

"Don't worry, I won't lose a couple of meat! This is my first time playing high-tech!" Lin Mo comforted, debugging the camera. This thing is the most advanced filming artifact in the world, so be careful. If it breaks, precious time will be wasted.

Only a super ghost can believe you (I also believed in your ghost)!Oh oh oh!

The focus was right, Lin Mo looked around, there were so many ruins, and when his mind moved, all the steel was assembled, and then the crunching sound was pressed into a hot iron ball, and the extrusion density was too high, giving off a bright red light. , Suspended in the air, used for lighting.

Seeing this scene, the last fluke resistance was gone, even if the silk banner with nitrogen armor was easily crushed into flesh under this kind of motivation.

"Flanda, silk flags, Takihu, be good, go over, take Aunt Mai's clothes to me!" Lin Mo gave the first evil order, and at the same time released the control of the three women.

Flanda obviously didn't dare to say that the tiger was overpowering, especially because Mai Ye's eyes were full of fierce rays, and he didn't dare to walk over.

"It seems that we are going to change the heroine! Flanda." Lin Mo looked at Flanda maliciously.

"Uuuu...I'm going, I'm going..." Flanda ran over without wanting to be the hostess on the camera.

"Don't worry, I control it, Mai Ye can't hurt you anymore," Lin Mo assured.

Jian Qi gritted her teeth and was stared at by Lin Mo. She knew that if she didn't follow suit, she would be the one who was unlucky. Besides, Mai Ye was unkind. When they were items that could be scrapped, they couldn't be blamed.

Just as Jianqi was still struggling with thoughts, Takiju Rihou took the lead to walk over. In short, after this time, she completely worshipped the item, and she didn't care whether she offended Mai Ye, and the rest will be discussed in the future.

Mai Ye Shenli wants to destroy the world now, how dare his subordinates betray her, and even take off her clothes, how can he fix them, kill them all!

"Don't stare! It's useless, with a charming expression and a little professionalism, okay?" Lin Mo looked at the camera and scolded.

Chapter 819

This day is undoubtedly Mai Ye's most humiliating day. Lin Mo's motivation for thinking is too BUG. She is better than ordinary people, and she can't resist it. It's completely like a doll being manipulated.

What's more, there are three traitors who are betraying tigers, all kinds of shameful actions, and all kinds of poss with no lower limit. It can be said that Lin Mo will take a look at everything that is not omitted.

Various orders became less and less limitless, and the three Flanders gradually merged into their perfect state, with all their clothes taken off, Lin Mo turned off the camera, put it away, and then rushed over, and then let his brain fix it!


Aunt Mai limped, leaned on the wall, left the institute, turned her head and stared at the institute fiercely and full of hatred, and shouted: "I won't let you go--! Let's wait and see."


"It's miserable, it's miserable! Obviously I want to be a gentleman! The result...but...hey, last night was definitely affected by "Original Sin"."

Lin Mo held his head and looked down. Three groups of white flesh had committed a crime. It was indeed not controlled by the brain last night (the'two brains' were manipulating him). This kind of thing is a bit abnormal!

The abnormality is right, but in the final analysis, it is Lin Mo's own reason. Of course, it has a certain relationship with the separation of the divine power, the power of "Original Sin" which accounts for a large proportion, and it will indeed affect his character.

To put it simply, ordinary people secrete too much X hormone, if their willpower is weak, they will go to spend money to buy spring, or simply go nowhere.

Of course, it's not to say how pure Lin Mo is, but he didn't plan to have sex with Aunt Maid. As for the three of them, they need to cultivate their feelings a little bit, instead of getting on the boat and making up for the ticket.

"Ultra-unholy gentleman——!" Jian Qi woke up, heard Lin Mo's shameless words, and immediately complained.

"Uuuuu... I didn't expect my first time in such a place! It's too far from what I thought." Flanda wanted to cry without tears, she dreamed of marrying a rich man, in a big villa, romantic For the first time, instead of losing the precious first time in such a dirty and messy place.

Takiju sat up silently and looked at Lin Mo's eyes, revealing gentleness. For a traditional woman like her, since it was given to the other party for the first time, unless Lin Mo doesn't want her, she will follow. I don't want much, just a little care and a place to stay.

"Well, no matter whether I am serious or not, I am your husband now! I will be good to you in the future! Whatever you want, I will do my best to satisfy you." Lin Mo promised, feeling helpless in his heart. , Will become tighter!